Double Agent Saga

129. Urinary Convulsions

At 2:07 with a difference of 30 minutes, Liu Qiuyue and Fu Huaizhen arrived at the Mingguang Theater. 【】

The play will start at 07:30, and the gongs and drums in the theater have already started beating, which makes the performers feel a little impetuous.Most of the audience has gone in, and only a few spectators linger in front of the posters in the foyer.

Fu Huaizhen and Liu Qiuyue walked into the foyer of the theater talking and laughing.The hall lights had begun to dim.Through the entrance door, it can be seen that the theater is already full of audience.The curtain on the stage has been opened, and the table and two chairs between the stage are colorful under the illumination of the lights.

Two of the three gendarmes have already entered the venue to check the situation inside.Chen Sanhu stood guard at the entrance, watching the surrounding situation, and several brothers stood nearby.

At this time, You Shaoqing hadn't come in yet.She stood in the corner outside the theater door and looked around.She was a little surprised, since her sister is going to play, why there is no shadow yet.She has already begun to suspect that Chen Sanhu lied to her.

Liu Qiuyue took Fu Huaizhen's arm and walked in with all sorts of flair.She was wearing a long embroidered skirt, and a white silk round-neck shirt with sleeves on her upper body, which was only short to the waist, making her waist even more graceful.Fu Huaizhen is relatively simple, a light gray short-sleeved shirt with a lapel and a pair of Verdin wide-leg trousers.

Liu Qiuyue entered the door, and greeted Chen Sanhu and the brothers around him with a smile.

But at this time, Fu Huaizhen felt a little anxious, and leaned into Qiuyue's ear and whispered, "Yue'er, wait for me a moment, I'm going to untie my little hand, it won't be too late. I'll do it all at once."

Fu Huaizhen's sissy, to Liu Qiuyue's ears, is really soft and sweet, which makes her little heart so happy.Because of this, she didn't think too much, and said with a sweet smile: "Then go quickly, I'll wait for you here, let's go in together." In these short two days, Liu Qiuyue's tone also changed A lot, like a delicate little sissy, tender and attractive.

Fu Huaizhen walked briskly into the side door.Out of the side door is a wide corridor that is not too long.The lights in the wide corridor are dim, one end is the men's and women's toilets, the other end is the exit, and there is a door in between, which is the waist door leading to the auditorium.When the show is over, the audience can also exit from here.

There was no one in the wide corridor.The sound of gongs and drums in the theater also became distant.Fu Huai could really hear the sound of his leather shoes echoing in the quiet corridor.

He went into the toilet.yeah!It smells so bad inside.The foul stench from the toilet rushed straight into his thin, pointed nose.He squinted and stood up the steps of the urinal, and pulled his thing out of his pants.In the past two days, he had really worked hard on this thing, and it was already weak to the point of embarrassment.When he was waiting for the urine to come out of that thing, he couldn't help but think of the wonderful time he and Yue'er spent together.

At this time, he vaguely felt that there was someone beside him.He didn't seem to hear the sound of the door opening, but with one eyeball, he did see someone beside him, and there were two people.Then, he felt something cold press against his temple.He opened his mouth and turned his face. It was a gun, and it was pressed against his temple exactly.When the people on both sides grabbed his arms tightly, he felt the thing under him tighten, and the urine that just flowed out was held back again.

A person whispered in his ear: "Is it Fu Huaizhen, Mr. Fu?"

He let out an "ah" and nodded subconsciously.

The man continued, "Honestly, don't resist or I'll shoot. Now turn around slowly and follow us, slowly."

Fu Huaizhen grinned and said in a crying voice, "I still have to pee."

Li Lin was surprised.In the plan in his mind, he didn't even take this into consideration. "Didn't you pee before? Why do you still want to pee!" He was a little annoyed, and his tone became more serious.

Fu Huaizhen continued to grin, "I pissed a little, but I still want to piss."

Li Lin lowered his head and glanced at the long guy hanging in front of his trousers, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Fu Huaizhen grinned in pain, trying his best to let the urinated urine come out again.But no, the sphincter in his body couldn't relax no matter what.To be honest, this half-soaked urine saved his life.

At this time, Liu Qiuyue was standing in the hall, slowly turning her face to the side door.Fu Huaizhen's sour hooligan was not around, and the charm and sissy in her heart gradually disappeared, and the professional sensitivity cultivated over the years re-ruled her brain and nerves.She vaguely felt that it took a little longer for Huaizhen to go to the bathroom.Damn, she turned suspiciously and walked towards the side door.

