Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 857 Gongsun Kang’s Tragic Cry

In the prefect's mansion in the city.

Lu Xun knelt and sat on the front seat, closing his eyes and thinking.

This city is already very close to Xiangping, so close that it only takes one or two days for the cavalry to gather and reach the city within three days.So, the looting plan has come to an end.

During this period of time, not only Lu Xun, but also Lu Meng, as well as countless teams of troops presented fans like locusts crossing the border, looting cities and villages one after another.

Even Lu Xun didn't know exactly how much food, gold and silver was looted.

This can only be calculated when they gather in Xiping.But the numbers are huge, huge.After all, they are not taxing, but looting.

Almost robbed.

"Lelang, Zhenfan, Sanhan, Yalu River." After a long time, Lu Xun opened his eyes, and with a flash of light, he read four names.

Just then, a lieutenant came in.

"General, treasury, arsenal, and granary, some wealthy households in the city have been looted." The deputy general reported.

"Forcibly recruit the carriage, and we return to Xiping."

Lu Xun suddenly stood up and ordered.

"Promise." The deputy general agreed when he heard the words.Immediately, Lu Xun and the lieutenant went out of the hall together, the prefect's mansion.Gathered the army and headed towards Xiping.

Not only the army, but also a convoy of cars that can hardly be forgotten, including horse-drawn carriages and hand-drawn carts.

And this was just one of the troops that the Chu army looted Liaodong.



Right now, it's summer.For the Northeast where Xiangping is located, it is the warmest time of the year.Many common people were wearing coarse cloth blouses, waiting to enter the city with some special products.

Xiangping can be said to be the capital of a country, and it is very prosperous.

At this moment, Yanhou Gongsun Kang is recuperating in the prefect's mansion, specifically lying in the sun and basking in the sun.Since the defeat, Gongsun Kang's health has not been very good.

What Gongsun Kang can do every day is to bask in the sun, and then think about the situation in the world.The news that the Shu Kingdom has been breached has not yet reached Liaodong.

The calculation in Gongsun Kang's heart is to balance the state of Chu and the state of Wei, so as to ensure the survival of the state of Yan.

"Time, time, if God can give me 20 years, I can completely pacify Sanhan, annex Wuhuan people to the east, and then move the capital to Pyongyang. This is equivalent to staying away from the struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains. The Gongsun family has left a piece of foundation. 20 years." Gongsun Kang thought silently in his heart.

His eldest son, Gongsun Yuan, was not a hero, and Gongsun Kang knew it very well.Now he has just experienced a military defeat, and his national strength is relatively empty.

Only by moving the capital to Pyongyang, relying on the Yalu River system, and boating in the rivers and lakes, can we resist the hero of the Central Plains.Just like Wiman Korea back then.

Guozuo has been around for more than ninety years.

In addition, Yang Fan went out to sea, and to the south, there seemed to be a big island.If it can be captured, the Gongsun family will really have no worries.

20 years, as long as God can give him 20 years.

"Father, it's not good. Tunyue was breached by the Chu army." Just as Gongsun Kang was praying to God, Gongsun Yuan stumbled in and said in a panic.

"What?" Gongsun Kang stood up from the recliner all of a sudden, in disbelief.

"Chu army? Tun the moon?"

Did he hear wrongly? Chu State, which is still at war with Cao Cao and Liu Zhang, unexpectedly Yang Fan thousands of miles to attack his Yan State, is there really something wrong?

Fighting against three countries with his own strength, Kou Feng really thinks he is a god?

Immediately, Gongsun Kang believed it, because the news was brought by Gongsun Yuan, and his son would not lie to him.The next moment, Gongsun Kang panicked.

Because Tunyue is his naval base, there are about [-] navies stationed there.Now that Tunyue has been breached, what about his army and his warships?

"Army, what happened to the lonely army?" Gongsun Kang asked hurriedly.What happened just now 20 years ago, what moved the capital to Pyongyang, attacked the big islands in the south, and so on, all the ambitions disappeared all of a sudden.

God knows, Yan Guo just fought with Cao Wei and was defeated, and his vitality has been injured.Gongsun Kang couldn't even imagine losing the [-] troops now.

"There is no news about the situation of the army, but there are more troublesome things." Gongsun Yuan said with a panicked face.

"What's more difficult?" Gongsun Kang asked, feeling even more horrified when he heard the words.

"The generals of the Chu army, Lu Xun and Lu Meng, led the army to attack northward in a fan shape. They plundered countless villages and cities. It was like locusts crossing the border."

Gongsun Yuan said with a wry smile.

"What?" Gongsun Kang was really stunned this time. He broke off the covenant with Chu at the beginning, thinking that the emperor Shan Gao was far away.I didn't expect the revenge to come so fast and so violently.

The Chu army not only wanted to annex his army, but also hurt his vitality.What is missing in Liaodong?Not the army, not the population, but food.

Is Gongsun Kang willing to trade horses with Chu?There is no way, because after years of fighting, there is really not much food.And because of years of trade with Chu State, Liaodong just took a breather.

Now Lu Xun and Lu Meng, the two thieves, have looted countless cities and villages.Gongsun Kang has foreseen that his country of Yan is already going to tighten its belt to live a life.

