After capturing a military port outside Tunyue City, Lu Xun and his Chu army seemed to be out of control.

An army of more than 3 people, of which [-] were led by Fang Dao, took the surrendered [-] Yan army Yang Fan to sea to attack another Yan State naval base, Xiping.

Among them, [-] troops, led by Lu Xun and Lu Meng personally, radiate outward in a fan-shaped manner with Tunyue as a center.

The cities and villages they passed by.All of them were the targets of looting by the Chu army.

It's better to encounter villages. The Chu army only looted rich households. Of course, they only robbed the food that the wealthy households could afford, not murder and looting.When you encounter a city, you must rob the government and treasury.

Gold, silver, money, food, everything.


It was another port at the southern end of the Liaodong Peninsula where Fangadao sailed for the first time.

This port has an extraordinary significance for Fangtao. Since arriving here, Fangtao has started to make a remarkable fortune, and now he is even more expensive as a general.

Sealed the Marquis of Guan Nei, led the navy with [-] troops, and guarded one side.

Because of him, Fang Dao overcame various difficulties and led the fleet to Xiping.But today, Fang Dao wants to occupy this port, and then settle here.

After recruiting soldiers and waiting for Lu Xun and Lu Meng to return the countless supplies they robbed, Yang Fan went to sea again to go to Zhenfan.

Soon, about one hundred and fifty large sea-going ships controlled by Fang Dao arrived near Xiping.

Countless fishermen along the way stared at this large group of warships in astonishment. Even with the powerful Liaodong navy, it is rare to see such a large-scale sea-going ship.

Most of the fishermen were illiterate. They didn't know the difference between the handsome flag with the word "Chu" hanging on the bow and the handsome flag with the word "Yan". They just thought it was the army of Yan State.

Many people bowed down on their boats.Unbeknownst to them, these days are the darkest days of Yan State, and the large-scale invasion of Chu State has arrived.

Lu Xun practiced the kingly way, and he generally did not offend the common people, especially the poor ones.Fang Dao also learned a lot during this period, and he didn't do much to these fishermen.

They headed straight for the port.

At this moment, Xiping Port has not received news that Tunyue has been breached, and they are still living a peaceful life.

It's just that the days are a little calm and scary, which makes the generals and soldiers lose their spirits.At that time, Chu State and Yan State traded war horses and grain, and because they were close to the water, they got the moon first.

The whole army can get a lot of benefits, and since Gongsun Kang ordered to stop trading with the Chu army some time ago, their lives have become ordinary and have no income.

The blow to morale is relatively large.

"Huh? A merchant ship? Is it a merchant ship from the Chu army?" Many soldiers were listlessly standing on the ship.Suddenly, a sharp-eyed soldier spotted a fleet in the south. He was startled at first, but after a while, he pointed excitedly.

He is also illiterate, but he can distinguish the word "Chu".

"It's really a caravan from Chu State, it's really a caravan from Chu State. That so-and-so, hurry up and report to the general." After seeing it, some other soldiers became excited and couldn't help shouting .

Immediately, some people were separated from the soldiers, jumped off the big boat, spread their feet and rushed to the camp not far away.

"My lord, my lord."

The rest also came to the shore, waving their arms constantly, calling out to the adults.

"Huh?" On the bow, Fang Dao saw the enthusiasm of the Yan army in the distance, hummed lightly, a little surprised, and then said with a smile: "Maybe there will be another bloodless battle."

Even he didn't expect that the soldiers in the Xiping area of ​​Yan State, who hadn't traded for a long time, would be so enthusiastic about Chu State's ships.

But that's fine too.

After all, there are [-] guards in the Xiping area. If there is a war, there will be losses.It is best to fight without bloodshed.

With such a mood, Fang Dao ordered: "Come closer slowly, don't show any murderous intent."

"Promise." The orderly next to him promised, and then began to play the semaphore.After Fang Dao's order was passed on, most of the soldiers on board entered the cabin, hiding their murderous intent, their fangs.

On the other side, the soldier who went to report to the Yan Army's tent also arrived outside the tent.

"General, we have discovered Chu's fleet." The soldier reported outside the door, the excitement in his voice still uncontained.


Inside the big tent, a surprised voice sounded, and then a middle-aged man came out.This middle-aged man is taller and looks weaker.

The breath of literati is more than that of generals.

In fact, this middle-aged man is a literati named Chen Kang, who is good at handling government affairs.At the beginning, the trade between Chu State and Yan State could be said to be a grand occasion.So, Gongsun Kang replaced the guard here with Chen Kang.

The reason why Chen Kang was surprised was because Gongsun Kang had a clear order that he was not allowed to trade war horses with Chu.He, a literati, will also leave his post and be replaced by another military general to lead the navy.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, there would be a caravan from the Chu Army.

However, Chen Kang was mostly happy. As a civil servant, he hoped to see the strength of Yan, and the trade between Chu and Yan was mutually beneficial.

