"Kill it."

In front of the [-] Chu army, Kou Feng rode his horse and stood beside Kou Shui, and the rest of Pang Tong, Chen Da, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng and others went to command their troops.

When he heard the spies say that there were only five miles away from Zhang Lu's army, Kou Feng gave an order.


First a small group of soldiers, and then a total of [-] Chu soldiers uttered a loud and clear cry of killing. The sharp voice was persistent and murderous.


The [-] army, with Liannu soldiers in front and Chu sword soldiers in the rear, rushed forward neatly.

At the place where Zhang Lu's 20 troops were located, at this moment, Zhang Lu's heart was full of enthusiasm, and he shouted loudly: "The Shu people rule Shu, drive the Chu people out of the land of Shu. Kill."

"Kill." The 20 army, although the soldiers are uneven, but together, they can also strengthen each other's courage.Hearing this, they also uttered a loud and clear cry of killing, the momentum cannot be underestimated.

The armies of both sides accelerated simultaneously.

The distance of five miles, for the armies of both sides, is only two and a half miles for each side.Almost instantly.

Both sides have found each other.

"Prefect Zhang, if the commander-in-chief is the vanguard and defeats the Chu army, can he have the priority to enjoy the qualification to seize the Chu army's granary?" Yi Shuai Pu Hu excitedly said.

"Hmph, let me come first." Yi Shuai Yuan Yue snorted coldly, wanting to fight for the priority.

Du Wei shook his head as he watched. Don't these two people know that if they attack first, they will suffer serious losses?It's best to pick up cheap ones later.

"Don't fight, two commanders. The Chu army's continuous crossbow is very powerful. Let's follow the shield army and kill slowly." Huang Quan persuaded.

At this moment, there is a row of huge shield soldiers in front of Zhang Lu's army, supporting them.Intended to defend the repeating crossbowmen.

"Hmph, you underestimate us too." Pu Hu said angrily.

"Liannu? It's the kind of crossbow that fires five or six pieces at a time? Our son is not afraid." Yuan Yue also said disdainfully.This is the truth, if it is an ordinary hand crossbow, if it does not die after being shot, then it will be painful.

The kind of continuous crossbow that fires five or six arrows at a time, after being hit by an arrow, it will definitely be powerless, and it will be happier.

"Let the two generals go to lead the battle first, and try the edge of the Chu army, that's fine." Seeing this, Du Sui fanned the flames and said.Of the three major tribes in Bazhong, he is the strongest. He wished that both of them would be here so that he could unify the tribes in Bazhong and increase his power.

"Okay, I'll trouble the two commanders." Zhang Lu thought it was the same. Anyway, the cannon fodder was someone else, not his own soldiers. If he could defeat Kou Feng in one fell swoop, it would be really gratifying.

"Hmph." Pu Hu and Yuan Yue were a little upset at being divided, but they still brought their respective armies, separated from Zhang Lu's army to the left and right, and charged towards the Chu army.

"Kill." The barbarian army shouted and rushed towards the Chu army with a very strange accent.

"Haha, there are people who are not afraid of death."

In the south, Kou Feng was not surprised but happy, and said with a smile.

When he first saw Zhang Lu's army, Kou Feng also felt troubled by the shield soldiers in front of Zhang Lu.Because the shield happened to be the nemesis of the Liannu.

The continuous crossbow shoots directly, if the arrow is released, it will hit the shield at once.And shoot high, attacking Zhang Lu's army behind the shield with an arc.

Liannu is not as effective as bow and arrow.

But at this moment, the two armies of barbarians actually gave up their own advantages and led their troops to kill them naked. Isn't it like a target?

"Wait for the enemy to approach." Kou Feng ordered.


The Liannu soldiers in front couldn't help but pause, took out the shining Liannu, and pointed it at the barbarian army that was attacking here.

When they reached a distance of about sixty steps, Chen Da, the warlord in front, gave an order and said, "Shoot and kill."

"Swish swish swish." Immediately, the crossbowmen who had already been prepared kept pulling the triggers, and one after another arrows were fired like lightning bolts.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah." Immediately, barbarian soldiers were shot by arrows one after another, falling to the ground and howling.

Among the Chu army, there are ten thousand Liannu soldiers.It is equivalent to having [-] arrows.

Pu Hu and Yuan Yue didn't know how powerful they were, and they didn't listen to Huang Quan's advice, so they led the army to kill the Chu army.At about sixty paces, countless soldiers were shot and killed.

When they reached thirty steps, thousands of people had already fallen.

Not necessarily dead, some people may not be dead, but just fell to the ground and howled.But it was this wailing that made the soldiers tremble with fear, fearing that they would be the next one.

"Kill, kill, kill, sons and daughters, don't be afraid, as long as we conquer this army, we will get a large amount of food, and our children will be able to feed countless children who would otherwise die young and reach adulthood."

Park Hoo originally thought that if [-] was against [-], even if they lost, the loss would not be too great.Unexpectedly, the Chu State Liannu was so powerful.Can't help but tear my eyes.

But at this moment, retreating is tantamount to taking the thirty steps ahead in vain.Can't help shouting, boosting morale.

Although the Yi people live in the mountains and belong to a high degree of autonomy, they seem to be very carefree, but they are actually very poor.This is why they sent troops.

