No matter how important the treasure is, it is not as important as your own life. o(∩_∩)o~~www>

Of course, there are probably those who don't want to give up and will unite with more powerful players, but it is estimated that many teams are unwilling to face Bi Fan and others.

Chapter 160 Change of Wind Direction

After Bi Fan and the others arrived at the outskirts of the Langya Mountains, they had been hunting the blood demon beasts, and the competition for the fifth Fengxing key and the sixth Fengxing key came to an end one after another.

The fifth Fengxing key was finally obtained by Tianxiezong, and Du Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. [

The sixth Fengxing key was obtained by the Silver Wing Palace of the Silver Wing World. The Silver Wing Palace is also very strong in the Langya Mountains. There are more than 50 strong ones, and the strongest ones are also high-level distractions. The strong man, so I didn't dare to snatch it.

Now there are six popular keys, five of which have been seized by the giant forces, and the slightly weaker forces have no chance.Moreover, those Big Macs have a large number of personnel, and they are not satisfied with only one popular key.

Therefore, those small and medium-sized forces that were full of enthusiasm when they came were full of longing, but now they are almost desperate.

At this time, with the help of several major forces, many forces once again set their minds on the Liujue Adventure Group.

Compared with the five Big Macs, Bi Fan and others are still much weaker.

Although the news that Bi Fan defeated the Blue Devil and later they killed more than [-] strong people shocked many people, but Bi Fan and his group only had eight of them, and Bi Fan was the strongest.

All of a sudden, there were many spies around Bi Fan and the others, and the eight of them became cautious.

"It seems that many forces are not dead-hearted, and they want to rob our Fengxing key!" Monan said coldly.

"They are better at fighting. We are worried that there is no reason to kill those strong people." Dongfang Canglong became excited.

Bi Fan was extremely calm: "If the enemy doesn't come this time, it's fine. Once the enemy comes, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with!"

"Yes, with the lessons learned from the past, I am afraid that the power coming this time will be extremely powerful, and it will be difficult to compete!" Yu Siyan was also a little uncertain.

In the Eighteenth World, besides Moluo Shenzong and Silver Wing Palace, there are many powerful forces that are weaker than them, and there are quite a few powerful forces like the Yuanshi Sect. Once these forces unite, Bi Fan will be considered superhuman. It cannot be defeated either.

Bi Fan contacted the four separate avatars of Baiming again, but unfortunately they seemed to be trapped in a certain environment, and they couldn't get in touch with Bi Fan.

Fortunately, they were not in danger, because once something happened to them, Bi Fan would know immediately.

"Then what shall we do?" Jingfeng said.

"We have to take one step at a time. If it is absolutely necessary, we can give up the treasure house of Shenxingzong, but we can't give up unless it is absolutely necessary." Bi Fan said.

"Next, we will go deep into the Langya Mountains. The deeper the Langya Mountains, the more powerful the blood demon beasts will be. At least it will prevent some weaker strongmen from chasing them. Moreover, once they are in the depths of the Langya Mountains If fierce battles are launched everywhere, those strong human beings will also have scruples." Yu Siyan said indifferently.

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