Double Agent Saga


Zuo Shaoqing noticed this kind of information by accident. .After taking a closer look, I felt a movement in my heart.

In her initial thoughts, she was more concerned about the current situation in the mainland. After all, she has fought for the red regime there for nearly 20 years.Although the information is scattered and complicated, and it is located in Wuhan, it can give her a glimpse of the current situation in the mainland.In her heart, Du Ziyuan and her younger sister You Shaoqing, the two people she cares most about, are both in mainland China.

She has seen a lot of this kind of intelligence, which made her keenly aware that the fifth latent group in Wuhan really has a different heart and more profound meaning in observing the current situation of mainland society.These intelligences reflect the current "social dynamics" in the mainland.

When Zuo Shaoqing looked at the information, he would sometimes think in his mind, showing sincere respect to the latent personnel who provided the information.In that chaotic and dangerous environment, he can still carefully study the complex and changeable "social dynamics" of the mainland. How careful observation and profound thinking this person must have!At this time, Zuo Shaoqing would never have thought that the person who provided these information was her sister You Shaoqing.

Although Zuo Shaoqing's position as a researcher is idle, there is always some work to do.By the end of the year, she used the "intelligence" like needles and threads to analyze and draft the first research report, "About the Pros and Cons of the People's Base of the Communist regime in Mainland China". [

Her research report did not arouse any response in the Bureau of Secrets, but it was unexpectedly valued by several senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, who ordered the Bureau of Secrets to strengthen research in this area.This is why the Bureau of Secrecy later sent Wei Mingshui a telegram asking for "more details, please."

In [-], the mainland was hit by three years of natural disasters, and society was on the brink of crisis.President Chiang desperately wanted to take the opportunity to counterattack the mainland.At this time, intelligence that could reflect the "social dynamics" of the mainland had become one of the important contents of intelligence provided by the Intelligence Bureau to President Chiang.However, several research reports written by Zuo Shaoqing before [-] turned out to be models for this type of research reports.Mentioning this matter again today can't help but make people laugh.

I need to tell readers that the "information" provided by You Shaoqing does not mean that her sister can draft a research report that is valued by high-level officials, but a crucial clue in this story.Readers will soon see the importance of this clue.The following story will be narrated slowly below.

Now, let the judges still go back to that night in April [-].

At this time, You Shaoqing finished eating crystal soup dumplings and fish paste powder in Wei Mingshui's "Ronghe Snack Bar". When she was driving on the road from Echeng to Wuchang by bus, although she was sitting in the shaking bus I miss my sister, I miss Du Ziyuan, and I also recall all the thrilling situations when I first arrived in Wuhan, but generally speaking, she is in a good mood at this time.

But soon, her good mood was destroyed, which also made her leopard-like personality flare up again.

There are still seven people in Wei Mingshui's fifth team, and six of them, including Wei Mingshui, work and live in Echeng.But in Wuchang, they still have a secret stronghold, which is guarded by a female team member named Yu Duona.

This secret stronghold is actually the secret warehouse of the fifth team, which stores all the weapons and ammunition of the whole team, as well as explosives, detonators, detonators, and various secret agent equipment, documents that cannot be destroyed, and the team members must not be seen by others. Personal items seen, etc.Due to too many things and the clever design of this secret warehouse, the materials in this warehouse have never been moved.

The female team member guarding this secret warehouse is named Yu Duona.When the judges hear this name, they can guess that there must be several older sisters above her, and her parents must think that she is "too many", hence such a name.

When Yu Duona grew up, she couldn't make her parents change their disgusting view of her.Because she is a girl with dark skin, a little ugly appearance and mediocre qualifications.At first glance, she is almost a peasant woman squatting on the street selling vegetables.She dropped out of high school because of being bullied at school.

Yu Duona's final choice is to join the army.She really hopes that joining the military will change how others perceive her.But what she entered was the "Hanzhong Special Personnel Training Class" sponsored by the Shaanxi Branch of the Security Bureau.She became a spy.After that, she worked as a clerk at the Shaanxi Station of the Security Bureau.

At the beginning of [-], she was sent to Wuhan to lurk.She had no choice at all.Her ordinary appearance and taciturnity convinced Wei Mingshui that she was a steady and down-to-earth person, so he sent her to guard the secret warehouse.

However, at around nine o'clock that night, when You Shaoqing came to the door of this secret warehouse, this Yu Duona was not at home.According to the order You Shaoqing gave her, after dark, she must "garrison" at home.

You Shaoqing had no choice but to go back to the street and wait in a dark corner.It was almost eleven o'clock at night when she saw Yu Duona walking towards her with a handkerchief dangling in her hand.When Yu Duona walked past You Shaoqing with ease, there was a pleasant smile on her face.You Shaoqing immediately guessed that this ugly black girl must be in love!

