After a while, You Shaoqing said softly: "Old Wei, the reason why I stayed is my own business. I stayed voluntarily! I guess, you are also voluntary, at least partly voluntary. But we didn't fucking stay here to die! It's not fucking worth it!"

Wei Mingshui stared at her sullenly, "Do you dare to disobey the orders of the Bureau Headquarters?"

You Shaoqing widened his eyes again, "Old Wei, don't mention to me those bastards in the headquarters again! They sit clean and comfortably in the office, they don't care how much danger we are in, let alone Concerned about the life and death of us people! Damn, they only want us to exchange our lives for their official positions! Old Wei, we can’t do things like killing our lives!”

Wei Mingshui stared at her without speaking.In the past, he might have shot her long ago.But not anymore, now they are lurkers.The fatal thing today is that his military morale has been shaken.He could already see this from the faces of the team members around him.To be honest, his own heart was shaking and he couldn't restrain himself.

He said darkly: "Damn it, we can't do death, what else can we do?"

You Shaoqing looked at him, and finally softened his voice and said: "Old Wei, I suggest that bombing and assassination will only kill us, so don't do it again. If we can do a good job in intelligence work, it is already very good. "

"The headquarters has approved our action plan, what do you think we should do?" Wei Mingshui had a sneer on his face.

"Old Wei, I believe that you can find a reason. So can I."

Wei Mingshui remained calm and silent, weighing his future actions and the expressions of each team member.He said after a long time: "Well, it's very late today, everyone go back to rest first. Let's discuss what to do in the future." When he said this, there was a fierce light in his eyes, staring at the You Shaoqing's face. [

You Shaoqing also stared at him, and said firmly, "Old Wei, wait a minute, I haven't finished my sentence yet!"

Wei Mingshui said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

You Shaoqing said: "I know that you have been planning for this operation for a while. You have stepped on it, observed it, and even many times! Isn't it?"

"Yes. So what?" Wei Mingshui said harshly.

"I suspect they have been 'exposed'!" You Shaoqing paused every word when he spoke.

"How do you know?" Wei Mingshui almost roared out.You Shaoqing's words were like a knife, easily picking away the little luck hidden in his heart, making him tremble, and making him even more angry.

You Shaoqing stared at him relentlessly, "Old Wei, you don't need to be angry. Just look at their performance tonight, and you should know! They are ruthless at every turn, and they take knives at every turn! They always wear a smile on their faces when they go out. Vicious. If they don't attract attention, I'm not a fucking right young man! I suspect that someone has noticed them! They have almost been "exposed"!"

Li Changgui immediately jumped up.Ji Baoxing also widened his eyes.

Wei Mingshui waved to them, "Okay! Even if you are right! What do you say!" In fact, he also had such doubts in his heart.He knew what such danger meant.

You Shaoqing pointed to the team members around him, "Everyone, within three days, you must hide immediately! Change the workplace, change the place of residence. The most important point is that everyone's place of residence cannot be told to others. Don't have one People are arrested, and everyone else is recruited!"

Hearing her words, all the team members widened their eyes in horror, as if the danger was right in front of them.

You Shaoqing stared at them one by one, "I repeat, you must hide within three days! No one should make fun of their own lives or other people's lives! One month later, read the notice in front of the bulletin board in Dongcaichang! Now , My words are finished. What do you do, you decide for yourself! I have to hide immediately! Old Wei, I’m leaving first. After one month, read my notice in front of the bulletin board of the East Vegetable Market!”

When You Shaoqing said this, he stared at everyone, turned around and left.

There was silence in the warehouse.The icy wind whirled loudly in the warehouse, disturbing the panicked eyes that flowed among everyone.

Wei Mingshui was extremely angry in his heart, but he just kept it in his heart.One thing he understands is that in the current environment, caution is essential.He looked at the team members around him and said softly: "Okay, let's hide for a while. After a month, I will settle accounts with her!" [

Wei Mingshui was really annoyed.After the meeting, he left Liu Xi alone and drafted a telegram for him to send to Taiwan.In the telegram, he reported You Shaoqing's behavior of bewitching and shaking the morale of the army and refusing to carry out orders from the headquarters.Finally, ask how to deal with it.

Liu Xi's telegram was sent out before dawn.Half an hour later, I received a call back from the headquarters, requesting that You Shaoqing be dealt with in accordance with the military laws and regulations during wartime, and that there must be no mercy, etc.

