Double Agent Saga

386: Night Invasion

Zuo Shaoqing and Liu Xi quietly walked to the front of the small room, and there was the person on duty they were looking for.It was two women, one was a middle-aged woman and the other was a young girl.They were all asleep in bed.

Liu Xi stood in front, silently watching the two women on duty.He looked back at You Shaoqing, as if he wanted to see how she would deal with these two women.

You Shaoqing did not speak.She took out a large handkerchief from her pocket and covered her face with only her eyes showing.

Liu Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.This shows that Sister Su didn't want the lives of these two women.

You Shaoqing gently turned the handle on the door.At this moment, the middle-aged woman on the bed turned over, lifted the quilt and sat up sleepily.You Shaoqing and Liu Xi quickly squatted down and looked at her through the side.

The middle-aged woman staggered towards the door, pulling on her shoes.She opened the door and walked out, and immediately saw You Shaoqing squatting at the door.Just as she opened her mouth, You Shaoqing jumped up like a cheetah, and punched her hard in the face.The woman let out a groan, and fell heavily on the wooden floor, making a loud noise.

At this time, You Shaoqing immediately jumped up, rushed into the small room, and rushed straight to the young woman's bedside.

The girl had been awakened by the heavy noise outside the small room.She just opened her eyes and before she could sit up, she saw a masked man appearing in front of her, bending over to look at her.She opened her eyes wide in horror, and was about to open her mouth to shout, when she received a heavy punch on the temple.

You Shaoqing touched her breath, reached out and pulled out the dagger from the back waist. [

This action of hers surprised Liu Xi who was following her.He lowered his voice and shouted: "Sister Su, Sister Su, don't do it!"

You Shaoqing turned to stare at him, "Shut up!" She cut the rope on the curtain with a dagger, quickly tied up the two women, and finally stuffed their mouths with towels.

Liu Xi squatted beside her and whispered, "Sister Su, your fists are really heavy."

You Shaoqing stared at him, "Only in this way, they will have a better life in the future."

Liu Xi understood immediately and nodded repeatedly.

After that, they slowly patrolled the entire newspaper room, looking for stations.Half an hour later, they found the radio station in the only metal cabinet in a row of wooden cabinets.On the shelf in the metal cabinet, there are some accessories, which are also what they need.

What happened next was Liu Xi's.He carefully checked the station, as well as earphones, keys, antenna, batteries, and so on.They packed all these things into two canvas bags, carried them on their backs, and left the Hankou Post and Telecommunications Office on the same road, and quickly disappeared along the dark alley.

Two days later, Liu Xi set up the antenna on the roof of his residence, tested and adjusted the radio station, and was ready to send the report.That night, Wei Mingshui and You Shaoqing were sitting in his small room, watching him turn on the phone, adjust the frequency band, and then hit the button to start calling.

However, what is incredible is that it was Zuo Shaoqing in Nanjing who first received the call signal from the Fifth Latent Group in Wuhan, not the Intelligence Bureau in Taiwan.To be more precise, it was Zuo Shaoqing's former loyal subordinate, Liu Qiuyue who was born as a radio operator.What Liu Qiuyue used to receive radio signals turned out to be an Asian-American radio.

Things in the world are always a little weird and unpredictable.Please read the officials slowly.The next thing we want to talk about is naturally Zuo Shaoqing.

Zuo Shaoqing successfully escaped from the Cambodian state prison, jumped on a train bound for Bangkok, and jumped off the train in Poipet, a border city between Cambodia and Thailand.After that, she begged all the way, or walked or took a car, entered Yunnan through Myanmar and then arrived in Kunming.Then take the local train north.Zuo Shaoqing arrived in Nanjing on April 27, [-].

It never occurred to her that her doom was not over yet.On this day, she was imprisoned in the Xiaguan Detention Center of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau, and there, she encountered another calamity.

When Zuo Shaoqing finally got off the snail-slow train and walked out of the platform with the flow of people, the clothes on his body were dirty and torn, his hair was disheveled, and his face was full of tiredness.All her luggage is a small bundle in her hand.In addition to a few pieces of clothing, there is the most important piece of soap.Her appearance at this time was really like a refugee who fled.

She looked around carefully as she passed through the platform of Nanjing Railway Station, which was once familiar but is now very unfamiliar.It is hard to say whether the "water hyacinth" hidden in the dark has the power to lay a net in the country to find her.

However, as soon as she stepped out of the station, she realized that something was wrong. [

There are many policemen outside the station, and some people with red armbands on their arms.They're checking every passenger that leaves the station.At this time, it was impossible for Zuo Shaoqing to retreat any longer.

