It was noon.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the weather was very sultry.

After a whole morning of fighting, the corpses of Yecheng City were covered with blood.Pretty much every piece of good place is gone.Not only the head of the city, but also the walls are mottled with blood.

There are countless corpses under the city wall, and the death conditions are also strange.

Some were crushed to death, some were shot to death, and some were scalded to death.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

Cao Pi personally led the ministers to patrol the city. Although he felt sick, Cao Pi forced himself to be calm. Cao Pi is much better now than yesterday.

When the war just started yesterday, Cao Pi's face was frighteningly pale.

However, even if Cao Pi grows slightly, it still cannot change the current plight of Yecheng.The troops led by Lu Xun were too strong, almost a desperate onslaught.

From yesterday to today, the number of casualties on the city has exceeded six to seven thousand.Only 3000% of the soldiers were left.Although Lieutenant Xing Zhen recruited another group of [-] strong men during this process, they were very weak under Lu Xun's desperate attack.

After inspecting the city, Cao Pi and others returned to Duke Wei's mansion with a heavy heart.

In the hall of Duke Wei's mansion, Cao Pi knelt and sat next to the first person, and his momentum was already very grand.Below them are Wang Lang, Hua Xin, Xing Zhen, Xia Houshang and other ministers.

"Although it has been reported to the prefects in various places, some troops must be organized to rescue them. However, some old, weak, sick and disabled people in various places can only be harassed by Lu Xun. The real army still needs the return of my father's southern expedition army. But it is a long way from Hebei to Wancheng. Reinforcements are nowhere in sight. Now that the Chu army is attacking fiercely, they have come to Yecheng a few times. I wonder if you have a good strategy?" Cao Pi said in a deep voice.

"This." Wang Lang and Hua Xin looked at each other and fell silent. They also knew that Yecheng was in danger now.The possibility of staying and waiting for Cao Cao's reinforcements is very slim.

There is really no way.

But if it breaks through, it is a very serious problem.If Yecheng is lost like this, it may be burned and razed to the ground by Lu Xun's troops.

How could they bear this responsibility?

But if they don't break through, what will happen to the civil and military officials in the city, as well as the many children of Duke Wei Cao Cao, concubine Ji?This is a very difficult question, and it can be said that Wang Lang and Hua Xin are in a dilemma.

"With the green hills left, I am not afraid of lack of firewood. The city was razed to the ground, as long as the people are safe, it can be recast. Wei Guoguo has been defeated, as long as the officials are safe, it can be rebuilt." At this time, Xia Houshang He suddenly spoke again.

Because of his performance last time, Xia Houshang was temporarily promoted by Wang Lang and others.Known as Zuo Zhonglang.Currently the official commander of Cao Cao's thousand guards left in Yecheng.

At present, these guards have not participated in the battle. They are Cao Pi's last force and are intended to be used to break through.This group of guards is very powerful, and I am afraid that they are not inferior to Chu's broken army.

In other words, Cao Pi still has a little capital now.

Cao Pi was very moved by Xiahoushang's opinion, and he wanted to leave a long time ago.But losing the responsibility of the capital, he didn't want to fight anymore.Therefore, no words were spoken.

Cao Pi wanted to shift the responsibility to others.

But the people in the hall thought so too.Therefore, Xia Houshang's voice fell for a long time, and no one answered.In the end, it was Wang Lang who sighed: "General Xiahou is right. The city is dead and can be rebuilt, but the people are alive. Once they die, they are gone."

Wang Lang spoke first, which immediately relieved many people in the hall, including Cao Pi.I can finally break through, and this has lost the responsibility of the capital. If Cao Cao pursues it in the future, Wang Lang will be pursued first.

"Okay, get ready right away. Withdraw some Jingzhuang from the top of the city, and we will break out at night." Cao Pi slapped the table and said.

"Elder Master, wait a minute." At this time, Xia Houshang said.

"Boren?" Cao Pi turned his head suspiciously.

"Breakout is of course necessary, but the Chu army is very powerful. If they break through rashly, they may fall into a difficult battle. Therefore, we must use the tactics of suspicious soldiers." Xia Houshang said.

"Suspicious strategy?" Cao Pi's eyes lit up and said.

"Although we didn't send spies out of the city, there are three missing and one out of Lu Xun's siege, and no one in the south is attacking the city. I'm sure there must be an ambush on that side. But we did the opposite, sending one officer, one officer, and two The teams broke through, and the fake ones went south to attract the attention of the Chu army and increase the ambushes set up by the Chu army in the south. In this way, the troops in other directions were weakened, and then the real breakout team broke out to the east." Xia Houshang There was wisdom in his eyes, and he said.

"This is a feasible solution. But how can we attract the attention of the Chu army?" Cao Pi pondered for a moment, thinking that it was feasible, but still had doubts.

"Send a dead soldier into the Chu camp and tell Lu Xun that we are going to break out from the south of the city at night." Xia Houshang laughed when he heard this.Very simple, but very effective method.

"Okay." Cao Pi couldn't help shouting.

