Double Agent Saga

351、Dangerous way

However, he didn't know at this time, and Du Ziyuan, who was sitting in the office of Director Gao of the Bureau of Investigation, also didn't know. .

The ringing of the phone broke Lieutenant Colonel McCann's dream.He got up from the bed, turned on the lamp, and picked up the phone on the bedside table.At this time, the young and beautiful little maid who once delivered clothes to Zuo Shaoqing was lying beside him with one arm on the pillow, sinking into a sweet dream.

Lieutenant Colonel McCann's secretary hadn't returned yet, and he couldn't do without a woman.Then, the one lying next to him can only be this beautiful little maid.

McCann glanced at the beautiful maid's small and exquisite body and calm face, and said softly, "I'm McCann."

Mays said on the phone: "Mikan, sorry to bother you, but the situation is very important. I just received a telegram that there are three people sent from the ** side and are on their way to Cam Ranh Bay. They are indeed going Cam Ranh Bay. I guess they are going to investigate and verify the cause of Mr. Ruan's death."

I believe the judges must be wise.Although Du Ziyuan left Beijing with three people, Qin Donghai and Long Jinyun were the only ones who entered Vietnam to go to Cam Ranh Bay.Therefore, the information Metz received must have come from Beijing.You guessed it, there is no doubt that it came from the "water hyacinth" lurking in Beijing.Let's look down slowly.

"What kind of person?" Lieutenant Colonel McCann would also ask some unnecessary words when he was thinking about the problem.

"McKen," Metz laughed softly on the phone, "you will be surprised to say that the leader is a high-ranking official from the National Security Investigation Department. His surname is Du."

McCann let out an "ah" to express his surprise, and he was really surprised, "Mace, I know who he is. Did he come in person? This really surprised me." [

"Mikan, the information is very accurate. General Du went to Cam Ranh Bay himself, and he brought two assistants with him. It seems that Ruan's matter has already alarmed the top management of the government. McCann, if you catch this Du, then Very good."

Lieutenant Colonel McCann laughed softly, "Mace, I will consider this matter. When will they arrive?"

Metz said: "I think that since Du is going in person, it should be very soon, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. In short, within two or three days. McCann, the matter is very important, you must be cautious."

Lieutenant Colonel McCann could tell that Mace's voice contained excitement as well as sinister.

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel McCann's bedroom was also filled with imperceptible excitement and insidiousness.

McCann curled his lips and said softly: "Mr. Mays, I know what you mean, I will be ready."

McCann gently put down the phone, leaned against the head of the bed, and stared gloomyly at the ceiling.After thinking about it for a few minutes, he picked up the phone again and said, "This is McCann. This morning, you brought that kid out, that kid named Azhu. I need him. Okay." , what should we do, let’s talk about it after work.”

The judges may have remembered that when Zuo Shaoqing walked into the secret contact station with Dr. Mei on his back, it was a young man named A Zhu who opened the door.By this time, he was a very important young man.

Lieutenant Colonel McCann put down the phone and looked back at the sleeping maid beside him again.He was actually watching her carefully.In the silence, he faintly heard her snoring slightly.He believed that she was still in a dream.

His hand slid along her shoulders to her chest, stroking her small breasts.The little maid moved a little before slowly opening her eyes, looking at him in astonishment.It seems to be asking: Sir, what are you doing?

McCann said softly, "You come up."

The little maid stood up and rubbed her face quickly, as if to wake herself up.She knelt down beside Mr. McCann, stroked his big erect thing well, then climbed on top of him and began her service.

Lieutenant Colonel McCann was therefore very satisfied.Not only because of her service, but also because he was convinced once again that this beautiful little maid was indeed asleep just now.

By this time, the sky was already bright.The canvas-covered Nissan truck is still speeding along the rugged mountain road.

It is [-] kilometers from Nanning to Pingxiang.The truck arrived in just three hours. [

During the journey, the section chief of the investigation bureau bought some tea eggs and glutinous rice cakes from a food stall on the side of the road and handed them to the people in the car.The truck continued to speed forward.

Half an hour later, Qin Donghai and the others had just finished their breakfast when the truck slowed down in front of "Mu Nan Pass".

Qin Donghai saw through the small opening that the section chief sitting in the cab just stretched out his hand from the car and waved to the two policemen in front of the pass. arches.

The name "Mu Nan Guan" was only changed in [-]. It used to be called "Zhen Nan Guan".Today it is called "Friendship Pass".It is said that this pass is one of the nine most famous passes in China.But one of the passes is in the north.In the south, it is the only famous pass with a long history.It is said that it has existed since the Han Dynasty, a very old pass.

