Double Agent Saga

322. Gathering Wuhan

When Du Ziyuan put down the phone, he knew that he had finally found someone he could trust.冰火#Chinese

The next day, after Lao Luo's careful arrangements, Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai boarded the train to Harbin in the evening.The public mission of their trip was to investigate the foreign espionage case that just happened in Harbin.

When the train stopped in Tianjin, Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai walked around the platform and bought a bag of "Eighteen Street" marijuana flowers to take back to the carriage.At night, after ten o'clock, they quietly got off the train in Tangshan.A jeep from the Tianjin Garrison District took them to the airport.Afterwards, they took a direct flight to Wuhan.

At eight o'clock the next morning, a black car brought Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai to the Hubei Military Region.

The Hubei Provincial Military Region is located in Hongshan, Wuchang.In the past, it was not a separate provincial military region. It has always been controlled by the Public Security Army Command of the Wuhan Military Region and the Hubei Provincial Military Region.When Du Ziyuan arrived, the Hubei Provincial Military Region had just been separated from the Public Security Army Command and was directly under the jurisdiction of the Wuhan Military Region. [

The person who greeted Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai at the airport was a capable young officer with three stars on his shoulder badge and the rank of captain.He smiled gently and said, "Chief, my surname is Wu. I am here to meet you two under the order of the commander."

Captain Wu drove them to the compound of the provincial military region and drove all the way to the dormitory area.

Du Ziyuan saw from the car that the tall Li Yunlin was already standing in front of the door waiting for them.In the past, the scene of them touching their heads, pleading for help solemnly, and the experience of helping each other with their lives, all of a sudden appeared in front of his eyes.He only felt hot in his eye sockets, and even his breathing became short of breath.He kept saying in his heart, "Lao Li, Lao Li, I see you again!"

When Du Ziyuan got out of the car, he stretched out his hands to Li Yunlin from a distance.Li Yunlin also stretched out his hands to him with the same expression of excitement.But when they got close, they both opened their arms and hugged each other tightly at once.

The trust formed during the war years is entrusted with life and death, and shared risks with each other. It is honed in blood and fire, and it is by no means comparable to casual acquaintances.For Du Ziyuan at this time, what he needs most is this kind of trust.

For the first time in a while, Du Ziyuan felt so relaxed and happy.He took Li Yunlin's hand, walked into the room following his courteous gestures, and at the same time asked him about his experiences over the years.

"Old Du," Li Yunlin said loudly when he dragged Du Ziyuan into the house, "Do you still remember the batch of arms you bought for me? Do you remember that there were fifteen radio stations in that batch of arms?" Tell you, it played a big role. It was May [-], when our column went north from Nanping, Fujian, the first thing we encountered was the Chen Geng Corps of the Second Field. Alas, when Commander Chen saw our radio station, he was shocked. I'm so envious. Later, when we cooperated with him to take down Nanchang, he still wanted to ask me for it. He kept saying, only two copies, only two copies. The American product is the latest product, compact and easy to use. In the end, I will Reluctantly, I still gave him two copies." Having said this, he laughed out loud.

Du Ziyuan was standing in the middle of the living room right now, laughing with him, the joy in his heart was beyond words.

At this time, his eyes swept to a woman sitting on the sofa.It was a thin woman with a thin-looking body.From the moment he and Li Yunlin entered the door, she had opened her big eyes and looked at him intently, with an uncontrollable smile on her face.

Du Ziyuan was in a trance for a while, and there seemed to be fog in front of his eyes, but he couldn't see the person in the fog clearly.A pair of crutches by the woman's side blocked his recollection.He turned back again and again to look at the woman sitting on the sofa.He noticed the sparkle in the woman's eyes and the joyful smile on her face.

Finally, Du Ziyuan tightly grasped Li Yunlin's arm as if he had been electrocuted, and stared straight at the woman on the sofa.The fog in front of his eyes gradually dissipated, and a beautiful female doctor appeared in front of his eyes.

He yelled, "Wenxiu, Wenxiu, is that you?"

The woman on the sofa grabbed her crutches and stood up with difficulty.

She stretched out her trembling hand and said, "Ziyuan, do you recognize me?"

Du Ziyuan walked up to her almost staggeringly, looking her up and down.There was no trace of the beautiful and quiet female doctor from before, but standing in front of him was a thin, pale woman on crutches.

The experience that disappeared in the past, and he dared not recall, smashed into his heart like a heavy hammer.That day, he grabbed Li Yunlin's hand with red eyes, begging him to help him no matter what.That day, he not only sent Liang Jicheng into the tiger's mouth, but also sent the beautiful and quiet Lin Wenxiu into the tiger's mouth.He wants to protect Zuo Shaoqing with the lives of these two comrades, and then further protect the "locust tree".

Du Ziyuan felt apprehensive. He dared not ask about the life and death of these two comrades for many years.

Du Ziyuan hugged the emaciated Lin Wenxiu who was on crutches, and said, "Wenxiu, Wenxiu, I never thought that I would see you again. In Nanjing, I was the one who killed you."

