Double Agent Saga


What Ye Gongjin held in her hand was a light brown kraft paper file, which was thin and the surface of the file was a little worn.There is a thin string tied between the front and back of the dossier.The "absolutely confidential" seal on the upper right of the file is shocking.

Ye Gongjin gently untied the string and opened the file.There are only a dozen pages in the dossier.He understood at a glance that the dossier contained brief information.For each page, record the basic situation of a latent group.Their code names, team leader names, lurking locations, key personnel, and their tasks.

Ye Gongjin understood that their detailed information must be in the top-secret file cabinet in the file room.And this dossier was prepared for the high-level intelligence bureau to make decisions.He looked up at Pan Qiwu, "Only these?"

Pan Qiwu leaned forward, "Director, this is the most important group, which is classified as a first-class secret."

"How big is its reading range?" Ye Gongjin asked softly. [

"It used to be Director Mao, but now it's you. I'm in charge." Pan Qiwu replied succinctly.

Ye Gongjin nodded and did not speak any more.He bowed his head and flipped through the brief information one by one.After more than ten minutes, Ye Gongjin couldn't help showing a smile on his face after reading all the brief information.Among the dozen or so groups lurking in the mainland, two of them were his former subordinates.

One is Zhao Minggui, the major general leader, who is lurking in Xuzhou.

The past was like smoke, permeating Ye Gongjin's heart.All kinds of events in Nanjing flashed before his eyes one by one.There must be a reason why this shrewd, cautious, and calm Zhao Minggui can still survive in the harsh environment of the mainland.Ye Gongjin realized after a little twirling in her heart that he trusted this person.

The other, much to Ye Gongjin's surprise, was You Shaoqing.She is not the team leader.But he immediately saw that You Shaoqing must have an extraordinary role in this group.The team leader is Wei Mingshui.Ye Gongjin knew this person, he was a veteran spy during the military reunification period.There is a bracket after his name, which reads: You Shaoqing.Ye Gongjin vaguely understood that You Shaoqing's position in this group might be the second in command.There is also a possibility that she is the de facto number one.

But Ye Gongjin still pointed to this page and asked, "Qiwu, what's going on with this group?"

Pan Qiwu turned behind him and immediately said: "Boss, this group is a bit special. This Wei Mingshui has no problems in politics and has enough qualifications, but his personality is a little rough. This group can survive until now because of this young man from the right." The role played by Qing. The director must know this You Shaoqing very well."

Ye Gongjin nodded.He knew in his heart that You Shaoqing and her sister Zuo Shaoqing were the most intelligent, shrewd, and capable agents he had ever seen.He carefully compared and weighed the two sisters in his heart.He felt that it was better to be a sister.But after so many years, who can say for sure?

At this time, he noticed that in the upper right corner of this brief information, there were three small characters: "to be contacted".

He clicked on these three characters, "Qiwu, what's going on?"

Pan Qiwu took a look and sighed, "This group has lost contact with us."

Ye Gongjin frowned, "Did you lose?"

Pan Qiwu pondered for a while before saying: "It seems not. In June last year, the contact between this group and us was suddenly cut off. The reason is unknown. We really thought it was a loss. But in October, we suddenly received several groups from this group. The code. The code is incomplete, so I don’t know what it means. However, after analysis by the Telecommunications Department, it is believed that this code was indeed sent by Wei Mingshui’s operator, and the characteristics are obvious. Secondly, judging from the unstable signal situation, it seems that their radio station malfunctioned. That may be why they lost contact."

"What steps have we taken?"

"Adopted. In November last year, we sent two groups to Wuhan with radio stations, hoping to establish contact with this group. However, there is no news so far."

Ye Gongjin nodded, "I understand, it's all lost. Qiwu, continue to send people to contact this group and try to get in touch."

"Yes, I will arrange someone."

At this time, Ye Gongjin was caught in the long exam with these two brief documents in hand.

"Long test" is originally a Go term.It refers to a chess player who thinks about tactics for a long time in the game.There was a chess player who sat motionless in front of the chessboard for two or three hours.What he considers and compares are often the results of several different game plans after a dozen or even dozens of steps. [

Ye Gongjin was considering the result after dozens of steps.He sat for 10 minutes.

Pan Qiwu stood behind him, also motionless, waiting silently.

It was late at night, and everything was quiet.There was silence in the office.Ye Gongjin closed her eyes and meditated, only occasionally glancing at the brief information in her hand.Pan Qiwu remained motionless, standing behind him like a wooden sculpture.Pan Qiwu's cautiousness can be seen here.

An hour later, Ye Gongjin finally raised her head.He glanced into the office, only to notice Pan Qiwu standing behind him all the time.He gestured for him to sit down opposite.

Ye Gongjin presented Zhao Minggui's brief information in front of Pan Qiwu, "Brother Qiwu, this group is in your hands. You will keep all the instructions and calls back, and don't let others touch them."

