Suspicion, there is an imperceptible process of generation. 【.

Some trivial things that seem to be useful are carefully retained in the subconscious mind and have not been eroded by time.Perhaps one day they will be accidentally punctured by some unexpected needle point, arousing frightening suspicion.

The needle point that pierced Zuo Shaoqing's suspicion was a man's panicked eyes, which instantly alerted her.

In April [-], it was an ordinary afternoon.It is the time when the locals are the most lazy and idle, lying in the shade of trees or curled up on bamboo chairs and drowsy.Zuo Shaoqing walked into this small coffee shop named "Bamboo" in casual clothes.

"Bamboo" coffee shop is a three-bay wooden structure old house.Inside and outside the house, the vicissitudes of time permeate the mottled old.Its storefront is completely open, facing a quiet side street.Several old tables and wooden chairs are placed inside and outside the store.In the corner, there were a few old men leaning on wooden chairs, staring blankly at the street outside.

Seeing Zuo Shaoqing coming in, the only waitress in the store smiled faintly.Seeing Zuo Shaoqing sitting at a table by the door, she came over with a tray.

She was wearing a pure white dress known locally as an "Ao Dai".The top is very similar to the Chinese cheongsam, narrow and close-fitting, which just outlines her slender waist.The two skirts at the front and back hang down to the condyles of the feet, and the slits on both sides reach to the waist.When walking, the front and rear skirts fluttered, revealing the pure white trousers with extremely wide hems.Zuo Shaoqing watched her come floating like a fairy, and couldn't help showing an appreciative smile.

The waitress went to the table and gently put down the tray.She didn't say much, first she put a large rough porcelain bowl on the table, and then put a printed glass in the bowl.Scooped two spoonfuls of condensed milk from the small pot and put it in the glass, then lifted the kettle and poured hot water into the large bowl.This step is for insulation.She then took a silver filter dish with many small holes and placed it on top of the glass, and placed a small coffee drip cup on top of the filter dish.She used a small spoon to fill two spoonfuls of coffee powder into the drip cup, then lifted the kettle and poured hot water into the drip cup.After a while, dark brown coffee liquid slowly dripped into the glass.Most of the coffee here is prepared in this way.

This small country in South Asia has been a vassal state of China for more than 2000 years, until it became a French colony in [-].In [-], the French finally withdrew due to defeat.The only trace they left in this country is coffee.Today, Robusta coffee beans, which are often used to make instant coffee and high-end coffee blends in the world, are almost all imported from this country.

Zuo Shaoqing sat at the table, quietly watching the small street outside.She occasionally glanced at the coffee on the table.The coffee was dripping drop by drop from the drip cup into the glass.It took a lot of time, which gave Zuo Shaoqing to sit here calmly, waiting for the opportunity to connect with others.

After at least 10 minutes, the glass in front of her gradually filled with coffee, and the hot water in the large bowl kept the coffee at a suitable temperature.She scooped out the drip cup and filter plate, and stirred the coffee and condensed milk in the cup with a small spoon.She smelled the aroma of coffee mixed with condensed milk.She picked up the glass and took a sip.

At this time, a bald and fat man walked into the coffee shop and sat down at another table.He turned sideways to Zuo Shaoqing, paying attention to the waitress as he made coffee for him.When the waitress turned to leave, he cast a thoughtful glance at Zuo Shaoqing.

It was this glance that made Zuo Shaoqing instantly alert.

This bald, fat man was her contact.She meets him here once a week.She only knew his last name was Huang, and she sometimes called him Old Huang.As for how much Lao Huang knew about her, she didn't know.

A few minutes later, Lao Huang smiled reluctantly at her.Then, like an old whore trying to seduce a good woman, he picked up his coffee and sat down at her table.

His stubby fingers were crossed around the coffee cup, as if worried that it would slip out of his hand.His round head reflected the dull daylight outside the door.When he raised his head and stared at Zuo Shaoqing almost in panic, his Adam's apple wriggled up and down with difficulty, like a snake just swallowed a huge frog.

He tried his best to maintain the smile on his face and the lustful eyes, he said: "I haven't got in touch."

Zuo Shaoqing knew that this was a common occurrence.The relationship between her and her superiors is complicated and tortuous, and Lao Huang is just one of them.But her memory told her that this was the third time in a row that she hadn't been contacted.That is to say, she and Lao Huang have lost contact with their superiors for nearly a month.In this country at war, such anomalies mean death.She felt the nerves in her brain jumping up and down.

"It's broken," she said.These two words are like asking and judging.

"Yes." Lao Huang confirmed softly.

Lao Huang's gaze was like a thin needle, but it suddenly picked up the suspicion in Zuo Shaoqing's heart that was like a ulcer.

Some memories that were about to disappear quietly emerged in the subconscious.It seemed that a stranger had appeared in the American military base in Cam Ranh Bay where she lived.She once noticed a scrutinizing look in a certain mouth.She seemed to have been followed, though she wasn't sure about that.Another question is, has her dormitory been searched?

