Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 849 Cao Wei suffered a heavy loss


A cry of killing sounded, making many people tremble in their hearts.

Although in today's troubled times, most people have some understanding of military affairs.But after all, they are all rich and powerful, and it is rare for this kind of collective breakthrough to happen.

There are some dignitaries whose legs are trembling.

But at present, breaking through the siege may not die, but sitting in the city will definitely be captured.Therefore, most people gritted their teeth and pulled out the sabers around their waists.

He yelled: "Kill."

The shouts of this group of people were powerful, but they were actually just putting on airs.But the shouts of the thousand Cao Cao guards in front were murderous, very, very fierce.

At this moment, Lu Meng had already rode his horse to the gate of the camp.There are a large number of archers and swordsmen in front, and there are more soldiers behind.

But Lu Meng's face changed when he felt the murderous shout, and he shouted: "You are an elite soldier, don't take it lightly."

Cao Cao's thousand guards have amazing combat power.

"Beat the drum. Summon the troops from the north and west of the city." Immediately, Lu Meng gave another order.

Although the troops in the west and north of the city have a distance of more than ten miles, it is impossible to come here in a hurry.But at least it's better than nothing, and maybe the war lasts for a while.

Lu Meng certainly hoped that they could defeat this army that had broken through and capture Cao Pi alive.But you can't help but plan for the worst.

"Dong dong dong."

After the shouts of killing, the thunderous sound of beating drums also sounded.

Snare drums can strengthen courage.It was dark at night, and many soldiers were playing drums mentally, but now that the army drums sounded, their courage suddenly increased.

"Kill." With the sound of beating drums to boost the momentum, the Chu army's momentum suddenly increased, and they also roared, ready to meet the enemy.


In the north of the city, Lu Xun's camp.

Lu Xunben was kneeling in the big tent, closing his eyes and resting his mind.When the beating drum sounded, Lu Xun immediately opened his eyes.

"East of the city?"

After listening for a moment, Lu Xun sneered.

"Come here, pull up the army and go to the east of the city." Lu Xun yelled, and with the help of his own soldiers, he put on his armor and mounted his horse, and led the army to the east of the city.


east of the city.In front of the main camp of Chu Camp.

The armies of both sides are already very close.After all, there are only two hundred steps away.

"Fire the arrows." Lu Meng ordered.

"Swish, swish." Immediately, countless arrows flew out.But Cao Cao's guards were all wearing iron armor, except for a few people who were shot in the face and other vital points, they had no effect at all.

"The archers retreated, bowed their bows and shot at their rear. Chu Dao stepped forward to block." Although it was not very clear in the dark, Lu Meng didn't know what kind of troops the opponent was, but from the sporadic screams, Lu Meng just Judging that the opponent is either an armored army, or some soldiers holding shields.

Immediately ordered.


The soldiers made a promise and immediately changed formation.The archers retreated, and the Chu sabers immediately stepped forward to fill the vacant space.It is necessary to fight close to the person who comes.

"Whoosh whoosh."

The archers retreated, but they did not sit idle. They bent their bows upwards and fired arrows forward in an arc.

Countless arrows slanted down.

"Ah, ah, ah." Now, countless screams sounded in the darkness.Many civil and military officials and dignitaries who followed were shot by arrows. The lucky ones were only injured, and the unlucky ones fell to the ground immediately.


Hearing the screams behind him, Xia Houshang's face turned ashen, he drew out the Wei knife from his waist, and shouted.

"Kill." The thousand guards roared and rushed forward.

"Kill." The soldiers of the Chu army counterattacked without fear.

"Puchi, puchi."


"Ah, ah."

Immediately, the sound of the collision of weapons, the sound of swords piercing into flesh, and the screams of people sounded one after another, which was very chaotic and bloody.

But in this brief contest, the Chu army was still at a disadvantage.On the one hand, the soldiers of the Chu army were not protected by iron armor, on the other hand, although this Chu army was elite.

But it is not as good as all the personal guards around Cao Cao.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." From the beginning of the fight, the thousand guards started a near slaughter.A face to face, do not know how many Chu soldiers were killed.

"Be full of strength, then decline. Hold on." Lu Meng's expression did not change a bit, he just yelled.

"Kill." Finally, after hundreds of soldiers fell, the Chu army finally stabilized.With a cry of killing, he stabilized the situation slightly.

On the other hand, the thousand guards became a little blunt because of the heavy armor.Although the defense of this army is very strong, it is actually not conducive to breaking out.

"Rush out, rush out." Xia Houshang couldn't help shouting as he watched clearly from behind.

There are Chu troops in the north and west, although they dare not come back for a while.But if this stalemate continues, it must be Xuan.Of course Xia Houshang was anxious.

"Kill." Amidst Xia Houshang's roar, the thousand guards once again burst out with elite combat power, roared, and moved forward step by step.

Their amazing defense is like a heavy tank, overwhelming everything.

"Hateful. The spear is in your hand." Lu Meng's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted.

