While waiting, a large army appeared ahead.

The banner is exactly "Du".Holding a broadsword first, it was Du Hui who rode his horse.

"But Du Shuai is in front?" Yan Pu and the others looked at each other, and finally Huang Quan rode out and cupped his hands.

"It's the commander-in-chief, but Zhang Taishou's army is in front?" After Du Wei answered, he asked loudly.

"Exactly, what is the purpose of arranging for Du Shuai?" Huang Quan nodded and asked loudly.

"I heard that the Chu army is brutal, and it is very cruel to us foreigners. Now that the Chu army is competing with the Shu army, this commander is afraid that the Shu army will lose, so he specially leads the troops to fight the Chu army."

Du Sui said in a high-sounding voice.

Of course, Huang Quan didn't believe Du Wei's nonsense in his heart, but as long as he came to help out, it would be fine.Therefore, he said happily: "Du Shuai is really a person who understands righteousness."

Now that the goodwill was expressed to each other, the tense atmosphere of the armies of both sides disappeared immediately.A while later, Du Sui rode his horse and came to meet Zhang Lu, respecting Zhang Lu as the leader of the alliance for the time being.

Immediately, the combined army totaled 14 and headed south.

After traveling for only thirty miles, another spy came to report that it was Yi Shuai Pu Hu who led an army of [-] people to join him.Zhang Lu and the others knew that the barbarians were greedy because Du Sui was in front.

I want to take advantage of the fire to rob the Chu army, so I am no longer surprised.After seeing it, he took advantage of the trend and gathered the army.

About another hundred miles.

In a place near water.

"My lord, another large army has been found ahead, and the banner is Yuan." Another spies came on horseback and reported.

"It's really the three barbarian commanders from Bazhong." Zhang Lu was also surprised.

Yan Pu, Huang Quan, Zheng Du and others were also very pleasantly surprised.The three barbarians, plus their army, totaled 20. 20 troops, what a force this is.

"Send envoys to express goodwill. If Yi Shuai is willing to go with you, please be the left wing." After being pleasantly surprised, Zhang Lu ordered.

"Promise." A man dressed as a literati next to Zhang Lu promised, and immediately rode out.

Soon after, the barbarian general Yuan Yue led an army of [-] to join Zhang Lu's army.

A total of 20 troops continued to march south.The banner is waving, and it is extremely strong.

And Zhang Lu, Huang Quan, Zheng Du and others were also full of confidence at this moment. They thought they had an army of 20, but now they have [-].It's doubled in size, are you afraid that you won't be able to drive Kou Feng away?

Use human life to heap him to death.


Just when Zhang Lu and the others snowballed the army to 20 along the way.Kou Feng and the others also led their troops to the northwest, passed by Deyang, and arrived near Xichong.

Because of the rapid march for several days, Kou Feng was afraid that the soldiers would not be able to bear the physical strength, so he ordered to station here and rest temporarily.

"My lord, Zhang Lu's army has joined three barbarian armies successively, and there are a total of 20 people." In the tent of the Chinese army, Kou Feng and the others were discussing military affairs, but a guard walked in and reported.


This number is really astonishing, Xiang Chong, Ma Su and other young generals who are not strong enough change their colors after hearing this.However, for Pang Tong, Kou Feng, Chen Da, Kou Shui and others who have experienced too many changes on the battlefield, this news is not very surprising.

It's just that the dignifiedness is still there.

After all, the number of enemy troops suddenly increased from 20 to [-], which is indeed amazing.

"It's nothing more than a mob. The [-]-strong army will break him anyway." But immediately, Kou Feng noticed that Xiang Chong and Ma Di's expression was very heavy, so he said with a smile.

Kou Feng is not only the king of Chu, but also a big banner in the Chu army.The myth that he is invincible and invincible has not been broken since now.

The existence of Kou Feng is equivalent to the effect of Dinghaishenzhen in the army.Therefore, as soon as Kou Feng spoke, Ma Su and Xiang Chong's faces immediately relaxed a lot.

Immediately, looking at Chen Da, Pang Tong, Xu Sheng, Kou Shui and others, seeing the mature and stable expressions on their faces, they immediately realized their immaturity.

I feel a little ashamed.

Kou Feng saw the change in the expressions of the two of them, but he didn't say anything.These are all growth processes that must be experienced. Only by experiencing more things can a young eagle become an eagle.

"Your Majesty, the enemy's army is now 20. Shall we speed up our march, reach the dangerous place, and defend it?" At this moment, Xu Sheng, who was in the middle row, spoke from below.

"If the enemy's army is strong, of course we have to defend it according to the danger. But it is not necessary at present. Even if they come with 30 mobs of [-] elite soldiers, I can drive them back and chase them until they dare not escape. So far." Kou Feng laughed when he heard the words.

A sky-high arrogance rose in his heart.

The current Kou Feng is no longer what it used to be, and neither is the current Chu State.At the beginning, Cao Wei, with Sima Yi alone, instigated Wuxi barbarians, Wuling, Lingling, and Guilin with more than [-] troops to crusade against Chu.

At that time, Kou Feng had no choice but to hold on to the dangerous points, gradually break through these people, and finally assessed the four counties in Jingnan, expanding the territory, population, and power.

