Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 801 Overthrowing the 2 Army

Du Su felt that his intestines were also remorseful. .

What Zhang Lu felt was suffocation, he didn't believe Yan Pu's words just now.Instead, she followed Yan Pu's hand and looked forward.

The small group of soldiers of the Chu army suddenly moved forward a hundred paces like crazy.Only then did Zhang Lu feel the shock, the fierce breath.

It made Zhang Lu feel like he was in front of a ferocious beast, the strong panting sound, the breath that wanted to tear him into pieces, made Zhang Lu feel his legs trembling.

What a ferocious army this is.

"Push the handsome flag up, press up."

Immediately, Zhang Lu said hurriedly.

Too strong, too strong.People like Zhang Lu, who are not sensitive to military affairs, sensed that something was wrong.

Zhang Lu said in a hurry.

But the group of Taoist priests didn't know it, they shouted: "Heavenly Lord came to the front, and after death, not only will he ascend in the daytime, but the immortal position will also be promoted to a higher level."

"Tianjun came to the front in person, and after death, not only will he ascend in the daytime, but he will also be promoted to a higher level of immortality."

Just like what Chen Da was muttering in his heart, the magic stick and the army.

Under the roar of the Taoist priests, Zhang Lujun's timid heart under the powerful offensive of the broken army camp suddenly turned into a slow fanaticism.

"Kill, kill, kill. Die for Tianjun, and ascend in the daytime after death."

The soldiers shouted blindly, and greeted the soldiers who broke the barracks with an outrageous posture.

"Hmph, I'm just going to die quickly." In front, Chen Xiong, who was in command of the entire broken barracks, snorted coldly, and blatantly chopped down a soldier of Zhang Lu who was dressed like Dubo on the opposite side.

Quite capable.

Although the war has been going on for a while, and dozens of soldiers died under Chen Xiong's hands, the Chu knife is still extremely sharp.

After Na Dubo was cut down by Chen Xiong, he died.

"Rush forward, continue to charge forward, if you can't kill enough, then kill it all." Then, Chen Xiong roared violently, and rushed to the front.

"Kill." In the rear, Chen Da and others also led their troops to charge.

Three or four Chu sword soldiers, guarding a Liannu soldier, rushed to kill together. After slashing and killing, Liannu was fired one after another. Every time the trigger was pulled, one person must be caught.

Killing people is no better than destroying soldiers in the barracks.

The offensive of the entire Chu army was like a sea tide, wave after wave.

No matter how Zhang Lu learns from Kou Feng and pushes his handsome flag forward, no matter how his Taoist priests shout to improve morale, how many people there are with a 15 army.

At this moment, none of them are Chu Jun's opponents.

Because the Chu army had already struck the strongest blow like a clenched fist.The commander-in-chief's flag was pressed up, and Kou Feng came to the war in person, and the influence exuded.

The humiliation felt by Chu Jun can be said to be the last straw that crushed Zhang Lu.

It looks light and fluffy, but it is actually heavy.

Jun.What is a king, the king is in the world, and every move can affect the power of the country and the army.Otherwise, why did the ancients say that the king opened his mouth and said a word.

In the state of Chu, among the Han people, Kou Feng was the supreme monarch.He speaks a lot, and his momentum is overwhelming.

No words or words, just a small movement.It can increase the combat effectiveness of the army.This is the opposite of Zhang Luna's use of Taoism to confuse people's hearts and make people work hard.

There is a huge difference between tricking and cheating.

Kou Feng's army, for Kou Feng to be able to fight to one soldier.Because Kou Feng is a good king, able to calm the people, stabilize the country, shock the enemy country, and subdue the powerful king of the world.

And Zhang Lu, he is just a poor magic stick.

This level of difference is destined to be a complete victory for Kou Feng today.Zhang Lu wanted tragedy, and it was a huge tragedy.

20 elite soldiers against [-] troops.And there are also enemy generals who surrendered before the battle.If this spread, Kou Feng's prestige would definitely increase.

Others will not know, nor will they appreciate how elite Kou Feng's army is, they will only look at the numbers.Fifty thousand, against 20.

Zhang Lu was still defeated, defeated in the first battle.Incomparably desolate, while despising Zhang Lu, he will also have incomparable admiration for Kou Feng.In today's world, there is only one Kou Feng who can remain undefeated.

"Kill, kill, kill."

The Chu army, which has shown its aura and prestige, is constantly reaping the lives of Zhang Lu's 20 troops.Even if Zhang Lushuai's flag is pressed, even if those Taoist priests shouted their throats, it is useless.

The general trend, the general trend has been tilted towards the Chu army.

"Puchi, Puchi, Puchi." The sharp Chu Dao, like chopping melons and vegetables, killed Zhang Lujun one after another. Shooting and killing Zhang Lu's army again and again.

20 people, if 1000 people are killing, even if 20 people stand still, they can't finish killing.But Kou Feng's army already had 5 people, with an average of four killing one.

And what they hold are sharp weapons such as Chu Dao and Liannu.The speed of killing was extremely fast, and countless soldiers of Zhang Lu fell down in this killing.

fell in a pool of blood.

The ancient army did not have the tenacity of modern people in combat, because it paid attention to food for soldiers, not to defending the country.The princes pulled out their troops to fight, and it was common for soldiers to surrender to each other.

Today they eat grains surnamed Liu, tomorrow they eat grains surnamed Cao, and the day after tomorrow they may eat grains surnamed Sun.Coupled with the motley crew, the willpower is even weaker.

