Zhang Lu, Yan Pu and Zheng Du rode away on horseback.

This caused Zhang Lujun's military morale to completely collapse, resulting in a major defeat.

"Hateful." Huang Quan felt great hatred in his heart.The coach of one's own side ran away, and the coach of the other side pressed in aggressively.At this time, even if Han Xin was reborn, it would be difficult to recover from the defeat. "Let's go." With great hatred in his heart, Huang Quan made a decisive decision, yelled, and immediately rode his horse back.Huang Quan's soldiers were newly recruited, so in this battle, they just stood behind and waved their flags.

There is not much chance to fight the Chu army, so it is relatively well preserved.But at this time, Huang Quan would not be so stupid as to run away with the army.

He yelled loudly in order to let the left and right guards and lieutenants escape together.Among the defeated troops, they are the easiest to be killed.No one can protect you.

As Huang Quan yelled, about hundreds of lieutenants riding horses, personal soldiers, etc. fled with Huang Quan.

Compared with Zhang Lu, Zheng Du, Yan Pu, Huang Quan and others, Gao Pei, Yang Huai, Du Su and others were not so lucky.Because Zhang Lu's army in front is the central army, and the army of these people is the left and right wings.

The defeat of the Chinese army immediately affected the left and right wings.


A continuous crossbow iron arrow flew over and hit Yang Huai's right shoulder.

"Ah." Yang Huai yelled, the steel knife in his hand immediately fell off, and he also fell to the ground.Immediately, dozens of soldiers of the Chu army who roared in were dismembered and died.

The generals who were enemies of the Chu army, except for those who were ordered by Kou Feng to be captured alive, generally ended up like this.Although it can be captured alive, although its military exploits are higher, it cannot be carried.

For those who are dead, as long as they cut off their heads, they can be taken back as evidence of military merit.

Here Yang Huaigang was dismembered by dozens of Chu soldiers, while Gao Pei's head shot up to the sky. Blood spurted out from the neck that had lost his head, as high as Mixu.

Next to him, Chen Da withdrew his broadsword, his expression indifferent.

"Pursuit." Immediately, Chen Da roared and said.

"Kill." The soldiers on the left and right roared, and followed Chen striding forward to chase and kill.

"Ah." Du Wei had to be smarter, he was about to run away before Zhang Lu escaped, but he was still pursued by Chu soldiers.On the eve of sending troops, this barbarian clamored to take off Kou Feng's head and use it as a jug.

He was hacked into a meat paste by random knives.

The head was removed as a military exploit, following Yang Huai's footsteps.

The respective commanders of Zhang Lu's 20 troops surrendered, walked, and died like this.All of a sudden collapsed clean.

In the rear, the handsome flag with the word "Chu" has also stopped moving.Under the handsomeness, Kou Feng finally showed a smile on his face, and he was very satisfied in his heart.

Zhang Lu, Liu Zhang and other troops are of poor quality.It's just that they each rely on the pass and danger to rule the roost.Although Hanzhong is not as perverted as Yizhou, it is also easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If Zhang Lu is more sensible, it may take some time for him to win Zhang Lu.At least one or two months.But now Zhang Lu led the army to appear.

By the way, take Yang Huai, Gao Pei, and some barbarians in Bazhong as allies.Taking advantage of the situation, Kou Feng came to a siege to fight for aid.Big break here.

It is equivalent to saying that Hanzhong is already in the bag.

However, the satisfaction in Kou Feng's heart only lasted for a moment.Because of Liu Zhang, Zhang Lu is too weak.The more powerful Ma Teng, Han Sui, and their soldiers are brave and good at fighting.

Their generals are unparalleled.For example, Ma Chao, Yan Xing and others are first-rate generals.Especially Ma Chao, the guy who killed Cao Cao in history cut his beard and discarded his robe.

It seems to have become Lu Bu's second.When fighting with it, one must be cautious.

Not only fighting, there is a saying that is good, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your weapon.Now the two rivers, the east and the west, and the land of Bashu are all in my hands, so I can use them as soon as possible.

In order to strengthen the momentum, it is conducive to the conquest of the world.

At this moment, although he is still in battle, Kou Feng is already looking forward to the future.The land of Jingchu has always been rich, especially the areas of Jiangxia, Changsha, and Jiujiang, which were loyal to the Koufeng rule at the beginning.

Although the ruling area has shifted now, it is still the foundation of Jingchu, and the food produced every year is absolutely horrifying.Now there are two rivers of east and west.

Even more powerful.

The Shu Han in history, what they really got was Xichuan.But Liu Bei can rely on the little Xichuan to achieve the foundation of Shu, and you can see Xichuan's strength.

As for Dongchuan in Hanzhong, although Liu Bei also got it.But it can really be ignored, because at that time, Zhang Lu took most of the people in Hanzhong and went to Sanfu to the north.

Therefore, the Shu Han in history only got Xichuan.As Dongchuan's Hanzhong, it is nothing more than a sparsely populated barrier.

Today's Kou Feng, Cao Cao stepped into Hanzhong first.With the Hanzhong Plain and hundreds of thousands of people, Hanzhong will be rich, and within a few years it will become a frontline base for attacking the Sanfu area.

Kou Feng had already thought of stationing elite soldiers in Hanzhong.Pang Tong, Zhao Yun, Chen Da, etc.

And this so-called defeated army should also be ordinary people, the labor force of Hanzhong.In addition, Kou Feng firmly said before the battle that he would surrender Yuan Yue, and ordered him to lead the tribe to move south to the plains, and it was for this reason.

