
At this moment, Kou Feng's [-]-odd army and Pang Tong's [-]-strong army are already in the south of Chengdu.The camp stretches for more than ten miles, with a strong momentum.

Between Daying and Chengdu, countless small mounds were uprooted from the ground.The height is basically the same as that of Chengdu City.The Liannu soldiers of the Chu army, as well as the archers, can basically stand on top of the situation, and under the cover of the shield, they can shoot at each other with the opponent's archers.

However, because the purpose was only to encircle and fight for reinforcements, the Chu army did not attack immediately, but took a short rest.Wait for Zhang Lu, Gao Pei, and Yang Huai's troops to arrive.

According to reliable sources, there are 13 in the northern army, and the Chengdu army is [-].But including Kou Feng, all the soldiers of the Chu army are very confident.

Because in terms of combat effectiveness, it is not that more soldiers can make up for it.

On this day, Kou Feng summoned Pang Tong, Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xu Sheng, Xiang Chong, Meng Da, Ma Su and others to discuss major issues in the Chinese army camp.

"According to reports from the spies, Zhang Lu, Gao Pei, and Yang Huai have led an army of [-] to fight Huang Quan in Bazhong. Currently, there are [-] troops slowly heading south." On the commander's seat, Kou Feng With a serious look on his face, he said.

Confidence is a good thing, but it doesn't mean to underestimate the enemy. On the contrary, when you are fighting, you must pay attention to the enemy, otherwise you will definitely humiliate yourself.

"The final general is willing to lead [-] troops to break it."

"The last general is also willing to go."

Pang Tong and Chen Da said together.Immediately, they looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"Hehe." Kou Feng laughed when he saw this, and said, "This time, I came alone. However, the two generals also came together. Fifty thousand elite soldiers, go and destroy them."

"No." Pang Tong and Mr. Chen agreed.There is no surprise in my heart, the elite Chu army actually only has 5 people.The rest are not much more, just a lot less.

"Zijing, you will lead an army of [-] to sit in the camp, pretending that my entire army is there, and confuse the Chengdu side." Immediately, Kou Feng said to Meng Da.

"No." Meng Da solemnly agreed.

"Maybe the Chengdu side noticed it, and we set off at night in the dark. You all go down and rest." Finally, Kou Feng said again.

"No." This time everyone agreed, turned around and walked out of the big tent.

After everyone left, in the empty camp.Kou Feng's heart was full of pride.After this battle, the land of Shu was his.Among them is Hanzhong.

His strategy of Chu State will also shift to the west, go north to capture the three assistants, attack Ma Teng, and Han Sui will be the main one.

Although the current national power of Chu State is gradually rising.But Kou Feng didn't want to compete with Cao Cao yet, he wanted to annex the weak first, so he entered Shu, and then, in the same way, he went north to take three assistants.

In Kou Feng's heart, the final battle with Cao Cao is the end.

That day, the most elite [-] soldiers in the Chu army all rested together.When night fell, the army gathered silently in the camp again.

Under the leadership of Kou Feng, Pang Tong, Chen Da and others, they headed towards Bazhong quietly.

…………………… North, Bazhong area.

Zhang Lu, Gao Pei, Yang Huai, and Huang Quan assembled an army of [-] troops and marched southward slowly.

Hanzhong, in fact, can be regarded as the territory under the rule of Yizhou.It was just occupied by rice thieves and separated from Shu.However, under the rule of Shu, there are many foreigners.

It is entrenched in the mountains in the Bazhong area.

After all, the ancient Shu people were the first to establish the Kingdom of Shu.During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, countries ruled by foreigners such as Ba and Shu existed.

Although the Han people rule Yizhou today, there are still some tribes left behind.

In the Bazhong area, there are three largest tribes, each with a population of more than [-] and tens of thousands of soldiers.When combined, the army has a total of one hundred thousand people.

Compared with Meng Huo of the Southern Man, he is even stronger.

However, in history, when Liu Bei occupied Hanzhong, this group of people took advantage of the situation to settle down, so they were not as famous as Meng Huo.

The intelligence of these foreigners is not very good.Little is known about the Chu army, only that the Chu army is currently fighting Liu Zhang.But Zhang Lu, Gao Pei, Yang Huai, Huang Quan and others were among the hundreds of thousands, and they were aggressive.

But what they saw with their own eyes.

In the eyes of these foreigners, when the Han people fight, they can reap a lot of benefits by participating in the war.Especially the richness of Shu, they have been coveting for a long time.

On this day, Zhang Lu's army happened to be near the location of one of the tribes.And this tribe naturally got the news.

Surrounded by mountains, there is a big city.

This city is no different from the Han city, even the name on the city gate is also in Chinese characters.But the clothes of the residents in the city are obviously foreigners.

The owner of this city is Du Wei.With an army of [-] in hand, he is the most prominent barbarian commander in the Quartet.

At this moment, inside the largest house in the city.Du Sui was listening to the spies' report.Du Wei was about 40 years old, and the characteristics of the Yi nationality were not obvious, but more like the Han people.There was a shrewd look in his eyes.

"Go down." After listening to the spies, Du Wei waved his hand.Immediately, he fell into deep thought.

