Yang Feng run away, run away.I don't know how long he escaped, but there are only four or five confidantes left beside him, and the armor on his body has long been taken off.

It was the armor that almost used up all of Yang Feng's savings, which he obtained from the Han merchants, and was taken off.Chu Jun was so awesome that he chased after him.

Yang Feng was wearing heavy armor and could barely run.Had to reluctantly give up.

However, Yang Feng finally managed to get out of the rainforest.

Speaking of this may make many people lose their teeth.Southerners who were born in the south and were good at fighting tigers and leopards in the forest would sigh that they were destined to leave the rainforest.

It stands to reason that when southerners enter the rainforest, it is like a fish entering the water or a dragon entering the sea. It is smooth and natural.It's like a common meal for the Han people to go to the fields to farm.

But now I am lamenting that someone died out of the rainforest.

When Yang Feng came out of the rainforest with four or five confidantes, looking at the blue sky and the sun hanging high, he felt a feeling of escaping from heaven on the spot.

"Boss, we are finally out."

A confidant next to Yang Feng wept with joy and said.It was too bad this time.

Yang Feng nodded, with a smile on his face.

The rain forest was already out, and there was a fairly vast plain ahead, which was probably within the range of Dalangdian City.Just go back and be safe.

After resting in this area for a while, Yang Feng led a few confidants towards the south.

"Huh. That seems to be one of our own."

After walking for dozens of miles, Yang Feng and others met a group of people, judging from their attire, they should be their own people.One of the confidants made a sound of surprise.

"Finally someone escaped, not just us." Yang Feng said with great joy and comfort.

This time they confronted the Chu army in the rainforest, they failed completely, and it is very likely that the entire army was wiped out.But even so, Yang Feng still hoped to keep part of his troops.

Even if it is 1000 people, 2000 people are fine.

Seeing the old department now, is naturally a joy in my heart.

At the same time, the group of people in front had also noticed that Yang Feng and others had stopped.Yang Feng hurried over, and after approaching, he was delighted to find that the leader of this team of about three to forty people was actually Meng You.

"General Meng, I am relieved to see that you are safe and sound." Seeing that this person was actually Meng You, Yang Feng couldn't help but said happily.He felt that he died with the Chu army in the forest, and he should have credit for it.

But if something happened to Meng Huo's younger brother, and he has no army now, he was afraid that Meng Huo would get angry and forget his merits.

Now that Meng You was safe and sound, Yang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Meng You also saw Yang Feng early and came up to meet him.But after hearing Yang Feng's words, Meng You smiled wryly, and said, "It's a lucky escape."

Yang Feng deeply felt the same when he heard the words.Immediately, the two people who were lucky enough to escape their lives looked at each other and laughed loudly, taking pleasure in bitterness.

"I don't know how the general escaped?"

Immediately, Yang Feng asked.

Meng You smiled wryly, and began to tell what he had experienced in detail.

At the beginning, spies came to report that the Chu army was scattered and invaded south.After Yang Feng discussed with him, he also started to disperse.Meng You led one of the soldiers and horses to meet him.

He planned to destroy a detachment of the Chu army.

After a while of searching, they heard the movement of one of the Chu troops.So Meng You set up an ambush on a road that the Chu army must pass through, intending to wait for work with ease.

As a result, the ambush was completed.In the initial battle, the Chu army lost a lot.But later, the balance of war has completely changed.

The Chu army is not only very vigorous, but also regards death as home.And the equipment is very good, almost suppressing their long-range attack power.In the end, seeing that he was invincible, Meng You ran away decisively.

After dealing with the Chu army several times on the road, he escaped and ascended to heaven.

"That's right, the Liannu of the Chu army is really powerful. Our people can also be said to be natural archers, but they were completely suppressed." Yang Feng felt a sense of sympathy when he heard about Meng You's experience. , sighed.

"This time, the leader was really troubled. We really didn't get such a magical weapon from the Chu army, otherwise we wouldn't have rushed to send the leader to meet it." Meng You apologized to Yang Feng.

"Unexpected things will always happen in war, and the general doesn't need to blame himself. It doesn't get in the way." Yang Feng said with a very generous expression.

"The leader is generous." Meng You still felt sorry for Yang Feng, and sighed.

"Hehe." Yang Feng chuckled.

Immediately, Yang Feng suddenly put away his smile and said, "There is one more thing to tell the general."

"Oh?" Meng You looked up at Yang Feng upon hearing this.

"During my escape, I ordered my clan soldiers to disperse and escape, and the Chu army also chose to disperse and pursue. Although it is possible that my clan soldiers will be wiped out, the Chu army will also be too scattered and difficult to gather. Lin The middle road is very complicated. What does the general think?" Having said that, Yang Feng said with a smile on his face.