For example, when Kou Feng established the state of Chu, with the prestige of one man, he commanded the whole country's army, and those who can fight until one soldier dies and never retreat are few after all.

Just as Zheng Du thought, in Zhang Lu's army, the soldiers with the most steadfast beliefs rushed to the forefront, and they were the first to be rubbed by the soldiers who broke the barracks, and then the sporadic ones who survived were also killed by the soldiers holding the Chu knife, plus the company. Crossbowmen killed.

The rest are people whose beliefs are not firm enough, that is, people who are afraid of death.

Encouraged by the Taoist, Zhang Lujun, who continued to resist for a while, finally couldn't bear such a fierce attack by the Chu army.

Even if the general of the warlord army led the soldiers of the warlord's battalion to kill deserters one after another, it would not help.There is a saying that what can't be killed can't be killed.

But it was not Zhang Lu's main formation that collapsed first, but Du Gu's army, who had left the city earlier and clamored to take Kou Feng's head off as a wine cup.

Yi people have never had any military discipline.When they are in a favorable situation, they are all ferocious like wolves, and when they are in a losing situation, they can escape faster than rabbits.

Fortunately, there are Zhang Lu, Gao Pei, Yang Huai and other troops gathered with the barbarians, otherwise they would have been defeated long ago.But their bottom line is still relatively low.

"Damn it, it's really Tianwei." A barbarian pawn with sharp ears who just heard Yuan Yue calling Kou Feng as Tianwei yelled, turned and left immediately.

"Kill." He chopped down a soldier of Zhang Lujun without any hassle.Ran away.All the way to escape, all the way to kill.Until he was also killed by the angry soldiers of Zhang Lu.

But this is not a sporadic thing, but a large number of barbarian troops are doing this.He turned around and ran away, fearing that he would not escape quickly, so he killed Zhang Lu's soldiers in front of him, and even their fellow clansmen.

Chaos, the army began to be incomparably chaotic.

How could the Chu army fail to grasp such chaos?In the face of adversity, the Chu army was able to accompany Kou Feng in the battle until one soldier died.When fighting the battle of homeopathy again, he has the momentum to swallow mountains and rivers with arrogance.

"Kill, kill, kill." Countless Chu soldiers shouted, and began to overwhelm Zhang Lu's army in an all-round way.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." Amidst bursts of sword light, soldiers of Zhang Lu's army were continuously slaughtered.At this moment, it is time for the entire Chu army to show their combat effectiveness.

Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng, Ma Su and others all personally oversaw the fight.

Instead, they broke the barracks, because they were hidden among the large numbers of Chu troops, and their momentum was no longer what it was just now.In the adversity of the Chu army, breaking the barracks is like a sharp knife.

In good times, it is actually an ordinary first battalion of the Chu army.

The Chu army is on the offensive.Zhang Lu's army retreated steadily.

This feeling is really too bad, too bad.

At this moment, the Taoist priests around Zhang Lu stopped shouting. Even they who knew nothing about military affairs knew that the general situation was over.

The continuous killing of soldiers one by one is the best proof.

I can't help being dejected, but even more fearful.As Taoist priests and god sticks, they know if there is such a thing as ascending in the daytime, dissolving immortals and so on.

It's all deceitful empty talk.

They were dead, but they were all dead.

These Taoist priests were just downcast, but Zhang Lu's face was livid, and now he regretted letting Du Gu join, this guy did more than fail.

The other two were even more ridiculous. One was killed before the battle, and the other surrendered before the battle. They were all waste.

The so-called 20 army is just more impressive.The actual combat power may not be as good as the original 10 people.

In addition to these, Zhang Lu still has regrets in his heart.It's just that he regrets why he didn't listen to Yan Pu's suggestion.

Yan Pu is shrewd, he already said it before he set off.To the Son of Heaven, to the south.Call Kou Feng the new emperor.If he surrenders, he can enjoy the meritorious service.

But in the end, he was greedy for profit, intending to act like a chariot to protect his interests in Hanzhong, which led to today's defeat.Regret, silent regret grew in Zhang Lu's heart.

Despair spread in Zhang Lu's heart.

But in desperation, Zhang Lu had another flash of inspiration, remembering that there was a Yanpu next to him.As if grabbing a life-saving straw, he looked at Yan Pu and said, "Sir, do you have a plan to save the orphan?"

Yan Pu smiled wryly upon hearing this.

What is the plan at this time?

"It's better to take advantage of the fact that the army can resist for a while, and let's talk about running away. Otherwise, they will not recognize who is who if they are with the rebels. If we cut it down with a knife, we will all have to hate it." Yan Pu said.

After finishing speaking, he was the first to turn around the pier and rush out.

"Let's go." Seeing this, Zhang Lu hurriedly turned his horse's head and rushed out.Then came Zhang Lu's soldiers.Even Zheng Du saw that the situation was not good, so he ran away.

Now that Zhang Lu is gone, the 20 army has no morale to speak of.

Lost, lost.The army was defeated like a mountain.

Zhang Lujun's soldiers wished they had an extra leg so that they could run faster.I can't wait to have more hands to cut down the people in front of me.

The situation has become completely clear, and the Chu army overthrew Zhang Lujun.

20 elite soldiers, against [-] troops, won the battle.

After this battle, Kou Feng's prestige must have greatly increased.Completely overwhelmed Cao Cao and became the number one prince in the world.

(To be continued)

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