While Cao Pi and others in the city were preparing to break out of the encirclement, Lu Xun outside the city was not idle either.

The east of the barracks is where the wounded gather.Lu Xun led some confidantes to the wounded barracks to comfort them.

At this moment, countless soldiers in the camp were either lying down or sitting.The expression is painful, there are wailers, and there are groans.This is the aftermath of a great war.

Especially in the onslaught, the casualties of the army were even greater.

Lu Xun has counted the three battalions, and the casualties of the army are seven to eight thousand.Three thousand dead and four to five thousand injured.

Every day after the war, Lu Xun would come over to comfort the wounded.

"General, there is a man outside the camp who claims to be the captain of Yecheng, asking to see him." At this moment, a soldier walked in from the door and said to Lu Xun.

"Lieutenant? Is there someone who surrendered from Yuecheng?" Lu Xun turned his head when he heard the words, and there was no surprise on his face. Now that the Chu army is attacking fiercely, it is estimated that the city will soon be unable to hold it. It is inevitable that people's hearts will fluctuate.

"I'll leave it to you here, remember not to be negligent. If there is any complaint from the soldiers, I will kill you." Lu Xun pondered for a moment, then said to the general in charge of the wounded barracks.

"No." The general replied with a solemn face.

Immediately, Lu Xun walked out.Soon, he returned to the vicinity of the Chinese army's big tent.Not long after Lu Xun sat down, some soldiers brought the man who claimed to be the captain of the city to Lu Xun.

The school lieutenant was about 40 years old, with a mediocre appearance and not much momentum.It's a very ordinary person.

"My little one pays respects to General Lu." After entering the big tent, the man cupped his fists at Lu Xun, with a flattering look on his face.

"Yeah." Lu Xun ignored the flattery and hummed lightly.After a pause, he asked: "You claim to be the captain of the city, but you don't know your name and where do you live?"

"The younger one is one of the four captains under General Wu Xue, the general of the city gate. His surname is Wang and his name is Cheng. His family is in Youzhou." Wang Cheng said, very smoothly, without any reluctance.

In Lu Xun's heart, he believed that this man had surrendered.

"It's really gratifying for the strong man to abandon the dark and turn to the light. Please rest assured, the strong man. If this battle is successful, I will allow the strong man to move to Youzhou to move to the family and return to Chu with me." Lu Xun said with a hearty smile.

"Thank you, General." Wang Cheng was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed down.

Immediately, Lu Xun spoke a few words with this man named Wang Cheng, asking about trivial matters.But Wang Cheng answered fluently.Now, Lu Xun was really relieved.

"I don't know what's going on in the city right now, what are Wang Lang and the others doing?" Suddenly, Lu Xun asked.

This is what Lu Xun is eager to know. Although Wang Cheng abandoned the city and surrendered, Lu Xun guessed that the situation in the city is very unstable, but he is not very clear after all.

Now Lu Xun's idea is to break through the city as quickly as possible, and then move Yecheng's treasury, arsenal, etc. back to Chu.

"General Qi, the current situation in the city is not stable. From the officials down to the people, people are in constant panic. Although General Xing Zhen, the lieutenant, recruited the people to guard the city, the effect was not good. However, there is still a army of Duke Wei in the city. The guards are brave and skilled soldiers, about a thousand of them. This is not a small force." Wang Cheng explained the situation in Ye City to Lu Xun in detail.

Undoubtedly, Wang Chengcheng was the one chosen by Cao Pi to deliver false information to Lu Xun as a dead man.As for revealing the truth about the city, it even included a thousand guards, because Cao Pi knew that if he wanted to deceive Lu Xun, he had to use strong medicine.

Only by telling the very truth, Lu Xun will have a greater chance of believing it.

"I see." Lu Xun nodded and said.One thing suddenly dawned on him.It stands to reason that as a capital city, even if it is defensively empty.

Even if the Chu army attacked very fiercely, it would not start to falter in just two days.

There should always be some strength.

It turned out that this power was hidden and not used to defend the city.Lu Xun was stunned.As for why it was hidden, of course it couldn't be hidden from Lu Xun, it must be used to break through.

Originally, Wang Cheng relied on these enough to deceive Lu Xun, and even played some tricks.But what Cao Pi told him was more than that.

"This time, besides abandoning the dark and turning to the bright, the little one also brought a piece of news." Wang Cheng said.

"Oh? What news?" Lu Xun let out a groan, and immediately came to the spirit.

"It's just, it's just." But Wang Cheng began to hem and haw, as if there was something hard to say.

"Haha, don't hesitate to be a strong man. Our state of Chu has always distinguished rewards and punishments. If there is really big news, I will ask for credit for the strong man in front of the Duke of Chu." Wang Cheng's just-right performance can really impress people. Lu Xun smiled heartily when he heard the words road.

"Then thank you, General." Wang Cheng was overjoyed. Immediately, he straightened his face and said, "The young one is one of the captains of the city gate, and he received some secret orders. At the time of the night, the eldest son Cao Pi, Zuo Zhonglang General Xia Houshang, Liu Qing Wang Lang, Hua Xin, Lieutenant Xing Zhen and others will lead Duke Wei and the families of civil and military officials to break out from the south of the city."

