At the moment in the prefect's mansion, Zhang Lu is discussing with Zhang Wei and Yan Pu the current financial situation of the county.

"My lord, this time we have recruited [-] strong men to make up for the losses in the last battle. We have returned to the state of an army of [-] men. But because of this, the number of strong men in Hanzhong County will decrease accordingly. I am afraid that next year's grain production will be reduced." There will be some impact." Below, Yan Pu said with a frown.

It is indeed like Yizhou's information that there are indeed [-] troops in Hanzhong.But correspondingly, the prosperity of Hanzhong has also been reduced.

The financial situation next year will not be too optimistic.

"Sir, you are really worrying too much. We have been in peace in Hanzhong for more than ten years, and we have piled up grain. I am not afraid of such a small matter." Zhang Wei said indifferently.

Yan Pu frowned, this second general is really too big.

"Hmph." Zhang Lu snorted coldly, and cast a cold glance at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei smiled brightly and stopped talking.

Seeing that Zhang Wei'an was divided, Zhang Lu also began to think about how to solve the financial situation.Just then, a guard came in from the outside.

"My lord, outside the city gate, there is a man who claims to be Zheng Du asking to see him."

Because Hanzhong and Yizhou are basically at war all year round, Tongshi seems a bit unlikely. Therefore, the guard used a person who claimed to be Zheng Du instead of Zheng Du.

"This." Zhang Lu was a little surprised.

"Kill it." Zhang Weize opened his eyes angrily and roared.

When Liu Zhang beheaded Zhang Lu, Zhang Wei's mother had a vengeance for killing her mother. It can be said that the vengeance is as deep as the sea.

"There are changes in Yizhou." Yan Pu said with a change of expression.

The three of them had different looks and each had their own ideas.Only Yan Pu was the most sensitive, and immediately noticed the changes in Yizhou, otherwise there would be no possibility of communication between the two rivers.

Naturally, Zhang Lu also had spies in Yizhou, who knew the specific situation of Kou Feng's current invasion of troops.

Therefore, Yan Pu's second thought was that Kou Feng defeated Yan Yan in Berkshire and drove the army to Chengdu.Thinking of this, Yan Pu's complexion changed wildly.

"Sir, do you mean that the Chu army has already invaded the hinterland of Sichuan?" Zhang Lu immediately understood, and couldn't help but turn pale.

"It's very possible. Zheng Du must have come here for help this time, otherwise, why would he pay attention to us in Hanzhong?" Yan Pu said with a serious expression.

"Haha, ask for help? I didn't expect Liu Zhang to have this day too. Brother. If it is true as what Mr. said, the army's morale must be floating in the north of Shu at this moment. Why don't we take the opportunity to attack Xiameng Pass, kill Yang Huan, Gao Pei and others, and enter In the north of central Shu, and fighting for supremacy with Kou Feng?" Zhang Wei laughed heartily.

"Confused." Zhang Lu cursed loudly, and then asked Yan Pu, "What's your plan, sir?"

"Dare to ask my lord, do you want to continue to occupy Hanzhong and enjoy the riches and wealth. Or do you want to submit to the emperor?" Yan Pu pondered for a moment, then said.

"Now that Kou Feng is in the south, and the power is strong, even if Gu wants to be happy and rich, I'm afraid it's not possible. Be obedient to the emperor. Where do you start?" Zhang Lu wondered.

"The Son of Heaven is in the south." Yan Pu pointed to Zhifang Fang and said.

"Sir, you mean Kou Feng?" Zhang Lu frowned.

"Yes, this person first ruled the three states in the southeast, and now he also owns the land of Shu. The four sides are united, and the power is almost the same as that of Cao Cao. And because he is partial to the south, he has a greater advantage. Even if he can't rule the world, he must be expensive in the future. He is the Son of Heaven. If you go to him, you will be able to keep your wealth." Yan Pu nodded and said.

Yan Pu, a wise man.

