"Did you catch up?"

While running, Yang Feng asked the clan soldiers beside him.

At this moment, they had already run for a certain distance, but the spies in charge of the break did not find any sign of the Chu army chasing them up, so Yang Feng was a little anxious.

"Report to the leader. After the Chu army paused for a while, they came up in pursuit."

The clan soldier beside him replied.

"That's good." Yang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, now he has tasted the fighting ability of the Chu army, that toughness, no less than those southerners who were born in the south and are familiar with the forest.

Now he only hopes that this forest of death can trap the Chu army and kill the Chu army.

"Continue to go west. According to Meng You's description, the terrain over there is the most complicated, and there are many miasmas." Immediately, Yang Feng focused his attention on the present and ordered.

"Promise." The clan soldiers agreed and began to speed up.

Soon, the group traveled several miles.Almost like walking on the ground, very quickly.

"Boss, the Chu army is catching up."

A spy hurried up and reported.

"What?" Yang Feng was a little surprised.Although their speed is not the fastest, it is already very fast.I thought it would be possible to open a distance and leave a trace for the Chu army to pursue.

But I didn't expect that Chu Jun's speed was not slow, and he actually caught up.

"I underestimated them, let's go, let's speed up. Let these people see that no one in this forest can catch up with us southerners in terms of speed."

Immediately, Yang Feng smiled contemptuously and said.

"No." The spy promised, and immediately went down to deliver the order.After a while, all the soldiers advanced at full speed, and their speed was greatly improved.


"General, they're speeding up."

In the rear, hundreds of Chu troops also rushed ahead, and the soldiers walked very quickly.Surrounded by many soldiers, Zhang Fei ran with his head buried.

The spies in front turned back and reported to Zhang Fei.

"Hey, it's not that easy to get rid of us. Speed ​​up and catch up. If it's just about running, our Chu army will not lose to anyone." Zhang Fei said with a smile.

From the moment Kou Feng became an army in Xinye, the entire Chu army has had a glorious tradition of running.This is almost one of the basic training items of the Chu army.

The Chu army is good at running, and it is almost famous all over the world.

When it comes to running, Zhang Fei is not afraid of anyone.

"No." The spy promised, and immediately ordered to go.After a while, the marching speed of the Chu army also increased greatly, even surpassing the Yang Feng army in front.


"Boss, something is wrong. The Chu army is moving very fast, and they are getting closer and closer."

Ahead, Yang Fengjun was still rushing with his head buried.Some spies chased after him and shouted loudly.

"What?" This time, Yang Feng was very surprised, taken aback.

Run around in the complex jungle.The Chu army was able to catch up with them, and at the same time, they could still catch up.What a cruel thing.

Could it be that they were rabbits in their previous lives.In other words, the Han people are more suitable for the terrain in the area than they are?

Yang Feng thought he was crazy, he had never heard of any Han army that could confront the Southerners in the forest, never heard of any Han army that could catch up with the Southerners on footsteps.

This is really crazy.At this moment, Yang Feng still had an illusion in his mind, that is, the identities of hunter and prey seemed to have gradually changed.

The southerners seem to have no room for pride with us, and the Han people are also as agile as leopards.

"Come on."

A bad premonition gradually rose in Yang Feng's heart, which made Yang Feng's face very unsightly, he shouted and said.


Following Yang Feng's loud shout, the soldiers gathered all their strength, which increased their speed a bit.

This Chu army is no longer the Han army in the strict sense, but the real Chu army, a Han race, but the Ling family is more intelligent than the Han people, and it is faster and more effective.

It is the army of Chu, the army of the state of Chu.

We can no longer look at it with the same eyes that we used to look at the Han people.

While running, Yang Feng was often worried.I hope I am overthinking, otherwise.


"General, they're speeding up again."

Behind, the spies reported back to Zhang Feidao again.

"Athletes, do you still have energy?" Zhang Fei laughed and said.

"There is still [-]% strength." The soldiers replied in unison, their voices were very loud and full of energy.Chu Jun's physical fitness was well displayed at this moment.

"Okay, catch them, kill them, eradicate them."

Zhang Fei laughed loudly when he heard this.

"Kill." The soldiers roared in unison, their footsteps became faster and their murderous intent was heavy.

Following the pursuit of the Chu army, they quickly caught up with Yang Feng and the others ahead.


When the soldiers in front saw the soldiers of Yang Feng's army who had fought with them before and escaped, Qi Qi's eyes lit up and he roared wildly.

Immediately, the Chu sabers rushed forward.The Liannumen, on the other hand, raised their Liannuo and started shooting.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Countless arrows flew towards Yang Feng's army running forward like locusts.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

The arrow hit, and the screams of the enemy sounded almost at the same time, very miserable.

"How did this happen? I really caught up with you. Damn it." Hearing the screams of the soldiers behind him, Yang Feng's face turned blue for a while.