As soon as she opened the side door, she immediately saw two men with guns holding her Fu Huaizhen walking towards her.They had already passed the waist door leading to the auditorium, and were almost outside the side door.She was surprised to see that Fu Huaizhen's long dick was hanging out of his trousers, and he was still urinating drippingly.

Fu Huaizhen was looking at her in fear at this moment, and murmured, "Yue'er, please help me, please help me."

Li Lin pointed his gun at Liu Qiuyue who had just appeared.He knew that she was Fu Huaizhen's girlfriend or fiancee, but he didn't know that she was also an officer of the Secret Bureau.Had he known, the shot might have gone off.While pointing a gun at Liu Qiuyue, he supported Fu Huaizhen and walked towards the exit a few steps away.

This situation was completely beyond Liu Qiuyue's expectations, she screamed, "What are you doing!"

Li Lin continued to point the gun at Liu Qiuyue, and supported Fu Huaizhen to move towards the exit.

Seeing the savior, Fu Huaizhen struggled and refused to leave, and even looked at Liu Qiuyue with begging eyes.

Liu Qiuyue's face was pale at this time.She opened her hands and kept shaking them, "Don't do this, please don't do this." As she spoke, she moved forward, looking for an opportunity.

At this time, You Shaoqing was walking in from outside the theater.The absence of her sister made her feel uneasy, or rather, there was indeed some danger in this theater.When she entered, she saw Liu Qiuyue walking into the side door.Then, she heard her shrill cry.Without thinking about anything, she ran towards the side door and pulled out the pistol at her waist.

She slammed the door open and burst into the wide hallway.

In the wide corridor, what You Shaoqing saw was actually similar to what Liu Qiuyue saw.But it would take a few tenths of a second for her to clearly understand the situation in the corridor.Li Lin's time to see her was much shorter, besides, he was still holding a gun.He saw a soldier rushing through the side door with a weapon in his hand.He instantly turned his gun and pointed it at You Shaoqing.

The muzzle of the gun is everything in the eyes of a soldier, and it is a warning from the supreme.Dodging guns is already an instinctive behavior of You Shaoqing after several training sessions.She instantly adjusted her body to one side.Then she heard two deafening gunshots.The bullet flew past her forehead.She lost her center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Liu Qiuyue didn't have time to take out the gun in her purse.The person she loves the most is about to be kidnapped, and she desperately wants to save him.The deafening gunshot mobilized the animal nature in her body, she let out another scream, rushed towards Fu Huaizhen like crazy, and hugged Fu Huaizhen's leg tightly.

Li Lin pointed a gun at Liu Qiuyue, but he did not shoot.He can't shoot a civilian.He turned his gun to You Shaoqing who was jumping up from the ground again, but he still didn't shoot.Because of the two gunshots, it had already caused a huge shock.The audience in the theater was pouring out of the waist door, screaming or yelling, terrified past them and bumping against their bodies.

Li Lin and another person took advantage of this torrent to drag Fu Huaizhen towards the exit, but they couldn't.He kicked Liu Qiuyue on the ground, but he couldn't.I could only hear her screaming one after another, tightly hugging Fu Huaizhen's leg.Li Lin was only one step away from the exit, but he couldn't get out.

You Shaoqing couldn't shoot either, she rushed over with the crowd and reached out to grab Li Lin.Li Lin had no choice but to block her hand with a gun.Chen Sanhu also rushed out of the side door, rushing through the crowd angrily, and squeezed towards Fu Huaizhen.

Knowing the situation in front of him, Li Lin already knew that it was impossible for him to take Fu Huaizhen away.He let go, pulled his accomplice, followed the crowd, and instantly exited the exit, disappearing into the darkness.

The terrified audience finally ran away, like a receding tide.The wide corridor finally fell silent.

Fu Huaizhen fell to the ground, his face was pale, and he hadn't recovered from the panic.Liu Qiuyue threw herself on top of him, still hugging his leg tightly.On her snow-white calf, several black footprints were stepped on by the fleeing audience.

Beside her, Chen Sanhu and several brothers raised their guns and nervously pointed at both ends of the corridor.Three gendarmes guarded several gates respectively.

You Shaoqing was furious, looked around, and roared, "Quick, take him away!"

Liu Qiuyue also woke up.When she looked up, she saw Fu Huaizhen's long guy still lying outside his trousers.The thing she was grabbing at him shoved it into her pants.

Two gendarmes ran over, grabbed Liu Qiuyue and threw her aside, picked up Fu Huaizhen and walked out.

You Shaoqing yelled: "Follow, follow, hurry up!" She followed closely behind the military police and walked out.

