At present, Kou Feng has four troops capable of fighting in Jingzhou, Yangzhou, and Jiaozhou.Among them, Wancheng is his [-] elite soldiers.

The [-] elite soldiers of Huang Zhong's tribe, because Gan Ning went to Shuzhong, now only have [-].

Others from Jiaozhou include Buzhi and Lu Xun from Jiangdong.However, the enemies facing those two places are different, not Cao Cao.He and Huang Zhong are the only ones who border on Cao Cao and have the power to fight against Cao Cao.

In terms of strength, the strength of Wancheng and Shouchun Huangzhongbu is almost the same, even much stronger.Because of the addition of Zhao Yun's cavalry.

But in terms of situation, Shouchun is now strong and can attack Xuzhou.Although Xuzhou has Xiahoudun, Xun You, and Zangba defending, the current army has probably increased to 10.But because of the vast territory, it seems to be at a disadvantage.

Certainly not perfect.

And what about Huang Zhong from Yangzhou?Because of Shouchun and Hefei's complex terrain, as long as they garrison their troops in the city, it will be difficult for Xiahou Dun and others in the north to invade.

Therefore, Huang Zhong and others can take advantage of the situation and attack Xuzhou.Didn't Cao Cao want to plunder the people of Nanyang?We have no choice but to minimize losses, and then send Zhao Yun to attack the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

But it doesn't mean we can't take revenge. As long as Huang Zhong can enter the hinterland of Xuzhou, he can plunder [-] people and return them.If it goes well, fight with Cao Jun.

Big win.It is not impossible.

After all, although Xiahoudun's army is numerous, it is only a partial division, and its combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the current direct army led by Cao Cao.In addition, the most opportunity to take advantage of is that Xuzhou also lacks cavalry.

Cao Cao's Western Expedition mobilized all the cavalry that could be mobilized, and now Xuzhou has no cavalry.Without cavalry, the strength of the Chu army in infantry would not be hit.

It can also be done, the advance is as fast as the wind, and the retreat will not encounter the resistance of the enemy cavalry.In addition, if Situ Jiang Wan is determined, he can also transfer the [-] troops currently stationed in the Jianye area, and Lu Xun's [-] troops go north to take over the defense after Huang Zhong's attack.

Consolidate the food problem in the rear.

In this way, a situation is formed.The Wancheng guard relied on Zhao Yun's cavalry to attack and kill the tiger and leopard cavalry, as many as they could kill.Some people who migrated from Cao Cao before can be ignored for the time being.

And Shouchun attacked Xuzhou, and while fighting Xiahoudun, he plundered [-] people and returned to the south. While supplementing the losses of Nanyang people, it could also expand Shouchun's power.

After all, no matter how much Nanyang looted, not many people would be harmed.Because Xu Shu had already ordered most of the people to move into the city.But Xuzhou is not.

Huang Zhong was caught by surprise, and there might be more than [-] people who could be captured.

Xu Shu just watched from the sidelines, but Wei Yan's eyes gradually became clearer.In the end, showing a look of shock, he said to Xu Shu: "This is going to be an all-out war. Although the general is the leader of one side, he may not have the ability to mobilize the left general?" Wei Yan paused for a moment. , and worried: "Even if General Zuo can be mobilized to cooperate. But such a large-scale war, the mobilization of food is not a short-term thing."

Xu Shu shook his head when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Situ Jiang Wan is a man who knows how to fight. As long as I spread the situation here to Xiangyang, he will definitely order Huang Zhong to be mobilized for the northern expedition to Xuzhou. Don't worry. We have enough food in Wancheng to last three years, so Yangzhou will definitely not be short."

As he said that, Xu Shu was still a little proud.This is the national strength of their Chu State, with a dense population.A lot of food is produced, and more is stored.

It means launching a war without limitation.Unlike Cao Cao, if you plan to launch a large-scale war, you must mobilize food on a large scale for supplies.

They fight at any time, and they can have food at any time.

Although Xu Shu didn't know exactly how much food there was in Yangzhou, he guessed based on the situation in Wancheng that it would definitely not be less.

"In this way, one defense and one attack can take a lot of advantages." Wei Yan said with a look of surprise gradually showing on his face.

"Yes, take advantage." Xu Shu nodded and said.

"However, the top priority is to pass the document out first. Order Zhao Yun to attack and kill the tiger and leopard cavalry to cover the people on his own side. Then send an official document to Xiangyang, asking Situ Jiangwan to mobilize the left general Huang Zhong to carry out the Northern Expedition." After finishing speaking, Xu Shu He began to sit down, took out two notebooks, and wrote the order and official documents.Sealed the letter and handed it to Wei Yan.

"Send someone to deliver the order."

"Promise." Wei Yan took the booklet, made a promise, and immediately turned and left.After all, it is a military emergency, and the less delay the better.

"Meng De, Meng De. Maybe you also think that my lord is in Shu, and Xiangyang's power over war has been reduced. But you don't know how much your lord trusts Situ Jiang Wan. Without your lord Sometimes, you can also order the left general Huang Zhong to send troops. If you want to fight, I will fight. If you don't retreat, I will fight you back."

After Wei Yan left, Xu Shu smiled softly and said.

But in his eyes, there was a murderous intent.


The war is already imminent and has to be waged.After Xu Shu got the tiger and leopard rider's movement in front, he wrote down the order and immediately came to Anzhong from Wancheng.

