Of course, Bi Fan's self-refined Nether is not counted among them, and he has not yet used the Nether that existed in the Nether Soul Requiem Bell. o(∩_∩)o~~www>

Moreover, recently Bi Fan also discovered a function of the Nether Soul Rescue Bell, that is, through the Nether Soul Rescue Bell, it can send out yin and yang gods, and the attack power is doubled.

And the more little bells Bi Fan turned on, the greater the increase in the future.A small bell seems to increase the basic power by [-]%, and four small bells are twice the increase, which is amazing.

As for whether the Netherworld soul-suppressing bell has any other special effects, Bi Fan hasn't figured it out yet, so he asked Hunshuo, but unfortunately Hunshuo didn't tell him, and just let him figure it out by himself.

The power of Yin Yang God, which has been doubled, is astonishing. [

In the illusion challenge, Bi Fan tried it himself, and he was able to instantly kill a strong man at the peak of the soul state. If he used the divine consciousness and evil consciousness of the two-color Qilian to perform Yin-Yang God Forging, it would be enough to instantly kill the strong man below the distracted state. .

This method kills people invisible and invisible, very powerful, Bi Fan is not going to use it easily, this is his big trump card.

Along the way, Bi Fan had already taught Yu Siyan and the others the simplified method of Yin-Yang God's training. However, they did not have the opposite spiritual power and could not practice the authentic Yin-Yang God's training. The simplified method was far less powerful than the authentic Yin-Yang God's training. However, it is still very good for refining weapons, making talismans, and warming spiritual weapons.

Chapter 140 Five Murder Invisible

Two months later, Bi Fan and his party finally broke into the inner layer.

Along the way, Bi Fan and the others killed countless blood fiend monsters and more than a dozen strong human beings who robbed them, and the harvest was still great.

The happiest thing is that Bi Fan and the others have improved in strength, especially after going through bloody fights, their martial skills and mood have improved rapidly.

The five Dongfang Canglong, Jingfeng, Wang Zhong, Ji Yinglan, and Monan have all cultivated to the middle level of psychic powers. They are more proficient in the Five Elements Divine Fist and the Great Five Elements Formation, and their combat effectiveness has improved a lot.

Yu Siyan's realm has not improved, but her mental state has improved a lot, her martial skills and actual combat experience have also been enriched, and her combat effectiveness has improved a lot.

Bi Fan made the fastest progress because he was able to absorb the aura of blood evil without any restraint.

In a few months, Bi Fan's cultivation was close to the high-level Divine Soul Realm, and his various martial arts improved rapidly.

Especially the Blood Fiend Eight Techniques, Bi Fan and the Four Great Avatars are using them. When fighting against strong enemies, they will use the Blood Fiend Eight Techniques to enhance the power of the Blood Fiend Eight Techniques.

According to Yu Siyan, the Blood Fiend Eight Techniques have already reached the level of a nine-star martial skill, and they can continue to improve their power in the future, but it is very difficult to become a god-level martial skill.

However, Bi Fan didn't give up. He had a feeling that the Blood Fiend Eight Techniques seemed to have the possibility of infinite improvement.

Although the Hundred Battles Holy Fist is powerful, it has already reached its peak. It is almost impossible to increase the power of the Hundred Battles Holy Fist.

The Eight Blood Fiends are different, as long as they are used continuously to fight, their power will increase and their moves will become more and more perfect.

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