What frightened her the most was not knowing where the danger came from.




The intelligence agencies of this country are as naive as a three-year-old child.And she, the non-member entourage of the U.S. military advisory group, and the trainer of this country's intelligence personnel, understands this country's intelligence system like knowing her own palm prints.They have no seasoned agents who disappear like a shadow and move like a breeze.There is no efficient intelligence system and complete organization.They just have countless whistleblowers.Afterwards, the secret that was told will be spread in the world, and people will not know it.Their intelligence job is to kill without knowing right or wrong, even on the street.They would use a U.S.-supported Luger pistol and shoot the suspect in the temple.

So, who are those secret agents lurking quietly in the shadows?If they really exist.Is it from the CIA, or from the Defense Intelligence Agency in Taiwan?

Zuo Shaoqing's eyes narrowed into a slit, a little starlight shone on the eyelids as dark as a deep pool, staring at Lao Huang's panicked face.

"You have been exposed." She said firmly, "Disappear as soon as possible, don't hesitate."

"What about you?" The muscles on Lao Huang's face trembled slightly.

"I'll do it again." Zuo Shaoqing took a sip of his coffee.

The coffee in this country does have its own uniqueness. It has a strong aroma, a little sour taste, a smooth taste, and a little bit of bitterness when it is mellow.On the downside, condensed milk is too sweet.Zuo Shaoqing judged that this was Highland Coffee.

"Old Huang, let's go now." Zuo Shaoqing glanced into the small coffee shop again.

The drowsy old men sitting on the other side of the coffee shop made her feel vaguely uneasy.She swept towards the quiet side street outside the door again, which also made her vaguely uneasy.At least so far, she couldn't tell if there were prying eyes hiding in those dark corners.

Lao Huang nodded, stood up slowly, and walked to the counter at the door to pay the bill.Then, he walked out the door and staggered towards the other side of the side street.

Zuo Shaoqing watched his back calmly.She decided to wait a little longer.

She replaced the silver colander on the glass, sat on the drip cup, and lifted the kettle to fill the drip cup with hot water.She saw drops of coffee dripping slowly into the cup.The locals call this coffee "Drip Gold" to refer to exactly this situation.But the taste of the second cup will be much weaker.

A young man in a black shirt and shorts, riding a bicycle, passed by the side street with no sound.

Zuo Shaoqing stared at this man's back, suddenly startled.She felt that danger was approaching quietly like a breeze.She stood up, waved to the girl at the counter, took out a few banknotes and put them on the table, and walked out of the coffee shop gently.All she was thinking was, what should I do?

Zuo Shaoqing left the small street where the "Bamboo" coffee shop was located, and turned into the main street.She knew in her heart that the "Bamboo" coffee shop could not come again.She walked slowly, quietly observing the pedestrians and houses around her.

On both sides of the street, small beige and milky white buildings left by the French stand quietly.Tall coconut trees sway in the wind.Occasional cars drive by on the street.

She waved for a tricycle.The tricycle driver was also surprisingly wearing a black shirt and shorts, which made her feel a little uneasy.The passenger seat of the tricycle is in the front, and the driver is behind her, swaying from side to side and pedaling on the pedals.She glanced behind her as she turned to tell the coachman where it was.She believed for a moment that no one was following her now.

Fifteen minutes later, the tricycle stopped outside the gate of the military base in Cam Ranh Bay.

Zuo Shaoqing got off the tricycle, paid the money, turned around and walked towards the gate of the base.She took out her ID and waved it to the US Marine standing at the gate.The soldier didn't check her papers, he knew her.

A question arose in Zuo Shaoqing's heart. If a stranger walked into this gate, would the sentinel check his ID carefully?What kind of person can easily get the pass of this military base?

After World War II, the French followed the British and returned to this country, wanting to take back the colony they had ruled for nearly 100 years.However, the local people rose up to resist and wanted to seek independence.The war between the two sides was brutal and protracted.

The Americans soon began sending military advisors to the country, providing the French with munitions and tactical guidance.The reason is simple, because the Northern States and the Soviet Union further north terrified them.But the French are too arrogant and too stupid to listen to the reasonable advice of the Americans.As a result, on the battlefield, he was beaten by the Liberation Alliance in the north and couldn't find the north.In [-], the French had to sign the Geneva Peace Agreement, announcing their renunciation of occupation of the country.In [-], the French left the country altogether.

The Americans immediately took over the country.General Daniel, the head of the US Advisory Group, continued to stay in the military base in Cam Ranh Bay, serving as the head of his military advisory group.He simply and neatly helped Wu Dingyan to the presidential throne, and trained and reorganized the army under President Wu.

This training and reorganization includes the training and reorganization of the intelligence organizations of the military system and the police system.General Daniel took this work very seriously.His deputy, Commander McCann of the Office of Naval Intelligence, quickly and completely took control of the intelligence groups of both systems


240 One. Doubt

240 [-]. Suspicion is caused by 【

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