Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 803 Only one person in Chu Kingdom can be supreme

Zhang Lu fled in front, and there were only dozens of guards around him.Now seeing that Zhang Lu's situation is gone, the one who can be really loyal is his belief in Zhang Lu, which is extremely firm.


At this moment, one of Zhang Lu's thoughts at the moment is to escape to the north, and then take his family to the north, whether it is Ma Teng, Han Sui, or Cao Cao.

It is impossible to kill him, but Kou Feng will definitely kill it.

Zhang Lu also couldn't figure out why Kou Feng had to kill him.You must know that his prestige in Hanzhong is overwhelming. With his support, Kou Feng can quickly take over Hanzhong.

Why kill him.

But Chen Da's Ma Kuai, since Pang Tong took over Berkshire, has brought a large number of Liaodong war horses over.Chen Da's mount is even more one of a kind.

It can be said to travel seven hundred miles.

Not long after, Chen Da chased after Zhang Lu, throwing away the distance of hundreds of meters from the soldiers he led, and caught up with Zhang Lu.

"My lord, let's go and block him." The guards around Zhang Lu saw that Chen Da was chasing him closely, and someone immediately yelled, and turned back with more than ten people, intending to fight Chen Dajue to the death.

"Hmph." Chen Da snorted coldly, put the Liannu in his hand behind the horse, drew out the Chu Dao from his waist, and charged forward.

"Puchi, puchi."

There were more than ten people, five of them confronted Chen Da one after another, but they were all killed by Chen Da one by one.That murderous movement was like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Fast and smooth.

After killing five people, a gap was left in front.Chen Da continued to mobilize his horse and chased after Zhang Lu.

"Hateful." The remaining five or six people wanted to pursue them, but they were caught up by Chen Da's personal soldiers behind them. In the short confrontation, they all died unexpectedly.

Just now the guards went out to resist for a while, Zhang Lu's heart suddenly settled down.However, when he turned his head and looked behind, it happened to be the situation where Chen Dalian had killed five people, and he couldn't help but turn pale.

"It's really Chu's general." Zhang Lu secretly groaned in his heart.

After continuing to chase for a distance of about one mile, Chen Da defeated Zhang Lu's guards who were divided three times to resist him.Now around Zhang Lu, there are only five or six people left.

These guards were a little frightened, and they were no longer as determined as before.The most loyal ones died later, and those who fled with Zhang Lu now are naturally not very firm in their minds.

It is impossible for them to divide their forces to resist Chen Da.

At this moment Zhang Lu was very embarrassed, the crown on his head fell off at some point, and his hair was disheveled.Apart from being pale, there was only fear left on his face.

Chen Da, who is chasing after him, is simply his nightmare.

That sharp Chu Dao took the lives of dozens of his guards one after another. You must know that these guards were all one-of-a-kind talents, and they were dealt with so easily.

"Tick, tick."

The sound of horseshoes was frenzied, and Chen Dayue from behind chased him closer and closer. Finally, he raised the crossbow in his hand and pointed it at Zhang Lu's crotch horse. After aiming for a moment, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.



After a soft whistling, the iron arrow hit the horse's hip, and the horse went mad immediately under the pain, and threw Zhang Lu off at the first moment.

"Bump." With a sound, it fell to the ground.

The guards on the left and right hesitated for a moment, then the tree fell and the monkeys scattered and escaped cleanly.

At this moment, Zhang Lu's mind is still very fresh, he just feels like his body is falling apart.The ribs also appeared to be broken.


After shooting Zhang Lu's war horse, Chen Dace came to Zhang Lu's side, and said with a hearty smile, "Prefect Zhang really took me a lot of effort."

Just now Chen Dadu fought dozens of guards, but it was not as simple as outsiders imagined.Killing dozens of people is exhausting.In addition, he rode his horse and galloped wildly, and walked a mile.

Now Chen Da is covered in sweat.

"General, don't harm me, I want to see Duke Chu." Zhang Lu's expression was distorted by the pain at this time, but he forced a smile and said in panic.

Ants are still alive, let alone Zhang Lu.Zhang Lu thought he was useful to Kou Feng, and he didn't want to be killed by Chen Da, a martial artist.

As long as he can meet Kou Feng face to face, there is always a way to survive.

Zhang Lu is very confident about his Five Dou Rice Religion and the people of Hanzhong.

"Don't worry, Zhang Taishou, I won't harm you. If you want to kill you, you will be ordered by the emperor himself." Chen Da smiled at Zhang Lu, and Zhang Lu finally felt relieved.

The kindness was felt.

At this moment, more than a hundred soldiers who followed Chen Da, but fell behind because of their slow horses, caught up.


Qi Qi cupped his fists at Chen Da.

"Help Eunuch Zhang up and see your majesty." Chen Da ordered.

"Promise." The guards made a promise, dismounted and helped Zhang Lu up, then fixed him on the horse, and the group returned the same way.

At this moment, in the bloody battlefield just now.

It has tended to calm down, and a large number of Shu troops, including Zhang Lu's soldiers, have been collected.Those who were unscathed were unarmed and taken care of, while the wounded, regardless of whether they were the enemy or the enemy, received simple medical treatment.

Of course, it is also necessary to put the Chu army first.

All these trivial matters were handed over to Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng, Ma Su and others, while Kou Feng, Pang Tong, Kou Shui and others sat under a big tree to rest.

"Your Majesty, according to what the soldiers saw, Yan Pu, Huang Quan, and Zheng Du escaped respectively, and among them, Yan Pu and Huang Quan fled towards Bazhong." Pang Tong said to Kou Feng that he had learned from the soldiers. Case.

At this moment, the light armor on Pang Tong's body has been removed.Although the light armor is very light, it still puts a lot of pressure on Pang Tong.

