Double Agent Saga

319、 Top secret file

Minister Li's office was very quiet at this moment.Both Lao Luo and Du Ziyuan sat motionless at the table, watching Minister Li quietly.

Minister Li pondered for a moment, and finally asked, "Your next step."

Du Ziyuan took a cautious look at Lao Luo.He saw Lao Luo nodded to him very slightly.So he turned to Minister Li and said, "We have some judgments about 'water hyacinth', and we want to check the files of the ministry."

"What else?" The minister stared at him.

"We also hope to learn about some recent domestic special circumstances, especially the more unusual ones." [

Minister Li nodded to them, "Okay, I understand. You go back first. Whether your request can be realized, we will know tomorrow."

Du Ziyuan followed Lao Luo and left the minister's office.Their hearts are heavy.If you don't take special measures, it is almost impossible to find 'water hyacinth'.

The next morning, Du Ziyuan arrived at the ministry very early.But Minister Ma of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Central Investigation Department was already waiting outside his office earlier than him.

With a knowing and mysterious smile on Minister Ma's dark face, he said, "Old Du, what did you think of to get the minister to allow you to check the files? And let me have an interview with you earlier."

Du Ziyuan hurriedly opened the door and said, "Old Ma, old Ma, please come in, sit down, sit down. Oh, you just need to make a phone call, why do you have to make this trip?"

Minister Ma refused to let go, and continued to ask: "Say it, I want to ask you something."

Du Ziyuan stood in front of him, his face became serious, and he said in a low voice: "Old Ma, to be honest, the situation I encountered is not ordinary serious, but extremely serious." He added, " Ma, let me tell you, the minister almost slapped Lao Luo on the table."

Minister Ma put away his smile, and his face became serious.He said softly: "Old Du, I understand, you don't need to say any more. I have prepared a separate office for you regarding your inspection of files, and someone will send you files every day. However, all files can only be You see it alone. I can't back down anymore. And, I want you to pledge your party spirit not to tell anything about what you see."

Du Ziyuan said seriously: "Old Ma, thank you. I promise not to tell anything about it. Please trust me."

In this way, Du Ziyuan finally obtained the right to consult the top-secret personnel files.

Next, they sat together and carefully determined the scope of the search, mainly those who had worked in the intelligence department of the North China Bureau from [-] to [-].And it was agreed that Du Ziyuan would check it alone from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] every night.

At this moment, Du Ziyuan breathed a sigh of relief.However, after he sent Minister Ma away, before he could calm down, the director, Lao Luo, walked in quietly and stood in front of him.

Lao Luo's face hides seriousness in the calmness.He looked at Du Ziyuan calmly, and said softly: "Ziyuan, the director of the third bureau has contacted me just now. They are going to introduce the situation to you starting this afternoon. The domestic situation is mainly special cases. Are you Do you go by yourself, or arrange for someone else to go?"

Du Ziyuan thought for a while, and said, "I want Chu Bolin and Qin Donghai to go. I'm going to start checking the files tonight, as the old horse has already said. So, I have to make some preparations."

Lao Luo nodded, "Okay, that's it." However, after Lao Luo said this, he didn't intend to leave, but still stood in front of the table, pointed at the table with one finger, and bowed his head in thought.

Du Ziyuan stood opposite him, watching him silently.He guessed that Lao Luo must have something to say.

Lao Luo slowly raised his head, his eyes had become extremely severe, staring sharply at Du Ziyuan's face.He nodded.Du Ziyuan walked up to him gently.Their foreheads almost touched.

Lao Luo said almost through his teeth: "From far away, everything the Ministry can provide you is provided to you." He paused and continued: "You must find the 'water hyacinth', and you must find out who Ruan Qibo is. The cause of death! And hurry up! Let me tell you, there has been news from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the negotiations between China and the Soviet Union on that matter have come to a standstill! Ziyuan, you should understand what I mean.”

Looking at Lao Luo's stern eyes, Du Ziyuan felt a chill rise from the back of his spine. [

Of course he understood what Lao Luo meant. The negotiations between China and the Soviet Union must have reached a critical moment.If there is no clear account of the Ruan Qibo incident, the negotiations will break down.The latter result is what Lao Luo will say.

Lao Luo was almost in Du Ziyuan's ear, and continued: "You have no room for failure!"

Du Ziyuan's face became more serious.He vaguely sensed that Lao Luo's meaning was, so to speak, the meaning of Minister Li and the ministry, and even the central government.

It's like fighting a war. You rushed to the front line with your troops to complete the tasks assigned to you.You fought bloody battles, your troops suffered heavy losses, and even you were seriously injured.But the battle was lost, and the mission given to you was not completed.Then, waiting for you will be punishment of party discipline, sometimes even very severe punishment.There is no room for explanation, no room for meritorious service, and no room for pleading for another chance.

