Although he knew that the advance of the Chu army was only blocked temporarily, Kou Feng still felt dissatisfied.

It wasn't caused by Zhang Lu's Taoist army, who had firm beliefs, fanaticism, and desperate shocks.

Kou Feng felt that it was caused by the lack of determination of the Chu army.

Zhang Lu's army, relying on soldiers to believe in him, called him Tianjun.This led to a short-term increase in combat power.And Chu State also has faith.

That is him, Kou Feng, the king of the Chu Kingdom.

Based on Jiangxia to appease the people, the people return to their hearts.During the natural disaster, Kou Feng tried his best to turn the tide, making the people of Jiujiang, Jiangxia and Changsha counties called Shengming.

He led the Jingchu army and defeated Zhou Yu's invasion.Greatly invigorating Jingchu's majesty, Kou Feng was nicknamed the God of War.Then, the north rejected Cao Ren.

Chen Bing, the emperor's capital city, destroyed Wu and Yue until he entered Shu in recent days.

Kou Feng has reached the peak step by step. He has ruled Taiping for a long time.

In this chaotic world, a powerful war power like the Chu State was integrated.

Condensed a force beyond human imagination.Including people's hearts, military strength and so on.As the core, Kou Feng is the heaven of Chu, just as Yuan Yue said.

Kou Feng is the Tianwei of Chu.

Tianwei is high above the sky, and the might of Tianwei is infinite.Tianwei makes people tremble and generate fanatical admiration.

But at this moment, Kou Feng, who is Tianwei, is dissatisfied with the stalemate between the army and Zhang Lujun.Zhang Lu, Michel.Slightly stronger than Liu Zhang, if you fight against Zhang Lu's motley army, you will be in a stalemate.

And how to fight Ma Teng, Han Sui these giants?How to play against Cao Cao?

Quick, quick.

Kou Feng needs to quickly defeat Zhang Lu, the entire Shu land, and expand the northern territory.

With a flash in his eyes, Kou Feng didn't say anything, but held the rein slightly with both hands, pinched the horse's belly with his feet, and walked forward obediently under his crotch.

One step, another step.

The sound of horseshoes was inaudible amidst hundreds of thousands of troops fighting.

But to Kou Shui, and to the thousand personal guards who looked around Kou Feng and stared vigilantly at the four directions, it sounded like a shocking war drum, roaring incessantly in their ears.

"Your Majesty, now that you have the chance to win, why take the risk?" Kou Shui's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately chased after Kou Feng and said.

"I'm not satisfied." Kou Feng shook his head and said.

Gu was not satisfied, Kou Feng was not satisfied, and Chu Jun was not satisfied.This is a disgrace to the entire Chu army.

Kou Shui's face immediately flushed red.

"The last general is willing to lead 500 soldiers to support him. We will defeat Zhang Lu's army." Kou Shui turned over, got off his horse, and knelt down beside Kou Feng, begging for his life.

Look extremely determined.

The elite soldiers of Chu State, besides the soldiers who broke the army, there is actually a little-known elite soldier.That is the pro-barracks dedicated to protecting Kou Feng.

In terms of elites, they are no worse than eight hundred troops.It's just that it may be a little lacking in fighting in battle.But this is not a problem, elite soldiers are elite soldiers.

If Kou Shui leads an army of [-] forward, it will echo with the [-] Po army.If Zhang Lu is defeated, it will definitely be much easier.But Kou Feng felt that it was still not enough.

Zhang Lu, rice thief.Too much time wasted on him, too many troops.It's all sin.

"Move the handsome flag, press it up." Kou Feng pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said.

Immediately, still driving the horse, he went forward to kill.

"The handsome flag is moving. Blow the horn, and let these scumbags see that your majesty has stepped forward in person. Mother-in-law, have you eaten yet?" Kou Shui's eyes were red, and he yelled at the guards on the left and right. .

"No." With awe in their hearts, the left and right made a promise, and immediately took action.

First, the flag bearer carried the handsome flag with the word "Chu", followed Kou Feng's footsteps, and walked forward.Then, a thousand guard soldiers, more than a hundred of them carried a huge horn and blew it.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " the sound of the long horn sounded abruptly.Like a dry thunder, it exploded suddenly.The armies of both the enemy and ours were shocked.

"The handsome flag moved?"

In the rear, Zhang Lu was a little surprised. The fight has just begun, and at least it will take a long time to see the outcome. At this time, Kou Feng is about to press the flag to boost morale?

Is it too early?

Just when Zhang Lu was amazed, Yan Pu next to him changed color.

"My lord, you should press on too. Encourage the soldiers to fight against the Chu army."

"Oh?" Zhang Lu turned his head in doubt.

"Although the situation is stalemate for a short time now, the advantages of the Chu army are everywhere. As for Kou Feng, he doesn't want to rush to attack, but wants to defeat us in one fell swoop." Yan Pu expressed the worry in his heart, extremely Sure.

"Sir, is this a joke?" Zhang Lu couldn't help but said in disbelief.

Just kidding, although he was defeated by Kou Feng, about 15 barbarians were killed or rebelled.But they still have [-] troops after all.

Even if they waited for the Chu army to kill them, they would have to kill them until dark.

But Yan Pu actually said that Kou Feng wanted to defeat them in one fell swoop.In Zhang Lu's view, it was really, really unbelievable.

