Double Agent Saga

262: Desperate

Captain Aben looked at Zuo Shaoqing in horror, "Matem, this... did you really see it?"

Zuo Shaoqing said seriously: "Yes, I really saw it. When the gunman assassinated Mr. Ruan, Lieutenant Colonel McCann and a CIA agent named Mace were also there. The gunman was in front of them. Shot!"

Captain Aben was stunned, "Why? Why?"

Zuo Shaoqing shook his head, "I don't know, I don't know why. But this is what I saw with my own eyes!"

"So, Lieutenant Colonel McCann and the others want to get rid of you for this reason?" [

"Yes, that's why!"

"However, how can others believe what you say? The newspapers all say that the Chinese did it."

"Captain Aben, I have a photo!" Zuo Shaoqing said word by word.

"You have a photo!" He was even more surprised, "Then, can I have a look?"

"You can't read it. I only have film in my hand. But I tell you, you will definitely see it in the future, from the newspaper!"

"Matem, can I trust you?" Captain Aben looked at her with extreme anxiety.

Zuo Shaoqing stared into his eyes coldly, "Captain Aben, are you willing to believe me?"

Captain Aben fell silent.He was obviously hesitating, he was really hesitant.

Zuo Shaoqing said softly: "Captain Aben, I warn you, you must never tell anyone about this matter. If you tell it, you will die! That's for sure!"

Captain Aben looked at her, speechless.

Zuo Shaoqing said again: "Captain Aben, why did you kill the father and son. They are ordinary people!"

Captain Aben whispered: "I'm sorry, Martem, this is an order from Lieutenant Colonel McCann. He said that you may need a guide. If there is a guide, I will kill you too! Including you!"

Zuo Shaoqing stared at him, "He wants to kill them all! Kill them all! Captain Aben, I have nothing to do with it, I don't care about being beaten to death! But those two people, they are father and son!"

The muscles in Captain Aben's face twitched.It was obvious that he was also distressed by this.He shook his head, unable to speak, just shook his head.

At this time, a soldier shouted from above the stone wall, "Sir, sir, are you down there?"

Captain Aben raised his head and shouted, "I'm below."

The soldier continued to shout: "Sir, is there anything going on down here? Do you want us to go down?"

Captain Aben was still staring at Zuo Shaoqing, he was still hesitating.He finally shouted to the top: "No need to come down, continue westward, search westward!"

The soldiers on the stone wall greeted the others and left the stone wall. [

Captain Aben looked at Zuo Shaoqing and said softly, "Matem, I would like to believe you."

Zuo Shaoqing felt a little relieved in his heart, "Captain Aben, you must not say anything!"

Captain Aben nodded, "I know. Those two guides, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Matem, I'm leaving, good luck." He holstered his pistol and turned walk to the side.

Zuo Shaoqing was holding a pistol, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he clenched his teeth.With her back against the stone wall, she stood motionless, watching Captain Aben's back gradually disappearing.

She was anxious.On the one hand, she listened attentively to the voices of the soldiers going away, worrying whether Captain Aben would return suddenly.On the other hand, the condyle of her foot was burning like fire.At this moment, she was really worried.

She stood under the stone wall for an entire hour, and only after confirming that there was no danger around her did she slowly move down the mountain.She hacked a small tree with her dagger to support her injured foot.

When it was getting dark, she finally moved herself into a dense forest.She felt that she was always safer in the dense forest.She sat down, took off her shoes and socks, and saw that her right ankle was completely red and swollen and could not be touched.

She slowly lay down in the grass, desperate in her heart.She still has a long way to go, but a sprained condyle left her unable to walk.Here, no one can help her.

Another aspect of her desperation was that she had no food.Yesterday morning, she ate a rice cake, and shared her crispy rice with the boy in the evening.Today, she didn't eat anything except half a spider.She also has no water.Thinking of water, she suddenly felt that her mouth was as dry as a desert.

At this time, night had fallen, and Zuo Shaoqing was alone in the dark, anxiety and terror shrouded her around like night.She closed her eyes, trying to escape anxiety and terror in her dreams, even if only temporarily.

She slept very restlessly, her mind flickered on and off, sometimes in the abyss of terror, and sometimes in borderline anxiety.Every time she tossed and turned, her right foot would ache sharply.She has been immersed in the junction of confusion and sobriety, as if wandering between life and death.She didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn.

Zuo Shaoqing, who was lying in the grass, really fell asleep as if he were dead, letting time pass by her side quietly.

She didn't know how long it had passed, but she vaguely felt the morning breeze blowing past, and the swaying grass blades brushed across her haggard cheeks.A burst of "cuckoo cuckoo" birdsong finally woke her up gradually.