Chen Sanhu and others set up Liu Qiuyue to protect Fu Huaizhen, and walked out.

But, once outside the door, You Shaoqing was taken aback.The street lights outside were dim, and there was no one there.But there are many people hidden indistinctly on the street and under the shadow of trees in the distance.The audience who fled for their lives still couldn't restrain their curiosity, hid in a corner or behind a tree, and looked in front of the theater door in horror.

You Shaoqing was nervous.Their car was still [-] meters away. They took Fu Huaizhen through this short distance. If someone attacked, they didn't know what would happen.She immediately yelled, "Stop! Everyone stop! Surround the target! Go to some people, drive the car over, go!"

Several people ran towards the car in the distance.The rest of the people surrounded Fu Huaizhen, holding guns in their hands, carefully looking around.Liu Qiuyue finally took out her gun and stood in front of Fu Huaizhen, looking left and right.

Cars finally came one by one.Two gendarmes supported Fu Huaizhen and stuffed him into the car at once.He grabbed Liu Qiuyue's arm again and threw her into the car with one blow.The car immediately roared and rushed forward.

You Shaoqing and the others all jumped into their cars.She yelled, "Drive fast! Keep up!"

Several cars rushed out with a roar and turned onto the street in an instant.

There were thrills along the way, and everyone returned to Honggong Temple safely.When they sat down in the meeting room, they finally breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down their panicked hearts.

You Shaoqing reported to Cheng Yunfa what happened in the theater outside the conference room door, telling him that the Communist Party almost robbed Fu Huaizhen in the theater.Cheng Yunfa was also taken aback, hurried back to the office and called Ye Gongjin.

You Shaoqing returned to the conference room, grabbed Chen Sanhu and dragged him out of the conference room.

The lights in the corridor were a bit dim, and there was even more silence around.You Shaoqing stared at Chen Sanhu's eyes almost bursting into flames, "Bastard, why do you say that Zuo Shao is good at acting?"

Chen Sanhu blinked at her, and raised his hands to cover his cheeks on both sides.He knew that this elder sister was just like the young master, with heavy fists and heavy palms, and it was unbearable to eat her palm.He forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry, sister, I... I can't help it, our master just asked me to tell you that. I... I have no choice but to say that." Chen Sanhu said, pointing behind her .

When You Shaoqing turned around, he saw Zuo Shaoqing came out of the office and was standing at the door watching them.

You Shaoqing turned around and walked in front of her sister, glared at her a little viciously, gritted her teeth and said, "You're lying, you're lying to me! What are you capable of!"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at her quietly and said, "I never cheated on you."

"Then why did you let that bastard tell me that you were going to play?"

"It's just such a little thing, why are you in a hurry."

"I'm just in a hurry, give me an explanation!"

Zuo Shaoqing took a deep breath, and said softly: "You girl, you are too frizzy, I'm afraid you will charge forward when you shouldn't! You don't have eyes."

You Shaoqing was furious, "You are wrong! You thought the theater was safe, but the Communist Party hijacked that Fu in the theater and even shot me!"

Zuo Shaoqing was obviously taken aback, and hit her up and down, "I didn't hit you, ah, didn't I hit you?"

"If I was hit, I would still stand here and talk to you! The bullet flew over my forehead, ah, ah, right here." She pointed to her forehead and said, "I was almost killed Me!"

"Oh, me," she held her sister's face in both hands, and looked carefully at her forehead, "God, my hair is burnt, why don't you be careful, what if you hit it."

"Stop being hypocritical with me!" You Shaoqing pushed her hand away, but suddenly fell silent, his eyes turned back and forth on her sister's face.

"What's the matter, what are you doing?" Zuo Shaoqing looked at her suspiciously.

You Shaoqing slowly approached her sister's ear, lowered her voice and asked, "Didn't you know they would rob people in the theater?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at her in surprise, "How would I know. If they rob people, why would they tell me?"

You Shaoqing stopped talking.She was very puzzled.At least from this detail, my sister didn't know that the Communist Party's underground organization would kidnap Fu Huaizhen in the theater.Isn't she a Communist Party? How could she not know?

Ye Gongjin received a call from Cheng Yunfa in the guard room of the Ministry of National Defense, and what she knew was that the underground organization of the Communist Party hijacked Fu Huaizhen in the theater.The Communist Party finally took action, but the situation made him very disappointed.It seemed that the main goal in his mind was not successful for a while, and he had to turn to his secondary goals.

This secondary goal did not disappoint him.At eleven o'clock at night, Zhang Yalan started her action.

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