In the guard room of the Ministry of National Defense, Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin were head to head, bent over the map, and marked Zhang Yalan's whereabouts on the map with a pencil. 【】

A low voice came from the walkie-talkie next to it: "Report from the Sixth Group, the target is now turning into Longyun Street... Report from the Seventh Group, the target is going east along Longyun Street..."

Zhao Minggui and Huang Fenglin discussed in low voices and judged Zhang Yalan's direction of travel.He used the walkie-talkie to transfer Groups Eight and Group Nine to the front of Longyun Street.

The walkie-talkie suddenly reported: "The target entered a pharmacy, a pharmacy open at night..."

Zhao Minggui immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, "Groups six and seven, observe carefully and monitor closely."

Zhao Minggui raised his head and met Huang Fenglin's alert eyes.He stretched out his hand to pick up the phone, "Records Office, please tell Director Qian that we need all the information about the night-time pharmacy on Longyun Street. Yes, we need it immediately, hurry up!"

In the small pharmacy on Longyun Street, the lights were dim, and the shopkeeper wearing glasses leaned over the counter to load newspapers.He slowly raised his head and looked outside the store door.

Zhang Yalan walked into the pharmacy quietly and said, "Shopkeeper, do you have any cold medicine?"

The shop owner said: "Yes, may I ask Miss, what is wrong with you?"

Zhang Yalan replied: "I have a headache, is there any medicine that works faster?"

The store owner turned around and took a bottle of medicine from the medicine shelf, and put it on the counter, "Miss, how about your diclofenac, it can reduce fever and relieve headache."

"Okay, I want this one." Zhang Yalan took out a few banknotes and put them on the counter, with her lipstick wrapped in the banknotes, "Boss, is this enough money?"

"Enough, enough." The store owner put the diclofenac in front of Zhang Yalan, and casually put the money and lipstick on the counter under the counter, "Miss, the money is just right, you go slowly."

Zhang Yalan picked up the medicine on the counter, put it in her pocket, turned and left the pharmacy.

She stood at the door of the pharmacy and walked casually to both sides.She felt strange in her heart that she hadn't seen anyone following her, which seemed inappropriate.

She had nothing else to do now but go home.

Zhao Minggui picked up the walkie-talkie and said calmly: "Groups six and seven stay put and monitor the pharmacy. Pay attention to see if there is a back door. Groups eight and nine are in front of Longyun Street and monitor the target's whereabouts."

In the pharmacy, the owner stood quietly behind the counter, looking at the dark street outside the door.The silence outside the door made him feel uneasy.He held the lipstick in his hand and turned it gently.

Across the street, there was a stench of dumpsters and rubbish piled around them.A few figures pinched their noses and hid behind the trash can, staring intently at the owner of the pharmacy.

The store owner stood quietly for a long time, and finally turned around to greet the back room.

A bleary-eyed clerk came out and stood at the counter.The store owner walked into the back room calmly.

The shop owner walked to the front of the back room and continued to go outside.It was still very quiet outside, and there was no movement.He puts the lipstick in his pocket.Bending down, he took out a pistol from under the bed board and inserted it carefully into his waist.Then he entered the kitchen in the back room, gently opened the back door, and walked out.

The spy hidden behind the corner followed him into the alley and reported to Zhao Minggui in a low voice.

The owner of the pharmacy walked hurriedly in the alley, looking back from time to time.The alley behind him was silent, no one was there.But he felt that danger was approaching, and he quickened his pace.

In the dark corners he passed, behind the bushes, there were pairs of eyes watching him and whispering reports.

Zhao Minggui looked at Huang Fenglin, with a vague smile on his face, "They're moving."

At this moment, Zuo Shaoqing was standing inside a broken door.She watched Zhang Yalan walk slowly in front of her.

From the walkie-talkie, she could hear all the orders Zhao Minggui gave that night, and she had already made an action plan for tonight.She knew that Zhang Yalan had fallen into Ye Gongjin's trap, and she was a fish that could not escape.She also guessed what price Du Ziyuan was going to pay, and a chill gradually rose in her heart.She can only cooperate.

She took the walkie-talkie from Lu Cheng, pressed the switch and asked, "Old Zhao, Zhang Yalan is on his way home, almost home, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Minggui looked up at Ye Gongjin when he heard Zuo Shaoqing's question.He saw Ye Gongjin nod vigorously to him.He said into the walkie-talkie: "Young Master Zuo, the director has ordered Zhang Yalan to be arrested. Do it."

Zuo Shaoqing turned off the walkie-talkie and raised his head towards Lu Cheng.Lu Cheng understood, and made a grabbing gesture to the brother behind him.

Two figures flashed out from behind the corner of the wall and rushed towards Zhang Yalan with a loud sound.They suddenly strangled her neck from behind and threw her to the ground in an instant.She was gagged, her hands were twisted behind her back and handcuffed.

Zuo Shaoqing came to this process, she said into the walkie-talkie: "Old Zhao, Zhang Yalan has been arrested, over."

Ye Gongjin was full of doubts.He raised his head, and saw that Zhao Minggui was also looking at him suspiciously.He understood that they were thinking about the same question, and they were all guessing Zuo Shaoqing's plan.A trace of uneasiness gradually rose in their hearts.But none of them could think of what was making them uneasy.

A special agent quietly entered the guard room and handed a file to Zhao Minggui, "Group Leader Zhao, this is just sent by the archives office, and it is the basic information of the small pharmacy on Longyun Street."

"Is there a problem with that little pharmacy?"

"No, it looks very innocent."

"Who's in the store?"

"The store owner, his wife, a child, and two clerks all live in the back house."

