As the city gate slowly opened, the team headed south under the leadership of Wang Lang.

This team is very large, because there are countless families of dignitaries.But the most distinguished one belonged to one of the carriages.

It is very luxurious, and there are many special guards around it.

It was the carriage that Mrs. Cao Cao and Mrs. Bian were riding in.

At this moment, Mrs. Bian was holding a young son of Cao Pi in her arms, her face was full of sadness and joy.

"I hope the father and son are safe." Mrs. Bian thought to herself, looking at the young grandson in Lou's arms.

She has made up her mind that if she is captured by the Chu army.When poisoned to death.

And at this moment, in the east of the city.

There was another fine team waiting to leave the city. This team was all grown-ups, all able to ride horses, without a carriage.At that time, the Liuqing, Zuo Zhonglang general Xia Houshang, the eldest son Cao Pi and other sons of Cao Cao were all there.

At this moment, everyone's faces were a little sad.The rest of the ministers were fine, thinking that Lu Xun of Chu State was from a noble family, even if their family members were captured, it would be no big deal.

But Cao Pi and other brothers are different. If their mother's underage brothers are caught by the Chu army, the situation can be imagined.

But they just can't break through with the old and the weak.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow."At this moment Cao Xiong began to cry.

"A man, be brave in the face of danger. Don't act like a little boy." Cao Pi was also in a bad mood. Hearing Cao Xiong's cry, he couldn't help being more annoyed, and snorted coldly.

"Yeah." As the eldest brother, Cao Pi has always been powerful. Although Cao Xiong still felt sad, he held back and stopped crying.It's just that the eye sockets are still very red, and occasionally weep.

"Father, I'm sleepy." At this time, a childish voice sounded beside Cao Pi.

It was a little boy, who was very delicate.This is the well-known Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui in later generations.An emperor on horseback who knows the power of the army.

"Cheer up, don't sleep at night." Cao Pi said, also very cold.Although he is loving in his heart, Cao Pi's heart is unstable when he is about to break out.

Seeing his father speak in a cold voice, Cao Rui's heart skipped a beat, and he obediently stopped talking.

In this atmosphere, about half an hour passed.

Xia Houshang asked the people below for the time, and knew in his heart that it was time to set off.He couldn't help taking a few steps forward, came to Cao Pi's side, and said in a low voice, "Ziheng, it's almost there."

"En." Cao Pi nodded in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Xia Houshang immediately turned around to give an order, and soon everyone began to cheer up.Because they know that the next step is to break through.

Immediately, Cao Pi sat on the horse with the young Cao Rui in his arms.Soon after, Xia Houshang led Cao Cao's thousand guards to the front.

All iron armor, Wei Dao.The eyes are very sharp, revealing a kind of firmness and faith.This is a strong army, Cao Pi and others broke through tonight, it all depends on this elite army.

Some miscellaneous soldiers on both sides are just for cover.

"Kaicheng." After everything was arranged properly, Xia Houshang gave an order.

The gate of Yecheng was opened again, with a thousand guards in front, Cao Pi and other dignitaries in the middle, and some auxiliary soldiers on both sides to support them.

To the vast night.


The suspect team in the south of the city is still moving forward quickly.

Wang Lang originally had a will to die in his heart.Therefore, they kept their faces tense along the way, holding the hilt of the sword at their waist with their right hand, ready to slay themselves with the sword immediately if there was any trouble.

But after walking for half an hour, they didn't even find any ambushes.

Suddenly, doubts arose in Wang Lang's heart.

Three circles are missing one, and the missing one must be a trap.This is a military classic.But most of the ambushes will not ambush too far.

And they had been gone for nearly half an hour.

Although they are all old and weak, but they are riding in a carriage, and the entourage around them are also strong men, and the marching speed is very fast.But still no ambush.

What exactly is going on.

Wang Lang couldn't help frowning and thinking hard.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, Wang Lang's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted, "Stop."

Immediately, he turned his horse's head around and rushed to Madam Bian's carriage behind him.Although the guards with the surname were at a loss, they still ordered to stop.

When Wang Lang came to the side of Mrs. Bian's carriage, he immediately got off the horse.Said: "Ma'am, the situation is not right."

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Bian was a little puzzled when she felt the carriage stopped suddenly, and then Wang Lang suddenly spoke, which shocked Mrs. Bian, thinking that she had discovered the Chu army's ambush.

He couldn't help hugging the young grandson in his arms tightly.

Although Mrs. Bian also has the will to die, but after all, women are still very timid and nervous when things come to an end.

Beside the carriage, Wang Lang looked very ugly.Gritting his teeth, he said: "The old minister suspects that the south of the city is a way of life. It is a way of life that Lu Xun didn't have enough soldiers and horses. Instead, there are heavy troops in the other three directions."

This is what Wang Lang just wanted to understand just now, and he was very shocked and terrified.

Surrounded by three and missing one, it is a classic of military strategists.The missing piece is definitely a dead end, this is their consistent thinking.But I didn't expect Lu Xun to do the opposite, and the end of life became the end of life.