Even if war horses are not traded, all kinds of leather, rare treasures, some local specialties of Liaodong, etc. can be exchanged with Chu's grain.

Not only can official trade be conducted, but private trade can also be conducted to prosper both sides.

Now that Chu's fleet has arrived unexpectedly, Chen Kang's heart is still mostly joyful.

"Let's go, the old man will meet you in person." After saying that, Chen Kang led his soldiers towards the direction where Chu's fleet came.After Chen Kang arrived, Fang Dao had already led some soldiers down.

"This old man is the general guard here. I wonder who the general is?" Chen Kang didn't realize that this was a large-scale invasion of Chu State. After seeing Fang Dao, he clasped his fists and said.

"Catch it." Fang Dao said with a slight smile.


The soldiers behind him promised, and immediately rushed forward.

At this moment, Chen Kang was still a little obsessed with the meaning of Fang Dao's sentence, and was caught by Fang Dao's personal soldiers for a moment.Because it happened so suddenly, the many soldiers and personal soldiers behind Chen Kang didn't have time to stop it.

"What's going on, general, what's the meaning of this?" After being caught, Chen Kang suddenly changed his face and asked.

"When Gongsun Kang was proclaimed Marquis, he even wrote a letter to respect the king of Chu as the king, but now he brazenly tore up the agreement between the monarch and his ministers to check and balance the development of our cavalry in Chu. Naturally, I came to seek justice under the order of Lord Chu. Yes." Fang Dao said with a slight smile upon hearing this.

"What?" Chen Kang was almost dumbfounded when he heard this.

There is such a thing in the world, an army thousands of miles away, Yang Fan attacks another country.What a long supply line.

Is this the king of Chu, the officials are crazy, or is he crazy?

No matter how unbelievable Chen Kang was, he was caught.The general was arrested, and Fang Dao came suddenly. Soon, under Fang Dao's command, the [-] troops in this area were surrendered.

In this way, together with the [-] troops they captured in Tunyue, there were nearly [-] prisoners.This group of captives only needs to be reorganized, and then bought with a lot of money.

It is Chu Jun's second.

In this way, they will have an army of [-] to [-].Standing firm is not a problem at all.

"Is this what it feels like to expand the territory? My Dachu will add another state." After taking control of Xiping, Fang Dao stood by the sea, with his arms outstretched, facing the sea breeze, a little intoxicated.

At the beginning, he and the two Iraqis exterminated the aborigines in Taiwan, which was actually a way to expand the territory.But never has it been as intense as it is today.

Because what they want to attack are the three countries of Sanhan, and the four counties of the Han Dynasty have the territory of a state, which is completely different from Taiwan at the beginning.

Fang Dao knew that if the plan was successful.He, Lu Xun, Lu Meng and others will be entrusted with important tasks, standing here to compete with the Gongsun family for Liaodong.

Even annexed the Gongsun family, thus attacking Cao Wei from the north.Compete with Zhang Liao of You Yan.


About five hundred miles south of Xiangping, there is a city.

This city is already very close to Xiangping, because its geographical location is quite important and relatively prosperous.In the past, it was Gongsun Kang's brother, Gongsun Gong, who was the city lord and ruled.

But today, this city has ushered in a catastrophe.

A Chu army that appeared from nowhere broke through the city, killed Gongsun Gong, and hung Gongsun Gong's head on the top of the city.

Gongsun Gong's eyes were wide open, and some disbelief still remained in his eyes.

Obviously he didn't believe that Chu's army would come here.But the army of Chu State did come, and the debt collection came.

In addition to Gongsun Gong's head, there is also a handsome flag with the word "Chu" hanging on the top of the city.The people and officials in the whole city trembled under this handsome banner.

Because behind this small banner is a huge country, a big country that can stand alongside Cao Wei.This big country is definitely not comparable to Yan.

What Yan State is good at is relying on the desert to resist Cao Wei's land attack.And when they lost this advantage, Chu's army could reach Liaodong directly.

A small country like them can only tremble.

Just as Fang Dao said, when Gongsun Kang was called the Marquis of Yan, he once submitted an official document and asked to be a minister.I am willing to respect the state of Chu as the upper state, and respect the king of Chu as the upper king.

But when Chu State and Cao Wei fought, they gained the upper hand.Gongsun Kang brazenly tore up the covenant.

treachery.Kou Feng, the king of the state of Chu, was an expert, and he would not cast aside Gongsun Kang.But the national strength of Chu State, the army will let Gongsun Kang understand a truth.

To break one's word must be backed by sufficient strength. If one does not have strength, one will break one's word and will definitely bring unimaginable revenge.

It's like beacon fires are burning everywhere in the land of Yan Kingdom today.

This time, it was not just the invasion of Chu.It was Chu's warships that brought Chu's power from the south to the north, making the entire East Asia tremble under Chu's power.

(To be continued)

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