Double Agent Saga

403 Westbound

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing said quietly: "Qiuyue, Guanglin, and the three tigers, from today onwards, we are a team. Tomorrow, we will go to Wuhan together. Qiuyue will arrange the specific way. The specific tasks are , we want to find someone in Wuhan. I don’t know what kind of person this is. I only know that he is a latent agent placed in the mainland by Taiwan’s Kuomintang Intelligence Bureau, and he has been latent for many years. .”

Everyone in the room looked at her in surprise.In such a situation, how can they find it?

Zuo Shaoqing continued: "Our first step is to find this person as soon as possible." When she said this, she looked at everyone around her as calmly as possible.

Hu Guanglin couldn't help moving, raised his hand and said, "Comrade Zuo, can I ask a question?"

Zuo Shaoqing smiled, "Guanglin, you should call me Shaoqing, or you can call me Zuo Shao."

Hu Guanglin weighed the two titles in his mind, and said, "Then, let me call you Young Master Zuo. What I want to ask is, if we go to Wuhan to find someone, the person you mentioned, do we have any other clues? "

Zuo Shaoqing pondered for a while, and said softly: "There are almost no clues, and I don't know his specific situation. All I know now is that this person was still using the radio to communicate with Taiwan last night. That's all."

Hu Guanglin's face was full of confusion, and he looked at Zuo Shaoqing hesitantly.

Chen Sanhu pursed his lips, stared sideways at Hu Guanglin, and said viciously: "Brother, I respect you. So let me tell you a word, the rule in this industry is not to ask nonsense! Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, just ask Just follow the master's orders, and that's it! Do you understand!" [

Hu Guanglin stared at him, gritted his teeth, and said nothing.Although there are still big doubts in his heart.

In the evening of the next day, Zuo Shaoqing and his party of four divided into two groups and got on the train to Wuhan.

They were sitting in the Pukuai with hard seats.From today's perspective, it is an unbearably slow train.

Zuo Shaoqing sat in the seat next to him, looking at the dark night outside, and the dim lights of the village passing by occasionally.Her thoughts fluttered for a moment, and some past events appeared in front of her eyes like a dream.Those past events happened precisely because of Wuhan, which she has been paying attention to!

At the beginning of [-], it was precisely because of this Wuhan and the Fifth Latent Group in Wuhan that she had the honor to go to Hong Kong.

At that time, based on the economic situation and political information provided by the Fifth Latent Team in Wuhan, she wrote an analysis of the social dynamics under the Communist regime in the mainland for several years. Also very important.During that period, the Ministry of National Defense also established the Political Warfare Office and the Psychological Warfare Research Office.Sometimes, she is also invited to participate in their seminars.

However, at the end of [-], the information in Wuhan was cut off, and there was no more.

Zuo Shaoqing asked the Intelligence Department of the Security Bureau through her intelligence research institute.The answer was that the information in Wuhan had indeed been cut off, but the reason was unknown.

This news made Zuo Shaoqing a little sad.She felt that she and the fifth latent group in Wuhan already had some flesh-and-blood ties and were closely related.At this time, it was suddenly disconnected, and there was an indescribable pain in my heart.

She couldn't explain why, but she was very worried about the hidden people in Wuhan, and worried about their fate.She guessed that the Fifth Latent Team in Wuhan was most likely cracked by the Central Public Security Bureau.At this time, she felt a very contradictory feeling in her heart.

However, the senior officials of the Ministry of National Defense are not concerned about whether there is a problem with the intelligence team in Wuhan or whether the personnel are safe or not.They just think that if the Intelligence Research Institute of the Security Bureau only studies the economic situation of Wuhan, it will be difficult to reflect the situation of the entire mainland, let alone the future development trend of the mainland's dictatorship.Therefore, intelligence researchers are required to expand their horizons and study the political and economic conditions of the entire continent.

Therefore, after detailed discussions and arrangements, the General Political and War Department of the Ministry of National Defense, the National Security Bureau, the Special Situation Room and Director Mao of the Secrecy Bureau finally agreed to Zuo Shaoqing and the two intelligence officers from the Special Situation Room to go Hong Kong, study the social and economic conditions of the mainland nearby.

In January [-], Zuo Shaoqing's research team arrived in Hong Kong under a false identity.In Hong Kong, her group was arranged to live in Pao Zong Street in Ma Tau Kok, Kowloon.

Today's Kowloon is already full of high-rise buildings, colorful, and a bustling scene, which also reveals a vigorous and upward atmosphere.But at that time, this area was still low-rise buildings, and a large number of dilapidated houses, the color was gray and dilapidated, like a wartime slum.The densely packed alleys are more coiled like cobwebs.

