Long Jinyun also stared at Du Ziyuan, wringing his hands together uneasily.She continued: "Old Du, I know this matter is very important. I dare not tell others, and I dare not say it in the Bureau. I have thought about it, and I must tell you as soon as possible. I lied to Li, saying that I still have some things in Beijing and I want to take them back to Wuhan. Just like that, the bureau approved me three days off. When I get here, I can’t enter the gate, so I can only wait here for you.”

"How long have you been waiting?" Du Ziyuan asked softly.

"I've been waiting for a day. She came in the morning, and I've been waiting until now. Old Du, I won't mistake her."

"Did you have meal?"

"No." Her voice dropped. [

"From morning until now."

"Yes." Long Jinyun looked at him uneasily.

Du Ziyuan didn't seem to be moved by this unexpected news.He said: "Then let's do this. Donghai, you send Xiaolong to the guest house, buy her food, and let her stay overnight. Tomorrow morning, you send him to the train station and return to Wuhan."

Qin Donghai said: "Yes, I will arrange it."

But Long Jinyun became nervous, "Old Du, please believe me."

Du Ziyuan looked at her, "Xiaolong, you go back first. Your three-day leave is about to expire. If I need it later, I will go to Wuhan to find you. That's it, you get in the car."

At this time, Long Jinyun looked at Du Ziyuan silently.She finally understood that Lao Du in front of her didn't believe her words, at least not completely.Tears welled up in her eyes again.She understood that at this time, it was useless to say anything more.She got into the car slowly and stared at Du Ziyuan outside the car in a daze.

Du Ziyuan and Chu Bolin stood on the side of the road, watching the jeep gradually go away.

He said, "Berlin, it's almost dawn, let's go back to work and make do for the night."

Chu Bolin had already seen what was in Du Ziyuan's heart, but he didn't dare to say a word at this time.Whether in the intelligence system or in ordinary units, don't talk too much when it's critical.This is the law of life.

Du Ziyuan's thoughts at this time were actually very simple. He didn't believe Long Jinyun's words.

In such a situation, the common people in China have a very vulgar saying, but it accurately describes the situation of Minglong Jinyun: the new daughter-in-law is not good at cooking for the first time, and she will never get a good face from her mother-in-law for the rest of her life.

If a newcomer wants to start the situation in the new unit, completing the first task well, no matter how small it is, is very important.

Du Ziyuan's judgment on Long Jinyun is based on the following points: [-]. She is just a novice, and it may not be accurate to know people quickly.[-]. She and Zuo Shaoqing only met once in Phnom Penh, but they happened to see Zuo Shaoqing again in Wuhan, which was too coincidental.[-]. Maybe, she wants to return to the central mediation department more, and think of a similar-looking person on the street as Zuo Shaoqing.

Du Ziyuan became more calm in his heart. He told himself not to be influenced by Long Jinyun when making a decision the next day.Lao Luo said to him: "You have no room for failure!" His words still ring in his ears.

At this time, Qin Donghai drove Long Jinyun into the city.

Along the way, Long Jinyun was crying silently.She was an extremely smart girl, and she had already vaguely felt that Du Ziyuan didn't fully believe her words.The pain in her heart at this time is really indescribable.

All Qin Donghai could do was to hand her the handkerchief and let her wipe away her tears.

As I said before, in any intelligence agency, systems and rules are made of steel.Although Qin Donghai loved Long Jinyun deeply and believed what she said, he didn't dare to reveal anything different from Du Ziyuan's. [

It was almost dawn by this time.After dawn, there is a train going directly to Wuhan.In fact, Long Jinyun no longer has the problem of accommodation.Therefore, Qin Donghai took her directly to a small restaurant in the south of Wangfujing to have dinner.

This small restaurant is a point in the central adjustment department system.Behind it is the secret place where Lao Luo and Docharov met.This small restaurant existed for many years and was later converted into a photo studio.But its mission has not changed.I wonder if anyone still remembers that photo studio today.Today, this photo studio has been demolished and replaced by the southeast exit of Wangfujing Station of the subway.

Qin Donghai did everything he could, and ordered Long Jinyun a large bowl of noodles with pork ribs and cabbage, a plate of fried golden pot stickers, a plate of fontanelle beef, and a plate of cucumbers.When he saw her eating noodles, he knew she was really hungry.

"Xiaolong," he asked softly, "have you been standing on that side of the road since morning?"

"Yes." Long Jinyun's eyes were full of sadness.

"Haven't eaten all day?"

"There is no place to sell food near there."

"You just wait like that?"

Long Jinyun raised his head and looked at the gradually brightening sky outside, like a lonely outcast in the wilderness.She said softly: "I can't enter the gate of the central media department, and I'm afraid of being noticed, so I can only wait on the side of the road. I know Lao Du's car, and I hope he can see me." She looked into Qin Donghai's eyes, "I really I saw Zuo Shaoqing. Do you believe me?"

But Qin Donghai didn't dare to say anything, he also guessed what Du Ziyuan was thinking.

He just asked: "You said, you were dumped by her, why?" What he thought in his heart was that although Long Jinyun was a novice, he was trained after all.

