"There are no eggs in the nest. Now that Kou Feng is coming so fiercely, why would he have something different at this time." Holding the letter paper in his hand, Yong Kai's heart was cold, and he said sadly.

If Meng Huo really had a different heart, the situation would change completely.The power of the Chu army outside the city has greatly increased, while his power will be greatly reduced at the same time.

How can this make him not sad?

Huangtu hegemony, could it be turned into nothing?

"You don't have to be like this. Now there is still a way to survive." Yong Kai, who is the king of the South, is not reconciled, and Li Dong, who is the prime minister, is also not reconciled. He gritted his teeth and said.

"What way of life?" Yong Kai's eyes lit up, as if he had grasped the last straw, he looked at Li Dong eagerly.

"Call Menghuo into the city, kill him, and all of them." Li Dong said with a ferocious and vicious face.


Yong Kai was taken aback, but then a strong desire rose in his heart.Yes, Meng Huo is no longer reliable.Then destroy Meng Huo and take over the power.

"Your Majesty has already made up his mind to annex Meng Huo and unify the South Central forces. It is only because Meng Huo's prestige is too high that he is afraid of trouble, so he has been hesitant. Now that Meng Huo has turned his back, it can be said that the King is gone. Back off. Now is the time to give it a go."

Li Dong nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Even if it is annexed, even if the widow is in Meng Huo's army and has some sleight of hand, he can temporarily suppress the barbarian army, but it is impossible to order them to continue the conquest outside the city." Yong Kai was moved, but still hesitated .

"As long as you can control the army and return to the city, the barbarians are actually afraid that the Chu army will invade Nanzhong. After all, Kou Feng is treating Wuxi and Shanyue. It can be said that the country is truly destroyed. They are afraid. Meng Huo Once they die, we will take the lead and incite them to resist Chu, and then carry out the purge. It is not a problem to gather the barbarian army. As for abandoning the tents that have been hard-earned outside the city, it is a pity. But it is better than the joint attack of Meng Huo and Kou Feng It's better for us to lose our lives."

Li Dong said immediately after hearing the words.

It's better than Meng Huo and Kou Feng jointly attacking us and losing our lives.This sentence can be said to have hit Yong Kai's heart, because Yong Kai was afraid that Meng Huo would join forces with Kou Feng.

Merge Meng Huo and defend the city.This is called giving it a go.

"Okay, prepare the banquet immediately and call Meng Huo into the city." Yong Kai finally made up his mind.

"Promise." Li Dong promised, and immediately went down to prepare to go.

"Hmph, you can't be blind when you're a widow." After Li Dong left, Yong Kai looked at the letter that had been altered beyond recognition again, and said with a grim expression.

Yong Kai felt furious about Meng Huo's redacted letter.I felt like I was being treated like a three-year-old child.This was an important reason why he and Li Dong were suspicious of Meng Huo.

Even greater than the meeting between Kou Feng and Meng Huo.

……………… “What will happen if you fall to the ground?”

In the afternoon, the sun gradually sets.Kou Feng stood at the door of the large tent of the Chinese army, looked up to the south, and said expectantly.

In Kou Feng's calculation, there are only a few results.

One is Meng Sheng's victory, defeating Yong Kai, and entering the main city.Become the barbarian king.An advantage of such a result is that Nanzhong will be unstable.

After all, it takes a little time to digest the strength of the other party's forces.But unfortunately, now that the Chu army is away, Meng Huo does not have that chance.

If it is unstable, it will make it much easier for the Chu army to attack the city.

The second is Yong Kai's victory.The same benefit as Meng Sheng's victory is unstable.However, Yong Kai has an advantage over Meng Huo. After all, Yong Kai owns the city.

If Yong Kai wins, he will annex Meng Huo's forces and forces.He could also rely on the power in the city to slowly digest Meng Huo's troops.

The third is that both losers.

In the end, there was another result. Meng Huo realized that something was wrong, and chose to retreat back to the city deep in Nanzhong to prepare his army.

Kou Feng hoped that both of them would lose, and he did not want Meng Sheng to win.

Needless to say, the benefits of losing both sides.And if Meng Huo was successful, even if he wiped out the city in front of him and pacified Yizhou County, if Meng Huo escaped, he would have to go further south.

Enter the deeper city in Nanzhong to destroy some southern barbarians entrenched there.

So, Kou Feng absolutely didn't want this guy Meng Huo to stand out.

"No matter what the outcome is, this city will definitely be breached. The self-reliant title of King of the South will also be completely wiped out as this city is breached. I don't care about the north, but the southeast, who If you dare to be king, you must first ask the blade in my hand."

Kou Feng put his hand on the handle of the Chu Dao at his waist, his expression was sharp and full of arrogance.


"Brother, it's very strange. It didn't take long for Li Dong to leave, but he sent someone to tell us that King Nan was hosting a banquet in the city to entertain us. This incident is really weird."

