"Who is Cao Zhi?" Du Bo immediately asked again.

But this time, no one answered.Those present are all the sons of princes and nobles, and Wei Guo was established at the beginning, and the atmosphere is good.So none of them are stupid.

No one even subconsciously looked at Cao Zhi.

"In that case, let's take them away together." Du Bo frowned and said.

"Tie up all these people and take them back to the Chu army's camp." Du Bo said loudly.

"Promise." The soldiers promised, and immediately rushed forward like tigers and wolves.Bind up these delicate-skinned and tender-skinned princes and aristocrats.

"Return to the army." After tying it up, Du Bo immediately ordered.

The soldiers invited the children of the princes and nobles to board their own carriages and drive back to the camp of the Chu army.

But at this time, Cao Zhi, Xun Kuo and others seemed to be dumbfounded, and their expressions were extremely horrified.Not only a small Chu army appeared near the capital of Wei State, but also a big camp?

God, what the hell happened, tell me.

No matter how sad these people are, don't believe it.They were still taken back to the Chu army camp.

When they saw outside the capital of Wei State, there was indeed a large camp.After the flag hanging on the camp was still brightly marked with the word "Chu", he completely lost his temper.

There is really a big camp, there is really a big camp of the Chu army.

Everyone groaned in their hearts.

The people were brought into the Chu army's camp in such a pale manner, entered the big tent, and met Lu Xun.

Lu Xun was waiting for Cao Zhi to be captured alive. When he heard the report outside the door that Cao Zhi had been captured, he naturally had someone bring him in.But seeing so many people at once, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Why are there so many people?"

Du Bo, who led these people into the big tent, bent over and replied, "I don't know which one is Cao Zhi."

"Oh." Lu Xun groaned.Immediately, he raised his eyes and looked at these people carefully.With thin skin and tender flesh, one can immediately see that he is a son of a powerful and powerful person.

But Cao Zhi has only one person.

So Lu Xun's eyes gradually became sharper, looking at each one.Although Cao Zhi had great ambitions, how could he have seen such a battle? When Lu Xun's eyes swept over him, he suddenly showed some panic.

"Why is Cao Zijian blinking?" Lu Xun knew immediately, and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that he was seen through, Cao Zhi could only bite the bullet and stepped forward and said, "It's just for self-protection."

"They've already come to our Chu army camp. Sooner or later, they will reveal their identity and talk about self-protection." Lu Xun laughed.

Cao Zhi also knows this truth, but he knows it, and the sooner he is discovered, the better.He is the son of Cao Cao, but now he has entered the camp of the Chu State, and everyone knows what will happen.

However, Cao Zhi is not bad.It's basically calmed down now.He raised his fist and said, "I don't know the name of the general, and why he appeared outside Yecheng."

This was the doubt of Cao Zhi and others. Cao Zhi even thought in his heart that if he didn't know the result, he might die with regret.

"I'm Lu Xun, General of the Pingyue Kingdom of Chu. As for why I appeared in Yecheng, that's simple. Yang Fan just went to sea." Lu Xun laughed when he heard this.

Cao Zhi was shocked when he heard the words, Chu State actually has sea power?At the beginning, Gongsundu, the father of Gongsun Kang in Liaodong, once managed Qingzhou across the sea and set up the governor of Yingzhou.

In the hearts of the northerners, only Gongsun Kang, who inherited the power of Gongsun Du, has maritime power.And strictly defend.But since the last time Cao Cao fought Gongsun Kang and defeated Gongsun Kang.

Cao Cao gradually became more relaxed about coastal defense.Unexpectedly, Chu State took advantage of it and entered.

Cao Zhi was shocked for a long time before he said: "I don't know how the general will deal with us?" His voice was hoarse, and it seemed to come from the mouth of the two just as they had enjoyed playing just now.

Cao Zhi is a real nobleman, living a luxurious and comfortable life.The thought of being captured by the enemy Chu people.

It's strange to be in a good mood.

"Naturally send them to Chu State, and be settled by Chu Gong." Lu Xun said with a smile.Immediately, he did not intend to continue talking with these princes and children.

Turning his head, he ordered Du Bo who captured Cao Zhi and others: "Arrange them to stay in the camp, don't be harsh."

"Leave it to Duke Chu, will I be a proton in the future?" Although he had already realized it, when this moment came, Cao Zhi was still struck by a bolt from the blue, and went into a daze.

He is the son of Wei Gong, and Wei Gong has the power to aspire to be the emperor.In other words, he is destined to be a prince, but from now on, he will be a prisoner?

"No." Du Bo promised, and led Cao Zhi and others who were already in a daze to withdraw from the central army tent.

"Cao Mengde has more than ten sons, and removing one now may not be enough to make him sad. If he can get rid of all of them, maybe Mengde will die of grief." After Cao Zhi left, Lu Xun's eyes were full of coldness.

He is determined to win Yecheng.

……………… The next morning.

The genius was dim, but the drums of Chu's battle had already started to roar.

"Dong dong dong."

The strong and powerful sound of beating drums was stimulated one by one under the beating of the drummer.

Pairs of soldiers also began to leave the camp neatly, most of them were holding Chu swords, and the smaller half were carrying ladders and other siege equipment.

General Lu Xun of Pingyue State of Chu State, dressed in armor, rode out of the camp on horseback and personally supervised the army to attack the city.

