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But there was a small problem that caused some headaches for General Daniel and Colonel McCann. 【.They must carry out rigorous actual combat training for these intelligence personnel, otherwise, they will be a group of mobs who do nothing.

General Daniel and McCann are willing to control these intelligence agencies and personnel, but they are unwilling to let the Americans conduct actual combat training on these personnel.Because the country is at war.

The guerrillas of the Confederate Liberation Confederation were the enemy these intelligence agents had to face directly.And the beautiful officials with blue eyes and yellow hair are their best and most important targets.Neither General Daniel nor Colonel McCann was willing to put the beauty in such bloody danger.After some complicated, tortuous and secret discussions and negotiations, Taiwan's intelligence agencies secretly sent their own intelligence officers to join the US Advisory Group in this country to provide direct combat training for these local intelligence personnel.

These intelligence officers from Taiwan are all yellow-skinned Asians. They are almost the same as the local officers and intelligence personnel, and the communication with each other is natural and easy.They are mixed with the agents of the local intelligence organization, and they will not be visible and will not become obvious targets for enemy attacks.

It was precisely for this reason that Zuo Shaoqing was secretly sent to this country by Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense Intelligence Agency, and stationed in the Cam Ranh Bay military base, responsible for training local low-level intelligence personnel.

At this time, in the Jin Ran Bay military base, Zuo Shaoqing was slowly and unobtrusively walking through a row of barracks, and walked into his dormitory in the corner.

She opened the door loudly, and stood at the door with cold eyes, looking and observing her dormitory carefully.The dormitory is divided into two parts, the north and the south, and the south is her dormitory and office.To the north there is a small kitchen and an even smaller bathroom.

She vaguely felt that someone had entered her dormitory.

Although Zuo Shaoqing was uneasy, she didn't find any obvious signs of someone entering her dormitory.Her dormitory is always so clean and tidy, everything is in its original place, without a trace of being moved.

She just vaguely smelled the breath of a stranger.

This country is located near the equator, and the temperature varies little throughout the year, and it is not even possible to distinguish the four seasons.It can only be simply divided into dry season and rainy season.It's the dry season.

The dry season has little rain.Compared with the rainy season, it feels drier.Therefore, in the dry season, people bathe less often than in the rainy season, and their body smell, or sweat, is more.These smells or the smell of sweat cannot be concealed from Zuo Shaoqing's keen sense of smell.

She walked slowly around the room.The sun shines on the floor, the white gauze curtain fluctuates in the wind, and the air hangs strangely, hiding a hint of danger in the silence.

She scanned every object in the room, looking for clues.Especially under the bed, in the corner, under the table and near the power plug.She doesn't quite believe that someone has bugged her room.The local secret agents do not have such a high quality, nor do they have such equipment.Her concern was the explosives.She knew that if she was in danger, it must be death.

The local secret service personnel have only one word for the suspect, which is "kill"!If you can't kill in public, kill in secret!Or on the contrary, if you can't kill in secret, you can kill in public.The best and safest way is to blow you up.

Zuo Shaoqing's first consideration was whether there were any items or words in this room that might reveal her identity.She knew without thinking, absolutely not.This most basic safety measure has long been integrated into her blood.

Back then, when her younger sister You Shaoqing escaped from Tiaoshan, Ye Gongjin sent people to search her dormitory and office closely, but found nothing suspicious. This is the reason.She trusted her prudence and alertness.

What she has to consider now is how to protect her own safety from now on.

She walked to the bed, gently lifted the sheet that was almost hanging to the ground, and carefully put it under the bed to make sure there was nothing abnormal.She dragged out an old canvas trunk, and gently and carefully unlocked it.She lifted the lid of the box to check the items and clothes inside, and there seemed to be no trace of being passive.

She groped along the edge of the box, and quickly pulled out a dagger with a leather sheath from under her clothes.

This is the dagger used by the US Special Forces in World War II.The handle has a non-slip groove, which provides an excellent grip.The tip of the knife is sharpened on both sides, piercing the human body as sharply as piercing a piece of tofu.The blade is sharpened on one side, and the back is thick and strong.The blade is phosphating and anti-rust, especially suitable for use in humid tropical jungles.The phosphating knife surface is covered with misty white light, and this kind of knife will not expose the target due to reflection.There are two types of this kind of dagger, long and short. The one in Zuo Shaoqing's hand is the short one.

She hung the dagger from the belt at the back of her waist.

Afterwards, she reached into the other side of the box.In an instant, the hairs all over her body stood on end, and the cold wind flowed down her back like water.Her fingertips missed what she was looking for.Instinctively, her fingers moved an inch forward before touching something hard and cold.At this point, she was sure that someone had really entered her room and searched the canvas box.