She just felt her whole body was stiff and tired, as if she had been pressed down by a heavy stone, making it difficult to move.She had just woken up at this time, she only felt thirsty in her mouth, hungry in her stomach, and her eyes were blurry, all kinds of tortured feelings hit her body.

The bird song of "cuckoo cuckoo" sounded again.She opened her eyes and realized that it was already dawn.She stretched out her hand, brushed aside the thatch in front of her eyes, and looked in the direction of the bird chirping.

A wild pheasant croaked and pecked at a place more than ten meters away from her.It raised its head occasionally, watching the movement around it vigilantly.Zuo Shaoqing stared at it without moving for 3 minutes.Her brain finally kicked in, and the desire to survive brought back all her survival skills.She knew that her chance to survive had crept in and passed away.She must not let go of this last chance.

She twisted her neck and looked around.She finally saw a bush a meter away on the right.Their long branches bear tiny green leaves and tiny purple flowers.This is her only option.

She pulled out the dagger from her waist, and crawled towards the bushes little by little, trying her best not to make a sound.She must not startle the wild pheasant away.Her eyes searched the bushes and settled on a long thin branch.Slowly she pressed the branch down and cut it at the root with her dagger.The branches made a very slight sound.From the corner of her eye, she noticed that the wild pheasant had stopped and was watching her.She bent down, lay motionless on her stomach, and stared at it motionless.

After a few minutes, she cut off the leaves and florets from the branches with a dagger.Now, she has a thin and flexible branch about three meters long.This is her first step in surviving.

Holding the branch in her hand, she moved her body slowly, moving towards the wild pheasant bit by bit.She watched the pheasant's eyes from under the brim of her hat to see if it was looking this way.Slowly, she crawled forward like a snail.She can't get too close, otherwise the wild pheasant will be scared away.But it can't be too far away, if it is too far away, you can't catch it.After 10 long minutes, she was only five meters away from the wild pheasant.She had to carefully measure the distance between her and the wild pheasant, and also the strength of her jumping.

She saw wild pheasants bow their heads to peck again.She felt that she could not wait any longer and that this was her last chance.

She suddenly jumped up like a leopard, tried her best to endure the severe pain in her feet, hopped on one foot, and rushed towards the wild pheasant.The wild pheasant was severely frightened, screamed, spread its wings, and ran into the air.Zuo Shaoqing jumped up at the last moment, and then, the branch in her hand swung towards the wild pheasant like lightning. [

The ends of thin twigs were drawn to wild pheasants.It fell from the sky screaming.Then, it spread its wings again and jumped into the air.Zuo Shaoqing jumped forward again, and the branch hit the wild pheasant heavily.This time, it couldn't fly anymore, but it was still struggling to run forward.The whistling branches fell on it again.It couldn't run anymore, it just struggled on the ground.

Zuo Shaoqing rushed over and finally grasped the wild pheasant firmly, allowing it to struggle and scream in his hands.

Zuo Shaoqing gasped for a long time before sitting up slowly.She tore a wild cane from the grass, tied up one of the wild pheasant's feet, and tied the other end of the cane to a tree.

Now, Zuo Shaoqing has forgotten about hunger, this is the second step for her to survive.She saw hope.

She got down again and began to crawl and search in the grass.While searching in the grass, she tried her best to recall the names of various Chinese herbal medicines and their uses that Teacher Nanjia had taught her.She vaguely thought that this was almost ten years ago.The knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine that she has learned has long since disappeared from her memory.However, her strong desire to survive now brought back these lost memories.

The first thing she saw was a pale cluster of flowers made up of spikelets.Underneath it are thin branches and slender leaves.Its shape reminded her of a perennial herb called Arrowball.It is also called "water centipede" or "single hammer", which has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, dispelling blood stasis and reducing swelling.

She pulled out the "one arrow ball" by the root and beat it on the ground.

This was not enough, she continued to crawl and search in the grass.When she looked up, she saw a tall plant, half as tall as a person.It has huge fan-like leaves with several round slits on the leaves.The petiole is very long, and five or six petioles grow together.This is called "Drynaria rhizome".When she remembered the name, she knew that this plant was useful to her.She drew the dagger and dug out its root, a thin purple-red root.Very good.

Then, she found a medicinal material called "grass coral".In the middle of several dark green leaves, there is a group of small red fruits.Zuo Shaoqing quickly remembered that it also had a name called "elderberry".

Finally, she found a vine with small purple flowers next to a big tree. This is called "big tea medicinal root", which also has the function of treating bruises.She dug out its roots with a dagger.

Now, she has completed the third step of self-help.

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