Yu Duona got outside the house, took out the key and opened the door.When she turned on the light and was about to close the door, she suddenly saw a dark figure standing outside the door opening.She didn't see the appearance of this black figure clearly, but she immediately saw who it was.She was suddenly frightened out of her wits, and stepped back in fear.

At this time, it was late at night, and there was silence around.The cool night wind from outside the door hit Yu Duona's already pale face.

You Shaoqing walked in step by step with a cold white face like a ghost demanding his life, and closed the door behind him.Then he walked up to Yu Duona step by step, staring at her face like a hawk.

Yu Duona's expression changed greatly from fright, and her whole body was shaking.After eight years of lurking, she knew too well how vicious this woman was.In the group, even Wei Mingshui had to listen to this woman, let alone her.

At this time, Yu Duona, who was terrified, had no choice but knelt down trembling, and whispered, "Sister Su, Sister Su, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong."[

You Shaoqing didn't speak, but slapped Yu Duona heavily on the face with his hand.

Yu Duona fell headlong to the ground.She hurriedly got up again and knelt on the ground straight.Her upper body moved aside one after another, trying to avoid the second slap.

You Shaoqing leaned over to stare at her, and finally said in a low voice, "Speak! Tonight's process!"

A woman like Yu Duona has told countless lies all her life, but she never dared to lie at this moment.She muttered, "Su...Sister Su, it''s like this...I...I often go shopping at the non-staple food store at the corner of the street, and I know...a clerk there. He...his name is Liu Hesheng. Tonight, he... invited me to watch...a movie, I...I'll go. I'm sorry, Sister Su, I know I was wrong, and I don't dare to do it again. "

You Shaoqing stared at her fiercely, "Did you even bring him into this door!"

This time, no matter how frightened Yu Duona was, she had to lie.She knew the discipline of the latent team. If she brought someone into this door, not to mention the woman in front of her, even Wei Mingshui would kill her.She shook her head hastily and said, "No, no! I dare not!"

You Shaoqing stared at her, then turned around and scanned the room.She saw the flaw immediately.She rushed to the coffee table, took out an ashtray from the shelf below, put it on the coffee table forcefully, and shouted: "What's going on!" There was actually a cigarette butt in the ashtray.

Yu Duona said tremblingly, "Sister Su, Sister Su, that...that's what I smoke. I occasionally...occasionally..."

You Shaoqing stared at her, and shouted: "Take out your cigarette!"

Yu Duona was trembling, and actually took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket.She looked at You Shaoqing carefully, hoping to deceive her and escape this disaster.

You Shaoqing looked at her sternly, and said: "Take out a cigarette and light it!" Seeing Yu Duona's stupid look of not understanding, she shouted again: "I told you to light it up and smoke!"

Yu Duona still didn't understand, but she could only take out a match from her pocket and light a cigarette for herself.You Shaoqing turned around and sat down on the chair, watching Yu Duona who was kneeling on the ground smoking a cigarette one after another. Five minutes later, Yu Duona only had a cigarette butt left in her hand.

You Shaoqing picked up the ashtray on the coffee table, put it on the ground in front of her, and motioned for her to twist out the cigarette.

Yu Duona was trembling, just as she was twisting out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, You Shaoqing suddenly grabbed her hair and pressed down, shouting, "Bastard, look down for me, these two cigarette butts are the same Is it the same!"

These two cigarette butts are indeed different.The part of Yu Duona's cigarette butt that was soaked in saliva was very little, only a little bit.But the other cigarette butt had a longer part soaked in saliva.People who smoke seem to have thicker lips.

You Shaoqing pulled her hair, forced her to raise her head, and said, "Bastard, that guy named Liu Hesheng of yours still has thick lips, doesn't he! Do you still think that he is a loyal person, so you can talk to him?" go to bed!"

Yu Duona said in horror: "Sister Su, no, I dare not!"

You Shaoqing shouted: "How dare you lie to me!"

Before she finished speaking, Yu Duona was slapped heavily on the face again.She fell to the ground and started crying.

You Shaoqing shouted in a low voice: "Stop! Give me a rest!"

Yu Duona's voice dropped.She covered her mouth with her hands, tears all over her face.

You Shaoqing turned around and went into the back room, looked around, turned around and shouted: "Get up! Open the door!" [

Yu Duona hurriedly got up, wiped her tears with her sleeve, and took out the key from her pocket.She walked to a huge wardrobe in the back room and opened the door with a key.She opened the clothes hanging in the closet, reached out and groped underneath for a while, then opened the back panel of the closet, and a very narrow door appeared there.

This small door leads to Wei Mingshui's secret warehouse. .

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