Double Agent Saga

377. Information

After You Shaoqing regained contact with everyone, he rechecked and arranged the places of residence and work units of each brother, and issued a stern warning to everyone not to communicate with other team members, and not to recognize each other even if they met on the street.Work honestly in the unit and don't say anything superfluous.

Even Wei Mingshui was not allowed to meet with his team members.You Shaoqing is the only person in charge of contacting all team members.The so-called "contact" is nothing more than a regular "face-to-face" with each person, knowing that this person has not been arrested.During this period of time, this fifth group also did not take any action.

During this period, Wei Mingshui worked as a general manager in an elementary school, carefully managing the paper, homework and chalk in the warehouse.You Shaoqing warned him: "You can't even lose a pin."

Whenever he is free, he reads newspapers.All articles related to "suppressing counter-revolutionaries" should be carefully read.To his horror, some sleeper team leaders who had participated in secret meetings with him kept appearing in the newspapers.The most frequently used sentence for these people in the newspapers is, "They confessed to their revolutionary crimes!"

Wei Mingshui and his brothers hid for six months before gradually establishing contact.From the telegram that Liu Xi handed over to him later, he vaguely realized that they were the only latent team left in Wuhan.

It was at this time that their group gradually began to be active.And each of their activities was carefully planned by You Shaoqing, and then carefully arranged and implemented.

All the "activities" of Wei Mingshui's team are to provide information to the bureau headquarters in Taiwan.This "intelligence" was collected by the team members separately according to the scope of collection specified by You Shaoqing.

The range of "intelligence" collection stipulated by You Shaoqing made Wei Mingshui, who was once the director of the intelligence department, dumbfounded and inexplicable.The scope of these "intelligence" collections is broadly as follows:

[-]. Price.Prices and supply quantities of grain, oil, fish, vegetables, cloth, clothing, footwear, coal, daily necessities, rent, water and electricity, etc. in the market.Focus on collecting goods that are in short supply. [

Two, wages.The wages of various industries and various types of employees, whether they often work overtime and the amount of overtime pay.The collection focuses on state-owned enterprises and industrial and mining enterprises.

Three, society.Residents' groups call residents to meetings, or carry out other main content of political activities.The focus is on the recent call issued by the "government" in the urban area, as well as the content, method and efficiency of downward communication.

Fourth, emotions.All kinds of complaints and weird words made by residents in private, gossip and even rumors passed on to each other.The focus is on political and social content, and other content that can reflect public opinion and aspirations.

[-]. The names of officials at all levels, their resumes as detailed as possible, and their salaries.

Etc., etc.

There are more than a dozen items in this category of "intelligence".There are also some classifications that are more bizarre and difficult to understand, especially in the eyes of people at the time.Therefore, they are not listed here.

The advantage is that all these "intelligences" can be obtained through public channels with little risk.

When Wei Mingshui's team members saw this "collection range", they were all speechless, and looked at You Shaoqing as if they saw a ghost.Even Wei Mingshui himself couldn't see the significance of these things.

"Young Master, is this the information you mentioned?" Wei Mingshui looked at You Shaoqing suspiciously.

You Shaoqing nodded to him calmly, "Old Wei, these are intelligence. These things are not only economic intelligence, but also political intelligence. They are more valuable than those so-called military intelligence."

After six months of hiding in terror, Wei Mingshui finally understood one thing, if he engages in such actions as explosions and assassinations now, he will only seek his own death.He didn't want to die, and his crew didn't want to die either.Then, he can only do these "intelligence" collection tasks, and he has no other choice at this time.

The first batch of such "information" was sent to Taiwan, and it was a long telegram.When Wei Mingshui looked at the content of such a telegram piled up like a child playing with mud, he couldn't help showing a weird smile on his face.It was hard for him to imagine the expressions on the faces of those big shots in Taiwan when they saw this "information".

Wei Mingshui handed the draft to Liu Xi and said, "Send it! Let them copy it to death!"

A week later, the reply from the headquarters was sent to Wei Mingshui.

The reply is extremely short: "Be sure to expand the scope of the collection." [

Wei Mingshui and You Shaoqing had their own concerns and pondered over this call back.They felt that this reply contained at least three meanings: First, Wei Mingshui's fifth team was not ordered to take any "decisive action."This made both Wei Mingshui and You Shaoqing heave a sigh of relief.Second, he was obviously dissatisfied with the content of the intelligence, but he did not criticize it harshly, which surprised Wei Mingshui and You Shaoqing a bit.Therefore, [-]. This telegram indirectly confirms that Wei Mingshui's group is already the only latent group hidden in Wuhan.This made both Wei Mingshui and You Shaoqing's hearts sink.At this moment, they are like a solitary boat in a strong wind and waves, they can only struggle alone, without support or support.

