Double Agent Saga

261、I was shot again

The boy tore off a spider leg and handed it to Zuo Shaoqing.Use Read, completely advertising!She was hesitant, but considering that now she had to eat something to regain her strength.Seems like spider legs are always better than a spider's body.She took the spider leg carefully.The boy tore off another spider leg, put it directly into his mouth, took a bite hard, and then started chewing, and looked at Zuo Shaoqing sideways.

Zuo Shaoqing looked at this spider leg again and again, put it under his nose and smelled it, and finally he resolutely took a bite.The spider legs are as tough as brown sugar, and there seems to be a little juice in the middle, and it seems to have a little crab taste in the mouth.Zuo Shaoqing at least comforted himself in this way in his heart.

The eight long legs of the black spider were finally eaten up, and what was left was the spider's body.The boy picked up the knife and looked at Zuo Shaoqing attentively.He quickly cut off the black spider's head and threw it aside.He pursed his lips and shook his hand at the spider head, indicating that this was not edible.Then, he cut the black spider's huge body from the middle.He picked up half of the spider's body and sent it to Zuo Shaoqing.Zuo Shaoqing looked at this thing that made her terrified and uneasy, and refused to take it.But the boy directly stuffed it into her hand regardless.

Zuo Shaoqing carefully looked at the thing in his hand.The half of the spider's body is almost as big as a small bowl, and the inside is a complex color of dark yellow and brown-black, which is frightening.They are like an indescribable paste.

She knew that these things were the internal organs of the black spider.No matter what, she dared not put the paste-like spider guts in her mouth. [

But the boy had already picked up his half, picked up a piece with a branch, and put it directly into his mouth.Zuo Shaoqing stared at him dumbfounded, and kept shaking his head.The young man looked at her, raised a little finger to her, pointed at her firmly, and twitched the corner of his mouth contemptuously at her.

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him, then at the half spider body in his hand, she looked at it again and again.She knew she had no choice at all, or she would starve to death.

She finally made up her mind and picked up a small piece of paste with a branch and put it in her mouth.She didn't dare to taste it, she gritted her teeth and swallowed it after moving her mouth a few times.Then she picked another piece and put it in her mouth.But no matter how quickly she swallowed, she still tasted the taste of spider guts.This thing is hot, and it feels a little sticky in the mouth, a little fishy, ​​a little foul, and there are some complicated things like strips or lumps.At the end, there is a hint of crab.She comforted herself again in her heart.In the end, it was high in protein, a food that could satisfy her hunger, and she had to eat it.

The boy kept looking at her with a smile, and gave her a thumbs up.

Zuo Shaoqing finally ate up the half of the spider's body.She grinned in pain, and pointed to the juvenile's water gourd.The boy handed her the gourd.But she was out of water after only one sip.

The boy took the gourd and gestured to her, saying that he was going down the mountain to fill the water and told her to wait for him here.Then, he jumped and ran down the hill.

Zuo Shaoqing didn't dare to taste the taste in his mouth, and felt nauseated in his stomach from time to time.She could only keep her mouth shut, watching the young man's back gradually disappear, and finally she could show an embarrassing smile wantonly on her face.

She needed to divert her attention and stop thinking about that black spider.She took out the map and the toy compass from her pocket, and examined them carefully.

What made her feel a little relieved was that she was not far from the border now.Maybe sometime tomorrow we can cross the border.She was safer when she crossed the border.

At this time, the sun was going west, and the heat was a little weaker than at noon.The wind stopped, and the grass and trees stopped swaying.At this time, there was a strange silence in the woods.It was a deathly silence that implied danger.

This deathly silence made Zuo Shaoqing a little dazed for a moment, and she vaguely felt that some kind of danger was quietly approaching.Her first movement was to reach behind her waist and grab the handle of the gun.Then look up and look around.

There was nothing unusual in the surroundings, and there were no disturbing movements or sounds.She looked into the distance, and the boy was walking towards her with a gourd in hand.He even had a little smile on his face.

Zuo Shaoqing just had a wrong eye, she saw that little smile on the boy's face disappeared, replaced by panic and seriousness.His eyes were looking at a place behind her.

At this moment, also without any warning, a shot rang out not too far behind Zuo Shaoqing.She watched as red as fire burst out from the boy's chest.The heavy gourd slipped from his hand and slowly fell to the ground.He spread his arms and fell on his back in a clump of trees.

Zuo Shaoqing quickly picked up the map and pulled out the pistol on the back of his waist.She shrank and slid into the grass next to her.She judged that the enemy was behind her.She quickly crawled through the bushes, all the way to the place where the boy lay down.

The vegetation was very dense, and the branches and grass blades were hard and sharp, and they kept slicing across her face.She ran and crawled, and finally rushed to the boy's side.

