Liaodong Gongsun family.

From Gongsundu, he has been dominating Liaodong, defeating the Dongyi people in the east, and exploiting Sanhan in the south.Although he is called the governor of Liaodong, he actually owns the five counties of Lelang, Xuantu, Lintun, and Zhenfan.

It can be said to dominate East Asia.

If the Gongsun family is counted as the powerful Yan State, its current land area is actually much larger than that of North Korea.

Gongsun Kang raised more than [-] troops to compete with Cao Cao, and he actually had that capital.

However, although Gongsun Kang occupied the land of North Korea, his center of gravity was still in Liaodong.Most of the deployment of the army and the prosperous cities are in Liaodong.

This is the only strange place, obviously in the Korean peninsula, there is still a land as big as a county, which is occupied by Sanhan, waiting for Gongsun Kang to conquer, why he didn't go.

In Liaodong, there is a small seaside town called Tunyue. This is an important base of Gongsun Kang's Tunza Navy. There are about [-] or [-] ships and an army of [-] to [-].

The military power formed by this small city is enough to deter Qingzhou.

However, the only pity is that there is no civil power to carry out sea shipping.Because the risks at sea are too great, the small town is always a small town, not very prosperous.

This day, in the port.

Numerous soldiers of Yan State are training on land, all with spears and short knives, carrying out assassination.

"Kill, kill."

The sound of shouting and killing can be heard endlessly.

Although the navy of the Yan State is strong, the overall strength of the Yan State is not good at present. Gongsun Kang's navy is not very useful, but because of the loss of a lot of infantry, Gongsun Kang has ordered the soldiers in the port to start training the number of assassinations.

If the battle is unfavorable, they can act as pawns temporarily.

Instead, their warships were moored at sea, with few people guarding them.

In fact, there is no need to take care of it, because the power of the Gongsun family of Yan State in this generation is extremely powerful, who would dare to rob the warship?

However, today is destined to be the day when the guard here, and even Gongsun Kang, want to cry without tears.

Because a black spot appeared on the surface of the sea, and the black spot became bigger and bigger, and finally it could be clearly seen that this was a sea team.


A handsome Chu flag was blown by the sea breeze, fluttering.

"what is that?"

The first person who discovered that the situation was wrong was a soldier in charge of the defense. He had come out to relieve himself, but as soon as he took off his pants, he discovered the large sea-going ship in front of him.

There were dozens of sea ships, which immediately made him dumbfounded.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack." Soon, the screams of the soldiers rang out, piercing the sky, which was a signal of sorrow for the entire Yan Kingdom.

But it was over. The sea breeze at this moment happened to be from south to north, which happened to be a favorable wind for these sudden appearance of enemy ships.

Almost at the same time as the soldiers' voices sounded, these big Chu ships had already reached the shore.

"Get off the boat and rush over."

The ship had just docked, and the hull was still shaking.But Lu Xun was already standing at the bow of the boat, pulled out the Chu knife from his waist, and shouted loudly.


Fang Dao and Lu Meng each led the troops under their tents and rushed to kill them.

The 8000 Chu army went out to fight, and consumed [-] to [-] people in Yecheng. Now there are still [-] to [-] who can fight, and they swarmed up and killed the camp not far from the shore.

"What's going on?" At this moment, in the camp ground, although the shouts of the soldiers during training were very loud, the screams of the soldiers just now were still faintly heard.

The leading general couldn't help frowning.

This general is about 40 years old, and Gongsun Kui is a member of Gongsun Kang's clan.Guanju Zhonglang general, has commanded the navy for a long time, and his ability is not bad.

"I'll go and have a look." A young general beside Gongsun Kui cupped his fists and immediately stepped off the stage.However, before he stepped down from the general platform, a large army suddenly appeared.

At first, there were two generals, both of whom looked young.But one is more atmospheric, and the other is more gangster.

"Lu." "Fang" placed flags beside them on both sides, and what caught people's attention even more was the handsome flag with the word "Chu" in the middle of them.

It's simply dazzling.

"Chu?" Gongsun Kui stared blankly at the flag, a little dazed.

Chu State is not an unfamiliar name to Gongsun Kui. As early as a few years ago, Chu State's caravan entered Liaodong more than once.

But that was just a caravan, and it was the first time he had seen the army of Chu State.

But immediately, Gongsun Kui reacted and let out an even more shrill cry.

"Enemy attack."

But no matter how miserable it is, his army is currently in the middle of training, which consumes a lot of physical strength, and because of the sudden appearance of the Chu army, they have no time to prepare mentally.



Lu Meng and Fang Dao led their respective armies and surrounded them from the left and right.The soldiers followed closely, and the speed of their actions was simply beyond imagination.

"Puchi, puchi."

Almost three or two times, countless Yan soldiers fell to the ground.

"Get out, get out." Gongsun Kui looked extremely anxious and shouted.This time it was too abrupt, too abrupt.They are like sheep.

Following Gongsun Kui's order, many warriors in the army led some soldiers to break through and retreat.But at this moment, a strong war horse appeared.

On the horse, a general dressed in silver stood proudly.Surrounded by countless archers.It was Lu Xun.