Following Lu Meng's order, a group of spearmen immediately stepped forward.Although the spear is really inferior to the Wei knife, it is a long weapon after all.Fighting between the armies of the two sides, the spearmen formed a city wall, and the spears lay across the front, which still had a certain power.

As the spearman stepped forward, the long spear immediately turned into a city wall, resisting Cao Jun's attack again.

"Kill, kill, kill." Although Yiqian guards were very courageous, and they did not hesitate to die, and rushed to kill, but for a while, they couldn't get away.

"What's the matter? Didn't Wang Cheng succeed? How can the Chu army camp still have such combat power?" Cao Pi in the rear had lost his composure just now, and sternly floated on his face, roaring.

They have put in too much hard work for this breakout.Even Mrs. Bian personally risked herself, and Wang Lang took the lead.But looking at the current situation, the Chu army does not appear to be divided at all.

The army is strong enough to block their attacks.

For a while, he couldn't break out.

What's going on, what's going on.Cao Pi yelled in his heart.

"Father." Cao Rui, who was in front of Cao Pi, made a timid voice. Facing the shouts of killing all around him, he was very frightened.

"Don't be afraid." Cao Pi stretched out his hand and patted Cao Rui's cheek, not knowing whether to encourage his son or himself.

But Cao Pi's heart was still pounding, and his heart beat very fast.This is the first time he has experienced the battle. For some reason, he suddenly remembered his elder brother Cao Ang who died in the battle in Wancheng.

Cao Ang was originally the eldest son of Cao Cao, and he was very valued.After Cao Ang died in battle, Cao Pi became the eldest son.

Is it true that as the eldest son of Cao Cao, he must have this report?

Cao Pi finally felt fear in his heart.

At this moment, an arrow flew towards him.



A familiar voice sounded next to him.Cao Pi turned his head to look, but he was terrified and cold.His same mother and brother, that is, Cao Xiong who was crying in front of the city gate just now, was shot and fell to the ground.

"Kill, kill, get out quickly." Cao Pi finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart, and shouted.

The thousand guards in front are Cao Cao's guards.They are all carefully selected and experienced.Originally, if it was stable, then attack.

Maybe Cao Pi can break out of the siege.

But following Cao Pi's impetuousness, the young Xia Houshang also became impetuous.

"Come on, let's go out and talk." Xia Houshang ordered.

"Kill." The thousand guards who were still in a stalemate immediately rushed forward to kill.

"Ah, ah, ah." Countless guards were stabbed to death by Chu army's spears in the process.Although they finally broke through the spear formation and came to the front, they suffered a lot of casualties.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." After approaching, the Wei swords held by the guards showed their power, and they chopped down the Chu army's spearmen one by one.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Rows of spearmen fell screaming.

"Chu Dao stepped forward." Lu Meng was very calm. Just now the spearmen not only blocked it for a while, but also killed many guards, which is enough.

Even if they were all killed, he wouldn't feel bad.

"Kill." At Lu Meng's order, the Chu sabers who were hiding in the back charged forward again.

At this moment, the thousand guards have been fighting for a long time.The heavy armor on their bodies gradually slowed their movements, and their highly tense spirits also affected them at this moment.

"Puchi, puchi."

The Chu sabers who rushed forward again finally stabilized the situation. Although they were still at an absolute disadvantage, the ratio of casualties between the two sides was no longer so disparate.

But Lu Meng did not relax his vigilance. This elite army is really powerful, almost comparable to Chu's broken army.What's more, this group of soldiers are still wearing iron armor and have excellent defense, so they are not easy to kill.

If you underestimate it, you will definitely be bitten back.

Lu Meng did not dare to relax, and kept on the defensive, not daring to attack rashly.

But Xia Houshang was inexperienced, and he saw a thousand guards fighting repeatedly.Can't help feeling anxious, turned around and yelled at Cao Pi: "Zi Heng, what should we do now?"

Cao Pi was terrified, thinking that the battle ahead had been defeated.Immediately shouted: "Scatter around, let's break through."

As soon as the voice fell, Cao Pi took the lead in riding his horse and heading south.Behind him, Hua Xin and other civil and military ministers, as well as some auxiliary soldiers rushed out with Cao Pi.

Others headed north.

The dispersal of these people also affected the fighting spirit of the thousand guards.Immediately, many people were shaken and retreated.Although there are diehards who are also resisting, but after all, there are few people.

The trend of defeat gradually formed.

"The archers shoot north and south. And send spies to chase them down." Seeing that the enemy army did not break up, Lu Meng finally breathed a sigh of relief and calmly ordered.

"Swish, swish, swish." Following Lu Meng's command, countless arrows flew out.

"Ah." Immediately following some civil and military officials killed by Cao Pi, countless people screamed and fell to the ground.


Xia Houshang, one of the core figures of the second generation of Cao's Xiahou clan, the great general who conquered the south after Cao Wei, was shot in the back by an arrow because he was a little late in retreating.

With a scream, he fell to the ground and was not shot directly by the arrow, but was trampled to death by some war horses later.

Today is destined to be the day when Cao Wei suffered heavy losses.

(To be continued)

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