Lin Wenxiu raised her face with tears in her eyes, "Ziyuan, don't say that. Old Li told me that you want to protect a comrade who has an extremely important task. I understand that I don't care about anything." Understand, you are for the cause of the party.”[

Du Ziyuan helped Lin Wenxiu sit down on the sofa, and asked with concern: "Wenxiu, how is your health?"

Lin Wenxiu smiled, "It's too late, the internal organs have been smashed, he's a useless person."

"Where's your foot, what's wrong?"

"It was smashed by the secret agent with a hammer. Alas, I can't do anything now, and I have become Lao Li's burden."

Du Ziyuan regretted it in his heart.He looked up at Li Yunlin, saw that he had been stroking Lin Wenxiu's hand, and looked at her with such loving eyes.It wasn't until then that he realized what a cruel request he had made of Lao Li.He actually asked Lao Li to give up the woman he loved so much, and almost sent her directly to the enemy's jaws and to the torture room of the Security Bureau.

Please review the No. 90 Section VI "Torture" and Section 230 VII "Repetition".It was really a miracle that Lin Wenxiu survived.She has a story to tell.Let me describe it slowly.

At this time, Li Yunlin held Lin Wenxiu's hand, stroked it lightly, and looked at Du Ziyuan with the same complicated expression.

"Old Du," he said, "I'm an idiot, and I can't let Wenxiu go in my heart. I know that she has almost no chance of surviving. But I just can't let her go in my heart. After liberation, I have been inquiring about her. I thought, even if I find her cemetery, I can burn some papers for her. But, you know what? I can’t get any information. Do you know? At this moment, I’m guessing that she might still be alive .”

Li Yunlin hugged Lin Wenxiu, letting her thin body lean against his broad arms.His face was pressed against Lin Wenxiu's ear, rubbing lightly.

"Old Du, I have always been unable to let her go, and have been looking for her. Until the spring of [-], I found her in an orphanage in the suburbs of Nanjing." Li Yunlin looked at Du Ziyuan with great emotion, "Old Du, I At that time, I couldn't recognize her at all. She was skinny and lying on a wooden bed in the corner of the room. Only her big eyes looked at me motionlessly. At that time, I only recognized her eyes. Old Du , do you know what the first sentence she asked me was? She asked me, where did the felons in the army prison go? She has been asking me this question for the past few years. "

At this time, Lin Wenxiu held Du Ziyuan's hand and asked softly, "Old Du, where did the serious criminals in the army prison go? Do you know?"

Du Ziyuan shook his head in shame, "I only know that they all crossed the river with the 97th Division that night. I don't know where they went in the end. I only know that the Kuomintang sent planes to bomb the 97th Division violently. The troops disintegrated shortly after crossing the river. I don’t know the whereabouts of our comrades.”

Lin Wenxiu said softly: "I hope they are all well, I hope they are all well."

In such a situation, Du Ziyuan couldn't speak, so he asked Li Yunlin for help.

On the contrary, Li Yunlin saw his intentions, patted his knee and said, "Old Du, tell me, don't you just want a few people? No problem. Let me tell you, I have already prepared for you."

When Li Yunlin said this, he waved to the door of the living room, "Xiao Wu, come here."

Only then did Du Ziyuan notice that Captain Wu, who was driving them, had been standing at the door, watching them quietly.

Captain Wu walked to the middle of the living room, put his feet together, and gave a standard military salute, "Commander."

Li Yunlin smiled and said, "Xiao Wu, I have met Lao Du."

Captain Wu turned to Du Ziyuan, stood at attention and saluted again, and said, "Boss."

Li Yunlin said to Du Ziyuan: "He is the reconnaissance staff officer of the Provincial Military Region Headquarters, Xiao Wu, Wu Jian, a shrewd and capable guy. Old Du, how about I send him to you?"

Du Ziyuan immediately stood up, walked in front of Wu Jian, shook hands with him, and said, "Staff Wu, you are the staff officer of reconnaissance, that's great. Staff officer Wu, can you help me for a few days?" [

Wu Jian said: "Chief, the commander has told me that from today onwards, I will obey the commander's order and undertake the tasks assigned to me by the commander. In addition, I selected five soldiers from the division's reconnaissance company, all of whom are veterans. , the techniques and tactics are excellent. We always follow the orders of the chief. What instructions does the chief have?"

Du Ziyuan nodded to him, "Counselor Wu, I only have one request. From now on, all our actions must be kept strictly confidential and guaranteed by party spirit."

Staff Officer Wu's face immediately became serious, "Yes, Chief. All actions must be kept strictly confidential!"

From this day on, Du Ziyuan started his secret reconnaissance operation in Wuhan.

Almost two days later, Zhang Yalan and Xiao Fanbing quietly left Nanjing and arrived in Wuhan.

In this way, all people related to Zuo Shaoqing, or in other words, people related to Ruan Qibo's assassination case, have arrived in Wuhan one after another, and are ready to jump out and kill them like a lurking cheetah. .

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