After Liu Xi received the telegram, he was terrified.At this time, it was already dawn.He was more worried about his own safety.Instead of going to Wei Mingshui, he resigned in one day, moved, moved all the equipment to the new location, and hid it.

Therefore, Wei Mingshui only saw the telegram a month later.However, by this time, Wei Mingshui's fifth latent group in Wuhan has undergone major changes, and it is not what it was back then.

Although Wei Mingshui was extremely annoyed, he still took action to hide.It took him two days to sell "Rongli Restaurant" to another restaurant owner at a very low price.He made an agreement with his new boss to get the first deposit on the third morning.

However, what happened on the third morning made him very frightened.

It rained lightly that morning, and the cold street was wet, reflecting the early sunshine, but could not feel a trace of warmth.Wei Mingshui was wearing a long gown, an old top hat on his head, his hands in his sleeves, and he walked hurriedly with his head down, like a teacher going to class.

As soon as he turned into the street, he was taken aback.He saw a group of onlookers gathered in front of his "Rongli Restaurant".Some soldiers in yellow uniforms turned the onlookers back.

Wei Mingshui immediately understood that something had happened, and it was right in front of his eyes.

When he stopped at the corner of the street, he felt trembling all over his body, as if an electric current passed by.After a few minutes he regained consciousness a little, moved behind a telegraph pole, and seemed to be looking at the posters on it.He looked at the movement in front of the restaurant, and at the same time he was also paying attention to the people around him, watching to see if anyone noticed him.

A few minutes later, Wei Mingshui saw the result.Several soldiers in yellow uniforms carried the new boss who took over the "Rongli Restaurant" out of the shop.The new boss struggled and shouted back, as if trying to justify his wrongdoing.But he was quickly packed into a jeep.All the guys in the store were kicked out.A soldier puts a seal on the store door.

Wei Mingshui felt fear in his heart.If he had arrived a little earlier, he might have been carried away by those soldiers.Now, that hapless new boss is clearly his scapegoat.

At this time, Wei Mingshui could only leave quietly with his head down.He couldn't help thinking that, just as You Shaoqing said two nights ago, once someone in the group was arrested, they would immediately confess and betray the whole group, including him naturally.

Another burst of light rain fell on his face, and the cold January wind in Wuhan kept blowing into his heart.

At this time, he has already returned his money, and this is nothing.He has to think about where to go now.

He moved home yesterday afternoon.There is no doubt that he would never dare to go to the original residence.The question is, does he dare to go back to his new residence?Yesterday afternoon, Gu Zhanbiao helped him move.Gu Zhanbiao has no idea what the situation is now.If Gu Zhanbiao is also arrested, then there must be soldiers from the military control committee in his new residence.

Wei Mingshui first lived in a small hotel for two days, and then rented a small bungalow in the suburban countryside.He told the landlord that he came from the countryside to join his relatives, but the relatives had gone out and would not come back until a month later.He just stayed in that small bungalow.He didn't dare to go out during the day, so he could only go out to the street at night.But the situation outside made him terrified. It seemed that everyone was busy catching spies.

A month later, Wei Mingshui saw You Shaoqing's message on the bulletin board of Dongcaichang.After that, it was You Shaoqing who established contact with the brothers in the group one by one.But she only found six people, including Wei Mingshui.Four other members of the group are still missing.

It was during the past few days that Wei Mingshui saw the telegram from Liu Xi's hand.In just one month, the fifth latent group in Wuhan has been turned upside down, and times have changed. "Dispose of in accordance with wartime military laws and regulations" has become a great irony for him.Shaking his head in distress, he tore the telegram to pieces.

After this fright, he no longer dared to underestimate every word You Shaoqing said.From the eyes of the brothers, he also saw the respect for You Shaoqing.

After some careful inquiries, he finally learned of the fate of the four brothers.It's just because the four of them discussed together where it would be better to move, hoping to live closer to the brothers.And one of them was lazy for a while and left a day late, and was arrested by soldiers of the military control committee.He confessed right away.Those three people were arrested because of this.When Wei Mingshui figured out the situation, those four people had already been shot dead by the military control committee.

What was even more frightening was that Wei Mingshui and the rest of the brothers, their original residences and workplaces, were searched by soldiers of the Military Control Commission.They just followed You Shaoqing's warning and left a day early.

The situation didn't seem bad enough for Wei Mingshui.In March [-], the "Suppression of the Revolution" movement was launched across the country.This movement was later referred to simply as "Suppression of Rebellions".But this "anti-counterfeiting" campaign is by no means simple.


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