"Okay. Gu will seal you as the general of the thief Zhonglang, and lead his troops to fight against Zhang Lu with Gu." Kou Feng said with a smile in his eyes.

"Promise." Yuan Yue promised, then stood up, turned around and shouted at his own army: "Da Chu, it is Tianwei, this general has surrendered. Those who obey, follow this general to kill thief Zhang."


They looked at each other and were silent for a moment. This group of barbarians let out a fierce cry of killing.However, they all counterattacked Zhang Lu's army.

They are the ones who have personally experienced the strength of the Chu army, and they are daunting.In addition, there is no theory of faith in the natural surname of the Yi people.

There is nothing surprising about the defection of the midfielder.

However, the Chu army subdued the barbarians with their lingering power, and they defected halfway.This is the most important.

What is benevolent, what is domineering.

Some people think that doing benevolence and righteousness is the kingly way, and killing and deterrence is domineering.

But in Kou Feng's view, as long as he can subdue Xiao Xiao and give him my encouragement, this is the kingly way.

Today, he can deter the barbarians and rebel halfway.It is the proof of the kingship of Chu.

The armies of the two sides in front gradually approached, and Chu's Liannu, as well as Zhang Lujun's bows and arrows, had already started shooting at each other.

"Whoosh whoosh."

"Puchi, puchi."

The sound of arrows roaring on the battlefield, and then shooting into the human body continued to be heard.

"Ah ah ah."

Countless soldiers from both the enemy and us screamed and fell to the ground.

In the rear, Kou Feng rode his horse and stood under the banner of the commander-in-chief with the word "Chu".His expression was cold and hard, like a king who ruled the world, watching his army confidently and conceitedly, defeating these miscellaneous troops.

"Kill, kill, kill." Chen Dace's horse was in the middle, and the steel knife in his hand was raised and lowered again and again, chopping down countless Zhang Lu soldiers.

Beside him, there are a large number of soldiers who broke the barracks.

As a sharp knife, fight at the forefront.

What they were facing was also Zhang Lu's most elite army. Zhang Lu himself rode his horse in the distance, and beside him were a few people dressed in Taoist uniforms and Taoist priests, who were constantly boosting morale.

"Heavenly Lord is here, our army must be invincible."

"Heaven's majesty is upon us, Hanzhong will definitely win, and the Chu army will definitely lose."

Taoist priests of different ages kept commanding the soldiers around them, shouting loudly.The momentum is fierce.

But those Hanzhong troops did exactly this.

Under the encouragement of these Taoist priests, the faces of the soldiers turned red, as if they had taken stimulants, and they rushed forward desperately to block Chen Da and his group's attack.

"With the addition of the magic stick and the army, the combat power is indeed multiplied." Chen Da felt a pressure slightly, and his brows frowned.

"Chen Xiong. Lead the army to open the way. Since you are not afraid of death, kill them until they are afraid. If you are not afraid, kill them until they are afraid. Since you are not defeated, kill them until they retreat."

Chen Da roared, the cold and stern voice seemed to come from Jiuyou.It's chilling.

There is an army of 15 ahead, and Chen Da will lead the army to defeat, retreat, defeat, and even massacre this army.An elite soldier in a hundred battles is not afraid of death.

Famous generals in all battles, not afraid of killing.

Today, Chen Da wants to let the people of the world see the fate of those who dare to resist where the "Chu" handsome flag is heading.In this land of Shu, there is no need for "Zhang", "Liu", "Meng" and other miscellaneous flags, as long as a "Chu" flag flutters in the wind, the hegemony is here.

Everything else will be destroyed.

"Promise." The commander of the broken barracks, who had just led his troops to dismember Pu Hu's body, and forced Yuan Yue, the dignified barbarian general, to surrender before the battle, Chen Xiong, promised loudly.

He led [-] soldiers from the barracks and escaped from the lead.It formed a sharp dagger and pierced directly into Zhang Lu.

"Kill." At this moment, the two armies were clashing on the battlefield, and tens of thousands of people were fighting together, forming an earth-shattering sound of fighting, but even amidst the sound of fighting, the voices of the eight hundred battalion soldiers were still like thunder, All of a sudden.

There was a roar, even Kou Feng, who was sitting in the rear, could hear it lightly.

With the word "Chu" handsome, Kou Feng stood on his horse, condescending, and could clearly see the occupation ahead, and the two armies were at a stalemate for a short time.

The so-called kill one thousand enemies, self-damage eight hundred.Even if such a fight is successful, I am afraid that he will suffer heavy losses.Therefore, Kou Feng's Chu army never wanted to enter a stalemate with anyone.

And never.


Because Kou Feng paid a huge price, Chu's soldiers and soldiers who broke the barracks never let Kou Feng down.

Although there are only 800 soldiers, their combat strength is comparable to your average 800 elite soldiers.More importantly, because the combat power is concentrated on [-] people, the actions are very flexible.

Breakthrough is very powerful.

Just like the blade of a knife, it is the essence of the Chu army.As long as this knife cuts into the enemy's wound, it can continue to break through.unstoppable.

Until the other party is afraid and terrified.Panicked and defeated.