The boy's eyes had lost their luster, and he stared at Zuo Shaoqing indifferently.He stretched out a hand reluctantly, pointing west to her.He was pointing to the west one after another like that.Zuo Shaoqing understood that he wanted her to go west.

Zuo Shaoqing quickly glanced around.Judging from her experience in mountain warfare, although the west is the direction she should go, it is just a dead end.But the young man may have other intentions, and perhaps it is safer to have a dead end.

She took out the gauze from her backpack, trying to bandage the boy's wound.But the boy grabbed her hand and pointed to the west again and again.After a while, his eyes became dull, and he stared at her motionlessly. [

The boy died.Zuo Shaoqing was sad and angry.They beat the father and son to death, which is too much!

Zuo Shaoqing really wanted to take revenge on Ah Ben and his soldiers.She has two and fourteen.She can kill at least ten of them!Son of a bitch!They are so hideous!However, Zuo Shaoqing is calm and composed under any circumstances.She knew she couldn't do that.She must leave as soon as possible.

She grabbed her backpack and began to crawl westward under the cover of trees.The trees on the west side gradually became thicker.She stood up and sprinted west.By this time, she had heard shouts and running behind her.

Zuo Shaoqing ran wildly in the dense forest.She jumped over rocks and ditches, slid downhill like crazy, and threw herself into the dense bushes with her head in her arms.She was running and panting all the time.

The west is indeed a dead end.She ran to the end, facing a steep rock wall.The stone wall is steep, and there is also a way to go down.She stretched her head and glanced down. It was estimated that it was more than ten meters deep.She knew without turning her head that some soldiers were running towards her.They shouted loudly and kept in touch.

Zuo Shaoqing gritted his teeth and jumped down the stone wall.However, she overlooked one point. In the grass under the stone wall, there are often fallen stones piled up.She stepped on a rock when she landed.She felt her ankle twist violently, and a sharp pain rushed straight to her forehead.

The pain made her almost scream.She was extremely anxious.She wants to walk in the mountains and through the tropical rainforest, and she still has a long way to go.But she sprained her ankle, which was almost a disaster.Once she is discovered by those soldiers, it will be impossible to escape!

She stood against the stone wall.She believed that the people above the stone wall could not see her.If they didn't come down, she might be able to get away with it.If they come down, she thought, then it's time to watch.

She drew her pistol, cocked it, and waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, there was the sound of running above the stone wall, and someone shouted loudly from above.

"Is there anyone here?"

"I don't know. Let's come and have a look."

"Search carefully!"

Zuo Shaoqing recognized that it was Captain Aben's voice.She guessed whether Ah Ben was leaving or coming down.

However, suddenly, a person jumped down with a "boom" and turned to the stone wall.It was Captain Aben.He immediately spotted Zuo Shaoqing under the stone wall.They all raised their pistols, pointed at each other, and stared at each other in amazement.

Zuo Shaoqing pointed his gun at Captain Aben, but he didn't dare to shoot.As soon as the gunshot rang out, all the soldiers would rush over.If it got to that point, she would have no hope of escape.

Captain Aben didn't fire either.He might still be in shock, maybe he wasn't sure enough about his marksmanship.But he clearly knew that the "Matem" in front of him had extremely precise marksmanship.There might be another reason, this "Matem" had saved his life.

They both aimed their guns at each other, but neither fired.They just watched in silence, also deadlocked.For a while, neither of them made up their minds to shoot.

Captain Aben first changed his expression, his face was gradually full of doubts, and he still had even bigger doubts in his heart.He slowly lowered the gun and stared at Zuo Shaoqing.

This is what Zuo Shaoqing hoped for.She also slowly lowered the gun, hoping that this action would make the situation in front of her develop in a better direction.But they still stared at each other, also guarded.

Finally, Captain Aben asked, "Matem, why?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him suspiciously, "What did you say?" [

Captain Aben took a breath, "Matem, why did this happen? Why did you run away? Why did Lieutenant Colonel McCann order us to arrest you? What trouble did you get into?"

Zuo Shaoqing shook his head and said softly: "Captain Aben, don't ask me any more. My business is none of your business."

Captain Aben looked around, and then looked up to the top of the stone wall.The doubts in his heart were too heavy, and he wanted to find out too much.He shook his head and continued: "Matem, I still have to ask, why? Please tell me."

Zuo Shaoqing gritted his teeth and thought, but kept shaking his head.She finally said, "Captain Aben, do you know how Mr. Ruan Qibo Nguyen died?"

Captain Aben opened his mouth wide, "Lieutenant Colonel McCann told me that Mr. Ruan was assassinated by Chinese agents. You discussed this matter with us during the training session. To be honest, I doubt it."

Zuo Shaoqing stared at him, "Captain Aben, Lieutenant Colonel McCann is telling a lie! A complete lie! Mr. Ruan was assassinated by an American! Moreover, I saw this with my own eyes!"

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