The rest of the roads are heavily guarded and heavily guarded.

This is a counter-movement, a counterfeit plan.It is expected that they will not go through the south gate.According to the rumors, that Lu Xun was only in his [-]s and [-]s, which was truly terrifying.

"What?" Madam Bian yelled in the carriage.

The young grandson in her arms couldn't help but fell down. "Wow wow wow." The fall was not light, and a child's cry suddenly sounded in the car.But Mrs. Bian turned a deaf ear to it.

Her face was pale, even desperate.

I thought she would sacrifice herself, taking the dragged old and weak as bait.It gave Cao Pi and others a way out.Unexpectedly, instead they took the road of life.

Cao Pi and the others are going to a dead end.

"Oh my God." Madam Bian was in despair, but soon Madam Bian realized that there was Wang Lang next to her, as if grasping at the last straw, she said, "Lord Wang, what should we do now?"

Wang Lang was silent for a long time when he heard the words, before he sighed and said: "We have been walking for more than half an hour. At this time, the eldest son and the others must have already set off, and it is too late."

Wang Lang was in a bad mood, all of them were old and weak.And Cao Pi's one is the essence.There are important ministers in the dynasty, including five Liuqing alone, Lieutenant Xing Zhen, and even almost all the older sons of Cao Cao.

Except for Cao Zhang and Cao Yu, everyone is there.

If this is captured by the Chu army, their Wei State will not only lose their capital, but also lose a lot of talents.was a huge hit.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Cao Cao's youngest sons all followed.It won't make Cao Cao weak.Still, that's pretty insignificant compared to what's lost.

Wang Lang thought bitterly in his heart.

"My son." Mrs. Bian yelled when she heard the words, and passed out.


In the east of the city, Wang Lang and Mrs. Bian have already escaped from Cao Pi, who ascended to heaven, and are still leading the army to break through.

This time the Chu army's siege was different from the general siege.Lu Xun's army was built only 200 meters away from the city, in order to be close.Prevent Cao Pi and the others from escaping.

But the disadvantage is also very obvious. If a strong soldier comes out at this time, it may not be able to cope.

However, thanks to Wang Cheng's blessing, Lu Xun knew that Cao Pi might have led his troops to break through tonight, so most of the soldiers did not sleep.Even if he fell asleep, he couldn't get rid of his armor while sleeping, with the knife at his side.

Always be ready to respond.

The guard of the camp in the east of the city is Lu Meng.Because of Lu Xun's order, Lu Meng hadn't fallen asleep at the moment. He even wore armor and led some soldiers to patrol the camp.

When the state of Wu fell, Lv Meng left the field by himself, and then defected to the state of Chu.Later, he became a general of Chu, helping Zhuge Jin, Lu Xun and others to level the mountains.

At this moment, the national strength of Chu State has been flourishing.Naturally, Lu Meng was even more determined to serve Chu.Therefore, everything is taken seriously.

"What time is it now?" After inspecting the camp, Lu Meng asked with a trace of exhaustion on his face, but still pulled himself together.

"It's half past the hour." A guard said immediately.

"It's a good time at this time. If Cao Pi really wants to break through, it will be a matter of two hours." Lu Meng nodded and said.

"Order, the whole army is on alert, and it's going to be intensive."

Lu Meng shouted loudly.

"No." The soldier promised, and immediately turned and left.

Not long after the soldiers left, they heard a soldier outside the camp shouting: "Cao Jun has opened the city, Cao Jun has opened the city."

Lu Meng suddenly stood up and shouted: "Get ready to meet the enemy."

Lu Meng had already dispatched spies to listen at a closer distance.Squeeze in late at night, and a small noise can reveal your whereabouts.

Of course, the spies were not confused either.He would not shout when the city gate was just opened, it must be fully opened, and Cao Jun would only shout when he was halfway out.

This is just right, Cao Jun happened to be halfway out and couldn't go back.You can only lead the army to stand out.

"Cao Mengde, look at today I captured your whole family alive." Lu Meng's heart was full of pride.

Following Lv Meng's order, pairs of soldiers rushed out from all directions, and immediately gathered at the south camp, which is the gate of the camp in the direction of Yecheng.

Those soldiers who slept together were no exception.

But at this time, Cao Pi and the others only paid half.The thousand guards had just left, and Cao Pi and others had just entered the city gate.At this time, the spies shouted that Cao Jun had opened the city.

Immediately, Cao Pi and others were shocked.

Wasn't Wang Cheng's strategy a success?Lu Xun should have sent a large number of troops to ambush in the south of the city. Why are the guards here still so tight?

Cao Pi and others couldn't figure it out.

But this time is not the time to think about these things.Now that the team has just left halfway, it is too late to go back.Cao Pi and Xia Houshang looked at each other, gritted their teeth and said, "Kill, break out."


In the dark night, the sound of shouting and killing arose.The sky is full of murderous intentions.

(To be continued)

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