It doesn't take much, hundreds of thousands of troops are fighting, and a little retreat can lead to a complete collapse.Kou Feng's 20 elite soldiers will be able to break through and defeat Zhang Lu's [-] troops.

Because Kou Feng has never let him down in breaking the barracks since he raised his troops.First he led the army himself, and later he became a prince, and the position was given to Chen Da.

Now that Chen Da has become the general of the town army, the power has been handed over to Chen Xiong.

It has always been victorious.Just like its name, Po Jun, Po Jun, and the armies of the world are all placed on the scene for Po Junying to destroy.

This is true of Jiangxia Huang Zu, Liu Biao, Wuxi barbarians, Sun Quan, and Cao Ren.There are countless generals who were defeated by Po Jun.

This is also an important reason why Kou Feng led an army of 20 to resist Zhang Lu, and was not afraid when he learned that Zhang Lu's army had increased to [-].

Because the state of Chu has a knife, a sharp knife.

Under the leadership of Chen Xiong, the soldiers of the [-]th Army kept waving Chu Dao, bloody every step, killing every step, and everyone who stood in front of them was killed instantly.

"Puchi, puchi."

While the blood was splashing, the soldiers looked indifferent, and their bodies were extremely calm. Facing the various killings they caused and the oncoming sharp blades, their expressions never changed.

One knife, another knife.

Or cut the enemy's throat lightly, and chopped off the head.With greater strength, he will cut the enemy down from the side with a horizontal knife in front.

Or more violently, from top to bottom, splitting people in half.

These [-] soldiers are the terrifying gods of death, and the brutal killings they caused made the surrounding people fearful and terrified.

"Ah." A young soldier of Zhang Lu's army, when he saw the robe beside him, was cut in two by a large and scary soldier with frighteningly cold eyes among the oncoming Pojun.

All the intestines flowed out, but the upper body was still moving, and blood was vomited from the mouth.In the eyes, pain and despair coexist.When he saw such a cruel scene, he still couldn't help shouting, and could no longer control the fear in his heart, turned around and walked away.

But before he could get out of the walking distance, he was chopped down by an oncoming knife.

"Those who retreat will be killed without mercy." A warlord gave a cold look at the young soldier who had been cut down by him, and shouted.

"Those who retreat cannot ascend to heaven after death."

"The defeated one cannot ascend to heaven after death."

The Taoist priests in the rear, seeing signs of instability in the army, immediately shouted at the top of their voices.

What Taoism emphasizes is ascension in the daytime, and there is no such thing as going to hell after death.They believe that after death, they can be dissected into immortals.For followers of the Zhanglu Wudoumi sect, not being able to ascend to heaven after death is the greatest punishment.

"Kill, kill, kill." Immediately, the heart of fear was temporarily stopped, and the soldiers' eyes were bloodshot, fighting desperately ahead, forgetting the fear, and only fanaticism remained.

"Fortunately, the lonely army is not a large army that can be deduced by common sense." Behind Zhang Lujun, Zhang Lu rode his horse and stood.Seeing that the situation in front of him had stabilized, he couldn't help wiping the sweat off his head with his hand, as if he was alive after a catastrophe, he said happily.

Just now, he saw another small group of soldiers rushing out, and then his army only persisted for a while, and then began to rout.Zhang Lu is really heartbroken.

Fortunately, his army is not ordinary.It is a Taoist army that can compete with Liu Zhang in a mere county.

But Zhang Lu didn't notice the changes in the expressions of Zheng Du and Yan Pu on his left and right sides.

Zheng Du's expression was extremely pale, numb, and desperately kneaded together, like a dead face, lifeless.Too strong, too strong.

Just now because it was the barbarian army fighting with it in front, they didn't feel it personally.So even if you pay attention, you still underestimate this army.

But at this moment, they were so close to this army, the fierce aura rushed straight at them, even standing here.Zheng Du also felt chills all over.

Numb and desperate because he knew that Zhang Lu's army might not be able to resist for long.The so-called Dao army relies on faith to dominate the army and forces soldiers to fight.

And the soldiers were willing.

But after all, there is a bottom line. Although Zhang Lu claims that all Hanzhong are followers of his Wudoumi sect, there is a difference between firm and not firm beliefs.

Those with the strongest beliefs are often at the forefront.Those who are not firm stay back.

The reason why I can temporarily block Kou Feng's army now is because I am determined to cull them before death, and wait for those believers who firmly believe that they can be dissected and ascended to heaven after death.

The situation is reversed.

The rest of the soldiers whose faith is not firm will be scattered and defeated because of the fear in their hearts.This is Zhang Lu's army, which can defeat Liu Zhang, but obviously cannot deal with the Chu army.

If Zhang Lu is the king of heaven, then the Chu army is the god of death, a group of gods of death.The god of death that makes people fearful and eventually scattered and defeated.

Zheng Du, as Liu Zhang's minister, also knew this.

Yan Pu is about to become more clear, as a wise man, how can he believe that Zhang Lu is a heavenly king.It's either a heavenly king or an ordinary person. As long as there are ordinary people, there will be failures.

This Chu[***] team is too strong, so strong that it has exceeded the limit it can bear.

Yan Pu closed his eyes in pain.

They used the army to fight against the Chu army, just like a mantis holding a chariot, which was really wrong.

(To be continued)

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