Double Agent Saga

404. Abnormal

Zuo Shaoqing realized that something must have gone wrong.In this case, she was not sure about two things: First, whether it was related to her.Just as Teacher Nanjia taught her, first check whether it will endanger your own safety.Two, if something big does happen, does she have a chance to intervene in it.What she hopes most is whether she can take the opportunity to restore contact with domestic organizations.

On the morning of the third day, Zeng Shaowu finally appeared.Zuo Shaoqing knew something was wrong when he saw his expression.

It was raining and a bit cold that day.When Zeng Shaowu came in, his clothes were almost soaked.

He walked into Zuo Shaoqing's room, hurriedly took out a handful of money and put it on the table.Said to her: "Shaoqing, I have something to do these days, so I can't bring you newspapers and magazines. You have to buy them yourself."

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him calmly without speaking.Just guessing in my heart what might have happened.

Zeng Shaowu also stared at her sullenly.But his mind was not at all on what he was about to say.He looked down at the money on the table and didn't speak for a while.

Later, he finally opened his mouth and said: "Shaoqing, that, that buys newspapers and magazines, there are mainly two places. One is the 'Chinese Bookstore' on Queen's Road, and the other is a newsstand outside the Hong Kong branch of the mainland Xinhua News Agency. There are some newspapers and magazines published in mainland China in this newsstand. You can buy whatever you want, and you can buy whatever you want. I will send you some money in a few days.”

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him quietly, and asked softly, "Mr. Zeng, what happened?"

Zeng Shaowu looked at the sky outside in a daze, his face became even colder.He nodded to her and said, "Shaoqing, something big happened in the north. During this time, we are all busy with this matter. I didn't sleep last night." [

Zuo Shaoqing watched him calmly, without speaking.Sure enough, something big happened.

Zeng Shaowu looked at the rainwater dripping down the eaves outside, shook his head, then turned his head and said, "This bad weather... What the hell... Let me tell you, the higher-ups are directly responsible for this matter, directly issue orders, orders We have to get the job done! I have to go now, so get on with it."

Zuo Shaoqing understood that the so-called "north" refers to the mainland.He said: "There is a big problem in the north." This situation made her surprised and nervous.

Zeng Shaowu waved to her and said, "Let's all be more careful, don't cause trouble." He found an umbrella from the corner of the room, and left in a hurry.

Zuo Shaoqing sat behind the desk without moving.She can't ask any more questions now.But she cared deeply about this big thing that was happening.What's more, she has been out of touch with the organization for more than five years.She really wants to have a chance and let her find the organization.

That afternoon, Zuo Shaoqing also took an umbrella and went out to buy newspapers with a canvas bag on his shoulder.

Hong Kong in the 50s had just struggled from World War II. After several years of development, although it showed some colorful colors in the dark tones, it was still far from prosperous.The prosperity of Hong Kong will not come until more than ten years later.

The area of ​​Ma Tau Kok, Kowloon where she lives is very close to Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport, and countless large and small planes fly overhead every day.It seemed to her that the planes almost flew through the gaps between the buildings.

People like Zuo Shaoqing, who have just arrived in Hong Kong, are surprised by those planes that fly extremely low, so they look huge.But the locals have already seen this and are used to the roar of the plane.

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing walked quietly through the narrow street with an umbrella in his hand.

She looked around, and there were low and crowded buildings or iron houses everywhere.Outside each outdoor, there are countless bamboo poles and cobweb-like clotheslines.Under the eaves, outside the door, and even on the stage, every tiny space is filled with junk.The streets are even narrower.Pedestrians in the rain are walking in a hurry, and the umbrellas always touch other people's heads.

The water from the eaves flowed down continuously, splashing water on the ground, making pedestrians' trousers, shoes and socks wet.Another point is that almost every door can hear the sound of playing mahjong.

Zuo Shaoqing walked slowly among the pedestrians.It is hard to say whether the Hong Kong intelligence station will send someone to follow her.But she always maintains vigilance in this regard.

She first went to the "Chinese Bookstore" on Queen's Road.The bookstores at that time were different from those of today. Almost every larger bookstore had counters selling newspapers.Today's bookstores no longer sell newspapers.

In the "Chinese Bookstore", most of the books and newspapers on the counter are published in the Mainland.She browsed at the counter and selected a dozen newspapers, mainly provincial and economic papers.The newspapers nearly filled her canvas bag.After that, she went to the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency on Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. [

She saw from a distance that there was indeed a newsstand on the side of the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency.The glass around the newsstand is full of colorful magazines with half-naked beauties.The stalls in front were filled with various newspapers.However, before Zuo Shaoqing reached the newsstand, he already felt a little tense in the surrounding atmosphere.