"Shoot him." Lu Xun ordered, pointing at Gongsun Kui who was on the stage.No need to look, Lu Xun also knew that it was the enemy general, and now they came unexpectedly.

The Yan army was basically unprepared. As long as the main general was shot, the army would be over.After the captives are reorganized, they will be the army of Chu State.


Following Lu Xun's order, countless archers agreed, bent their bows and set their arrows, and shot them in a moment.

"Swish, swish, swish." Countless arrows flew towards the low point general platform like locusts.

Immediately, Gongsun Kuihai's dead soul rushed out, because there were too many of them, and there was no time to escape.

"Puchi, puchi."

The sound of arrows piercing flesh kept ringing, and countless arrows pierced Gongsun Kui's body.Almost instantly, Gongsun Kui, a general of the Yan Kingdom, was shot into a hedgehog.

All of a sudden, the sound of fighting in the school grounds fell silent.

It's like going from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, very weird.

But not long after, countless soldiers began to put down their weapons and knelt on the ground.

One is by surprise, and the other is that the main general will be killed.

In one fell swoop, this Gongsun Kang set up a navy of [-] to [-] people in the southeastern section of Liaodong.

"Get the food first, and then collect the weapons."

Seeing this, Lu Xun immediately ordered.

"No." The messenger beside him promised, and immediately passed on the order.The next step is simple, just accept the soldiers.

Lu Xun personally led the team to the granary.

When he was in Yecheng, Lu Xun burned a lot of food because the food was worthless in Chu, but now he regrets it.Because if you want to capture the four counties of Han and open up North Korea and Sanhan, you must have countless grains.

At the very least, we must persist until the arrival of the Chu army's follow-up supplies and the army.

However, Lu Xun's expression was overjoyed afterwards, because there was a lot of grain in the granary, which was enough to feed an army of [-] to [-] for four or five months.

Immediately, Lu Xun couldn't help but think of the trade between Liaodong and Chu. The most exported by Chu to Liaodong is grain.There should be a lot of grain storage in Liaodong now.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Xun couldn't help laughing and said, "This business is doing well, the cheapest one is our Chu State."

The trade matter allowed Chu State to obtain a large number of war horses, which led to the rise of Zhao Yun and the rise of Chu State cavalry, otherwise Chu State would not have any war horses.

And the export of food has made them cheaper today, which is really a very refreshing thing.

It's like Chu State first stationed food in Liaodong, and then their army came over, took it on the spot, and then they could fight.

"General, the soldiers have been taken care of. This is the roster." When Lu Xun was in the granary, Fang Dao came over, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand, and said to Lu Xun.

"How many soldiers?"

Lu Xun asked.

"There are 380 people." Fang Dao opened the bamboo slips, looked at them and looked up.

"A lot of people were killed just now, but there should be [-] more." Lu Xun nodded and said, and then asked, "How many ships?"

This is what Lu Xun is more concerned about. How many ships can take away how much food.That is to say, Lu Xun was able to lead his troops to loot several cities.

Now they are alone without reinforcements and without supplies.Fortunately, the army has 4 to [-] people, and the Chu army has a high combat effectiveness, and there is Lu Meng beside them.

Lu Xun is confident that he can defend for a long time.But food.Food looks like a lot, but what you can take away is your own.

"There are more than 80 ships, more than ours." Fang Dao said with excitement on his face.

"Well, that's fine."

Lu Xun nodded and said.

Soon, Lu Meng also arrived.While Lu Xun ordered his soldiers to load grain onto the big ship, on the other hand, he led Lu Meng and Fang Dao to the large tent of the Chinese army.

One thing that is more tangled is that they do not have a map of Liaodong.However, what is gratifying is that there is actually a map in the big tent.

Very detailed map.Embroidered on the screen.

At that moment, Lu Xun, Lu Meng, and Fang Dao gathered in front of the screen.

"We are in this position now, and it looks a bit far away from Xiangping, but the cavalry is very fast. We don't have much time." Lu Xun pointed to the southernmost point of the Liaodong Peninsula, and then pointed to Xiangping on the map, Rubbing his chin.

"The only way to break through these places is as soon as possible."

Lu Meng next to him said something, and then pointed to another naval base near Liaodong. According to intelligence, that naval base was smaller, with about 5000 people stationed there.

The rest of the targets are the cities that radiate from where they are now.

Scattered and looted the cities, and emptied the food, gold and silver from each city.Conveniently, some rich households were also looted.Then, before the arrival of Gongsun Kang's cavalry, they went out to sea by boat.

Gongsun Kang's navy has only two places. After the details, he has no navy.In this way, you will not be able to catch up with them.Then, they Yang Fan entered Lelang County.

On the edge of the Yalu River, a group of beacon towers was established, relying on the Yalu River to resist Gongsun Kang's cavalry, and then dispatched troops to nibble at the three counties of Zhenfan, Lintun, and Lelang, and broke through Sanhan to the south.

Occupy the whole of Korea.Establish an enclave large enough to serve as a garrison for Chu.As long as there is a strong navy, the various resources of Chu State, the people, soldiers, generals, and officials.can be continuously supplied.

Carve out a state of land.

This is Lu Xun's entire plan to destroy the country and open up the territory this time.

(To be continued)

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