Double Agent Saga

268. Atomic Weapons

Deputy Minister Xiang continued: "Of course, these aids from comrades in the Soviet Union will not be given to us in vain. We will also have to pay the price. Our workers and farmers should also tighten their belts and take out our mineral resources. Take out our agricultural products to exchange. You get what you pay for! This price is very heavy. However, in these aids, what we want is not only industrial projects, but also the defense industry. We hope You can also produce aircraft, cannons and guns. Do you know what is the most important thing in the defense industry?"

Lao Luo and Du Ziyuan stared at him blankly, already vaguely aware of the serious problem behind.

Deputy Minister Xiang nodded to them, "Maybe you have already guessed, it is atomic weapons."

"Atomic weapon" was the name for nuclear weapons in that era.Later, with hydrogen, such weapons were collectively referred to as "nuclear weapons." "Nuclear weapons" are still the most important strategic deterrent weapons.

Deputy Minister Xiang was silent for a moment, his face became more serious.He continued: "U.S. imperialism is using this thing to frighten us and threaten us. During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, U.S. imperialism will use this thing against us! Now, we desperately need to use this thing to break the threat of U.S. imperialism." In a word, we need comrades from the Soviet Union to help me research and manufacture atomic weapons. However, until [-], the Soviet Union did not agree to help us research and manufacture atomic weapons. They believed that providing us with a nuclear umbrella would be It was enough. Later, due to their internal reasons, Khrushchev was inside the socialist camp and needed our support, so he agreed to help us study and research atomic energy and gradually establish an atomic energy industry. But they still did not agree to help us manufacture Atomic weapons. Still, that's a big step forward.”[

Both Lao Luo and Du Ziyuan breathed a sigh of relief.After all, they work in the intelligence system and know a little about it.But how far this matter really went, they didn't know.

Vice Minister Xiang continued: "In January [-], through our efforts, China and the Soviet Union signed the "Protocol on the Search, Identification and Geological Survey of Radioactive Elements in China". This is the basis for our establishment of the atomic energy industry. The first step. In April of the same year, China and the Soviet Union signed the "Agreement on the Use of Atomic Energy for the Development of the National Economy." In August, China and the Soviet Union signed the "Agreement on the Soviet Union's Aid to China's Construction of the Atomic Energy Industry." Now, our atomic energy Industry is being developed little by little with the help of comrades in the Soviet Union. But these are not enough, what we need is the technology to manufacture atomic weapons. What I want to tell you now is that in recent months, we have We are negotiating with the Soviet Union, about the Soviet side helping us research and manufacture atomic weapons!"

Director Chen tapped on the table with a pencil, and Du Ziyuan, who was staring at Lao Luo very annoyedly, seemed to be the two people in front of him who had disrupted China's process of manufacturing atomic weapons.

Deputy Minister Xiang has lowered his voice to the lowest level, "We are negotiating with the Soviet Union, and they will help us research and manufacture atomic weapons. Therefore, from the central leadership to our level, we do not want any accidents to happen that will damage the Sino-Soviet relationship. This negotiation between China and the United States. This is the first point I want to tell you. The second point is that this negotiation was conducted under extreme secrecy. However, no one can guarantee that Western countries, especially the United States, will not notice To our secret negotiation. It can be believed that once they find out, they will find a way to destroy it!"

Relying on his professional sensitivity, Du Ziyuan vaguely noticed that Vice Minister Xiang was talking about a key point. China's atomic energy industry, learning the technology of making atomic weapons, may have a tortuous, indirect, and even cryptic relationship with the assassination of Ruan Qibo in South Vietnam. .

Vice Minister Xiang went on to say: "The current international situation is so complicated, so we cannot rule out that the United States and possibly other intelligence agencies of Western countries are using some means to sabotage our atomic energy negotiations with the Soviet Union. We must have this Be vigilant, and you must think of this possibility. Lao Luo, and Comrade Ziyuan, the central leadership attaches great importance to this matter. I hope to find out the real reason for Ruan Qibo's assassination as soon as possible. This matter is related to the success of our negotiations. , Can we master the technology of manufacturing atomic weapons as soon as possible with the help of Soviet comrades. Let me tell you that our negotiations with the Soviet Union have entered the final stage. Therefore, you must find out the cause of death of Ruan Qibo in South Vietnam as soon as possible, and give A clear statement from the Soviet Union. This is your current task, the most important task! Are you clear?"

Lao Luo and Du Ziyuan stood up involuntarily, looking at the two deputy ministers with serious eyes.The current situation is clear.They all believed in Deputy Minister Xiang's political wisdom and high sensitivity, and he most likely hit the crux of the matter.They must complete this task as soon as possible.

On the way back, Du Ziyuan drove the car.It was already dark, and street lights illuminated the streetscape.Pedestrians on the street walked under the street lights, talking and laughing, and even chasing and fighting each other.The safety of the [-] million Chinese people weighs heavily on their hearts like a mountain.