"Oh." Lu Xun groaned, his eyes flickering.Immediately, he laughed and said, "Okay, with the news of the strong man, I can lay an ambush in advance and capture Cao Pi and others alive. For this credit, I will ask Duke Chu afterwards."

"Thank you, General." Wang Cheng was overjoyed again and bowed down.

"Hahaha. The strong man was frightened in the city. Go down and rest first. Come, prepare wine and food for the strong man, and serve him well." Lu Xun shouted towards the door.

"Promise." A soldier came in from outside the door and bowed to Wang Chengyi: "Strong man please."

"Thank you." Wang Cheng clasped his fists, then bowed to Lu Xun, and left happily.

"Hmph." After Wang Cheng left, Lu Xun's face turned cold. If Wang Cheng's performance was just right, Lu Xun really believed in Wang Cheng.

But the last one is superfluous.

Encircle the direction where three are missing and one is missing, and the army is ambushed.Military classic.Now Cao Cao's famous generals and counselors have all been dispatched.There are no useful people in the city.

How can you recognize the false and the real, and see through his strategy?

Therefore, Cao Pi's people can only break out from the three directions of east, west, north, and it is absolutely impossible to break out from the south.This is Lu Xun's confidence.

Therefore, this person can be punished.

As for Lu Xun, he didn't order him to be killed, but he wanted to see if there was a follow-up.

Just when Lu Xun had a sneer on his face and was deep in thought.A soldier came in from outside the door and reported: "Report to the general, that strong man Wang accidentally knocked over a brazier and set fire to a tent when he was walking just now."

"Go and kill the man surnamed Wang." Now Lu Xun really believed that the guy named Wang Cheng was going to kill him.After a moment of silence, he said.

"No." The soldier was taken aback for a moment, but then immediately promised.

Although Lu Xun is young, his prestige is very high.

"This is the signal. Hey." After the soldiers left, Lu Xun sneered again.

Immediately, Lu Xun issued an order, ordering Lu Meng in the east of the city and a lieutenant in the west of the city to strengthen their guard.Cao Pi may break out.

As for the south of the city, Lu Xun still does not plan to send out troops to intercept it.

There were only 8000 troops, but they lost 2 to [-] people in continuous fighting.There are only more than [-] people left to defend the two sides.If they spread out again, they probably won't be able to stop them even if they want to.

Again, if someone breaks out to the south, Lu Xun will let him go.

But at this moment, on the north wall of Yecheng City.Cao Pi, Xia Houshang, and many other ministers of the Six Ministers were there.Their eyes all shot to the Chu army camp outside the city.

People have been dispatched, and the next step is to see if they can succeed.

"I don't know if it will be successful." After waiting for a long time, there was no signal.A minister couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Master Zhang, don't worry, Wang Chengnai is a very smooth talker. He will definitely be able to deceive Lu Xun." Another minister comforted.

Cao Pi, Xia Houshang and others did not speak, but their expressions were a little nervous, even Xia Houshang was the same.It is one thing to formulate a strategy calmly, and another to wait for the result.

Just then, someone exclaimed.

"Look, a camp of the Chu army is on fire."

Immediately, Cao Pi, Xia Houshang, Wang Lang and others raised their heads and stared at Chu Ying.I saw that the Chu army's camp, which was a large area of ​​darkness just now, suddenly had a point, which was bright.

It must not be the fire of a brazier, it must be a tent that has been set ablaze.

Cao Pi, Xia Houshang, Wang Lang and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Lang was even more delighted and said to Cao Pi, "Lu Xun has fallen into the trick, so you can leave with peace of mind, my lord."

Of course Cao Pi was delighted, but Wang Lang wanted to lead the suspects south for them.He has the will to die and is extremely loyal.

Of course Cao Pi would not show his joy, but sighed and said, "I can go, but the prince has suffered."

"As long as the eldest son and all the sons are safe, the old minister will feel relieved." Wang Lang said with a smile, very open-minded.

Hua Xin all around sighed for Wang Lang, but no one stood up to replace Wang Lang.

After talking on the top of the city for a while, everyone went down.Although it was Zishi's suspected soldiers going south, after all, there were too many things to prepare, and it took a little time to gather.

Late at night, midnight.

At this moment, there is a team in the south of the city.There are quite a lot of soldiers around, horse-drawn carriages gathered, and there are many slaves in the prime of life.

Cao Cao's wife, Mrs. Bian, and some wives and concubines, some wives and concubines and children of Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Cao Zhang and other brothers.And Cao Cao's underage son and so on.

A large number of Duke Wei's relatives are there.

In addition, there are family members of civil and military officials, the youngest son and so on.More importantly, Wang Lang, one of the Six Ministers, often rides his horse around.

Therefore, although there are some wise older wives, for their own husbands, adult sons are missing.Some doubts, but did not pursue too much.

Little did they know that their husbands and grown sons were not there.They were waiting for the next bus to break out from the east of the city.


When Zishi arrived, Wang Lang gave an order, and the gates of Yecheng were opened.Wang Lang led the suspicious soldiers to the south.

This old minister already has a will to die in his heart. If he is captured, he will kill himself.

Wang Lang made up his mind.

(To be continued)

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