Double Agent Saga

349: set up a network

In this way, Pan Qiwu couldn't help thinking that Ye Gongjin's vigilance and doubts about him had not eased in the slightest.

But, I don't care!This was what Pan Qiwu was thinking at this moment.I'd like to see what kind of action plan Ye Gongjin planned!

After Pan Qiwu left Ye Gongjin's office, he didn't stop or rest for a minute until he boarded the plane at 1:1 p.m. the next day, but was doing intense preparations.

He notified the South Vietnam Station and the Thailand Station through the radio, asking them to immediately dispatch three operatives each, bring the necessary equipment, and go to Phnom Penh to wait for orders.In addition, he urgently selected three operators and a radio operator from the action brigade, and set off with him with a radio.

He asked the archives office to provide some photos of Zuo Shaoqing from various angles.He selected a few of them and asked the technical department to develop dozens of them.He asked all operators to accurately identify this person.

At five o'clock in the afternoon the next day, he got on the plane.During the roughly six-hour flight, he had been studying Cambodian maps and traffic maps in preparation for his move.

At that time, the country's road traffic and rail traffic were extremely backward.Facing the map, Pan Qiwu judged that after Zuo Shaoqing crossed the border and entered Cambodia via Da Lat Mountain, she had only one way to go, from Phnom Penh to Bangkok, Thailand by train.

Cambodia has only one railway, which was built with the help of the French in [-].From Phnom Penh to Poipet, a border city between Cambodia and Thailand via Kampong Chhnang, Matwang, and Sisophon, and then enter Thailand to reach Bangkok.

But for Zuo Shaoqing to arrive in Phnom Penh from the Cambodia-Vietnam border, it was a long journey with almost no means of transportation.She may only be able to walk, with little or no chance of hitchhiking.That's how Pan Qiwu judged. [

Pan Qiwu understood this point on the plane, and felt that he was more confident in completing the mission of this trip and had plenty of time.Now, he puts his focus on Phnom Penh, especially around the Phnom Penh Railway Station.He believed that Zuo Shaoqing would definitely appear at the Phnom Penh train station.

At twelve o'clock at night, Pan Qiwu and his entourage got off the plane at the dilapidated Pochentong Airport, west of Phnom Penh.The person who came to pick him up was Jiang Shanyan, the leader of the Cambodian Division of the Intelligence Bureau.He did not go to the hotel arranged for him by Jiang Shanyan, but went directly to Phnom Penh Railway Station.

Together with Jiang Shanyan, Pan Qiwu repeatedly inspected the environment around the Phnom Penh Railway Station.Although it was in the dark night and the surrounding dilapidated houses and narrow alleys formed an extremely complex terrain, Pan Qiwu still saw that this place could form a watertight net.

He took out a photo of Zuo Shaoqing and handed it to Jiang Shanyan, staring at him with piercing eyes and said: "Group leader Jiang, you must not let this person leave Phnom Penh, this is a death order!"

It was in the afternoon of the second day, near evening, that Pan Qiwu had just set up his net at the Phnom Penh Railway Station, and Zuo Shaoqing arrived in Phnom Penh exhausted.Her first destination was Phnom Penh Railway Station.

Two days later, Du Ziyuan, Qin Donghai and others also traced to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.However, it was too late.

The four words "by chance", sometimes, you really agree with it.

In fact, Pan Qiwu, who was mature and prudent and only wanted to win back the trust in front of Ye Gongjin, still underestimated Zuo Shaoqing.

He believes that although the Cambodia-Vietnam border is not too far from Phnom Penh, the transportation is inconvenient.From the border, walk or hitchhike, plus dodge police and military.Therefore, for Zuo Shaoqing to arrive in Phnom Penh, he must have set up a net of heaven and earth.

However, Zuo Shaoqing's wisdom and ability are not comparable to Pan Qiwu's generation.Coupled with a stack of two hundred dollars in her backpack, she easily rented a truck and went straight to Phnom Penh.

However, in the dark, God unexpectedly helped Pan Qiwu again, causing Zuo Shaoqing to delay arriving in Phnom Penh for two days, and unknowingly stepped into the snare that Pan Qiwu specially set up for her.

The problem was that when Zuo Shaoqing had rented a truck and was about to go on the road, all the roads and paths on the Cambodia-Vietnam border were suddenly blocked by the army and police, and no vehicles were allowed to pass.Therefore, the time when Zuo Shaoqing finally set out on the road was delayed by two full days.

The army and police blocked the border road in pursuit of a Cambodian named Thap Chun.

This was originally a trivial matter and had nothing to do with Zuo Shaoqing.But for every Cambodian, it is a big event.This matter must start with an unsolved case that has been entangled for more than 400 years in the history of Cambodia and Vietnam.