Du Ziyuan already understood at this time that what he was undertaking was a task with no way out.He has to finish.

From Du Ziyuan's eyes, Lao Luo saw that he already understood what he meant, so he nodded to him again and said through his teeth, "It's the same for you and me!" After that, he walked out of the office loudly.

Du Ziyuan stood in front of the table without moving for a long time.At this moment, he felt more and more clearly the pressure on his shoulders.He either completes the task, or is crushed into powder by the task, there is no third situation.

From this day on, Du Ziyuan spent three consecutive nights sitting in the office provided to him by Minister Ma and looking at the files.There are armed guards outside the office.There were also armed guards behind the staff who delivered the files to him.

Du Ziyuan finally understood why Minister Ma cared so much about and protected these files so closely.

The resumes of these people have shocked Du Ziyuan.Most of the comrades have undertaken extremely secretive and important tasks, which can no longer surprise him.He himself has taken on the major task of protecting the "locust tree".

What shocked him was that these people's resumes more or less involved some people that he couldn't think of.

Du Ziyuan has been working on the hidden front for a long time, and after liberation he moved to fight in multiple intelligence systems.He has been exposed to, participated in, or involved in many secrets.Many secrets may be but fragments in his mind, or be perceived by chance.However, when he saw the unexpected people and things involved in these people's resumes, these fragments or perceptions would be confirmed and connected to form a roughly complete picture, a picture that shocked him.

A comrade he never paid special attention to, ordinary and stable, he spoke softly to others.He was actually the liaison of a certain KMT general.Du Ziyuan's long-standing doubts and incomprehensions about this first-level general of the Kuomintang were suddenly resolved at this time.

The secretary of a minister of the Central People's Government works in Beijing, doing many trivial tasks diligently every day.However, his identity as a member of the Communist Party of China has not been disclosed so far, and it is listed as top secret in Lao Ma's file.

A comrade was transferred to the Fushun War Criminals Management Office two years ago.But the file stated that his mission was to maintain a secret relationship with a certain war criminal.

A lesbian who has been imprisoned so far for a felony.But there was her mission in the file, even though it wasn't specified.

A director of the Central Social Work Department, who absconded with makeup in the early days of liberation, was jointly hunted down by the public security department and the Intelligence Department of the General Staff.This incident shocked the party and the army at the time.He eventually fled to Taiwan.The instructions given to him by his superiors in the file are: long-term latent... wait, wait, wait.

These circumstances alone had chilled Du Ziyuan's spine, and layers of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

It was night at this time, and the small office was extremely quiet.He could hear the light footsteps of the armed guards pacing back and forth outside the door, and he could even hear his own heartbeat.

These secrets are top secrets for any intelligence system.If it is leaked, it will be lost forever!

However, Du Ziyuan did not find any trace of 'water hyacinth' from these top-secret files.

Zuo Shaoqing once told him that 'Water Hyacinth' sneaked into the Intelligence Department of the North China Bureau around January 90.The timing is just a guess.But there is no doubt that 'Water Hyacinth' once worked in the Intelligence Department of the North China Bureau from [-] to [-].The recording of the conversation between Hou Lianhai and Wang Zhenqing, commander of the No.[-] Seventh Division of the Kuomintang, must have been leaked by 'Water Hyacinth' to the US CIA agent Mace.Metz once told Zuo Shaoqing that this recording was only heard by a few senior officials from the Intelligence Department of the North China Bureau. [

'Water hyacinth' used to work in the intelligence department of the North China Bureau, which Du Ziyuan can already confirm.Another point, he also determined that 'water hyacinth' must be lurking in the Central Investigation Department at this time.He, Qin Donghai, and Long Jinyun had just arrived in Nanning, and the CIA had grasped the situation, which is enough to illustrate this point.

However, Du Ziyuan looked at the files for three consecutive days, but no one could match up with this 'water hyacinth'.He believed that with his analysis and judgment ability, as long as there was any clue or trace of a person in a certain file, he would find it.At least, he can name this person as a suspect.The problem was, he found no clue or trace.

Du Ziyuan still had another judgment in his mind. The reason why this 'water hyacinth' had access to the recording of the conversation between Hou Lianhai and Wang Zhenqing was probably because he was in a relatively critical position at that time.Du Ziyuan discussed this with Minister Ma.

However, Minister Ma told him bluntly, "Whether he was in a key position at that time or whether he was important or not, they are all here for you to see. Lao Du, the scope you gave me is from [-] to [-]. People who worked in the intelligence department of the North China Bureau in [-]. This range is large enough."

After thinking about it, Du Ziyuan realized that what Lao Ma said was right, the range was already big enough.However, he did not find any clues of 'water hyacinth'.This situation made him restless and uncontrollable.

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