Historically, it was only thanks to Yan Pu that Zhang Lu was able to surrender and seal Wan Huhou.Very expensive.Naturally, his eyes are extraordinary, and he has already realized that that day has passed for Kou Feng.

But Zhang Lu was still unwilling.

"Kou Feng, raise troops in the grass, if you submit to him, I'm afraid you can't tolerate loneliness." Zhang Lu shook his head.

"So, when the soldiers point to Chengdu, rescue Liu Zhang. There is no need to talk about it." Yan Pu said with a slight sigh.He is more inclined to go south, attack Xiameng Pass, and then fight Kou Feng in Chengdu.

Follow the trend.

But unfortunately, he is just a counselor after all.

"Okay." Zhang Lu nodded and said.

"Go to mobilize troops, gather all the soldiers and horses, and prepare to send troops to Chengdu." Immediately, Zhang Lu turned his head and said to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei opened his mouth with an extremely unwilling expression.But Zhang Lu's gaze was very sharp, he couldn't help but nodded depressedly, and said, "Yes."

After speaking, Zhang Wei left immediately.

After Zhang Wei left, Zhang Lu immediately ordered someone to welcome Zheng Du over.

"Meet the prefect." Not long after, Zheng Du came in and said to Zhang Lu very politely.

"The enemy in the past is now the lips and teeth. The world is really changeable and unpredictable." Zhang Lu sighed after hearing the words.

Zhang Lu's exclamation surprised Zheng Du.Just by his coming, one can guess that he is here to seek an alliance.It really shouldn't be underestimated, and immediately, Zheng Du looked at Yan Pu next to him, his eyes full of admiration.

Zhang Luneng sits in Hanzhong, relying on this seemingly insignificant person.

Seeing Zheng Du looking at him, Yan Pu couldn't help but nodded to Zheng Du with a smile.

Zheng Du also nodded in return, and after a while, he withdrew his gaze and said to Zhang Lu: "Since the prefect has understood my purpose of coming, then I will not lie." Then, Zheng Du took out a roll from his sleeve. Bamboo slips.Stepping forward, he handed it to Zhang Lu, and said, "This is the production technique of the Wei knife. I have a group of craftsmen outside the city. They are all skilled. Please send troops to help the prefect. In the future, they will still sit in the two rivers of the west and the west. Allies."

Although they are dependent on each other, after all, it is Liu Zhang who wants to ask Zhang Lu.On this aspect, Zheng Du is also obedient, and he doesn't have the skill to hide Wei Dao.

Wei Dao, in the past Zhang Lu suffered a lot from this Dao, and later seized some.I ordered craftsmen to develop it, but there has been no progress, and today's arrival is effortless.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Lu originally thought that sending troops this time was a loss-making business, but he didn't expect to get Wei Dao's casting technology. He was really overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

Yan Pu shook his head while watching, this is probably just a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water.With the strength of Chu State, even if they reinforce, the odds of winning are relatively small.

The two hit it off.It's really like lips and teeth.

On that day, Zhang Lu stayed Zheng Du for a day, and the army set off the next day.Because Zheng Du promised that the food consumed by Zhang Lu's army can be drawn from the city of Shuzhong.

There is no need to prepare food, so it can be done so quickly.

Three days later, the army met Yang Huai's 8 army at Xiameng Pass, and six days later, the army met Gao Pei's [-] army at Guangyuan.Like a snowball, it increased to [-] people.

More than ten days later, I came to Brazil.

Brazil.It is the name of the county.Together with Ba and Badong, he is called Sanba, which is regarded as Bazhong.Bashu, that's how Bashu came about.Bazhong is just between Hanzhong and Shu.

Bazhong is also extremely rich.

Historically, the rulers who separated the Shu land intended to bring Hanzhong under their command, also because if Hanzhong was not in their own hands, Bazhong would be weak.

For Shu, that was a very terrible thing.

Brazil is Yan Pu's hometown, as well as Huang Quan's hometown.

Huang Quan was ordered to recruit [-] soldiers in Bazhong, because Huang Quan's clan was very powerful in the area, so the recruitment was very fast.In just over [-] days, there were [-] people.