"Zhang Lu, he will combine with Liu Zhang. It seems that the Chu army is really good. However, Zhang Lu and the others have an army of [-], and Liu Zhang's army must be more. It will not be good for the Chu army if it drags on. It should be riding the fire. Let's rob. I heard that the Chu army's swords are pretty good." After pondering for a long time, Du Sui murmured.

The Yi people put their interests first, especially in the Bazhong area.Since it is profitable, Du Sui is not a mother-in-law.

"Come on, let's raise an army of [-], and let's help Zhang Lu, the prefect of Hanzhong." Du Sui shouted towards the door.

"No." The guard outside the door promised, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

As the owner of the city, Du Wei is basically the same as the Tu Emperor, and his orders have the effect of keeping promises.After the order was issued, men from every household were recruited and gathered in the city with crude weapons.

The [-] army seems to be quite powerful, but only [-] of them are elite soldiers, and the rest are men recruited temporarily.This is how the Yi people fight.

Even Meng Huo of the Southern Barbarians was the same, otherwise how could there be so many barbarians.

At this moment, in the school grounds in the city, Du Wei was wearing a golden armor and holding a big knife, looking very energetic.

"Little ones, the Han people are fighting each other again, and it's time for us to make a profit. If we get enough food, we can feed one more child. After 15 years, we will die in battle. Kill more A Han. Sooner or later, we will reoccupy Bashu like our ancestors.”

Du Su raised his morale loudly.

"Re-occupy Bashu, re-occupy Bashu."

These barbarians, deep down, all have such ambitions.At that time, the ancient Shu Kingdom was also one of the princes in the world, and it was destroyed by the Han people.The heart of restoring the country has never diminished and has been passed down from generation to generation.

"Kill." Seeing this, Du Huo laughed and roared.He rode his horse out of the school yard, followed by [-] people behind him.


On the avenue, a large army slowly marched towards the south.

The flags embroidered with the words "Zhang", "Gao", "Yang", and "Huang" fluttered in the wind, and there were a hundred thousand of them, so the momentum was naturally very strong.

Wherever they passed, farmers and common people all avoided them, not daring to be disrespectful.

In front of the army, Zhang Lu, Gao Pei, Yang Huai, Huang Quan, Yan Pu, Zhang Wei, Zheng Du and others rode their horses.

"Report to my lord, an army of barbarians was found three miles ahead. A rough look shows that there are forty to fifty thousand people." At this moment, a spy came on horseback and reported.


Zhang Lu and the others all changed their expressions and lost their voices.

Zhang Lu, Huang Quan, Zheng Du and others are all forces in central Shu, and they know this generation of Yi people very well.There is always such a worry that they will be harassed by these barbarians on the way to the army.Unexpectedly, he was actually afraid of something.

"But "Du"." Immediately afterwards, Huang Quan asked.

"It's Du." The spy replied.

"Looks like it's Du Wei. This person is greedy. Not only is this person greedy, but all the barbarians in Bazhong are very greedy and cunning. I'm afraid they didn't come with good intentions." Huang Quan sighed.

The Yi people in the Bazhong area are different from the Southern barbarians.Under the leadership of Meng Huo, the southern barbarians were quite loyal.Especially the alliance with Han people such as Yong Kai is just for self-protection.

But these people are different, they are all greedy and insatiable like wolves.I am afraid that if it is contaminated, it will not be able to get rid of it, and it may bite back and occupy the land of Shu.

Therefore, although Liu Zhang contacted Meng Huo, he did not contact the one hundred thousand in Ba.It's not that Liu Zhang didn't want to, but the consequences were too serious.

"Don't worry, I guess they are just taking advantage of the fire to rob, and they are still robbing the Chu army. If you can have enough food in Yizhou, you may be able to drive the tiger and eat the wolf once." Yan Pu, who was next to him, said.

"Sir, the information in the mountains is blocked. They don't know the strength of the Chu army. They think that among the one hundred thousand of us, we are menacing. The Chu army will surely perish. They want to do a business and hijack some military equipment?" Huang Quan said with a bright eye. .

"I'm afraid it is." Yan Pu said with a smile on his beard.

Huang Quan nodded, agreeing with Yan Pu's plan.I just want some military equipment, and I will give it.Even if it is to give more food, it is nothing.

With such a large army like them, they are not afraid of these barbarians massacring the city or something.If they dare to do this, Huang Quan will be the first to spare them.This is after the victory.After failure, there is no need to worry.

I am afraid that this group of barbarians will be wiped out by the Chu army, and the country will be destroyed.Huang Quan knew what Kou Feng was doing between Jingchu and Wuyue.

That's ruthless.

Therefore, not only do these barbarians cause trouble.

"However, the purpose of coming has not been revealed yet, so we have to guard against it. Settle down the army first, and wait for Du Sui to clarify his words first. I wonder what the prefect thinks?" Huang Quan cupped his hands at Zhang Lu while speaking.

"Okay, the two gentlemen can decide." Zhang Lu waved his hand and said.

Zhang Lu has the advantage of being able to listen to people's words.Especially wise people, Huang Quan, Zheng Du, Yan Pu, the three of them happen to be wise men.

Therefore, the crowd of [-] stopped temporarily, waiting for Du Wei to express his intention.

(To be continued)

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