Long Jinyun sighed, "I just bought a bundle of letter paper and envelopes, which were very heavy. I couldn't keep up with her."

Qin Donghai nodded, and whispered, "Next time, throw away all these things, and maybe you can keep up."

Long Jinyun looked at him silently.She is a smart person, and she vaguely understands that there are hints hidden in Qin Donghai's words.His meaning showed that he believed that Long Jinyun had seen Zuo Shaoqing, which was the first hint.The second hint is that it would be best if she could see Zuo Shaoqing again in the future and keep up.She understood that this was almost the only chance for her to change her current destiny.

After dinner, Qin Donghai sent Long Jinyun to Zhengyangmen East Station.This station, also known as Qianmen Railway Station, was the largest railway station in Beijing at that time.Qin Donghai watched Long Jinyun get on the train.He still has a lot of things in his heart that he wants to say to her, but now is obviously not the right time.

At ten o'clock in the morning, when Qin Donghai drove back to the Central Adjustment Department, he realized that the situation had changed significantly.What he immediately thought of was that Long Jinyun's fate seemed to have a turning point.

Just before Qin Donghai came back, Du Ziyuan got two pieces of news, which were extremely important.

The first one was told by the Director of the Telecommunications Department of the Third Bureau in a hurry and told him in person.The radio signal that disappeared from Jinan actually appeared in Wuhan last night.Its transmission method was immediately confirmed by the monitor.The Telecommunications Office conducted a multi-point direction finding on the radio signal and confirmed that the signal came from Wuhan.

When Du Ziyuan got the news, he also thought of Long Jinyun seeing Zuo Shaoqing.He vaguely felt that there seemed to be some kind of special connection between the two.He regretted a little that he shouldn't have sent Long Jinyun away so early.

The second message was sent by Director Lao Luo himself.This is a secret intelligence report from Taiwan.The general idea is that the Zhao Minggui group in Jinan has been personally controlled by Pan recently, and there may be special tasks, so please pay attention.

Du Ziyuan was surprised and shocked when he saw this information.He knew Zhao Minggui.When he was protecting the "locust tree" in Nanjing, this Zhao Minggui was one of his most dangerous opponents.If it wasn't for Zuo Shaoqing's decisiveness at the time, sending that fatal recording to Mao Renfeng, the "Locust tree" would most likely fall into the clutches of the devil.Now not only Zhao Minggui, but also his team have all arrived in Wuhan, and "Pan", that is, Pan Qiwu, the deputy director of the Taiwan Intelligence Bureau, is in charge of it personally.This situation made Du Ziyuan very vigilant.

The most important point here is also "recently", which is what happened recently. The "recent" "special love" activities made him have a premonition that they might all be related to Zuo Shaoqing, and more likely to be related to Ruan Qibo's assassination. [

Du Ziyuan's final decision was made immediately under the influence of these two pieces of news: go to Wuhan.

His second decision was made after Qin Donghai came back.He said: "Donghai, after arriving in Wuhan, you should pay attention to keep in touch with Long Jinyun, it is a secret contact."

Qin Donghai immediately nodded to him, "Yes, I understand."

What Qin Donghai understood was that Long Jinqu was the only person who had met Zuo Shaoqing so far.He naturally thought that this was very likely to be a turning point in Long Jinyun's fate.

However, next, Du Ziyuan encountered another big problem, his subordinates.

Tracking "Water Hyacinth" and investigating the assassination of Ruan Qibo are currently the most top-secret tasks in Du Ziyuan's hands.He only relied on Chu Bolin and Qin Donghai.But Chu Bolin's Asian office also undertakes many other tasks, and it is impossible to go to Wuhan with him alone.In this way, Qin Donghai was the only one available to Du Ziyuan.This is not enough.

At this time, Du Ziyuan had a huge task on his shoulders, and so did the doubts in his heart.The common occupational disease of intelligence personnel is suspicion.Although they have been trained to hide their suspicions deep, even unfathomable.But suspicion is always like air, suspended around them.

Du Ziyuan never dared to rely on the local public security department in Wuhan, he even dared not rely on the strength of the Hubei Investigation Bureau.The reason is extremely simple.These units have one thing in common, they have to report their work to their superiors at any time.Where the content of these reports will eventually flow is something Du Ziyuan dare not imagine.He worried that these contents might fall on the ears of "water hyacinth".

Chu Bolin also understood Du Ziyuan's doubts.He finally made a suggestion, "Old Du, may I know the situation of the local troops. If possible, we may use the strength of the army."

Du Ziyuan agreed with this suggestion very much.Undoubtedly, the military and intelligence system, and the local public security system are two completely different systems, and he can consider using them.

After thinking for a while, Du Ziyuan immediately called the current Chief of Staff Wei of the Wuhan Military Region, the Deputy Chief of Staff Wei of the Sixth Column who announced the reorganization order to Wu Fengying in Luofengling.The result of the inquiry surprised him. The commander of the Hubei Provincial Military Region turned out to be Li Yunlin, the former deputy commander of the guerrilla column on the border between Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi.

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