Because when he came out, there were more than a thousand elite soldiers beside Huang Quan, so it was not very difficult to command the [-] recruits.

It's just that they are recruits after all, so they don't have enough training for three days.

I guess there is no fighting power.

On this day, Huang Quan was wearing light armor and was standing on the commanding platform in the school grounds, with [-] recruits practicing below.

"Hey, hey."

The majestic sound of practicing is endless.But Huang Quan still frowned. It was really difficult for this soldier to go to the battlefield, so he could only use it to defend the city.

Immediately, Huang Quan thought that if Zhang Lu's army could be stationed outside the city, he, Yang Huai, Gao Pei and others led troops into Chengdu.You can rely on the horns.

These [-] recruits can continue to practice in the city for a period of time.

Thinking of this, Huang Quan felt a lot easier.

"My lord, someone came to report that Zhang Lu, Yang Huai, and Gao Pei led an army of [-] troops, and they had arrived near Brazil." At this time, a soldier came up and said to Huang Quan.

"Oh? It's finally here." Huang Quan said with a brightened expression.

Immediately, he said to the lieutenant next to him, "I'll go to meet you, and I'll leave this to you."

"No." The deputy general agreed, expressing his understanding.Immediately, Huang Quan quickly stepped down from Dianjiangtai, straddled his horse, and went to the north to meet Zhang Lu.

After walking for about ten li, Huang Quan saw an army of eighty thousand soldiers.

The flag is unfurled, and the march is not in a hurry.Although the momentum is mediocre, it is still an army of [-].Add in the [-] troops he just recruited, and you get [-].

After going to Chengdu, it is 13.

Just like Liu Zhang, what Huang Quan can comfort himself now is the number of 13 troops.

"But Gongheng is in the front?" Zhang Lu, Yan Pu, Zhang Wei, and Zheng Du were in front of the army, and Yang Huai and Gao Pei were behind.Seeing someone riding a horse standing in front of him, Zheng Du guessed it was Huang Quan, and couldn't help but shouted.

Immediately, he came on horseback again.

"Exactly." Huang Quan also rode forward, and the two met on the way.

"How about Gongheng recruiting soldiers?" Zheng Du asked Huang Quan.

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life." Huang Quan said with a smile.

"So, I still have the strength to fight." Zheng Du said with a happy smile on his face.

At this time, Zhang Lu, Zhang Wei, Yan Pu and others also came on horseback.Zheng Du immediately introduced several people.Yan Pu and Huang Quan are still from the same hometown, but they are not familiar with each other.

Afterwards, each of them is their own master, which is even rarer to see.But both sides are very famous, especially Yan Pu, who is the right-hand man of Zhang Lu, the prefect of Hanzhong.

When the two met, they couldn't help chatting a few more words.

"Now is not the time to chat." Zhang Lu said, and then asked Huang Quan, "What's the situation in Chengdu now?"

"It's not good. Kou Feng built a mound outside the city, and now the defense of Chengdu city has been wiped out by half." Huang Quan said with a helpless expression on his face when he heard this.

"Liu Zhang just let Kou Feng build mounds outside the city?" Zhang Wei who was standing next to him shouted in disbelief.

"There are no generals in the city, how can we compete with the Chu army?" Huang Quan asked back, a little upset.Not to mention Liu Zhang, even if you, Zhang Lu, fought the Chu army outside the city, the end would be the same.

Zhang Weizheng wanted to refute.

But Zhang Lu said: "Let's leave now, it's not good for us if we're late."

"What Zhang Taishou said is true." Huang Quan said happily.

Immediately, several people came to Huang Quan's camp together. After tidying up for a while, a hundred thousand troops finally gathered and headed towards Chengdu City.

In the north, Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang have a total of 13 troops, plus 20 in Chengdu, there are [-] troops.In Menghuo in the south, Yongkai had an army of [-], and a full [-] army.

The various forces in central Shu can be said to be gathered, determined to drive Kou Feng away.

(To be continued)

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