But now it is different. After countless battles, the strength of the Chu army has now been condensed to a point where it is terrifying.Liannu, Chu Dao, etc., are not comparable to ordinary mobs.

Whether it is 20 or [-], for Kou Feng, they are all mobs.

"Lead the troops to rest for two days, and then march to the north to fight Zhang Lu directly. Destroy him." With pride in his heart, Kou Feng ordered.


Two days later, [-] Chu troops marched northwest again.At this time, Zhang Lu had already reached the vicinity, about eighty miles ahead.

The 20 troops are moving slowly.

"Kou Feng's [-] elite soldiers dared to stop me. I really ate the bear's heart and leopard's courage." When the spies reported that they had found Kou Feng's [-] elite soldiers, Zhang Lu's face showed a difference, and immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, 5 people, we have 20." Yi Shuai Du Sui didn't know how powerful the Chu army was, and laughed when he heard this.

Feeling refreshed, this battle is really as simple as picking up a bargain.That is to say, it is really cool to be able to harvest some of the Chu army's supplies, and to be able to eat the grain of the Shu Kingdom.

If there is a chance, they can also take the opportunity to occupy the Shu Kingdom and build the glory of the ancient Shu Kingdom.There was an evil light shining in Du Su's eyes.

"You can kill them by spitting." Yishuai Puhu next to him also laughed.

Even Gao Pei, Yang Huai, Zhang Wei and others followed suit. The number of 20 troops really inflated their self-confidence.

"Prefect Zhang, let's speed up together and kill him." Du Sui said to Zhang Lu immediately.Zhang Lu heard that there were some changes, and there were only 5 people, so he could just swallow it.

"My lord, you can't. The army is running fast, and it consumes physical strength. Now it is still eighty miles away from the Chu army. If the army moves quickly, after arriving, there will be very little energy left. When the time comes, the Chu army will take advantage of the situation and kill them. Wan Dajun might not be able to win." Hearing this, Yan Pu hurriedly said beside him.

It's too bad, these barbarians are either out of their wits, or want to take the opportunity to fan the flames.If the 20 army fought against the Chu army, both sides would suffer, and these barbarians would definitely lose their faces.

"Go slowly, wait for Kou Feng to come over." Huang Quan also said beside him.

"We have a large number of troops, so there is no rush." ​​Zheng Du also said.

The opinions of the three wise men were unanimous, which made Zhang Lu's heart a little less hot, and calmed down, saying: "Okay, continue to maintain the original speed."

Du Sui was disappointed while watching, but he couldn't help but underestimated Zhang Lu. The 20 army is actually afraid of 5 people. Is it true that the Chu army is the kind of elite that stops four?

Du Sui was born in Shu and lived in Shu all his life.He had never seen such an army before, and he didn't believe in evil in his heart.

When he meets the Chu army, he will cut off Kou Feng's head and make it into a jug to show off his might.

Du Sui made up his mind.

About eighty miles to the south, the Chu army is also slowly marching towards the north.In front of the army, Kou Feng was guarded by all the soldiers, beside Kou Shui and Chen Da.

"My lord, Zhang Lu's army did not march in a hurry, but marched slowly." The spies came to report.

"Zhang Lu is still calm. Let's explore again." Kou Feng said with a slight smile after hearing this.

"Promise." The spy promised, and immediately turned his horse's head and returned to the original road.

"With an army of 20, you can still calm down. Zhang Lu is indeed extraordinary." Chen Da said beside him.

"I'm afraid not. Zhang Lu has a very useful Yan Pu by his side. He is very intelligent. With him, Zhang Lu will not make low-level mistakes. Besides, isn't Huang Quan there? He will never let Zhang Lu Lu acted rashly." Kou Feng had a different opinion and said with a smile.

If you say that the most attractive talents for Kou Feng in Shu are Fazheng and Huang Quan, then Yan Pu is the one who attracts Kou Feng's heart in Hanzhong. This person has assisted Zhang Lu for more than ten years.Zhang Lu also relied heavily on Yan Pu, and the two worked together to manage Hanzhong in an orderly manner.

Even with the power of a county, it contends against the land of Shu.Really a talent.

In comparison, Liu Zhang has more talents. Huang Quan, Fa Zheng, Zhang Song, Zheng Du, etc. are all wise men, but Liu Zhang can't use it, but he is not as good as Zhang Lu.

If Hanzhong is pacified, this Yanpu is the best candidate for the prefect of Hanzhong.

Kou Feng was very moved.

However, although Kou Feng's heart was moved, blood did not rush to his head, and he ordered the army to move quickly.He also moved forward slowly at his original speed.

When the two armies meet naturally, the brave will win, the victor will gain the land of Shu, and the loser will perish.

"20 mobs, hum." Kou Feng looked up and looked forward, his eyes were really disdainful.Just a mob.

The armies of both sides, relying on this unusual marching speed, slowly approached each other.

Eighty miles, sixty miles, thirty miles, twenty miles, ten miles, up to five miles.

Five miles is actually a very long distance.But the armies of both sides seem to be able to breathe the breath of each other.

Hundreds of thousands of troops gathered together, and the strong killing intent was almost suffocating.

This battle is about the fate of the two rivers of the East and the West.

The expansion of Chu's power in the northwest.

(To be continued)

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