According to Xia Houshang's method, Lu Xun probably wanted to send more soldiers to the south to ambush.Ben didn't have much chance to break through, but now he created one.

"Immediately go down and get ready, adults, get ready too, and break out with me." Cao Pi calmed down after taking the case, and said to the ministers in the hall.

"No." The ministers made a promise, and all retreated one after another.But Wang Lang and Hua Xin stayed behind.

"My lord, the old man is really to blame for the destruction of the capital. I am willing to personally lead the suspected soldiers to break through to the south." Wang Lang raised his fist at Cao Pi.

When the capital city is destroyed, someone has to take the responsibility. Just now Wang Lang stepped forward, but now Wang Lang has already embraced the will to die and plans to die in the south of the city.

Cao Pi felt very guilty when he heard this, but even if he was a suspicious soldier, he couldn't let the soldiers below know.As one of the six ministers, Wang Lang can stabilize the morale of the army if he comes forward.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Cao Pi showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said: "The prince is one of the six ministers. It is very important. How can it be so? I should personally lead the suspects to break through."

Cao Pi is young, but his acting skills are really good.The face is almost equivalent to revealing the truth.

Wang Lang also believed it, and he couldn't help showing a look of relief on his face. He said: "My son is the eldest son of Wei Gong. He has the responsibility to inherit the Wei state. How can he personally take risks? Let the old minister go."

Although Hua Xin next to him was reluctant to part with Wang Lang, but at this moment, he also nodded and said, "Don't do this, Eldest Young Master."

"Prince." Cao Pi shed tears and choked up.

"Eldest Prince." Wang Lang and Hua Xin were very moved.

Several people were sentimental in the hall for a long time before Wang Lang, Hua Xin and others walked out.When the few people left, the sadness on Cao Pi's face disappeared immediately.

It's just that there is a little sigh in the eyes.

"I can only feel sorry for you, prince." After sighing, Cao Pi immediately got up and went to the backyard.

Now is not the time to be sentimental, Cao Pi should immediately ask Mrs. Bian to prepare.

Soon, Cao Pi came to Mrs. Bian's house and reported Xia Houshang's strategy.Cao Pi thought Mrs. Bian would readily agree.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Bian shook her head and said: "We are a group of old and weak, breaking out of the encirclement, it is really a burden, it can only hinder you."

"What if we don't break through?" Cao Pi was stunned and asked.

"Let's go south with Lord Wang." Mrs. Bian said calmly.

"To the south? Lu Xun must have set up an ambush over there. If you go here, you will never return. Mother." Cao Pi was surprised that Mrs. Bian would make such a decision.

"If I go east with you, can I break through? The old and the weak are the most difficult to move. Let's forget it." Madam Bian shook her head and said, and then said: "Not only me, but also the mansion The old and the weak are all the same. You only take your father’s older son to break out of the siege. The others are going south like me. However, you can’t spread this news, so as not to distract people.”

"Mother." After all, she was her own mother, unlike Wang Lang who was not related to her, but was also useful.Cao Pi couldn't help but red eyes.

"Okay, okay, stop acting like a child. Be strong, you are destined to be the man of Duke Wei." Seeing this, Mrs. Bian couldn't help reprimanding her.

"No." Seeing that Mrs. Bian had made up her mind, Cao Pi could only forcefully suppress the sadness in her heart, and promised.

Immediately, Cao Pi began to gather the old and the weak in the mansion, including Mrs. Bian, all the women of Cao Cao, concubine Ji.The young male, and Cao Cao's daughter and so on.Including the wives of Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Cao Zhang and other brothers.

Then Cao Pi told them to break out to the south at night.Take a good rest during the day.

Not only that, Cao Pi also invited ministers to discuss together.Let them also keep the old and the weak, or stay in the city, or break out to the south together.

He only brought his adult son along with the army and broke through to the east of the city.On the one hand, if you break through with the old, weak, sick and disabled, it will drag down the team.On the other hand, it is also estimated that Lu Xun will not be so tragic, killing the old and the weak, even if he is a prisoner, it is estimated that he will only be brought back to Chu State, or even let go.

After all, Lu Xun is also a gentry, not a warrior.Should be a little bit merciful.This proposal was approved by most of the ministers.

Only the adult son and some families will follow Cao Pi to break out.The old and the weak either stayed in the city or went south with their followers.After all, Mrs. Bian has already set an example.

Ministers are not too selfish.

However, Cao Pi himself is selfish, Mrs. Bian has made up her mind, and there is nothing he can do.He also gave up his women, but he couldn't give up his son.

Especially the eldest son Cao Rui, Cao Pi intends to take him away in private.

For this breakout, the entire city of Ye was almost in operation.As for the defender in the city, Lu Xun outside the city was not clear about Cao Pi's actions.

In the afternoon, another big battle.Countless people were killed and injured inside and outside the city.

until night falls.

In Weigong's mansion, Cao Pi hugged his young son Cao Rui, his eyes glowed with hope.

There are suspicious soldiers from the south, and they should be able to break out from the east.Cao Pi cheered for himself in his heart.

(To be continued)

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