At this moment, General Zhao Yun of Chu Town is resting in the general's mansion, closing his eyes and resting his mind.At this moment, Huo Jun walked in from the outside.

"General, the general's order. It is said that Cao Jun's 11 cavalry, including tiger and leopard cavalry, scattered and looted the people of Nanyang. The general ordered the general to attack them."

Huo Jun said as he walked towards the house.

Tiger and leopard riders plunder the people, and they must be scattered, or three thousand ones, or five thousand ones.The so-called double attack is to choose an army with twice the number of enemy troops to fight the scattered tiger and leopard cavalry.

However, this is a great challenge to the general's ability to lead troops and intelligence capabilities.Because after all, it is an army of 11, even if they are scattered, they may still communicate with each other.

If it fails to attack and is surrounded instead, it will be a lot of fun.But since Xu Shu gave the order, he believed in Zhao Yun's ability.

"Immediately order the spies to listen to the information. In addition, order the soldiers to be ready and go out at any time." Zhao Yun ordered resolutely.Ben's closed eyes suddenly opened, and a strong light shone inside, very sharp.

"Promise." Huo Jun promised, and immediately took the order and left.

"Attack twice more, this time we will definitely take off the heads of many tiger and leopard riders." After Huo Jun left, Zhao Yun's eyes became more and more fierce, and he murmured.

……………… At the same time, Xu Shu’s official document requesting Huang Zhong to send troops also arrived in Xiangyang.

When Kou Feng first entered the battle, although he gave Jiang Wan the political and military power of the whole country.But when encountering such a thing, Jiang Wan can't make the decision alone.

So they summoned Shang Shu Ling Liu Ba, Tai Chang Sima Yi, Da Si Nong Mi Zhu, eunuch Zhang Dao, Shao Fu Xu Tian, ​​Ting Wei Zhao Lei, Guang Lu Xun Xiang Lang, Da Hong He Zhuge Jin, and Shang Shu Lu Su.

Wait for the important ministers in court to discuss this matter.

"You must have read the official documents of the Great General Xu Yuanzhi of the Right Army Division. What do you think?" Situ Jiang Wan presided over the government affairs, knelt and sat next to the Kou Feng throne hanging in the air, with a graceful and majestic posture, and glanced at the officials , said.

"It is natural for the enemy to attack us, and the opportunity is fleeting. The officials feel that we should mobilize the soldiers and horses of the left general Huang Zhong to carry out the northern expedition. But Xuzhou is after all Xun You, who is full of wisdom and tricks. Zuo General Huang Zhong, former general Tai Shici may be a little insufficient. Besides, such a large-scale war. Without the order of the emperor, can we make a decision without authorization?" Da Honglu and Zhuge Jin expressed their opinions.

"You don't need to worry about this. Before you go out, leave me something." Jiang Wan said with a smile when he heard this, and then raised his head and said loudly to the door: "Come here, please get the seal from the old lady. "

"No." A servant outside the door promised.

"Seal letter?" Zhang Dao, Mi Zhu and other important ministers of the Jiuqing who were present all showed some doubts on their faces.Only Liu Ba, Sima Yi and a few others could keep their faces expressionless.

However, the answer was soon revealed.Not long after, the attendant came in from the outside, holding a square plate in his hand, with a square black ink letter on it.

Everyone who saw it gasped.This is the seal of Lord Chu.

This is a symbol of power that gathers the great power of the Chu [***] government and can mobilize any army, manpower and material resources to carry out national wars.Unexpectedly, Kou Feng went to Xishu in person, but left the seal in Xiangyang, and handed over the seal to Mrs. Gan for safekeeping.Managed by Jiang Wan.

What a trust.

Now Jiang Wan has become an extremely respected minister, and he is so trusted as Situ.There is no gap between the monarch and his subjects, it is really Jiahua.

Everyone's eyes were full of envy, even Liu Ba was the same.Although Jiang Wan and Liu Ba presided over the government together, they could be regarded as the same, but he didn't know about the seal of the Chu king.

Sima Yi's originally calm eyes also changed slightly, very envious.But then he sighed in his heart, he also knew that he was not Kou Feng's direct lineage, he might be reused, but he definitely wouldn't be like Jiang Wan.

Now Sima Yi wished to go back to the past and take his whole family to the south.Maybe it can be reused by Kou Feng.

It's just that no matter how smart Sima Yi is, it's impossible to guess that Kou Feng's understanding of him is even more profound than his own understanding of himself.

It is estimated that even if Sima Yi defected to Kou Feng a few years ago, Kou Feng would still be close.But no matter what, Sima Yi wished that this moment would come a few years earlier.

Facing everyone's envious eyes, Jiang Wan's expression remained calm.However, Jiang Wan's heart was also full of gratitude.How precious it is to be trusted.

Especially entrusted by the whole country.

How many of those famous ministers in the past can get such an honor?But now he, Jiang Wan, is one of them.At the same time, Jiang Wan secretly vowed in his heart that he must plan well and win the confrontation between the Eastern Chu Army and the Cao Army.

"I personally went to Shouchun to sit in the town, supervised the left general Huang Zhong, and the former general Tai Shici attacked Xuzhou. I ordered Jianye Lu Xun to go north and stationed in Shouchun, and also served as a defense. For the time being, the affairs of the court will be handed over to Liu Ba, the minister of the court, and together with Jiuqing Take charge together." Jiang Wan gave the order.

With one order, the Wei army and the Chu army went to war in an all-round way.


The ministers had no opponents, and they all agreed.

(To be continued)

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