"It's not wrong, it must be like this. My lord, wait and see, with the movement of Kou Fengshuai's flag, the momentum of the Chu army is slowly changing." Yan Pu shook his head, firmly believing in his own judgment, and even pointing fingers Looking forward, said.

Zhang Lu looked in the direction Yan Pu pointed, and suddenly felt shocked.

As Kou Fengshuaiqi moved forward, the Chu army did not boost their morale, but instead exuded a wave of humiliation and shame.The eyes of each soldier gradually glowed red, and they looked at the enemy in front more fiercely.

In the eight hundred broken barracks, all of them had strange expressions on their faces, they were no longer cold and indifferent.Kou Feng is proud of Po Jun, because Po Jun was brought out by himself.

Po Jun is also proud of Kou Feng.

Because the broken barracks were in the same line, although there were not many remaining 800 people, but when they were idle, the old soldiers spread the deeds of Kou Feng training them back then.

After the recruits become veterans, it is spread to the recruits.So it spread step by step.

Up to now, it is not the civil servants and generals under Kou Feng's tent who regard Kou Feng as a god and man the most, but the 800 people who broke the army.The movement of Kou Feng's commander flag, in their view, was not a signal for Kou Feng to step up his attack.

It was because they were cowardly, not desperate enough, and unable to defeat the enemy, so Kou Feng had to hold the line in front to suppress morale.

shame.The boundless humiliation made the soldiers of the [-]-pounder soldiers feel angry and flushed, their faces flushed, and they could no longer maintain their indifference and calmness.



I don't know who uttered a cry of killing like a tiger's roar, and the eight hundred broken troops all shouted to kill. Under the leadership of Commander Chen Xiong, they rushed towards Zhang Lu desperately like crazy.

Go, go, go.

Wherever it passed, it was like a tank.Knocked over, crushed countless soldiers of Zhang Lujun.Because the broken barracks suddenly went crazy, Zhang Lujun was unprepared.

All of a sudden, the barracks was broken and the distance was about fifty steps.In this place, the distance from Zhang Lu is only three or four hundred meters away.

Let the soldiers of the [-]-po barracks smell the blood of their prey.

"Take Zhang Lu's head to wash away the shame." As a member of the broken barracks, Chen Xiong's face also turned red.But he was calmer, seeing that the military spirit was available, he took the opportunity to shout.

"Take Zhang Lu's head."

"Kill, kill, kill."

The eight hundred broken army let out another howl, and continued to advance step by step, walking out of a blood-stained road.

"Kill over there." Chen Da saw that there was an opportunity, his eyes flashed, and he immediately said loudly.

"Kill." The ordinary soldiers followed immediately.

"Follow the path that the Pojun broke out, and take Zhang Lu's head." Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng and others also reined in and led their respective troops to intensify their attacks.

"Kill, kill, kill."

Because Yuan Yue was overwhelmed by the aura of the Chu army, he had already given up his resistance and spent the rest of his life on the side of Chu, so he was even more eager to make contributions.

He led the original barbarian army, mixed with the Chu army, and attacked Zhang Lu's army.

Just because of Kou Feng's action, the handsome flag was pushed forward, and the horn sounded a few times.The Chu army's attack power suddenly reached its peak.

This is a mighty Jingchu army in the southeast, engulfing Wuyue and Shanyue in the east, crushing the Wuxi barbarians in the south, and resisting Cao Cao in the north. It is an almost invincible army in the world.

At this moment, it showed its powerful fighting ability.

A mob is a mob.How can you fight a tiger and a lion?

At this moment, the menacing 20 army and the respective generals all changed their expressions.

Huang Quan's expression changed drastically, his eyes were extremely dim, and he was unwilling, but he had to admit that the Chu army was strong.Huang Quan's army is a newcomer, only waving the flag and shouting behind.He also felt the strength in it.

Not to mention the faces of Gao Pei, Yang Huai, and Du Wei who were fighting in front of them all changed wildly, and they were all shocked and frightened by the fighting power that the Chu army really showed.

It turned out that Chu Jun was just taking a nap before, although he was fierce, he was a little lazy after all.But at this moment, with Kou Feng waking up the army, the combat power was fully activated at 120%.

This makes this army a truly terrifying, fearful, and fearful army.

Is this Chu Jun?

Du Wei, Gao Pei, and Yang Huai thought bitterly in their hearts, Gao Pei and Yang Huai were fine, they had to bite the bullet and raise troops in order to save Liu Zhang.

For the sake of their lord who has been loyal to them for more than ten years.

But Du Sui was really out of luck. When he dispatched troops, he clamored to take Kou Feng's head off and use it as a wine glass.

The aggressive ones came, thinking it was a big victory, harvesting countless grains, gold and silver.

But the ending is completely different. This army is a tiger, not a sheep.The worst is themselves.

Du Sui has regretted it now, completely regretted it.Not only regret, but also great fear. If Kou Feng knew that he had made those bold words and feats, he would take off Kou Feng's head and make a wine glass.

He must have died a terrible death.

Regret, fear.Du Wei couldn't help but tremble all over, and also felt the cowardice of Yuan Yue's surrender before the battle.Now he wants to surrender too.

But now he can't surrender even if he surrenders. His army is mixed with Zhang Lu and the others, fighting together.Out of control.

Just thinking about surrendering now?late.

(To be continued)

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