Even Yu Siyan showed fascination, it can be seen that there are many treasures in the central area of ​​the ancient battlefield. (⊙﹏⊙⊙﹏⊙)

Yu Siyan took a breath and continued: "Based on our strength, there will basically be no problems in the inner layer. The key is to pay attention to other strong human beings. The teams that can go to the inner layer are generally very strong. As for the central area , we are not in a hurry to go, after the strength improves, we can go in and try our luck."

"Sister Siyan, we all listen to you." Bi Fan became excited.

Dongfang Canglong said excitedly: "Then let's go directly to the inner layer now, the outer layer doesn't even have treasures, so it doesn't make much sense to stay there."

"Okay! Let's go directly to the inner layer. Be careful, everyone, try not to conflict with other teams. Once you get injured, you will face the covetousness of many people." Yu Siyan reminded. [


Bi Fan hurriedly and secretly contacted the four separate avatars of Baiming, and asked them to enter the inner layer first to understand the situation.

In contrast, the four of Bai Ming are stronger than Bi Fan and the others.

Bai Ming, Ghost Wind, Whirlwind, and Hei You are all cultivation bases of the elementary Soul Realm, and the realm is not high. It is estimated that many teams will want to kill people to seize treasures when they see them, and they will only send treasures to Bai Ming and the others. Will be cheap Baiming them.

Before, Bai Ming and the others had encountered more than 30 groups of strong men who robbed them, but were killed by them instead, and they obtained countless treasures.

On the surface, Bai Ming and his team are indeed inferior to Bi Fan's team, so more people are robbed.

Although they all entered the inner layer, the risk is high.

Bi Fan and Separation are not together, and if there is anything wrong with either side, there is still room for change.

The ancient battlefield has been opened countless times, and the treasures are almost collected. Fighting among humans has become a way to obtain treasures.

Anyway, as long as it is done cleanly, no one will know, and naturally there will be no trouble.

Bi Fan hoped to meet more robbers and make more money.

You know, Bi Fan is a typical example of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. His ability to leapfrog challenges is too strong, even Yu Siyan is far behind.

Bi Fan and his group of seven continued to set off, heading straight for the inner layer.

If they encounter blood demon beasts, they will still take action. The value of the corpses of blood demon beasts is not low, and the Nascent Soul that goes to them is stronger than the Nascent Soul of monsters, especially suitable for refining Nether.The Nether produced by refining contains the evil spirit of blood, and its lethality is much stronger.

Bi Fan has already refined several Nethers that contain blood-bale energy, which are several times stronger than Nethers of the same level, and Bi Fan's heart is full of joy.

If you can accumulate more of these ghosts and release them when you meet a strong enemy in the future, it will have an unexpected effect.

Now the Nether Soul Soul Rescue Bell has activated four small bells, which means that Bi Fan has already been able to use the first four floors.

There are countless ghosts inside each little bell, but the strongest ghost on the fourth floor is only at the level of divine sense, only a little higher than Bi Fan's.

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