The truck passed the "Mu Nan Pass" and stopped in front of the Vietnam Customs.

The chief of the Bureau of Investigation got out of the car and walked towards the customs.There stood two Vietnamese police officers.Judging from their expressions, they were waiting for this truck.The section chief had a brief conversation with them.Shortly thereafter, the two police officers followed the section chief to the back of the truck.They took a document from the section chief, looked down at the document, and checked it with the people in the compartment.Finally, he waved his hand and walked back while smiling and talking to the section chief.

Long Jinyun whispered to Qin Donghai, "Those two people said that the goods in the car were very valuable, so the section chief insisted on treating them to dinner. Why are they doing this?"

Qin Donghai looked at her and smiled, but didn't speak.He knew that it would take some time for Long Jinyun, who took on the task for the first time, to adapt to these situations.

A few minutes later, the truck passed through customs through a special passage and continued on its way.

Long Jinyun sat on the cotton bag and looked at Qin Donghai in surprise, "Are we going abroad now?"

Qin Donghai smiled and said, "Of course this is going abroad."

Long Jinyun still looked at him, "Why did I go abroad without feeling anything?"

Qin Donghai laughed, "What else do you want to feel when you go abroad, is it earth-shattering?"

Long Jinyun couldn't help laughing, "Don't laugh at me, it's my first time going abroad, and it's still in this way."

At this time, Qin Donghai was a little proud, and said with a smile: "If you stay in our second game in the future, there may be many opportunities like this, just wait and see."

Long Jinyun looked at him and smiled, then turned his head and looked at the mountains and fields outside through the small opening.

However, this truck, which was full of smuggled goods and belonged to the Guangxi Bureau of Investigation, had indeed left the country at this time and was driving on the land of northern Vietnam.

Just before noon, the truck arrived in Hanoi.In a secluded side street, Wang Huaiqing and Jiang Guilin got off the car.They waved to Qin Donghai and quickly disappeared into the side street.They will start from here and continue to investigate the cause of the interruption of the traffic line in Cam Ranh Bay.

After entering downtown Hanoi, the section chief and the driver also got out of the car.They shook hands with Qin Donghai and Long Jinyun to bid farewell.They are going back home from here.For the rest of the journey, Qin Donghai and Long Jinyun will take turns driving.

After the truck left Hanoi, it drove westward, heading straight for Dien Bien Phu, a border city in Vietnam.They will enter Laos from Dien Bien Phu.

In fact, at that time, Dien Bien Phu was the only way to enter Laos from Vietnam.

In 2, the French army established a large military base in Dien Bien Phu with nearly [-] troops stationed. The Vietnamese army in Vietnam was divided into two parts and then annihilated one by one.

However, what the French did not expect was that it was the Chinese military adviser behind the Vietnamese army who commanded the Vietnamese army to annihilate the French army at Dien Bien Phu, and eventually the French army withdrew from Vietnam.

It is precisely because the Vietnamese army controls Laos that no checkpoints have been set up on the Lao border.Therefore, Qin Donghai's truck entered Laos directly without any inspection.

The truck kept heading south in Laos.In the middle of the night, they arrived in Pakse.This is the second largest city in Laos.But in Long Jinyun's eyes, this place is just a small county.She steered the truck carefully through the narrow, old streets of the city, heading south.

On the next morning, Qin Donghai was driving the truck.They also entered South Vietnam without any checks.From this point alone, it can be seen that both South Vietnam and North Vietnam regard Laos as their own territory.

From this moment on, Qin Donghai has to be more careful.This is South Vietnam, and it is under the control of the US military.They passed through Pleiku in South Vietnam, headed east to Nha Trang, and then a little further south, finally entered Cam Ranh Bay.

Qin Donghai and Long Jinyun took turns driving for a day and a night, and they were exhausted by now.

Qin Donghai asked Long Jinyun, "Are you tired? Do you want to take a rest?"

Long Jinyun smiled, "I'm a little tired, it's okay. It's important to complete the task first."

This is also Qin Donghai's idea.He parked his truck outside the door of a small hotel and opened a room at the counter.They took turns taking a cold shower in the bathroom.This road, especially in Laos, is almost all dirt roads, and their bodies, faces, and even the roots of their hair are covered with dust.

The next thing they have to do is to get in touch with the organization in Cam Ranh Bay as soon as possible.

Along the way, Qin Donghai was thinking about this issue, how to cautiously get in touch with the organization in Cam Orchid Bay.

Qin Donghai works in the Asia Division of the Second Bureau of the Central Investigation Department, and is specifically in charge of the secret intelligence line in the Indochina Peninsula.He knew the organization and personnel of Cam Ranh Bay well, as well as how to contact them.


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