Zhao Minggui turned around and asked, "Director, what about that small pharmacy?"

Ye Gongjin nodded, "Take it, squat down! It's now."

A few minutes later, several figures quietly approached the small pharmacy.They gestured to each other in the dark.They suddenly rushed into the small pharmacy, knocked down the dozing clerk in an instant, and pushed him to the ground.

The leading agent waved his hand and directed the agent to escort the clerk into the back room.He turned around, sat on the counter, and stood motionless outside.

He raised the walkie-talkie to his mouth, "Group Leader Zhao, the Sixth Group reports that the pharmacy has been seized and is guarding."

Zhao Minggui in the guard room of the Ministry of National Defense replied: "Very well, keep squatting down and detain everyone who enters the door. The seventh team secretly followed the pharmacy owner, keeping a distance so as not to be discovered by him. The eighth and ninth teams, the target is going forward. You go over and observe carefully. Zuo Shao, did you hear clearly?"

Zuo Shaoqing stood at the entrance of the alley, looking at the pharmacy owner who was walking alone from a distance, and said, "Listen clearly, I will pay attention."

At this time, the pharmacy owner was walking hurriedly in the quiet alley.There are almost no lights on both sides of the street, and it is as dark as hell.Dim street lights stretched his figure longer and longer.

The pharmacy owner turned his head several times, but he didn't find anyone following him.There is some kind of danger hidden in the humid air, which is approaching little by little.He kept clutching the lipstick in his hand.

The sound of a truck rumbling from behind was like thunder rolling in the distance.The pharmacy owner turned around.A truck is speeding up from behind him.

The truck stopped next to him, and the driver yelled at him from inside: "Get in the car, quick!"

The owner of the pharmacy threw the lipstick in his hand into the car, "Take this away! Go away! I don't feel right. Go away!" He slammed on the car door and waved vigorously to the driver.

The truck roared and sped away.

The pharmacy owner drew his pistol from his waist and turned his head towards the dark street.He believed that someone must be following him.He pulled the breech bolt and screwed it in.

Zhao Minggui moved his fingers on the map.The truck was speeding down Longwen Street.His fingers found a street parallel to Longyun Street, Puhuasi Street.

He pressed the switch of the walkie-talkie, "Young Master Zuo, the target is going east along Longyun Street by truck. At your side, Team Eight, Team Nine, and Team Ten pay attention, all go south to Puhuasi Street, and drive east Go. Come on, move quickly, go east as soon as possible, and wait for my order."

Zuo Shaoqing's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "Ten, ten, go south to Puhuasi Street, get on the bus and head east."

Zhao Minggui continued to shout into the walkie-talkie: "Old Cheng, Lao Cheng, you take the three, four, five teams, take the car to Liuyuan Lane, go east along Liuyuan Lane, and wait for my order."

Liuyuan Lane is another small street parallel to Longyun Street.

The truck driver was driving along Longyun Street.The driver used the mirror from time to time to watch the back.

On Liuyuan Lane and Puhuasi Street parallel to Longyun Street, two convoys were also speeding along.

The pharmacist stood in the shadows on the side of the street, watching the direction he had come from.He held the pistol against the side of his thigh.If someone followed him, he hoped to resist it.

However, he did not expect that at this moment, two secret agents appeared behind him.They gestured to each other and rushed up suddenly, one agent strangled him while the other unscrewed the gun from his hand.Two more spies rushed forward, knocked the pharmacy owner to the ground, and handcuffed him.

Zhao Minggui put down the walkie-talkie and turned around to report to Ye Gongjin, "Director, the person who came out of the pharmacy has been arrested."

Zuo Shaoqing's three teams and Cheng Yunfa's three teams drove eastward in a car.They kept following Zhao Minggui's orders and dropped off a group along the way.The spies who got out of the car got into the alley and ran towards Longyun Street.When they got to the side of the street, they hid in the alley and looked into Longyun Street.

The truck finally stopped on the side of the street.The driver got out of the car and looked around.He ducked quickly into an alley.He walked through the alley to Puhuasi Street.Puhuasi Street is also quiet.

No one followed, not even a single person on the street.But the air is filled with human danger, making the truck driver jittery.There seemed to be eyes staring at him all around.He looked around, but there was no one there.He kept walking against the wall.

Suddenly, two people rushed out from the alley on the north side of the street.The two people just popped their heads, and when they saw the truck driver, they quickly shrank back.

The truck driver drew his gun from his waist and walked towards the alley.He pointed his gun at the entrance of the alley, but the alley was short and straight, and he could see the end at a glance, but there was no one there.The driver let go of his left hand, and a piece of lipstick fell down and fell into the sewer on the side of the road.He turned and walked on.

A few minutes later, a private clinic appeared in front of him, with a bright red cross drawn on the snow-white door, which was very eye-catching even in the dark night.The driver glanced at the bright red cross, which was the end of his night.But the danger lurking in the darkness kept him from entering.He walked past the clinic and continued on.

At this time, Du Ziyuan was standing in the unlit room above the clinic.He stood in front of him, silently watching the truck driver pass by.His face was stern, and he watched his comrade go further and further away.

The truck driver was walking more and more slowly.The danger of darkness also tells him that he has already gone anywhere.

He turned around and stood motionless in the silent street.

But no one came, and there was no sound around.The dim street lights cast a long shadow behind him.A few minutes later, he raised the pistol to his temple.

The sound of gunfire was thrilling in this silent street.

Zuo Shaoqing stood behind a dark corner, watching the man who fell in the road.After a while, she turned around and said, "Lu Cheng, take someone there. Tonight's operation is over."

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