After Meng Huo received the news of the banquet in the Nanman camp and the Chinese army tent.Screened everyone away, leaving only Meng You.Meng You raised doubts in his heart.

"This matter is indeed very strange." Meng Huo nodded and said.

He was very uneasy. Everything he experienced during the day made Meng Huo feel uneasy, but he really didn't know what was wrong.

The so-called being trapped in the game, Meng Huo now consciously feels frank in his heart, he can no longer see the dark side of Kou Feng's actions, and what kind of guesses Yong Kai, as the Southern King, will make about his actions.

Meng Huo couldn't think of it, at least not in a short time.But instinct also made Meng Huo uneasy.

He knew something was wrong, but he didn't know what it was.Meng Huo was really very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Could it be a Hongmen Banquet?"

Meng You said suddenly.

"No, now that the 20 Chu army is out, I alone, or Yong Kai, is not enough to support the overall situation. I have known Yong Kai for so many years, and I still value Yong Kai more. He will never Choose to plot against me at this time." Meng Huo shook his head decisively when he heard the words.

It was precisely because Meng Huo concluded that Yong Kai would not have any thoughts at this time, that he could not see through Kou Feng's plot and could not see it.Became blind.

If Meng Huo was the same as Yong Kai, he became suspicious of him.I'm afraid Kou Feng's scheme can't be hidden from him.But unfortunately, in this situation, Meng Huo trusted Yong Kai very much.

"But why?" Meng You was full of malicious speculations about Yong Kai, but he still believed in Meng Huo's judgment.Therefore, he only paused for a moment on the guess of Hongmen Banquet, and then thought of other places.

"Hey. Facing people like Kou Feng, you always have your hands tied. Fighting Kou Feng is not as easy as fighting a tiger." Meng Huo said with a sigh.

How helpless this is.

"That's right. It's easy to go into battle shirtless." Meng You nodded sharply beside him.The two brothers are the most outstanding warriors among the southern barbarians.

It's really easy to beat a tiger.But unfortunately, Kou Feng is not a simple tiger.He is the very cunning Chu Jun who leads a group of fierce tigers.

Even how to meditate, how to rack one's brains.The two brothers still didn't understand where the uneasiness in Meng Huo's heart came from.When it was getting dark, the guard came in and reminded, "It's time for the general to go to the banquet."

"Well, prepare the horse."

Meng Huo woke up suddenly, looked up and saw that the sky was getting dark, couldn't help but smiled wryly, and waved his hand.

"No." The guard promised and retreated.

Immediately, Meng Huo and Meng You tidied up their clothes a little, got on their horses, left the Nanman Camp, and set off for Dian City.

In fact, under such a situation, it was a bit weird for Yong Kai to invite a general like Meng Huo, who was leading the army abroad, to go back to the banquet.After all, 20 enemy troops are out, going to a banquet?It was too easy.

But who told Kou Feng not to attack for days.Even if they left for one night, it is estimated that there will be no major troubles.

With this in mind, Meng Huo and his wife came near the gate of the city.

"General Meng is here, open the door."

Meng Huo's guard stepped forward and shouted.

Apparently the guard on the top of the wall had received Li Dong's signal, and upon hearing that Meng Huo was under the wall, he immediately ordered the gate to be opened.In just a moment, the originally tightly closed city gate was opened.

A guard in armor led many soldiers to greet him.

Originally, Meng Huo didn't want to have more conversations with this general.But the guard came up to him, clasped his fists and said, "General Meng, Your Majesty has been waiting in the city for a long time."

While speaking, the guard quickly approached Meng Huo.And with a voice that only Meng Huo could hear, he said, "Be careful."

Meng Huo's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. He and Yong Kai belonged to a joint force, with Yong Kai as the main force.But the two forces do not interfere with each other.

But secretly, both sides have the intention of annexing each other, but both sides have scruples.After all, if swallowing fails, both parties will suffer, and outsiders will take advantage of it.

It used to be Liu Zhang, but now it is Kou Feng.

But the two sides were not reconciled. Yong Kai arranged spies among Meng Huo's forces, and Meng Huo was not the same.Just now Meng Huo didn't want to have more contact with the guard.

It was because this guard was a rare spy that Meng Huo had placed in Yong Kai's army, and Meng Huo didn't want this guard to be exposed because he had a few more conversations with him.

But now Meng Huo was no longer thinking about these trivial matters.

Be careful.

Care who?

Needless to say, be careful with Yong Kai.How much Meng Huo trusted Yong Kai, at this moment, Meng Huo's heart was so gloomy.If you don't choose other times, you have to choose when the Chu army goes south, and choose internal strife.

Meng Huo was deeply disappointed in Yong Kai.

Any other time, Meng Huo would definitely do it with Yong Kai.In terms of power and prestige among the Han people, Meng Huo could not catch up with Yong Kai even if he flattered him.But in terms of military strength, Meng Huo was super confident in his combat power.

But it happened at this time.

Meng Huo is now in a dilemma, should he go in or not?

(To be continued)

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