From the perspective of Cambodia, the Mekong Delta and the south of Vietnam, including Saigon City (today's Ho Chi Minh City), known as the Paris of the East, were once the territory of Cambodia.Around the [-]th century, the Vietnamese king at that time married his sixth princess to King Chezhet of the Kingdom of Cambodia.Although the sixth princess is married, her heart is still in her natal family.She actually took advantage of the favor of her newlyweds to ask King Jedzed of Cambodia for a large area of ​​land in the Mekong River and the area south of it, and gave it to her father.Such a daughter-in-law, spanking her ass without taking off her pants is really unreasonable.Later, this sad territory was called "Lower Cambodia" by the Cambodians.The land has been disputed for centuries between the two countries.Later, it was the French colonists who made a decision for them, assigning "Lower Cambodia" to Vietnam.And this piece of land is called "Jiangsu", which means "the land that the six princesses begged for".This is a heart disease that Cambodians can't let go of. [

From the perspective of Vietnam, the ambitions of the Vietnamese cannot be satisfied by a mere delta.From [-] years on, France began to colonize the Indochina Peninsula, and by [-], Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia were formed into a "French Indochina Federation."This "federation" gave the Vietnamese great room for imagination.In February [-], Ho Chi Minh presided over the establishment of the "Communist Party of Indochina" (listen to the name) in Hong Kong. Under this party, a branch in Laos and a branch in Cambodia were specially set up.Ho Chi Minh also passed a resolution at the inaugural meeting, preparing for the establishment of the "Socialist Federation of Indochina" by these three countries after the successful revolution in the future.The Vietnamese have never given up on this idea.

Now, let's continue to talk about this old historical case between Vietnam and Cambodia.

In [-], after the reunification of the north and the south of Vietnam, the Vietnamese army first took control of Laos, which was then Laos.In [-], they launched a full-scale military invasion of Cambodia, the purpose of which was still their "Indochina Federation".Although this military invasion ultimately failed, the Vietnamese still did not give up on this dream.

This is the historical background before and after Zuo Shaoqing escaped from Vietnam in [-].

Prior to this, the [-] general election in Cambodia.In order to maintain his ruling position in Cambodia, King Sihanouk took control of the parliament, announced that he would give up the throne and become a prince instead.Since then, he has been called Prince Sihanouk by the world.He also formed the "People's Social Union" as his main force in the parliamentary elections.In order to strengthen his momentum, he drew all the more famous people in the society into the "alliance".Among these people are Lon Nol (this is the person who launched a military coup in [-] to overthrow Prince Sihanouk), Ta Chun (this person was once the main leader of the famous anti-French armed forces "Issara") , Song Shuang (he later became an important adviser to Sihanouk. In [-], he became the prime minister of the coalition "government" of Democratic Kampuchea), Shen Hua (he founded the first Khmer-language newspaper in Cambodian history).In this year's general election, the "People's Social Alliance" led by Prince Sihanouk won a big victory.

At this time in April [-], it was the above-mentioned Ta Xuan who, for some unknown motive, secretly went to the Republic of South Vietnam to secretly negotiate with President Ngo Dinh Diem, planning to overthrow Sihanouk's "government" and establish a The "government" that is pro-South Vietnam and the United States is also secretly discussing the establishment of the "Indochina Federation".When Prince Sihanouk got the news, he couldn't help being furious, and ordered the army and police to block the Cambodia-Vietnam border and hunt down Tachun.

What is surprising is that although this Ta Chun has pulled the team and engaged in armed struggle, he is an incurable "addict".When he abandoned his car and fled for his life in the mountains and forests, he had a drug addiction attack, fell to the ground, and was shot to death by soldiers chasing after him.

It was because of this incident that Zuo Shaoqing delayed his journey for two days.When she finally arrived at the Phnom Penh train station, Pan Qiwu had already laid a net at the train station.

This is very frustrating, maybe Zuo Shaoqing should have such a calamity in his life.This catastrophe also made Du Ziyuan and Zuo Shaoqing, who had been lovers for nearly 20 years, miss each other even though they were close at hand.

As mentioned earlier, Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai arrived in Phnom Penh two days later.But when they arrived, Zuo Shaoqing had already been imprisoned in the state prison south of Phnom Penh.The fact that she was imprisoned will be described slowly below.

Let's talk about Du Ziyuan first.

At the meeting in the meeting room on the top floor of the Liuguo Hotel, the two vice ministers of the Central Investigation Department explained the situation in person and gave a serious account of the task, which doubled the pressure on Du Ziyuan and made him extremely anxious.An assassination case in Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam, had such a close relationship with China's ability to obtain the technology to manufacture atomic weapons, which he never imagined.

When he asked Qin Donghai to prepare, he immediately contacted the air force through his relationship.He learned that the air force had a transport plane that was about to fly to Nanning.However, the plane was loaded with secret materials, and the Air Force did not allow Du Ziyuan to take the plane.In the end, the "authorization" issued by the Central Office played a role, and the Air Force reluctantly allowed them to board the plane.


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