Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 897 Chen Bing Answers Langdian City

"Man Wang, what General Meng said is true. Relying on the Liannu, the Chu army's fighting power in the forest is almost overwhelming." Seeing Meng Huo's surprise, Yang Feng said with a wry smile.

If it weren't for the fact that he had suffered a lot, and was already terrified by the powerful combat power of the Chu army.Yang Feng would not say such words that boost others' ambitions and destroy his prestige.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's hard to believe." Meng Huo slowly put away his surprise and said.Immediately, he said again: "However, it's no wonder that when Yong Kai and I raised troops, the Chu army had already defeated Liu Zhang, who should be regarded as a tyrannical prince. At that time, we suspected that the Chu army was What kind of trick was used. It turns out that the Chu army really has so many tricks."

"Kou Feng, this person, may be much more terrifying than imagined."

Finally, Meng Huo also said with a wry smile.

He underestimated Kou Feng, underestimated Chu Jun, and he paid the price again.The [-] army was gone.

"The barbarian king doesn't need to worry too much. In fact, this time may not be fruitless." Seeing the wry smile on Meng Huo's face, Yang Feng said hastily.

"Brother, Chief Yang is right. This time, he may have made money instead of accompanying him." Meng You beside him also said with a smile.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Meng Huo asked with surprise on his face.

"During our confrontation with the Chu army, the Chu army dispersed." Meng You spoke slowly, telling the story of the fight with the Chu army in the forest one by one.

At the end, Meng You even said: "If the [-] troops of the Chu army get lost in the forest, they will all be wiped out. Wouldn't it be that we won't accompany you, but will earn instead?"

Meng Huo's face showed surprise when he heard the words, he stared at Meng You with piercing eyes, and couldn't wait to ask: "What the second brother said is true? Did the Chu army really divide into three or five people to hunt and kill?"

"It's absolutely true." Meng You could understand Meng Huo's surprise, and he didn't really believe Chu Jun's death-seeking behavior, but the facts speak louder than words.

Both he and Yang Feng saw that the Chu army had dispersed.

"Why did this happen?" Meng Huo was full of doubts. Although he could understand Meng You's expectation, if the [-] Chu troops were not in the forest, it would be great news for their great cause of fighting against the Chu army. .

At the same time, Meng Huo himself was expecting the same, but there were still many doubts in it. A Chu general would actually put his soldiers in a vast forest and disperse them into a small team of four or five people.

Is that General Chu a mindless figure?Even the experienced hunters among the Han people may not have the ability to get out of the vast forest.

Does Chu think that the soldiers are more experienced than Orion?It's ridiculous and suspicious.

However, in the end Meng Huo still believed what Meng You, Yang Feng saw with his own eyes.The [-] Chu troops dispersed and hunted down, and most of them were lost in the deep forest.

Meng Huo finally became happy in his heart.

Not to mention exchanging [-] troops for [-] Chu troops, Meng Huo would feel that he had made a profit even if he exchanged [-] troops for [-] Chu troops.And this time, it really made a lot of money.

"No matter what, I still don't believe that ordinary soldiers can walk out of the forest that we have hunted for generations without a guide. They were either bitten to death by poisonous snakes, or died of miasma, or they would get lost and die. Death. Thirty thousand Chu troops, following the path of their ancestors hundreds of years ago, will die in the wilderness."

Meng Huo laughed loudly.

"That's right, hundreds of years ago, our ancestors relied on that forest to keep the semi-self-made living environment of our southerners, and we can do the same today." Meng You said enthusiastically.

"Not only can we, we can also establish an empire and a civilization. It's like a big country like the Han people." Yang Feng interjected.

Yang Feng's words revealed his special feelings for the Han Empire. On the one hand, he wanted to plunder, but at the same time he had to envy it.

It was an orderly country, and there was no need to live in the mountains and forests, and to keep company with wild beasts.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Yang Feng at this moment has lost most of his power.The loss of [-] soldiers is not only a decline in strength, it may also be a terrible blow to his prestige in the tribe.

Therefore, the idea of ​​joining Meng Huo's empire had already flashed in Yang Feng's mind, to join Meng Huo's empire.

"Empire, emperor?" Meng Huo's eyes flashed with eagerness. Meng Huo's former ally, Yong Kai, was an ambitious man who wanted to be emperor. Meng Huo was also somewhat blackened by this point.

Meng Huo was also very clear about the so-called title of emperor by the Han people.Not just the supreme ruler of the country, but a self-styled figure.

But Meng Huo quickly withdrew the eagerness in his eyes. Compared to Meng You and Yang Feng, Meng Huo was still a relatively calm person.The most urgent task now is to consider how to drive away the Chu army and become emperor, which is still far away.