Pan Qiwu silently took the piece of paper in his hand, "Yes, Director, I will take charge of it myself."

Ye Gongjin presented You Shaoqing's brief information to Pan Qiwu again, "This group, you must get in touch with them as soon as possible. Send more groups, and there will always be one group that can escape the CCP's pursuit."

"Yes, I will arrange this myself."

"This is the best." Ye Gongjin let out a long breath, "Brother Qiwu, the last and most important thing is that Zuo Shaoqing. You should know her."

"Yes, I know him." Pan Qiwu said calmly.

"I got news that the day before yesterday, this Zuo Shaoqing had crossed the border and entered Cambodia after leaving the US military base in Cam Ranh Bay in South Vietnam. You are responsible for organizing our people in Cambodia and stopping her. If you can't stop her, get rid of her! This Things must be done in case of failure, and she must not be allowed to return to the mainland."

"Yes, I will." Pan Qiwu said simply.

"Qiwu, when necessary, you go there in person and command directly."

Pan Qiwu understood what this "when necessary" meant, that is to say, he had to personally supervise the battle, and there was no room for negotiation.

But he didn't move, still looking at Ye Gongjin calmly.Ye Gongjin wanted to get rid of Zuo Shaoqing, he could probably guess what it was, and it must be related to the death of Ruan Qibo in Nanyue.But why, he did not understand.

Finally, he asked softly: "Director, please explain why you must get rid of this Zuo Shaoqing?"

Ye Gongjin was silent for a moment, then said: "Qiwu, this Zuo Shaoqing may have a film on him. If you see the film, you will understand what it means."

Pan Qiwu looked at Ye Gongjin with his mature, calm eyes.He understood that Ye Gongjin did not tell the whole situation.Back then in Nanjing, Zuo Shaoqing was suspected of being a communist party, which many people knew.He even knew that the reason why Ye Gongjin kept Zuo Shaoqing at that time was to catch the big fish behind her.

But what about now?Why must we get rid of Zuo Shaoqing?She has been living in Taipei for seven years, doing one job, so what if she is an agent of the Chinese Communist Party?He still doesn't understand.There may be a film hidden on this Zuo Shaoqing, is it an extremely important piece of information?Doesn't seem like it.In a place like Cam Ranh Bay, what important information can be obtained?Ye Gongjin said that she may have a film on her body.What does this "possible" mean?

Pan Qiwu sat motionless, watching Ye Gongjin silently.Ye Gongjin also watched him silently.They are actually confronting each other, one wants to ask, the other doesn't want to talk.

Finally, it was Ye Gongjin who smiled.He is not throwing in the towel.He knows that if Pan Qiwu understands the truth, he can better motivate him to complete the task.

He said softly: "Qiwu, the life and death of Zuo Shaoqing has a great relationship with the cause of Ruan Qibo's death."

Pan Qiwu nodded, "Director, I have already guessed this point."

"And Ruan Qibo's death was the result of the United States' actions."

"American?" Pan Qiwu was really taken aback, "Why?"

"The death of Ruan Qibo will cause serious conflicts between China and the Soviet Union. The Americans have received information that recently, China and the Soviet Union are negotiating that the Soviet Union will help China manufacture atomic weapons."

Pan Qiwu opened his mouth wide, he already understood the crux of the matter.

"However," Ye Gongjin continued, "Zuo Shaoqing may have seen the American assassination process, and even took pictures! Qiwu, this is the most terrible thing!"

Pan Qiwu finally understood that the Americans, as well as this Ye Gongjin in front of him, were all scheming.

However, Pan Qiwu also understood another thing.Ye Gongjin took the exam for more than an hour, and he must have planned a plan, or an action plan, in his mind.He lets himself go on missions, but refuses to share his plans.Pan Qiwu couldn't help thinking that Ye Gongjin's wariness and doubts about him hadn't eased in the slightest.

But, I don't care!This was what Pan Qiwu was thinking at this moment.He would like to see what kind of action plan Ye Gongjin planned!

After Pan Qiwu left Ye Gongjin's office, he didn't stop or rest for a minute until he boarded the plane at 1:1 p.m. the next day, but was doing intense preparations.

He notified the South Vietnam Station and the Thailand Station through the radio, asking them to immediately dispatch three operatives each, bring the necessary equipment, and go to Phnom Penh to wait for orders.In addition, he urgently selected three operators and a radio operator from the action brigade, and set off with him with a radio.

He asked the archives office to provide some photos of Zuo Shaoqing from various angles.He selected a few of them and asked the technical department to develop dozens of them.He asked all operators to accurately identify this person.

At five o'clock in the afternoon the next day, he got on the plane.During the roughly six-hour flight, he had been studying Cambodian maps and traffic maps in preparation for his move.

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