A man wearing a red armband stopped her, looked her up and down vigilantly, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the side, saying: "Go that way." Another man wearing a red armband next to her also waved to her, signaling her to go that way Walk.

Zuo Shaoqing immediately saw that this kind of obstruction was selective.For some customers who just got off the bus, they waved them away.But people they thought were suspicious, or people like refugees like Zuo Shaoqing, were pointed to a circled open space by them.Zuo Shaoqing thought for a while, and guessed that it might be that "May Day" is approaching, and the police in Nanjing are cleaning up suspicious or idle people.

Zuo Shaoqing didn't dare to get angry, so he could only walk to the enclosed space as calmly as possible.From her point of view, some of the people who were accused of coming here were as disheveled and shabby as she was.Others have mischievous eyebrows, looking around with panicked eyes.

A policeman, with a paper clip in his hand, walked up to Zuo Shaoqing and looked her up and down with stern eyes.

Zuo Shaoqing understood that the current situation was very unfavorable to her.

"Your name?" The policeman held a pen, opened the paper clip, and asked her looking up.

"Zuo Shaoqing." She replied softly.

"Where did you come from?" the policeman asked again.

"From Kunming." Zuo Shaoqing lowered his voice.

"What are you here for?"

"Come to find relatives."


"I can't live there any longer. I want to join relatives here and find something to do." Zuo Shaoqing replied softly.

"Do you have any documents?"

Zuo Shaoqing shook his head, "No."

The policeman's eyes became a little gloomy, and he looked her up and down again.He nodded and said, "Wait here, don't go." Then he turned to the person next to him.

Zuo Shaoqing looked at it coldly, and sure enough, the person next to him took out a crumpled document from his pocket.The policeman looked at the ID, waved to the man, and let him go.At this time, she was very hesitant, not knowing what to do next.She lowered her head and stood quietly, trying not to attract more attention from others.

An hour later, Zuo Shaoqing and a dozen other people who were picked out were driven into a truck.

Right now, Zuo Shaoqing was sitting on the bumpy and rickety car floor, looking out sternly, feeling depressed and gloomy in his heart.The feeling at this time was actually from talking about it, and even from thinking about it.

It has been almost 20 days since she saw Ruan Qibo being assassinated in Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam.During this period of time, she was in danger and danger at every step.She was fighting for her life in Dr. May's clinic.Fly away from the US military base.Two guides were shot dead one after another.She sprained her condyle again while crossing the border.In Phnom Penh, he was hunted down by people from Taiwan.Finally, she escaped from the Cambodian state prison.She has struggled to get through all of this. It is really difficult and dangerous every step of the way, and her life hangs by a thread every step of the way.

Now, finally back home.From what she felt, she was already home.She has been in Taipei for seven years, and what she thinks about day and night is to go home!However, just now, she was yelled at and shoved by the police and people wearing red armbands, and caught up with the truck.She was jolting, and there was always an indelible sense of shame in her heart.

She looked at the street scene outside the car in a daze.The old scenes are still in her memory.She could see that the truck was going down the road.She remembered that there was a detention center in the Xiaguan police station, which should have been left over from the past.There is no doubt that she will be sent to this detention center.

Now, what should she do?

what to do?This question is actually for those who have a choice.But now, she actually has no choice.Perhaps her only option was to tell the police what she was like.She wanted to get in touch with a man named Du Ziyuan.

But when she continued to think about it, she felt terrified.

The police will never believe what she says.Who would believe it?Such a poor woman with messy hair has been hiding in the Secret Bureau of the Kuomintang in Taiwan for many years?Who is she trying to fool?Do you want to mix a meal?

Therefore, the police will definitely question her repeatedly, endlessly.At that time, she may have no other choice but to tell her past experience, tell her real name and the name she used, tell her experience in Nanjing, and tell her later experience in South Vietnam.In the end, she had to tell the crucial film hidden in the soap.That way, without a doubt, the soap and the film in it would be out of her hands, out of her control, and possibly never to return.

Perhaps, in the end, the police finally took her word for it.They have to report to their superiors layer by layer, telling others her identity, her experience, and her secrets over and over again.Her identity, her experience, and her secrets will be circulated throughout the public security last!fucking last!Her identity, her experience, and her secrets will undoubtedly flow into the ears of "Water Hyacinth".That's for sure, no "almost".

There is no doubt that in the next result, she will be stabbed to death in the cell one night.


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