Having land is not enough, population is the most important.

"Now that Zhang Lu has been defeated, I ordered that there should be no more killings. The focus is on chasing and killing Zhang Lu, regardless of life or death. However, the rest of Yan Pu, Huang Quan, Zheng Du, Gao Pei, Yang Huai and others must be captured alive." Without any hesitation, Kou Feng ordered.

"Promise." Kou Shui next to him promised, and immediately led more than a hundred personal guards, and rode his horse forward to kill.

"There is an order from the emperor, regardless of whether Zhang Lu lives or dies, the rest should be captured as much as possible. The soldiers should also surrender, and don't make more killings."

"There is an order from the emperor, regardless of whether Zhang Lu lives or dies, the rest should be captured alive as much as possible, and the soldiers should mainly surrender, don't make more killings."

More than a hundred people roared loudly, and their voices immediately overwhelmed the noisy voices in the battlefield.At this time, Zhang Lu and the others hadn't escaped very far.

Yan Pu, Huang Quan, and Zheng Du were all shocked when they heard the words, how could they not understand that Kou Feng was going to kill Zhang Lu.

I couldn't help but wonder, because Zhang Lu himself had a very high prestige in Hanzhong, just like Kou Feng in Chu.If Zhang Lu's allegiance is obtained, Hanzhong can be quickly pacified.

Why doesn't Kou Feng want Zhang Lu?The three of them couldn't figure it out, but what else could they do at this time?The mud bodhisattva crossed the river, and it was hard to protect himself.

"You can't be captured on the battlefield, otherwise what's the face?" Huang Quan thought secretly, and rode his horse towards the west.

Bazhong is Huang Quan's hometown, so he has a way to hide first.

Now Zhang Lu has been defeated, and Liu Zhang's last power in the north, Gao Pei and Yang Huai, have also been defeated, and by the way, even the three great barbarians in Bazhong have also lost.

There are only [-] elite soldiers left in Chengdu, and Meng Huo and his men are far away in the south.The situation is basically clear, Liu Zhang and Zhang Lu are both defeated.Kou Feng's entry into Shu has been nailed to the iron plate.

Now Huang Quan's thinking is similar to Zhuge Liang's before, to hide for a while, and then look for an opportunity to come out of the mountain.

In comparison, Zheng Du was much more resolute. He was determined to be Liu Zhang's dead minister.Riding the war horse, he went to the deep mountains and old forests in the north.

Yan Pu is much more complicated. Although he is a wise man, his life is at stake, so he is still uneasy.Kou Feng decided to get rid of Liu Zhang, which was beyond his expectation.

He wanted to persuade Zhang Lu to escape first, then enter Hanzhong, and then surrender.This kind of credit is also greater.But unexpectedly, Kou Feng didn't need Zhang Lu anymore.

Yan Pu glanced at Zhang Lu next to him, and said loudly: "My lord, I will finally make a plan for you. Immediately return to Hanzhong without stopping, and then lead the family members, pointing directly to the north. Go to Yongliang."

After finishing speaking, Yan Pu chased towards Huang Quan without looking back.His hometown is also in Bazhong, enough to hide for a while.

As for Zhang Lu, he really did his best.At the beginning, he had good intentions and wanted to persuade Zhang Lunan to return to Chu State, but Zhang Luli wanted to confuse his heart, but he refused no matter what.

Now that Kou Feng wants to kill Zhang Lu in turn, of course Yan Pu will not die with him.

Zhang Lu originally heard Kou Shui and others in the rear yelling together, saying that they can live or die.It's already a torn liver and gallbladder, and I'm very at a loss.

very messy.

Hearing Yan Pu's words now, he immediately became jittery, and his mind regained a little clarity. "Escape, escape to the north, the farther you escape, the better."

Supported by this idea, Zhang Lu pushed his horses with all his strength and fled to the north.

"Bring the crossbow." From the rear, Chen Da saw a group of Zhang Lu's army counselors galloping ahead, and the generals dispersed and fled.Without hesitation, he said directly.

"No." A Liannu soldier next to him immediately handed the Liannu in his hand to Chen Da.

"Let's go, chase Zhang Lu." After receiving the Liannu, Chen Dada roared and mobilized his horse to chase Zhang Lu.Kou Feng's order was already obvious, to kill Zhang Lu.

And only Kou Feng won Hanzhong and Yizhou.For the rest of Yan Pu, Huang Quan, Zheng Du, these talents, the wise are all caught in the urn, and they will be found sooner or later.

"Promise." Some Qingqi around agreed, and followed Chen Da.

From the rear, Pang Tong saw that Chen Da had already led Qingqi to hunt down Zhang Lu.He couldn't help but nodded secretly, and he also thought that Zhang Lu should be chased first at this moment.

The rest can be found after the war.

It will never leave Shu.

"The general of the town army has already gone to chase Zhang Lu, and the rest of them should stop chasing, gather the scattered soldiers, and don't kill more." Pang Tong ordered according to Kou Feng's order.


At this moment, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng, Ma Su and others were not by Pang Tong's side, and one of the lieutenants promised to leave immediately.

Soon after, the Chu army began to give up the killing, shouting: "Those who surrender will not be killed." On the one hand, they made an emergency landing on Zhang Lu's soldiers, and on the other hand, they chased those Zhang Lu's soldiers and barbarians who did not want to surrender but wanted to escape.

Except for Zhang Lu, this war has really come to an end.

It's only been a while since Kou Feng's commander-in-chief came up to this point.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain.Could it be so.

(To be continued)

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