"Boss, what should I do? I can't resist them at all. Their continuous crossbows are too powerful, and their soldiers are also very brave. Even in defense, they are far superior to us."

A clan soldier said to Yang Feng in fear.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized what they had lost, the unique ability to fight in this rainforest.

Their army was vulnerable to the Chu army.

Only then did they realize that this Chu army was completely different from the Han army of the past. They were an evolution of the Han army, and they were the Chu army.

"Let's go, let's disperse." Yang Feng roared when he heard the words, his face turning green and turning pale.

Immediately, Yang Feng decisively abandoned most of the clan soldiers, and fled in a direction with only a few cronies.

"The leader is gone, run away."

When the clan soldiers saw that Yang Feng had escaped first, they panicked. They were barely able to resist, but at this moment, they were really defeated.

All of them fled in all directions like frightened herbivores.

"Chase them down. Don't leave any one behind. Let's fight in the south." At this time, Zhang Fei was rushing forward, using Chu Dao to kill one after another of Yang Feng's soldiers. Zhang Fei couldn't help but roared.

"Promise." Following Zhang Fei's roar, the soldiers agreed, and immediately scattered to hunt down.

The Chu army marched south, and Chu Jun Kou Feng personally supervised the formation, and the order he issued was to kill all of them and leave no one behind.At least until Meng Huo's entire clan surrendered, he could kill as many as he could.

If the war is over, it would be embarrassing to kill again.

Kou Feng's orders are unimpeded within the territory of Chu State.Of course Zhang Fei didn't dare to neglect.Order to kill.

In just a moment, Yang Feng's army scattered and fled in all directions, and the Chu army also dispersed one by one, chasing and killing them.Cut the weeds and root them out.

As for what will happen after the soldiers are dispersed.Zhang Fei was not worried at all. This group of soldiers was taught by some senior hunters to be able to identify miasma and poisonous fog.

If there is nothing to eat, you can eat on the spot.Even if it is the most difficult thing to do in the forest, relying on experience to distinguish the direction, there is also a quick fix, the compass.They are not afraid of anything.

What kind of forest is the territory of the southerners.ridiculous.

Just as the Huns in the past thought that the grassland was the territory of the Huns, Emperor Xiaowu spent most of his life proving to the Huns that the Han cavalry could also gallop across the desert.

The Huns fled away from Mobei in fear, and since then there has been no royal court in Monan.What an imposing manner like a rainbow.Today's Chu army will certainly be able to conquer this forest.

Conquer all disobedient ministers and rule from generation to generation.

"The mantis is like a car, and you can't do what you can." Zhang Fei snorted coldly in his heart.

"The Chu army is mighty all over the world." Immediately, Zhang Fei raised his head and roared wildly.

"The Chu army is mighty all over the world."

Although the soldiers dispersed, the distance between them was not too far. Zhang Fei's voice was extremely strong, and he roared.Countless people heard it.

They roared in unison, like the roar of a fierce tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, shocking people's hearts.

"It turns out that we are really just prey."

Because Yang Feng was the first to escape, he had already escaped a long way, but after hearing the arrogant roar of the Chu army soldiers in unison, he still felt lingering fear, and smiled wryly.

The Chu army came prepared, whether it was equipment or the quality of soldiers, they were all top-notch.Apparently a determination was made to conquer this stubborn land.

But they were blindly confident in the advantages of the southerners in this land, and blocked them blindly.The loss was heavy, the loss was heavy.

Yang Feng's heart was bleeding.Their team was defeated, simply defeated.It is foreseeable that other teams will also be defeated one by one by the Chu army.

His [-] troops may lose all their money.

"You don't need to be too sad, the leader. Even if our army is not spared, the Chu army will obviously be wiped out. At that time, the barbarian king may reward you with a lot of Wei swords for the sake of the leader's efforts. The leader returns to the tribe, and with these Wei sabers, he can regroup again, and the momentum will definitely be even stronger."

Next to Yang Feng, a confidant said.

"Why do you say that?" Yang Feng's eyes lit up and he said.

"According to the Chu army's voice, they seem to be scattered and hunted down. In this way, although our soldiers can be wiped out, they will lose their way. Although the Chu army is relatively good, this is a forest after all. An army of more than [-] people can still be led by guides, so it is not easy to lose their way. But what about an army of four or five people? Do they have thousands of guides? Most of them must not be able to get out of the forest. Isn't the whole army wiped out?"

The confidant said with a smile.

"Hahahaha. It's extreme, it's extreme."

Yang Feng laughed when he heard the words, he had already seen the fighting ability of the Chu army, and he felt very happy to be able to die with such a Chu army, and to be rewarded by Meng Huo.

From their point of view, the Chu army's detachments should have a guide, so they have no fear.But they didn't know that even if the soldiers reached four or five people, they could have many compasses as guides to bring the Chu army out.

This time, the Chu army must have won a complete victory, and Yang Feng would eat shit.

(To be continued)

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