"That is, back then I was the second person in the younger generation of Qingyangmen. Bi Fan had just learned martial arts, but he quickly defeated me and became the No.1 young disciple. chapter\>

Wang Zhongdao: "I was defeated by Bi Fan in the Abyss Demon Realm and became Bi Fan's subordinate. I didn't expect Bi Fan brothers to treat me like a big brother, like a family. I am a casual cultivator, and I can have today's cultivation. It all depends on Brother Bi Fan."

Speaking of which, everyone's evaluation of Bi Fan is extremely high, it is really highly respected.

Bi Fan and his party finished cleaning up the battlefield, divided up the treasures, and continued to set off.

"I really hope that there will be a few more unscrupulous guys who will send us a lot of treasures. There are so many treasures, and some treasure houses don't have so many." Dongfang Canglong has always been very excited. [

Although Dongfang Canglong didn't say anything, he still wanted to go back to the Dongfang family to prove himself and make those who looked down on him regret it.

At the same time, Dongfang Canglong has always wanted to become stronger, and he also wanted to know his father's life experience, and find his biological father, so that the family can share the family.

For a long time, Dongfang Canglong and his mother Dongfang Mingzhu have suffered a lot of humiliation, but Dongfang Mingzhu has never blamed Dongfang Canglong's biological father. It can be seen that Dongfang Mingzhu loves Dongfang Canglong's father very deeply.

When he was young, Dongfang Canglong couldn't understand it, and his heart was full of hatred for his biological father.

But after growing up, Dongfang Canglong firmly believed that the departure of his biological father must have had some serious difficulties.

"It's better to seldom encounter such things. We were lucky to win this time. If the opponent was not too careless, even if we could win, I'm afraid it would be a miserable victory. Moreover, this wave of people failed, and the news spread, I'm afraid there will be more strong ones coming next time." Jingfeng said with a smile.

Yu Siyan said: "Anyway, it's better to seldom encounter this kind of thing. Now we have killed many young disciples of the forces. Once these sects know about it, they will not be able to directly trouble us, and they will also harm us through other means. us."

"No matter how many people there are, we still stick to the principle of 'if people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I will pay back ten times!' If someone doesn't open their eyes, we will continue to kill. Of course, we don't take the initiative to make trouble." Fan said coldly.

"It is to kill people to gain power in order to get more benefits." Wang Zhong said.

"Let's just take a break for a while, it's not good to show off too much." Monan laughed.

Bi Fan and the others chatted and laughed, incomparably relaxed.

In fact, they also knew that this time they killed more than [-] strong men at once, and it is estimated that those teams who used equipment will have to reconsider.

No one wants to lose their life for a popular key.

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