Lao Luo finally spoke, and he said, "Ziyuan, put all other work aside and focus on this work." He looked back at Du Ziyuan, "You must complete this task. I will give you whatever you want Provided. When necessary, you go there yourself, and you must check out Ruan Qibo's case!"

Du Ziyuan gritted his teeth and said very simply: "I will!"

It was already late at night when they returned to the Central Investigation Department in Xiyuan.But the comrades in the second bureau did not get off work.It is very unusual for the chief and deputy bureau chiefs to be called to a meeting at the same time in a unit like the Central Adjustment Department.They stood at the door of their respective offices, silently watching the two chiefs who came back in a hurry.

Lao Luo waved to everyone, "Comrades, it's getting late, so let's get off work when it's time to get off work."

Du Ziyuan walked into the office of the Asia Division, gestured to the director Chu Bolin and Qin Donghai, and went straight back to his office. One minute later, Chu Bolin and Qin Donghai walked into his office quietly.Du Ziyuan pointed to the chairs by the table and motioned for them to sit down.

Chu Bolin and Qin Donghai sat down at the table, put their arms on the table, stretched their heads forward, and looked at Du Ziyuan attentively.Du Ziyuan also put his arms on the table, and the three of them put their heads together and looked at each other.Working in this non-soundproof reed mat shed, this is the only way they talk about their work.

Du Ziyuan looked at them with a heavy heart and didn't know what to say to them.Chu Bolin has a square face with the Chinese character "国", with dark skin, calm and sharp eyes, and his mind is full of all kinds of information.Qin Donghai is a young man with a smile always on his fair face.But the work is methodical and flexible.He is especially good at dealing with all kinds of people, and unconsciously asks the answers he wants.

For those who have worked on the secret front for a long time, suspicion has become a habit, but trust is rare and precious.But at this moment, Du Ziyuan could only trust the two people in front of him.

Du Ziyuan's office was very quiet.The not-so-bright electric light illuminated the three people talking in low voices at the desk.

Du Ziyuan thought about it carefully, and said softly: "At present, there are some very special and important situations. I can't tell you too much now, it depends on the needs of future work. This is one. Secondly, we have two special things at present. One is the 24 secret files that I brought back from Nanjing before, but their whereabouts are unknown now. Both of you know about this. Second, there is another situation that you all know, Lao Chu knows better. One of our contact lines in South Vietnam and the organization in Cam Ranh Bay have lost contact with us. Due to special reasons, we must as soon as possible Find out the reason for the interruption of the communication line, and the current situation of the Cam Ranh Bay organization. These two things, the latter is the most important thing. In addition to finding out the reason for the interruption of communication, more importantly, we also need to find out the Presidential Palace of the Republic of South Vietnam The real cause of Secretary-General Ruan Qibo's death."

Chu Bolin was a little surprised, and looked at Du Ziyuan suspiciously, "Old Du, you mean the latter thing is more important?" [

Du Ziyuan nodded, "Yes, it's more important, and it's extremely important."

"Why? What happened in South Vietnam has something to do with us?"

"Yes, it has something to do with us, and it's a very important relationship. For now, I can't say too much to you because it's too sensitive. However, this is the task assigned to us by our superiors today. I repeat, this task is extremely important. It is important and must be completed as soon as possible!"

Chu Bolin said softly: "I guess, it must be related to national security."

Du Ziyuan nodded immediately and said, "You're right, it's a major task related to national security!"

Qin Donghai said: "Old Du, tell me, what should we do?"

Du Ziyuan said: "Let's divide the work. Old Chu stayed in the ministry. First, collect and sort out all the information about South Vietnam. Second, collect and sort out all the information passed back from Cam Ranh Bay. Be detailed, as detailed as possible. When you have time, continue to secretly search for the missing file."

Chu Bolin nodded calmly, "Okay, I will definitely finish it."

Du Ziyuan continued: "Xiao Qin and I went to investigate the reason for the interruption of the communication line. From here, we have been investigating to South Vietnam. If necessary, we will go to South Vietnam together to see what happened there. You can contact the Foreign Affairs Office , choose a reliable translator."

Qin Donghai nodded seriously, "Okay. When are you leaving?"

Du Ziyuan said: "Get ready, let's go immediately."

At this time, Du Ziyuan was not clear about two things.First, he believes that there are two important things to do now, one is the missing files and the hidden "water hyacinth", and the other is the reason why Ruan Qibo was assassinated.The wisdom of the judges may have seen that these two things are actually closely related.However, he didn't know this at this time.Second, he didn't know what a dangerous journey he and Qin Donghai were going to embark on.He will know these two points soon.

Because Ye Gongjin, who was far away in Taipei, also started to act at this time.

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