Double Agent Saga

269、Old things

One afternoon in April [-], Ye Gongjin changed into casual clothes in her office, left the Defense Intelligence Agency building, and boarded a car parked outside the building.He whispered to the driver, "Binshan Hotel."

The driver did not speak, started the car, and quietly drove out of the gate of the Ministry of Defense Intelligence.

During this period, the office of Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense Intelligence Agency was still located in Tamsui Town, northwest of Taipei City, on the north bank of the Tamsui River Estuary.

During this period, Danshui Town was still a desolate, remote, and poor fishing village.Many years later, it has become a famous tourist and leisure resort.Fisherman's Wharf, which later became the most famous scenic spot, was only a small fishing boat wharf at this time, known as the second fishing port.Many fishermen who are busy here for their livelihood, sort, dry and sell the various catches they catch on the pier every afternoon.The smoky fishy smell can be smelled far away.

Ye Gongjin's car turned to Zhongshan Road via Danhai Road and headed south.At this time, Zhongshan Road was not as wide and flat as it is today, it was just a narrow asphalt road.The asphalt road is in disrepair and has some potholes.The scenery along the way is just undulating hills and messy trees.Sitting in the car, he saw from a distance that the Hongmao City, which had a history of 400 years and later became a famous tourist attraction, was hidden behind a bush in dilapidated condition. [

Pedestrians or tourists walking on this road today can never imagine the desolation and poverty of those years.

Ye Gongjin was very preoccupied at this time.It has not been four months since he took office as Director of Defense Intelligence.The focus of all his work now is on the personnel arrangement in the bureau.Although he has been away for several years, and the bureau has undergone great changes, some old people in the secrecy bureau still know each other.For him, these people are far and near.He wants to place more trusted people in important positions.

Among all these officers above the division level, the one who troubled him the most was Pan Qiwu, the current Deputy Director of the Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense and Director of the General Office.

One of the things that Ye Gongjin was most concerned about after taking office was why Mao Renfeng suddenly wanted to kill him back then, without giving him the slightest chance to explain.He judged that something serious must have happened at that time, which made Director Mao furious at him.If there is such a thing, it is likely that there are clues in the top secret file room of the intelligence agency.

So, shortly after taking office, he called Lao Pan and Pan Qiwu into his office.

In the past, Lao Pan was his superior and the chief secretary.He is a subordinate, deputy chief secretary and director of the second division.Now the status is reversed.In the first few days, he was really a little uncomfortable.But Pan Qiwu could let it go.Although he was still so calm, there was no expression of arrogance or arrogance in his expression.

Ye Gongjin was naturally very polite to him.At this time, he said softly: "Brother Qiwu, I haven't been in office for a long time, and I want to know more about the work in the bureau, especially the relatively important and confidential work done in the past. I think the secret files in the bureau must be Is there a catalog or something like that? I'd like to have a look."

As soon as he finished speaking, he could see that Lao Pan's face had changed, and there was a look of shock and vigilance in his eyes.

Pan Qiwu looked at Ye Gongjin deeply, walked slowly to the table, and asked cautiously: "I don't know which file the director wants to see? I can go and get it directly."

Ye Gongjin stared at him calmly, and said softly, "I really want to see it."

Pan Qiwu lowered his eyes and remained silent.Evidently he was making up his mind.After a while, he raised his head, stared at Ye Gongjin calmly, and said, "Director, I know what you want to see. Now, there is something I really want to tell you. In the past, when Director Mao was here, he had something for you. Misunderstanding, very regrettable misunderstanding. This misunderstanding is due to the fact that someone sent a recording of a conversation between you and Mace of the CIA."

There was a bang in Ye Gongjin's mind, as if an explosion in the deep sea shocked the sky with huge waves.This was the one thing he was most concerned about at the moment.He asked softly, "My conversation with Mace? When and where?"

Pan Qiwu said softly: "It was 16, on August [-]rd, at [-]:[-] p.m. The venue was at the Nanjing International Union Club, upstairs, room No. [-]. These are all marked on the tape."

Ye Gongjin had fully understood at this time.Director Mao wanted to kill him because he saw this recording and must have listened to it.Director Mao, like Generalissimo Chiang, cannot do without the support of the Americans, but they both have deep guard against the Americans, even hostility.If anyone makes friends with Americans behind their backs, it will definitely end badly!

Oh shit!Ye Gongjin couldn't help but think that the key point of this matter, this recording should be in the hands of Zuo Shaoqing!Oh shit!That is to say, it was Zuo Shaoqing who gave the recording to Director Mao!

Ye Gongjin remained calm, stared at Pan Qiwu and continued to ask: "Who gave it to Director Mao?"

Pan Qiwu shook his head, "I don't know about that. The recording was exchanged from the guard room of the Ministry of National Defense."

Ye Gongjin understood very well, this further proves that Zuo Shaoqing did it.He looked at Pan Qiwu's mature and prudent face, but he was thinking about another thing he wanted to know.Now was the time to rearrange personnel, and he had to know about it.

