Double Agent Saga

263、Crossing the Border

Zuo Shaoqing felt that the herbs in front of him were enough. top novel rankings She found a relatively flat stone, first chopped up the herbs with a dagger, then picked up a fist-sized stone, mixed the herbs together and smashed them to pieces.Ten minutes later, there was already a large dark green paste on the stone.

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing began to turn her gaze to the wild pheasant lying on the ground, screaming in fear.She picked up the long branch with one hand, and with the other she grabbed the cane tied to the chicken's foot.She began to drive away wild pheasants with sticks.Wild pheasants clucked, flew around, and ran.But its feet were tied by vines, so it couldn't fly out of the range of the branches.

After 10 minutes, the wild pheasant could no longer run.It lay on the ground, panting with its mouth open, and its wings drooped.No matter how much Zuo Shaoqing chased him away, it didn't move.

Zuo Shaoqing pulled the cane and pulled it in front of him.She grabs its wings.She felt the heat of the Pheasant's body, which was exactly what she wanted.Teacher Nanjia told her that this is a crucial step.

Now, she looked into the wild pheasant's frightened eyes, which seemed to be beseeching her.But she still gritted her teeth and began to be cruel, peeling its skin with a dagger.The wild pheasant screamed and struggled.But Zuo Shaoqing still peeled off a large piece of hairy chicken skin. [

She began to spread the dark green paste on the inside of the chicken skin in a thick layer, and then quickly wrapped it around the ankle of her right foot.She took out a shirt, cut it with a dagger into strips, and wrapped it tightly around the outside.At this moment, she felt a warm feeling on her ankle.

As a last thing, she built a fire and threw the hapless wild pheasant into it until it was a black charred mass.Like a savage, she frantically tore at the black chicken and stuffed it into her mouth piece by piece.The chicken was tasteless and extremely tough.She chewed it creakingly, and swallowed it if she couldn't chew it.

She finally ate the whole chicken.She ate so much that when she recalled the incident later, she couldn't remember whether she had spit out the bones.

The sun shone on her body, and she had a warm feeling.The wind in the mountains also blows her softly, making her feel cozy and comfortable.She's had enough and doesn't want to worry about anything now.She wrapped a piece of clothing around her body, fell on the grass, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

When the sun was past noon, she finally woke up.She lay still, looking at the blue sky.She felt herself recovering at last.She looked at her watch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.She slept almost five hours.She feels comfortable and peaceful.

She raised the foot that was wrapped into a big rice dumpling and watched it carefully.She turned her ankle.She was a little surprised, there seemed to be no pain.She turned again, still feeling no pain.She stood up carefully and took a few steps in place.She was surprised to find that the pain in the condyle was gone and she could walk almost normally.

She looked around happily, hoping very much that someone could share her happiness at this time.But there was no one around.

She decided to leave immediately.For the sake of caution, she chopped a thick wooden stick to lean on to prevent another sprain.

She continued walking west.Going west now is actually going down the mountain.She walked down the ravine step by step.Except for a slightly abnormal feeling in the right foot, the pain is basically gone.

When I got to the bottom of the ravine, a small stream flowed slowly.All she needs now is water.

She squatted by the stream and drank a few sips of water with her hands.She looked into the stream and vaguely saw her own appearance.God, even demons and ghosts are nothing more than that.She has messy hair and a black and dirty face.The mouth and teeth are also black.She looked down at her clothes, which were even more filthy.She remembered that she hadn't bathed for three or four days.She must have been filthy too.

She looked around cautiously.It is hard to imagine that there are people in this wild jungle.

She placed the pistol and dagger on the rocks within reach of the stream as a precaution.Then start undressing.Damn, her pants won't come off.Her feet, which are wrapped like big rice dumplings, are as big as basketballs.After thinking about it for a few seconds, she also untied the big rice dumpling on her feet.To her surprise, the redness on her feet had completely subsided.She finally took off all her clothes.

The stream was too shallow, so she could only sit in the stream and began to scrub her body.The water was cold, but it made her feel very comfortable.She washed herself from top to bottom, even her hair.She lay happily in the shallow stream, looking at the blue sky and white clouds.She almost fell asleep.

She just lay there in the shallow stream.Her chest stood proudly, where the breath of a boy had once blown.The boy was dead, shot to death.She felt that if the boy could touch this place and satisfy his youthful wishes, she would feel better.But now, both father and son died because of her.She feels sorry for them.She could no longer express her gratitude to them.

