Double Agent Saga


After You Shaoqing finished speaking, he stared at him seriously for a moment, then slowly turned and left.

Generally speaking, when Gu Shangbin encounters such a situation, he should immediately report to his superior, Guan Jinzhou, the head of the Hong Kong intelligence station.He did report to Guan Jinzhou.But unexpectedly, at that time Guan Jinzhou was organizing all forces to rescue Zheng Yuanshan.You Shaoqing's sudden appearance was simply a stern warning to him.He even thought she was a spy sent by the mainland intelligence agency.

Guan Jinzhou didn't consider Gu Shangbin's report at all, and reprimanded him severely, ordering him to hide immediately and not to show his face again.Gu Shangbin was quarantined by Guan Jinzhou for several days.

Later, a major event that shocked the world occurred in Hong Kong, the "Kashmir Princess" plane bombing.Guan Jinzhou received information that the Hong Kong police were warned by the government to attack them.Therefore, Gu Shangbin and many others urgently withdrew to Taiwan.

Only at this time did Pan Qiwu of the Intelligence Bureau know that You Shaoqing had come to Hong Kong and wanted to get in touch with Taiwan.He reprimanded Guan Jinzhou.But he was not dealt with, after all, it was at a critical moment to rescue Zheng Yuanshan.

It wasn't until the Taiwan Navy intercepted the broken fishing boat that Zheng Yuanshan was driving alone and sent him to the Security Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense that Pan Qiwu knew that it was You Shaoqing who helped Zheng Yuanshan escape the pursuit of the mainland.At this time, the experienced and calm Pan Qiwu was also frightened into a cold sweat by this situation.

This story of You Shaoqing will be described later, because it is also a legendary story between Zuo Shaoqing's sisters and Du Ziyuan.

Therefore, although You Shaoqing got in touch with Gu Shangbin at that time.However, contact with Taiwan has not been resumed.But she did bring back a considerable amount of funds from Hong Kong, which solved Wei Mingshui's urgent need.

Two years passed quickly.Without a radio station, Wei Mingshui's group could only stop their intelligence gathering work.Suddenly they are safe.Because the domestic anti-espionage agencies have also lost their targets. [

But now there is no longer any delay, Wei Mingshui clearly asked You Shaoqing to find a way to solve the radio problem.

However, no one would have thought that You Shaoqing's solution to the radio problem came from Du Ziyuan.

Back then in Nanjing, You Shaoqing happily went to Jingye Bank to visit Du Ziyuan, and followed him around the inside and outside of Jingye Bank.For the first time, she knew that there was a newsroom in the bank, and there was a telegraph machine in the newsroom.

Du Ziyuan once said something that You Shaoqing didn't care about at the time, but now he remembered it.Du Ziyuan smiled and said to her: "Not only banks have telegraphs, but also shipping, airports, post offices, railways, government departments, and even large companies all have their own telegraph systems."

Du Ziyuan also said another sentence at that time, which also reminded You Shaoqing.He said: "We also have the kind of manual transmission you mentioned. But it is not allowed to be used unless it is a last resort. The military has strict management on manual transmission. Without approval, it is not allowed to be used."

The "manual transmission" that Du Ziyuan mentioned refers to short-wave radio stations.

You Shaoqing now understands that no matter which unit it is, as long as it has a telegraph system, it will definitely have a spare short-wave radio station for special needs.You Shaoqing's idea was on this backup radio station.

You Shaoqing only needs to think about it briefly to understand that shipping, airports, railways, and especially "government" departments are not easily guarded, and it is not easy to enter.In comparison, it seems that only the post office is easier to start with.

She and Liu Xi scoured around for the past few days, and finally chose the Hankou Post and Telecommunications Office.The consensus between her and Liu Xi is that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests, and try to avoid trouble here in Wuchang.Therefore, they did not choose the post office in Wuchang.

In the evening of that day, You Shaoqing and Liu Xi were like a couple, sitting on the steps by the side of the street, observing the four-storey Hankou Post Office opposite.

The first floor of the post office is the business hall, and all the lights are on inside.From the outside, you can see the salesperson inside is busy in the high counter.Some customers come in and out, handle mail or send telegrams, and make long-distance business.Some of the openings on the second and fourth floors were lit, while others were dark.The ones with lights and the ones with black lights are chaotic and orderly.

Sitting on the steps, You Shaoqing guessed that the second and fourth floors might be offices.In the brightly lit office, someone may be working overtime.

The third floor is different. The entrance on the west side of the third floor is all dark with lights, and there is no movement.On the contrary, the four large houses on the east side are all lit up, and the lights are very neat and consistent.She felt that there should be one big room in these four households.

Liu Xi said softly, "Sister Su, it should be the lit rooms on the third floor."

You Shaoqing looked back at him, "Are you sure?" [

"I'm sure." Liu Xi said softly.