He asked softly: "Brother Qiwu, please tell me, who was the executor when Director Mao gave the order?" [

All of a sudden, Pan Qiwu froze, his eyes hidden behind the glasses looked at Ye Gongjin motionlessly, as if he had been immobilized.At this time, even Pan Qiwu, who was calm and prudent, felt fear in his heart.

Ye Gongjin had already guessed eight or nine points, but he still asked: "Who is the executor?"

Pan Qiwu was silent again for a moment, then said softly: "Director, I'm sorry, I'm next."

Ye Gongjin turned her head and looked outside, trying to relieve the anger in her heart.Pan Qiwu stood motionless in front of the desk, watching him silently.

This was something that made Ye Gongjin furious.The events of that day flashed before his eyes like a movie.During that day, he brushed past death several times!Explosions, shootings, crashes, and finally being blocked outside the door of the US Marine Corps.If Zuo Shaoqing and his sisters hadn't tried their best to rescue him, he would have died a long time ago.

Ye Gongjin was really terribly conflicted.Zuo Shaoqing saved him those few times when he brushed against death.But fuck it!All this is because Zuo Shaoqing secretly handed over the fatal recording to Director Mao!

It wasn't until this moment, when Ye Gongjin grasped all the situation, that he really understood Zuo Shaoqing's intentions!Zuo Shaoqing handed over the recording to Director Mao, it must be to save the 'locust tree'.That is to say, at that time, he must have been very close to the 'locust tree', maybe even at hand, right at his hand!So close to your fingertips!

At that time, Zuo Shaoqing must have sensed that the 'Locust tree' was in danger, she wanted to save him, she tried her best to save him, and it was also to save herself!

At this moment, the office was as quiet as hell.Ye Gongjin and Pan Qiwu sat and stood, looking at each other.

For Ye Gongjin, the past, the things that he didn't understand in the past, are all clear now.For Pan Qiwu, it is waiting for the end of fate.The person he arranged to assassinate in the past is now his immediate boss.He felt that the ending would not be good no matter what.

Ye Gongjin looked outside, feeling another mood.He knew Zuo Shaoqing's true identity, so everything Zuo Shaoqing did was understandable.To put it bluntly, he and she are both masters.

The question is how to deal with this person in front of him.Pan Qiwu has been the chief secretary of the Secret Bureau for many years, and now he has been promoted to the deputy director of the Intelligence Bureau and the director of the general office.He has worked in the Intelligence Bureau for many years, and his roots are deep and leafy. If you try to move him, it might bring down the entire Intelligence Bureau.This is something he cannot ignore.

In the next comment, this Ye Gongjin still has a bit of guts, and has kept this feeling in her heart for several years.In [-], Ye Gongjin and Pan Qiwu finally became the director of the Yangmingshan Special Zone Administration.The Yangmingshan Special Administrative Region Administration Bureau is a very important unit, because President Jiang's Shilin official residence is at the foot of Shilin's Fushan Mountain.Some diplomatic envoys, senior officials, and some extremely secret institutions are located in Yangmingshan Special Zone.In a word, in the Yangmingshan Special Zone, there are countless secret service personnel.

Ye Gongjin treated Pan Qiwu well in the end because in the next few years, Pan Qiwu was diligent and cautious, and helped Ye Gongjin handle the work of the Intelligence Bureau in an orderly manner.In this way, Ye Gongjin didn't want him to feel hurt and pushed out of the Intelligence Bureau.But Ye Gongjin really didn't dare to let him stay by her side anymore.

This is after a few years.In the future, we will not mention it any more.

But at this moment, Ye Gongjin was driving on the Zhongshan Road from Danshui Town to Taipei City, and it was this matter that was entangled in her heart.He hasn't made up his mind yet, how to treat this Pan Qiwu.But he had a vague feeling that this Pan Qiwu was a man of Confucianism on the outside and tough on the inside, and he might be ready to fight him to the death.Therefore, he cannot easily move this Pan Qiwu now.

After Ye Gongjin's car drove into downtown Taipei, there were more vehicles on the street, and the speed of the car was much slower.

At this time, another embarrassing thing popped into Ye Gongjin's thoughts.

Not long ago, he secretly arranged for elite agents from the Operation Team to sneak into South Vietnam and ordered them to get rid of Zuo Shaoqing.However, not only did these idiots fail to get rid of her, but they lost their lives.He heard the report two days ago that all three agents died tragically, and the opponent did not leave them a chance to survive.

Ye Gongjin immediately understood that these three people must have died at the hands of Zuo Shaoqing.Only Zuo Shaoqing would make such a heavy hand.She is a CCP agent who has lived in extreme danger for many years. She is extremely decisive and will never leave any opponent a chance to survive or even fight back.

Ye Gongjin naturally thought of Metz from the matter of Zuo Shaoqing avoiding the assassination.It can almost be said that Zuo Shaoqing is also a scourge left to him by Metz.What made him hate it was that he was going to Taipei now just to meet Metz.Damn, Americans don't have a good thing!

This Mace made him hate, but he had to deal with him!Son of a bitch! [

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