Zuo Shaoqing and others lived in a three-story building in a Paozhang Street.She soon learned that this was a point of the Hong Kong intelligence station of the Department of Defense Secret Service.There are five apartments on the third floor.Her research group occupies two of the sets.The other three sets, she judged to be places like the reference room of the Hong Kong intelligence station.Many of the research materials she looked at were taken from there. [

It is also from these research materials that she has seen a lot of economic information about the United States and Britain, about Europe, about Japan, and about Taiwan and the mainland.It was these economic intelligence, even political intelligence, that broadened Zuo Shaoqing's horizons.I have seen clearly that all politics in this world are actually due to economics.War is the continuation of politics.Politics, on the other hand, serves the economy.All wars and politics are for economic interests.It's just that politicians often only see politics, but ignore the economy, which determines the foundation of all superstructures.

In addition, a person named Zeng Shaowu sent them various newspapers and magazines published in the mainland every day.The task of Zuo Shaoqing and others is to read these newspapers and magazines and analyze valuable things from them.

This period of time was the happiest time for Zuo Shaoqing, because she could casually read all kinds of newspapers and magazines issued by mainland party and government agencies, as well as all kinds of political party and government documents and materials that could be collected in the reference room next door. compilation.In a word, she saw a lot of materials here that she would never see in Taiwan.

On April 27, [-], the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to abolish the party and government organizations at the regional level.This is a piece of information Zuo Shaoqing read from the newspaper.

Zuo Shaoqing squinted her eyes and thought for a while. When she went to Nanjing to perform a mission, she was dispatched by the Intelligence Department of the North China Bureau.Therefore, she should have belonged to the North China Bureau at that time.Now, after the North China Bureau and other major regions have been abolished, I don't know where her superior department is.According to the information she received from the Bureau of Secrets, the domestic intelligence system seems to be managed by the General Staff of the army.She thought, I might also be managed by the army.

Zuo Shaoqing was most pleasantly surprised when he saw the "Government" Work Report in [-], which was reported by Zhou Enlai, Premier of the "Government".This report gives a comprehensive introduction to the domestic economic construction.These contents, compared with the intelligence sent back by the fifth latent team in Wuhan, are more macroscopic, more detailed and complete, and more exciting.However, Wuhan's economic intelligence seems to be a footnote to this report.The contents of this report gave Zuo Shaoqing a clearer understanding of domestic economic construction and economic conditions.

Another happy thing for Zuo Shaoqing is seeing the "Constitution" that has just been passed in China.On September [-], [-], the National People's Congress discussed and approved the "Report on the Draft Constitution of the People's Republic of China" made by the ** Committee.Zuo Shaoqing was very happy. She specially asked Zeng Shaowu to find this new "Constitution" for her, and read it very carefully.

Zeng Shaowu is a middle-aged man in his 40s, slightly fat, with thinning hair and a square face that always smiles.But in a pair of small eyes, scrutiny and suspicion flashed from time to time.

Zuo Shaoqing could tell that Zeng Shaowu was also a leader in the Hong Kong intelligence station, and he might even be an important leader.Zuo Shaoqing guessed that there are two possibilities, or his current task is to buy newspapers and magazines for Zuo Shaoqing's research team every day.Therefore, he is just a small boss who is not important.Another possibility is that the Hong Kong intelligence station may still have some precautions against her, so they arranged for an important leader to monitor her.

Zuo Shaoqing felt that this Zeng Shaowu should be an important leader.Therefore, she never dared to be careless about her situation.

Zeng Shaowu said with a smile: "Shaoqing, do you want to take a serious look at the 'Constitution' of the Communist Party?"

Zuo Shaoqing smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Zeng, I just want to make a comparison with our "Constitution of the Republic of China."

Zeng Shaowu said gently: "From Shaoqing's point of view, which one is better?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him calmly, knowing that this was actually an insinuating review.She said calmly: "Mr. Zeng, it doesn't matter which one is good or bad. The key is to look at the implementation. A good constitution is only when it is implemented well."

Zeng Shaowu thought about her words, nodded and said, "It makes sense. Shaoqing is profound, Shaoqing is really profound."

However, the time to read mainland newspapers and magazines every day is very short.A month later, the situation took an unusual turn.Zuo Shaoqing was also unknowingly involved in this abnormal change.

Zuo Shaoqing was tempered in a dangerous situation, vigilance and sensitivity have already become her living habits.

She vaguely sensed that something serious must have happened in Hong Kong, or the Hong Kong intelligence station.

The first phenomenon she observed was that the number of people in the reference room suddenly decreased, and sometimes there was no one at all.The entire reference room and even the entire floor became extremely quiet.Occasionally people come, but also come and go in a hurry.She noticed that everyone looked a little nervous and uneasy, and even their voices became lower.

Secondly, Zeng Shaowu did not show up for two days, so he did not bring them new newspapers and magazines for two days.


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