"Pass down the order of Situ, whoever climbs Yecheng first will reward the Marquis of Guan Nei, and bestow a hundred good fields." Lu Xun drew out the Chu knife from his waist and shouted loudly.

"According to Situ's order, the first to reach Yecheng will be rewarded to the Marquis of Guan Nei, and bestowed with a hundred fertile fields."

"According to Situ's order, the first to reach Yecheng will be rewarded to the Marquis of Guan Nei, and bestowed with a hundred fertile fields."

Several messengers with loud voices immediately dispersed and shouted.

In the state of Chu, titles are very difficult to obtain.Unlike Cao Wei in the north, Guanneihou and Liehou are like dogs, walking almost everywhere.

The laws of the state of Chu are strict, and we are not afraid that the general will take the credit.As long as you can log into the city first, you will be the Marquis of Guannei.This is something nailed to the iron plate.

Therefore, when the soldiers heard the title of Marquis of Guannei, their eyes turned blood red.


Countless soldiers of the Chu army shouted to kill, and rushed towards Yecheng with all their might.Immediately, a door in the north of the city was filled with murderous aura.Not only the north of the city, the west of the city, and the east of the city.

At almost the same time, led by the general, he began to attack the city.

The Kingdom of Wei was first established, and the capital was only newly built. I am afraid that no one would have thought that this capital located in the north would be attacked by outsiders so soon.

North of the city.

Cao Pi wore armor, led Wang Lang and other ministers, and personally supervised the battle at the top of the city.At this moment, seeing Chu Jun's imposing manner, he couldn't help but turn pale.

Is this the army of Chu State, a powerful country in the southeast?

Cao Pi said, and then asked himself, they have [-] miscellaneous troops, can they defend against the fierce attack of [-] troops?

"This is the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty, and there must be reinforcements around. As long as the skilled people live here, when the Duke of Wei returns, he will be rewarded for his merits. Fight the enemy bravely." Wang Lang, although not familiar with military affairs, was in Jiangdong back then. At that time, he also had some entanglements with the little overlord Sun Ce, and now he is getting stronger and stronger, shouting to boost morale.

"God bless me, Great Wei." Finally, Wang Lang stretched his arms and shouted.

"Bless me Da Wei."

"Bless me Da Wei."

Stimulated by Wang Lang, this miscellaneous army roared to embolden themselves.The temperament and appearance have also changed a little, and it seems to have a little momentum.

"The prince is really the pillar of the country's court." Cao Pi himself had no experience, so he could only make candles beside him. Seeing Wang Lang's morale boosting, he couldn't help but admire him.

"It's just a small skill. Whether you can persist or not depends on God's will." The shout just now cost Wang Lang a lot of energy, and some sweat appeared on his forehead. He stretched out his hand to wipe his forehead, and Wang Lang sighed.

"Wealth is in the sky." Cao Pi couldn't help but also sadly said.

"Swish, swish." When the two were talking, the Chu army was already very close to the city wall. Under the order of the guard Wu Xue, the soldiers on the top of the city released the bowstrings in their hands one after another. Down.



"..." Immediately, countless arrows were shot into the soldiers' bodies. Although they were blocked by leather armor, as long as they didn't hit vital points, they would not die.But the pain was unbearable.

Many soldiers couldn't help but shouted loudly.After all, there are many people who are not worthy.

But more soldiers rushed towards Yecheng fiercely.This army is the elite soldiers under Lu Xun's tent, and participated in the battle of Pingding Shanyue. If it is said to be fierce, it will not be much worse than the soldiers of Pang Tong, Xu Shu and others.

"Shoot again." Seeing that the first wave of arrows had no effect, Wu Xue couldn't help showing deep worry. Can they really stop this group of desperate soldiers?

But at this moment, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched.Wu Xue gritted his teeth and continued to order.

"Swish, swish." Immediately, a second wave of arrows poured down from the top of the city.

"Kill, kill, kill." The Chu army shouted louder, and countless soldiers rushed forward.Although Yecheng is a big city, it does not have a moat.

After all, it is the capital city, so we still need to pay attention to some dignity.

Therefore, the soldiers quickly approached the city wall, and the soldiers who were responsible for carrying the ladders immediately worked together to set up the ladders and leaned against the city wall.

Some soldiers began to climb up.At the same time, some powerful archers of the Chu army who were also close to the city wall began to shoot at each other from the archers on the city.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Under the counterattack of the archers, the arrows on the city suddenly weakened a lot.

"My lord avoids arrows." Wang Lang immediately pulled Cao Pi back.The ministers are not like this.But there was still one unlucky ghost who was shot by the arrow from the bottom up.

"Ah." An old minister covered his chest with his hands, yelled, and fell to the ground dead.

"This is war." Cao Pi swallowed hard, thinking in horror.He never thought that death would be so close to him.

"Splash boiling oil and smash boulders." Over there, Wu Xue took the risk of facing the arrows and commanded the army to defend the city.

"Bang bang bang."

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah?"

Besides, under the transportation of the soldiers of the Wei army, countless huge stones, logs, rolling oil and other defensive tools were used.The boulder fell, and countless Chu soldiers were smashed into a pulp without even uttering a scream.

When the boiling oil was poured down, countless soldiers screamed, or fell from heights and fell to their deaths.Or roll and howl on the ground.

"Kill, kill, kill."

But the Chu army did not retreat, and rushed towards Yecheng shouting and killing.

(To be continued)

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