"It's hard for an ordinary sergeant to get out of this forest." Meng You said with great certainty, his eyes brightened.

"Hahaha, this time we may all die together. It's not that our entire army was wiped out." Yang Feng laughed loudly.

"It's really a blessing in misfortune." Meng Duo nodded and said with a smile.

Meng You almost grew up in this forest, hunting, fighting, and fighting.He knew that ordinary Han people would not be able to get out of that forest.

Although the Chu army is a little stronger in combat effectiveness and better equipped, they are still Han Chinese.Unless you have a lot of experience to discern the direction, it is certain to get lost in the woods.

A small group of four or five people will carry out a dispersed pursuit.Fortunately, he could figure out who the leading general of this army was.

In Meng You's stomach, he was about to burst out laughing.

Originally, Meng You felt sorry for Yang Feng, and lost another [-] troops.It is a heavy blow to the cause of fighting against the Chu army.

But if the [-] army and the [-] Chu army were to die together, it would be absolutely different.

At present, the strength of their barbarians is about 21, and according to intelligence, the Chu army's troops going south are no more than [-].Judging from the number of troops, their barbarians have an absolute upper hand.

But he is very familiar with Meng You's fighting power. This time in the forest, he personally tried the fighting power of the Chu army.It can be said that Meng You didn't have much confidence in fighting their 21 troops against the [-] Chu troops.It is estimated that there is more than good luck.

And if Yang Feng's army really died together with the [-] Chu army.Then make a fortune.

Next is 18 barbarians against [-] Chu troops.The difference in numbers has more than tripled.Then the chances of winning will increase steadily, right?

Worth it, the loss of the [-] army is worth it.

"If it's true what the leader said, when we go back to Langdian City, the eldest brother will definitely hold a celebration banquet to celebrate this achievement." Meng You laughed loudly.


Yang Feng also laughed.

After such a combination of the two, the originally depressed mood began to ease up.Finally, the Han people were planted in the woods.

"Come on, let's go back to the city."

After a while, Meng You said.

"Okay." Yang Feng nodded and applauded.

Immediately, a group of people returned to the city together, because this is a plain area, and there are people nearby.After Meng You and others passed a horse raising house, they bought horses with money.

A few people including Meng You and Yang Feng mounted their horses and quickly returned to Dalangdian City.

In the city, in the hall of the Barbarian Palace.

Meng Huo was still anxiously waiting for news from Meng You and the others. They had been on the expedition for a while, but there was still no news. Meng Huo was quite anxious.

"My lord, the general has returned to the city." Suddenly, a guard came in and said.

"Okay, please come in immediately." Meng Huo was overjoyed when he heard the words, and suddenly stood up and said.

"Wait, what's the situation ahead? How many of them are back?" Meng Huo asked again immediately.

"Here, there are only three or four people including the general and Chief Yang." The guard hesitated and said.

"What?" Meng Huo gasped. There were 3 people when he went out, but only three or four people when he came back.It was wiped out.Meng Huo felt that his eyes were going black, and he had the urge to faint.

The southerners fought the Chu army in the forest, but failed.Meng Huo couldn't believe it.

But Meng Huo is also Meng Huo after all, he has dominated Nanzhong for many years and left a famous figure in history.Soon, Meng Huo calmed down and waved, "Let them in immediately."

Now that things have happened, it is not time to pursue the process.The most important thing now is the information about the Chu army.

Yang Feng and others stopped the Chu army in the forest, but failed.

For the first time, Meng Huo wondered if their information about the Chu army was outdated, and the Chu army might be more powerful than the rumors said.The most important thing now is to know the information.

What happened to the war in the forest.

Meng Huo didn't wait long. After the guard left, Meng You and Yang Feng walked in soon after.

"Meet the barbarian king."

"Big brother."

After Yang Feng and Meng You walked in, they immediately bowed to see the Tao.

"Needless to say anything, did you lose this time? Why?" Meng Huo asked impatiently.

"We are defeated." Meng You and Yang Feng looked at each other, and finally Meng You said with a sigh.

Although he had already guessed it, Meng Huo still felt heavy when he heard Meng You say it himself. He took a deep breath and asked, "Why?"

"Brother doesn't know, the Chu army's mobility and running speed in the forest are almost comparable to those of our southerners. Their crossbows can be fired more than ten times. They don't need to be wound."

Meng You said.

"What?" Meng Huo was dumbfounded.

With the frail body of the Han people, they can run into the southern people in the forest.The crossbow can actually be fired more than ten times.Is this talking about scriptures?

(To be continued)

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