This point, You Shaoqing himself can be sure.

It was the beginning of May at this time, and the night was still a little cool.You Shaoqing lit a cigarette and smoked slowly.

You Shaoqing looked at the entrance on the third floor of the Hankou Post Office and asked softly, "It's late now, what are they doing?"

"Working." Liu Xi whispered.

"How do you know?" You Shaoqing looked back at him.

Liu Xi raised his head, as if caught in the memories of the past, "At the earliest, I worked in the post office when I was still in Kunming. I learned how to send newspapers for six months. There are not enough people in the newspaper room, so I work every day. Work from morning to night."

"Report?" You Shaoqing asked in a low voice.

"Yes, it's called a newspaper. How does Sister Su know?" Liu Xi was a little surprised.

"I heard it from others." You Shaoqing was in a trance for a while.She remembered that this was what Du Ziyuan told her.She asked again, "Do they work from morning till night?"

"Not really. They should be divided into two shifts, and the ones working now should be the night shift."

"How long are they going to work?"

"I guess it might be twelve o'clock at night, or even a little later."

Sure enough, at twelve o'clock at night, they saw someone standing up in front of them, stretching vigorously, and then walking to the other side.

Liu Xi said softly: "Reporting this job is considered a technical job, but it is also very hard after a day's work."

You Shaoqing turned around and looked at him silently.This young man with a student face seemed to express some kind of sadness, which surprised her slightly.

The light in the entrance on the third floor suddenly dimmed, but it was not completely dark.The lighting in the room comes mainly from a lamp on the west side.Doubtless not all the people in the room left.

Liu Xi said softly: "Sister Su, I guess there may be someone on duty in the reporting room."

You Shaoqing did not speak, she had already expected this.She stood up slowly and said, "Come on, let's come tomorrow night."

Liu Xi also stood up, and walked slowly behind You Shaoqing.After a while, he said softly: "Sister Su, come tomorrow night, what about those... those who are on duty?"

You Shaoqing stopped slowly, turned around and stared at him, hoping to see his eyes clearly through the dim street light.She asked, "Liu Xi, what do you mean?"

Liu Xi looked at her and smiled softly, "Sister Su, I don't mean anything else. I just think that the job of a radio operator is a very decent job. If the radio station is lost in that radio room, the person on duty will Maybe they lost their jobs. Sister Su, I don't mean anything else. I just guess that they may have to support their families, I don't know."

Compassion is something that everyone has, just how much.Even people like You Shaoqing and Liu Xi who came out of the secrecy bureau were sympathetic.In the final analysis, although they are latent agents, they are not murderous demon kings after all.

You Shaoqing walked silently and did not speak for a long time.She could hear that Liu Xi was gently persuading her that it would be best to find a way to get the radio station without hurting anyone.You Shaoqing didn't want to hurt people, but the problem of the radio station had reached the point where it had to be solved, and she had to solve it as soon as possible.

On the second night, at two o'clock in the morning, You Shaoqing and Liu Xi both carried canvas bags and arrived outside the Hankou Post Office.They went around to the north side of the post office.There is a fence, which encloses a large yard on the north side of the post office.

It didn't take much effort for You Shaoqing to climb the fence, but it took a little effort to help Liu Xi climb the fence.He wasn't an operative after all.

There was silence in the courtyard of the post office, and the watery moonlight and lamps cast mottled shadows in the courtyard.Some cars and mail vans were parked in front of the building, along the fence, and a row of postman's bicycles.

Using the cover of these vehicles, they quickly slipped under the doors of the building.There is a gate on the north side of the building.But there was a light in the door by the door.You Shaoqing judged that it was the duty room.Going in through the gate is obviously not a good idea.

You Shaoqing observed carefully, and she saw that there was an open door on the first floor.She went over and took a look and realized that this house was a toilet.She helped Liu Xi and easily turned into the toilet.

They enter the corridor.There were only two or three lights on in the corridor, it was dim and silent, and it always made people feel that there might be someone hiding behind the corner.They lightened their steps and walked carefully.

You Shaoqing led Liu Xi up to the third floor.Finding a newspaper room is a breeze.A sign on a double door said: "The most important place for newspapers, no idlers are allowed to enter."

The door is locked.It didn't take much effort for You Shaoqing.She listened carefully to the movement in the newspaper room, and took out a small tool bag from the canvas bag.She quickly unlocked the door with a skeleton key made of steel wire.They flashed into the newspaper room.

There was only one light on in the huge newspaper room, half-bright and half-dark.Some workbenches were lined up in a long strip, and on each workbench was a telegraph machine, which was exactly the kind You Shaoqing had seen in Du Ziyuan's newspaper room.Each telegraph has a small keyboard on the front, much like an English typewriter.

In a corner of the newspaper room, there is a small room separated by glass.There is no doubt that this is the duty room.


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