"There are [-] cavalrymen, and I will personally lead the army to destroy him." After staying for a long time, Gongsun Kang suddenly let out a wolf howl.

The shrill sound was even more exciting than when killing a pig.

However, Gongsun Kang looked a little miserable.But his ability to act is still very fast.Not long after the order was issued, Gongsun Kang personally put on the armor, led [-] troops, and went south to prepare for a decisive battle with the Chu army.

The army had just traveled fifty miles when they saw a few fast horses coming in front of them.

"Stop." Gongsun Kang hurriedly called to stop, and the [-] cavalry stopped after the habitual sliding.

"What's going on?" Immediately, Gongsun Kang couldn't help asking when he saw several knights on fast horses, who seemed to be his own soldiers.

"General Qi, Liucheng was breached, and Lord Gongsun Gong was killed." The soldiers did not know Gongsun Kang, but seeing Gongsun Kang in armor and surrounded by tens of thousands of troops, he knew that he was at least a general, so he couldn't help dismounting to pay his respects.

"What?" Gongsun Kang lost his voice.Completely stunned.

"Lu Xun, Lu Meng, I will smash your corpses into thousands of pieces." Not long after, Gongsun Kang shouted up to the sky.

"Let's go." Immediately, Gongsun Kang reined in the horse with both hands, and the [-] army marched towards the south in unison.

About one and a half days later, Xiping Port.

At this moment, Xiping Port has changed a lot.At least it has become much plumper. There are nearly [-] large ships, and countless supplies, food, weapons, leather, etc., are being slowly loaded into the large ships by the Chu army.

In addition to these mountains of supplies, there are nearly [-] surrendered soldiers who are being trained by Fang Dao and have completed the initial reorganization.

However, it may take some time to gather the morale of the army.

"The amount of supplies is really beyond our imagination. The most powerful thing in this world is not taxation, but robbery." Lu Xun and Lu Meng stood in an open space, looking at the bustling Xiping Port.

Lu Xun couldn't help admiring.

"Hehe, less makes more." Lu Meng said with a chuckle.

How could an ordinary city have so many supplies? They looted about half of the county, treasuries, arsenals, granaries, and some wealthy households. The amount of supplies was terrifying.

"Hehe." Lu Xun also laughed, very pleased.

Their current army has reached [-], and the supplies here are enough to feed the [-] army for half a year.In half a year, the materials from Chu State should also be transferred here.

Furthermore, they just looted half a county in Liaodong.In the south there is even more extensive land, the four counties of Lintun, Zhenfan, Lelang, and Xuantu, as well as the city in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula where Samhan is located.

An army of [-] might just snowball into [-].And there will be countless materials.They want to suck the blood of Gongsun Kangyan to strengthen themselves.

At the beginning, Lu Xun was very confident in his plan, but now he is even more confident.

About half a day later, all the materials in Xiping Port have been moved to the big ship.Even most of the troops have gone up, leaving only some scattered troops.

Lu Xun hadn't boarded the boat yet. He looked at the scattered carriages and tents in Xiping Harbor and gave a harsh order.

"Burn the tents, and push the wagons out to sea."

Lu Xun knew very well that although these carriages and tents were a pity, leaving them to Gongsun Kang would only increase his strength.What they can't get must be destroyed.

Because they and Gongsun Kang are mortal enemies, Chu State is going to confront Gongsun Kang in North Korea.


Following Lu Xun's order, the soldiers began to collectively drive the carriages into the sea.Although the horses neighed and were unwilling to commit suicide, most of them still neighed and jumped into the sea under the Chu army's spears.

In the end, the original camp at Xiping Port was set on fire.With the help of the sea breeze, the fire was very strong.

And Lu Xun and the others had already boarded the sea boat collectively, and under Fang Dao's order, the sea boat sailed and headed for Le Lang.

"General, look."

However, when the big ship was getting farther and farther away from the coast, there was a violent vibration on the ground, and then a large number of cavalry appeared on the coast shortly after. A flag with the word "Swallow" fluttered in the wind on the coast.

"I didn't expect that not only the timing was just right, but we could also meet Yanhou." Lu Xun raised his head, looked into the distance, and smiled.

"Order the soldiers to shout, don't be angry with the Marquis of Yan. Today is just a temporary farewell. Chu will occupy the four counties of Han and come to Fangchang." Immediately, Lu Xun ordered.

"En." Lu Meng nodded, and immediately turned around and went down to prepare.

After a while, the shouts of the soldiers sounded from the big ship.

"Don't be angry, Marquis Yan. Today is just a temporary farewell. Chu will occupy the four counties of Han, and the future will be long."

"Don't be angry, Marquis Yan. Today is just a temporary farewell. Chu will occupy the four counties of Han, and the future will be long."

"Don't be angry, Marquis Yan. Today is just a temporary farewell. Chu will occupy the four counties of Han, and the future will be long."

The voice of each sentence scattered like waves, and was soon heard by Gongsun Kang on the coast.

Gongsun Kang's face immediately turned crimson, and then a piercing voice sounded: "Kou Feng."

(To be continued)

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