What she took out of the box was a small and exquisite Walter

k-type pistol.This is a small pistol.During World War II, it was designed and produced by German arsenals.But the gun in her hand was produced by the Mnurn factory in France. It used a 7mm Browning pistol with a magazine capacity of 65 rounds.The pistol is simple in construction, and although it uses a 8mm pistol, it has very little recoil and is easy to handle.The pistol was in a half holster.Unlike other holsters, this one also has a looped strap on the back.

Zuo Shaoqing checked the pistol and the gun and confirmed that there was no problem.Without thinking about it, she directly lifted the trouser legs and buckled the looped belt behind the holster around her ankle.She calmly thought that from today onwards, this knife and gun cannot leave her body even for a moment.

Zuo Shaoqing never thought that the security measures she took would play a vital role that night and saved her life.

At 45:[-] in the afternoon, Zuo Shaoqing quietly left his room.At four o'clock in the afternoon, there is a routine training session.She is going to give lessons to the intelligence personnel drawn from various systems, and the time is two hours.

Zuo Shaoqing went around the court, walked through a flower garden, and walked towards a lonely small building in the northwest corner.That's where the Intelligence Service of the U.S. Advisory Group trains intelligence personnel.The place is remote and unnoticed.

When Zuo Shaoqing walked to the front of the building, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and tied his long hair with a shawl loosely behind his head.Since leaving Taipei for Cam Ranh Bay, Zuo Shaoqing no longer wears his hair back.She tried to be the same as the local girls, with long hair in a shawl.Every morning and evening, she brushes her hair with a comb to make it shiny and straight.

In this military base, there are also some local girls who are engaged in service work in restaurants or coffee shops.Probably to show a status, they usually wear an unmarked military uniform, top or trousers.

Zuo Shaoqing understands the unique dress style of this base, and the clothes she wears are also the same.But she doesn't wear a U.S. military uniform, but a government military uniform, and she only wears one.Or an unmarked military jacket over a native tube skirt.Or a pair of military trousers over a pinstriped floral shirt.Carry a canvas satchel that is too ordinary to be more ordinary.

When Zuo Shaoqing walked into the so-called classroom, most of the officers who came for training had already arrived.When they saw Zuo Shaoqing coming in, they immediately stood up respectfully and said unevenly: "Good afternoon, Matime."

They call her Mrs.This is a title that once made her unable to recover.It was only later that she remembered that she had actually been married.Her man is Hong Shankui, a man as strong as a bear, and it has been almost 20 years since his death.She believed that no one knew about this past event that had long been submerged in her memory.They called her "Matem" so that wasn't accurate, but she didn't want to be corrected.She vaguely thought that she was 37 years old, but still single.

At such times, her thoughts would be filled with fog.Standing in the fog was the man named Du Ziyuan who was deeply in her heart.

Perhaps all the officers believed that a woman of this age must have been married.

Zuo Shaoqing put his canvas satchel on the table used for lectures, smiled and nodded to those short, fat or thin officers, "Good afternoon, please feel free." She said softly.

Ah Ben, Li Yuanben, the captain intelligence officer of the [-]st and [-]th Division of the government army, walked towards her with a smile, opened a silver cigarette case and handed it to her, "Matem, there are still a few minutes, please smoke a cigarette." branch."

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, took a cigarette, and lit it with Captain Aben's lighter.She walked forward as relaxed as possible, let her body lean on the stage, smoked a cigarette, and looked at the scenery outside.

The officers all relaxed and sat down again to continue chatting about the topic they had just discussed.

However, when Zuo Shaoqing appeared here on the first day to teach these officers, it was not like this.

The traditionalization of China is also deeply rooted in this small South Asian country.When Zuo Shaoqing entered the classroom, he showed no respect, did not stand up, and the intelligence officers were still sitting on the table chatting loudly.They didn't expect that the person who taught them intelligence lessons would be a woman, and she was also a Chinese.They continued to talk and laugh loudly as if they hadn't seen her, showing malice from the corners of their mouths, and squinting at the woman with contemptuous eyes.

Zuo Shaoqing stood at the door for a minute.Principal McCann, who accompanied her, looked at her with a decent smile on his face, as if he didn't want to correct this embarrassing situation.

Zuo Shaoqing looked back at him, and said softly, "Thank you, sir, for coming with me. I'm going to start class." She put her hand on the doorknob, indicating that he could leave.

Principal McCann nodded, turned and left.Zuo Shaoqing closed the double heavy wooden doors behind him.She later found out that he didn't leave, but stood in the corridor, listening to the movement in the classroom.Zuo Shaoqing didn't care about it.After closing the door, she walked slowly to the other side of the classroom and closed the open doors one by one.

The officers were a little surprised by this.Still talking and laughing, they just followed her out of the corners of their eyes.

Zuo Shaoqing returned to his desk and looked around calmly.After that, she drew her pistol, raised it with both hands, and aimed at the opposite white wall.A murderous look oozes from the corner of her cold mouth.

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240 II. Training

240 [-]. The training is done by【

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