Kou Feng was still wearing a heavy black armor.It doesn't mean that he has good physical fitness, but mainly because the battlefield is at the beginning of peace, and he is afraid of cold arrows.

It's better to be careful.

"Yan Pu and Huang Quan are probably hiding in their hometown. Don't be afraid. When I go to lead the army into Hanzhong in the future, I will naturally conquer it." Kou Feng said with a smile.

Yan Pu is a counselor, who seeks to govern in his position.When you are loyal to one person, you will definitely be a loyal minister, but if Zhang Lu is defeated, he will also go his own way.

Historically, Yan Pu surrendered to Cao Cao along with Zhang Lu without any psychological pressure.

And what about Huang Quan?He is not a pure adviser, he can lead troops to fight, and he can also govern the country.He is a comprehensive talent and is also very loyal to Liu Zhang.

But it is not possible that after Liu Zhang's defeat, he will commit suicide, or hide himself and become a hermit since then.

Both of these two people's hometowns are in Bazhong. As long as Kou Feng arrives in Bazhong, he will definitely be able to find them.The most difficult thing to deal with was Zheng Du, who was known as a loyal minister.

In history, when Liu Bei entered Sichuan, he was very intelligent and outstanding.But after Liu Bei entered Sichuan, Zheng Du disappeared.Zheng Du is a famous scholar in the middle of Shu. In history, it was too late for Liu Bei to appease him, and he would not kill him.Zheng Du must have been unwilling to be loyal to Liu Bei, so he hid himself and became a hermit.

Therefore, it is more difficult.No less than Yan Yan, Zhang Ren these two tough bones.

These few people are the talents that Kou Feng will never let go of during his entry into Shu.Because Kou Feng annexed Shuzhong with a foreign country.

After the pacification, the forces within the State of Shu will definitely doubt the forces of the State of Chu, and will resist and exclude them.This is the self-protection characteristic of local surnames.

Kou Feng didn't have a good way to deal with it either.And Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, Zheng Du, Huang Quan and others are all well-known in the Shu Chinese martial arts.Use these people as civil and martial arts to show signs.

Promote the natives of central Shu to be officials.This can ease the contradiction.As for Kou Feng, he should pacify Shuzhong as soon as possible to appease people's hearts.When Shuzhong is leveled, the strategic goal is to send troops to the north to compete with Ma Teng and Han Sui for supremacy.

And Yan Pu is also a wise man that Kou Feng is optimistic about, who can replace Zhang Lu as the prefect of Hanzhong, develop and educate the people.

Thinking of Zheng Du, Kou Feng couldn't help thinking of Yan Yan and Zhang Ren, these two tough bones, Kou Feng couldn't help but have a headache.So far, none of them have surrendered, and they have been quiet in Berkshire.I just hope that after the surrender in Chengdu, the two of them can think about it.

Kou Feng was thinking about these major events in central Shu, and when Yan Yan and Zhang Ren were having a headache.From the north came the sound of hooves.Kou Feng was overjoyed when he heard that, and looked up.

Sure enough, seeing Chen Da leading his own soldiers approaching, Kou Feng looked far away and found Zhang Lu's figure.

"Your Majesty." Chen Da led his troops to the front of Kou Feng, got off his horse and paid his respects.

A group of soldiers behind him, as well as Zhang Lu, also got off their horses.Chen Da's soldiers respected Kou Feng very much and did not dare to look up at Kou Feng.Only Zhang Lu looked up at Kou Feng from time to time.

Although the two met for the first time, Zhang Lu had heard many legends about Kou Feng.But even so, Zhang Lu was still shocked by Kou Feng's youth.

At such a young age, he established himself in the southeast, and now he is heading west to Shu.Unified the South, spanning four states.It's really an outstanding person in the world.

In Zhang Lu's heart, he had long since regretted the fact that he raised troops against Kou Feng.Seeing such a character as Kou Feng now, the regret in my heart is even greater.

"Excuse me." Kou Feng couldn't help but stepped forward to help Chen Da, and said with a smile.For this confidant, Kou Feng is really very close.

"Your Majesty, this is Taishou Zhang." Being helped up by Kou Feng himself, Chen Da didn't show complacency or other complacency on his face, but was very calm and humble.Immediately, he pointed to Zhang Lu and introduced him.

"Oh." Kou Feng groaned, then turned to look at Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu was apprehensive, but on the surface he pretended to be calm, intending to talk about how he won the hearts of the people in Hanzhong and how he could help Chu quickly pacify Hanzhong.

But at this moment, Kou Feng's eyes turned cold, and he said, "It's tied."

"Promise." Chen Da was surprised in his heart, but he still promised loudly.

"I am willing to raise the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people in Hanzhong, and please forgive my crimes." Kou Feng's sentence was tied, and a lot of words in Zhang Lu's mind were blocked in his throat, and finally he could only beg for mercy.

But Kou Feng didn't speak, just looked at Zhang Lu coldly.Seeing that Kou Feng didn't speak, the left and right soldiers immediately rushed towards Zhang Lu like wolves and tied them up in two or three strokes.

"Why, why did Duke Chu harm me? Could it be that Duke Chu ignored the hundreds of thousands of people in Hanzhong?" Zhang Lu was desperate at this moment, and couldn't help shouting.

In his opinion, Kou Feng was really confused.Let him, the Hanzhong Tianjun, want to kill him.From Zhang Lu's point of view, he had great prestige in Hanzhong, and once he died, Kou Feng would be unpopular.

"It's very simple. There is only one person in the state of Chu who can be supreme, and that is Gu." Kou Feng said lightly the reason why he killed Zhang Lu.This guy's prestige in Hanzhong is too high, which is not conducive to the rule of Chu State.

(To be continued)

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