"Let's talk about this kind of thing later." Meng Huo smiled and said calmly.Immediately, he said to Yang Feng: "Leader Yang is also at ease. After this battle, if the Chu army can be defeated and a large number of Chu troops captured, I will make the decision and let the leader choose 5000 people first. Moreover, send the leader a large amount of food, craftsmen, Wei Dao and others, restore power for the leader."

Meng Huo has always been forthright towards meritorious soldiers, which is also an important reason why he can win people's hearts.

"Thank you, Barbarian King."

Although Yang Feng was disappointed that Meng Huo did not continue the topic of proclaiming himself emperor, he was still overjoyed and said.

"Haha, this is what the leader deserves." Meng Huo laughed and waved his hand, saying that he doesn't need to care.Immediately, Meng Huo ordered to the guards outside the door: "Come here, invite the two leaders Mu Lu and Wu Tugu to come over. Let's say that the front has won a big victory, and I want to prepare a banquet to celebrate."

"No." The guard promised and left quickly.

After a while, a large number of women came in carrying the most delicious wine in the city.Soon after, a large amount of food was brought up.

When Mu Lu and Wu Tugu entered the hall, the banquet was almost ready.

"Huh? Leader Yang and General Meng are back?" Mu Lu couldn't help but wondered when he saw Yang Feng and Meng You after entering the hall.

"Is this a celebration banquet?" Wu Tugu responded a little faster and said joyfully.

Mu Lu also came back to his senses, looked at the layout in front of him, and couldn't help but said happily: "A big victory ahead?"

"There is no big victory ahead. I don't know yet. But according to my estimation, the Chu army should have been reduced by 3 people. It should be worth celebrating." Meng Huo smiled slightly and brought Meng You and Yang Feng back The news, told the two of them.

"Ordinary Chu soldiers also want to come out of that forest. It's really a joke. The head of the leading Chu general must have been kicked by a donkey, and he is confused. Hahahaha."

When Mu Lu heard the words, he didn't hide his contempt at all, and laughed loudly.

"Maybe it wasn't kicked by a donkey, or maybe it was burned." Wu Tugu also thought it was very interesting, and couldn't help laughing.

"Anyway, no matter what, we don't think that the [-] Chu troops can come out. It's a great victory given to us by the heavens. Let's celebrate it." Meng Huo also laughed.

Immediately, he poured himself a full glass of wine and raised his glass to congratulate.

"Drink, drink to your heart's content."

"If you don't get drunk, you will be too sorry to encounter such an interesting thing. It's a rare fun."

Everyone laughed, raised their glasses and said.

Immediately, Meng Huo, Meng You, Yang Feng, Mu Lu, Wu Tugu and others in the hall began to drink freely. These people are all southern barbarians, and they can drink very well.

I am also happy that Chu State failed for a while.

There was almost no restraint, and not long after, everyone, including Meng Huo, was as drunk as mud.

……… At the same time, a small group of soldiers of the Chu army appeared in the north of Dalangdian City and on the southern edge of the vast dense forest.

This group of soldiers was in a bit of a panic, all of them were dirty, and a small number of them were injured.I don't know the damage caused by the sword.

Some poisonous snakes and beasts in the forest dealt a serious blow to this team.Although scattered pursuit can eliminate every barbarian as much as possible, the threat they receive is indeed relatively large.

"Captain, what should we do now?" During this time, the team was in the forest, rushing to get out of the forest.Now that he came out, he was a little confused, a soldier asked.

"According to the order, we are going to gather in the north of Dalangdian City. Now let's ask the barbarians who are entrenched here." The corporal leader said without hesitation.

When they dispersed, Zhang Fei, the later general, notified the meeting point.

"No." The soldier agreed.

Immediately, the corps leader ordered his soldiers to search for nearby barbarian families in teams of two or three.And looking for Chu soldiers who will appear one after another.The Chu army in this small group was just one of the teams that came out of the forest.

More soldiers have emerged from the edge of the forest.But half a day later, the search for Dalangdian City began in twos and threes.

Gather in a direction close to due north.

The northern Han army stepped into this land for the first time.The significance to the Han people is huge, but it is a huge blow to the barbarians.

Chu State is a very aggressive country, because the monarch of the country can be said to be an aggressive maniac.The southerners are relatively sturdy, and a large number of soldiers from the Chu army poured in.

Soon, some barbarian families began to rebel, and of course they were massacred.

In addition to women, regardless of whether they are old people or children, they are all executed.In fact, every year when people from the south go north, they will also cause such harm to the Han people.

However, the southerners carried out annihilation, humiliation and looting for their own desires.For most of the Han women, they are killed first and then killed. Of course, children are killed along with the situation.

But Chu Jun's purpose is very obvious, to keep women.Execute the man very calmly, as well as the rest of the family.With strong military discipline, there was not even a single incident of annihilating silver.

The Chu army is a war machine that exists for the political purposes of Koufeng, not robbers.

(To be continued)

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