Looking at the mountains on both sides of the stream, she was in a daze for a while, and she seemed to have a strange feeling in her heart.She thought for a while, then suddenly remembered that this stream might be the boundary river.After crossing the creek, she entered another country.

She sat up abruptly, then took a few steps to the shore, and took out the map from her backpack.She just sat naked on the stone by the stream, like a mermaid just out of the water, intently looking at the map in front of her.She finally confirmed that this stream is the boundary river.She opened her arms to the mountains across the creek, she really wanted to shout, I escaped!

She changed herself into clean clothes and socks, and sat by the stream, letting the sun shine on her warmly.

She started packing her things.Bury the changed dirty clothes in the sand, insert the pistol and dagger, pick up the backpack, and cross the creek. [

She stood by the stream and looked back, looking at the country where she had stayed for almost half a year and almost lost her life. She thought, I probably won't come back again.She said in her heart, "Goodbye, Vietnam."

Zuo Shaoqing turned around at this point and climbed up the mountain behind him.She said to herself: "I want to go back to China, I must go back! I want to meet you! No matter who you are!"

But Zuo Shaoqing would never have imagined at this time that there were countless life-threatening dangers waiting for her.

Let me tell the story behind Zuo Shaoqing slowly.

As the old saying goes, two flowers bloom, one for each.The next thing to talk about is naturally Du Ziyuan.

At the time when Zuo Shaoqing had just escaped, Du Ziyuan was in Beijing, and he was also in a panic.

April in Beijing is not as warm and green as in South Asia. It is the time when the spring is cold and the vegetation is withered and yellow.Du Ziyuan drove an old American jeep on a bumpy and dusty dirt road.

This dirt road was newly opened, and only a layer of gravel was sprinkled on the road.But at this time, it has been crushed and broken by the non-stop trucks and donkey carts and horse-drawn carts that are constantly flowing day and night.Every time a vehicle passes by, it will raise dust all over the sky.On both sides of the dirt road is a huge construction site.

This place is located in the northwest of Beijing, not too far from the famous Summer Palace.It was originally the place where the royal family hunted, so it was called Xiyuan.

After Beiping was peacefully liberated, the troops who entered the city were the first to occupy most of the old Kuomintang government agencies in the city as their garrisons.The various departments of the central government that later entered Peiping, as well as the newly established departments of the Beiping City Government, occupied the remaining old government offices.After the institutions directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China entered Peiping, they could no longer find a suitable office in the city.Therefore, the newly established Beiping Municipal People's Government designated a large piece of wasteland in Xiyuan as a place for offices directly under the central government.

The dirt road that Du Ziyuan drove is today's Zhongzhi Road, and that area is still called "Xiyuan".Today's Zhongzhi Road is wide and flat, which is completely incomparable to the bumpy dirt road at that time.At that time, the wasteland on both sides of the dirt road had become a huge construction site, full of scaffolding and cranes that were building houses, and criss-cross ditches, and trucks carrying bricks, tiles, and gravel passed through these construction sites.Several construction workers and migrant workers are busy at the construction site.

In this construction site, there are many large reed mat sheds interspersed.They are not the dormitories of the workers, but the offices of various units of the central government at that time.This can be seen from the barbed wire fence around the reed mat shed and the sentries at the door.

The investigation department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China where Du Ziyuan works works in such a reed mat shed.

About half an hour ago, in a small office separated from the reed mat shed, he received a call that made his heart skip a beat.

He had just finished a small meeting and sat down in the office when the phone on the desk rang.The phone he uses is still the kind of hand-cranked phone that needs to be answered by the switchboard.He picked up the phone and asked, "Excuse me, who is it?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone before someone said, "I'm Yang Keqin, who are you?"

Du Ziyuan immediately remembered that Yang Keqin is now the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee.However, he was one of the main leaders of the intelligence department of the North China Bureau back then.In July [-], this important leader of the Intelligence Department of the North China Bureau went to Nanjing in person to obtain the recording of the conversation between Hou Lianhai and Wang Zhenqing from Du Ziyuan, and severely reprimanded Du Ziyuan during that meeting.But now Yang Keqin called him personally, which still surprised him a lot.

Du Ziyuan said softly, "Secretary Yang, I am Du Ziyuan."

Yang Keqin said on the phone: "I am looking for you. At the beginning of [-], you sent someone to deliver a report to me. Do you still remember this incident?"

Du Ziyuan immediately opened his mouth, and quickly and vigilantly glanced at his small and dark office, as if he was worried that someone might hear his call.Of course he remembered the report, even though it was seven years ago.

He suddenly had a premonition that something big was happening quietly and had a direct relationship with him.

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