Wei Mingshui saw his situation clearly, with bitterness hidden in his eyes, and said, "Young Master You, the headquarters asked us to expand the scope of our collection. Tell me, what should we do?"

You Shaoqing sneered and said, "Old Wei, they are a bunch of unreasonable idiots! Don't bother with them, keep sending them such information."

This kind of intelligence gathering work lasted for a year, and it was also sent to the headquarters for a year.Finally, there was a slight change in the call back from the headquarters.One of the calls back said: "Please be more specific." The tone was already quite mild.

What Wei Mingshui and You Shaoqing can confirm is that the headquarters seems to have approved the information they collected.In addition, the activity funds of Wei Mingshui Group were also remitted on time.This incident satisfies Wei Mingshui the most, and it can explain the problem quite well.

The judges must still remember that after Zuo Shaoqing was kidnapped by Ye Gongjin and brought to Taiwan, they were immediately put into the detention center of the Secrecy Bureau by Mao Renfeng.Half a year later, due to Mr. Jing Guo's covert protection, he was released.Ye Gongjin got a job as a member of the "National Security Council" and got a clean desk.Zuo Shaoqing, on the other hand, got an idle job as an intelligence researcher in the "Intelligence Research Institute" under the Security Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (later the Intelligence Bureau).

Since it is an "Intelligence Research Institute", it is natural to study intelligence, especially intelligence from the mainland.

Those intelligence officers are guys who are not smart enough to pay attention to military and political intelligence.When they saw the information sent by the fifth latent team in Wuhan, they all laughed and threw it aside.

The only one who read the information carefully was Zuo Shaoqing.Zuo Shaoqing saw this information, which was a key link in the story, and led to various stories.Judges take it easy.

Zuo Shaoqing noticed this kind of information by accident.After taking a closer look, I felt a movement in my heart.

In her initial thoughts, she was more concerned about the current situation in the mainland, the economic construction there, people's lives, basic necessities of life, etc., etc., etc.After all, she has fought for the red regime there for nearly 20 years.

Although the information she saw was scattered and complicated, and it was located in Wuhan, it could give her a glimpse of the current situation in the mainland.To sum it up in one sentence, it is prosperity.She was secretly happy for everything there.In addition, in her heart, Du Ziyuan and her younger sister You Shaoqing, the two people she cares about the most, are both in mainland China!She wishes them well.

She has seen a lot of this kind of intelligence, which made her keenly aware that the fifth latent group in Wuhan really has a different heart and more profound meaning in observing the current situation of mainland society.These intelligences reflect the current "social dynamics" in the mainland.

When Zuo Shaoqing looked at the information, he would sometimes think in his mind, showing sincere respect to the latent personnel who provided the information.In that chaotic and dangerous environment, he can still carefully study the complex and changeable "social dynamics" of the mainland. How careful observation and profound thinking this person must have!At this time, Zuo Shaoqing would never have thought that the person who provided these information was her sister You Shaoqing.

Although Zuo Shaoqing's position as a researcher is idle, there is always some work to do.By the end of the year, she used these "intelligence materials" like needles and threads to analyze and draft the first research report, "About the Pros and Cons of the People's Base of the Communist regime in Mainland China".

Her research report did not arouse any response in the Bureau of Secrets, but it was unexpectedly valued by several senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, who ordered the Bureau of Secrets to strengthen research in this area.This is why the Bureau of Secrecy later sent Wei Mingshui a telegram asking for "more details, please."

In [-], the mainland was hit by three years of natural disasters, and society was on the brink of crisis.President Chiang desperately wanted to take the opportunity to counterattack the mainland.At this time, intelligence that could reflect the "social dynamics" of the mainland had become one of the important contents of intelligence provided by the Intelligence Bureau to President Chiang.However, the several research reports written by Zuo Shaoqing before [-] turned out to be models for this type of research reports.Mentioning this matter again today can't help but make people laugh.

I need to tell readers that the "information" provided by You Shaoqing is an important clue in this story.The judges will soon see the importance of this clue.The following story will be narrated slowly below.

Now, let the judges still go back to that night in April [-].

At this time, You Shaoqing finished eating crystal soup dumplings and fish paste powder in Wei Mingshui's "Ronghe Snack Bar". When she was driving on the road from Echeng to Wuchang by bus, although she was sitting in the shaking bus I miss my sister, I miss Du Ziyuan, and I also recall all the thrilling situations when I first arrived in Wuhan, but generally speaking, she is in a good mood at this time.


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