"Kill." Hearing Pu Hu's words, the eyes of the barbarian soldiers couldn't help turning red, shouting to kill, and rushing over.

The remaining thirty steps were filled with blood and human lives.

"Break the barracks, go up. Directly point at the enemy chieftain." Now, Chen Da has become a general of the town army, but a general of the Chu State. Naturally, he will not personally command the soldiers of the broken barracks and fight on the front line as before.

The current commander of the broken barracks is a senior soldier in the broken barracks, a man with a strong physique and a horrible man.His name is Chen Xiong, and he has been with Chen Da for two years.

"Kill." Under the leadership of Chen Xiong, the soldiers of the broken barracks uttered a sound like howling wolves, and killed them.Although there were 800 people, they killed 1 people.

"Rush and kill."

A little behind, Pang Tong rode his horse and stood beside Xu Sheng and Xiang Chong.Seeing that the barracks had already been sharpened first, he rushed over.He also ordered immediately.


Immediately, the entire Chu army, except for the original Liannu soldiers and Kou Feng's personal battalion, a total of [-] troops rushed to kill them.

"Kill, kill, kill."

As the saying goes, when you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.It should be used just right, and it must be used on the cutting edge.Chu's broken military camp is almost invincible.

800 people can kill 1 people, and can withstand 1 people.They were on sharp knives and tore apart the barbarian army almost instantly.

"Puchi, puchi."

All the barbarians standing in front of them may have their heads in different places.Or simply cut in half.The combination of the sharpness of the Chu knife and the robustness of the soldiers breaking the barracks is a group of murderous madmen.

Just like Chen Da's order, the soldiers who broke the barracks, led by Commander Chen Xiong, went straight to the enemy chieftain.That is in front of Park Hu.Pu Hu was about eighty steps away from the front.

There are countless armies of our own side piled up in front of us, defending Pu Hu's safety.But the distance of eighty steps is really like walking on flat ground to the soldiers who broke the barracks.

Before Pu Hu could react, a few elites in the broken barracks had already killed Pu Hu.

"Kill." Several people separated out and killed some of Pu Hu's personal soldiers, and the remaining few cooperated with each other to kill Pu Hu.

His movements are so sophisticated that he is really a butcher-like character.At the same time, his eyes are cold and stern, almost like a cold-blooded person.That aura made even a character like Pu Hu, who grew up in the deep mountains with wild beasts, terrified.

But Pu Hu is also considered a man, and when the unexpected few people came close, he also dealt with this situation calmly. He swung the big knife in his hand, intending to cut down the broken army soldiers who rushed forward in front of him.

"Hmph." The soldier snorted coldly, facing the oncoming big sword, without even looking at it, he raised the Chu sword and turned it upwards, ready to catch it.

There was a trace of contempt on Pu Hu's face, soldiers are soldiers, no matter how tough they are, they have no brains.He has nearly a thousand catties of strength in his hands, and with the addition of the quick dismounting horse, he has more than a thousand catties of strength.

And still from the top down.

And this soldier of the Chu army actually wanted to catch it from the bottom up like this, it's really a dream.But then, the contempt on Park Hu's face froze.


Amidst the sound of metal and iron clanging, the broken soldiers below successfully caught Pu Hu's sword, but the price was a little bit, and blood came out of their mouths.

Feet are almost bent.

"Kill." But precisely because of this price, the two broken barracks soldiers next to him flew up and fiercely rushed towards Pu Hu, one on each side.

Pu Hu's face was full of horror, because his sword was caught and he couldn't draw it back for a while.But the horror finally froze on Park Hu's face.

Because one of the soldiers who broke the barracks cut him down.

Even the man with the iron armor was cut in half.You must know that although Pu Hu is a barbarian, the armor on his body is also a superb armor made by the Han people.

But it still couldn't stop the blow, and was even cut in half.This is not only the sharpness of the Chu knife, but more importantly, the ferocity of this soldier who broke the barracks.

Absolute Hercules.

Then, another soldier who broke the barracks, who was a step slower, quickly stabilized his figure, and then quickly came to the side of Pu Hu's body, cut off his head and pinned it to his waist.

The two looked at each other, nodded in mutual understanding, and rushed forward.

Fierce, savage, and elite in all battles.

This is the evaluation that can be given to this small group of soldiers who broke the barracks and killed the enemy general like flowing clouds and flowing water in the army.

For the soldiers who broke the barracks, doing so was a breeze, and it was an understatement.Because Pu Hu, in their eyes, is just a credit.

How many rewards does a general have for his head.This is clearly stipulated in the Chu army.Chu Jun Kou granted rewards and punishments clearly, and the soldiers were not afraid that the rewards would be withheld.

Therefore, life will be used.

But for the barbarian army, it was like a stormy wave.The commander-in-chief of the Yi people is different from the Han people. The Han people can be literati.But the barbarians are definitely not as good as the literati. When it comes to bravery, Pu Hu is definitely the number one in his tribe, plus there are large armies all around.He was actually beheaded in his own army.

Break the barracks.

Break the barracks.

At this moment, this small group of soldiers attracted the horrified eyes of people from all directions.

(To be continued)

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