As she flipped through the newspapers on the newsstand in front of the newsstand, she occasionally raised her eyes to look around.

When she first arrived in Hong Kong, Zeng Shaowu once took the three of them as if they were sightseeing.Tell them that this is the Hong Kong branch of the ** Xinhua News Agency.He seemed to be introducing a famous sightseeing spot.

But today, the scene here is a little different from that day.There are more police around today, and some people in plain clothes are walking around.Some of them were wearing raincoats, some were holding tarpaulin umbrellas, their faces were all dark, and they stared vigilantly at the passing pedestrians.

In this newsstand, there are also some newspapers published in the Mainland, mainly the central and local party newspapers.Zuo Shaoqing also chose some newspapers and stuffed them into her canvas bag.She was wondering in her heart what happened here.

Intuitively speaking, she couldn't cause trouble and should leave here as soon as possible.She paid the money and quietly left the newsstand, ready to go back.

However, she had just walked back less than 100 meters when she accidentally saw a familiar face under the awning of a roadside tea stall, as well as the pair of surprise, doubt, and even Some dark eyes.

Zuo Shaoqing never thought that the person she accidentally saw was Yu Zhidao!Beside him, sat his former adjutant Yang Zhi.They were just like two ordinary passers-by, drinking tea under the awning.

Another point that Zuo Shaoqing didn't expect was that because of seeing Yu Zhidao, she was accidentally involved in this chaos in Hong Kong, which almost endangered her life.

This legendary story will be narrated slowly below.Because the ending of this story also happened in Hong Kong, and it is also closely related to this Yu Zhidao.Judges take it easy.

At this time, the Pukuai from Nanjing West to Wuhan was driving in the night like a snail.

Zuo Shaoqing, who was sitting in front of the car, looked at the pitch-black night outside, he could neither see the side nor the end.Because she went to Wuhan now, how to find the fifth latent group, how to find the "water hyacinth", she has no way at all now.She went this time, almost looking for a needle in a haystack.

About three days after Zuo Shaoqing took the train to Wuhan, Ye Gongjin, who was far away in Taipei, heard some good news that surprised him, made him angry, but also made him happy.

At this time, it was already late at night in Taipei.There was silence in the entire Intelligence Bureau building.

Recently, when Ye Gongjin and Pan Qiwu discussed the "Zuo Case", they were always in the middle of the night.He felt that it was more conducive for him to make the right decision in the dead of night.

These pieces of good and bad news were all brought to him by Pan Qiwu.

The first thing is that Zhao Minggui's group in Jinan, personally, has all been transferred to Wuhan.He has now settled down in Wuhan with a suitable status.The main task Pan Qiwu entrusted to Zhao Minggui's team was to find You Shaoqing.

Just as Ye Gongjin judged, finding You Shaoqing is indeed a very difficult task.Later, with the help of Pan Qiwu, Zhao Minggui finally found You Shaoqing in Wuhan, but he made a big detour and used some shameless crooked tricks that brought him trouble.

The second thing is that three days ago, Wei Mingshui's team, which You Shaoqing was in, unexpectedly contacted the bureau headquarters.Last night, the telecommunications office had already made a second wire contact with Wei Mingshui's team.

Pan Qiwu told Ye Gongjin that Wei Mingshui's team had been calling the headquarters for more than a week.The telecommunications office received the call signal inadvertently.

The Department of Telecommunications conducted a technical analysis of the two audio recordings.There are two conclusions: [-]. The telegraph operator is indeed Liu Xi from Wei Mingshui's team, and the fingering method for sending the telegram conforms to the stored sample.Second, the radio station is different.It seems that it is not a military radio equipped by the latent group, but a civilian radio.Therefore, it is not ruled out that Liu Xi, and even Wei Mingshui's entire group, have been cracked by the Communist Party and have been "reversely used" by the Communist Party.

Pan Qiwu said cautiously: "Director, if this is true, we should be more cautious."

After listening to Pan Qiwu's introduction, Ye Gongjin couldn't help laughing, "Brother Qiwu, the telecommunications office is a bit dogmatic. Just imagine, if the Communist Party wanted to 'reversely use' the Wei Mingshui group, why did they let them use the civilian radio station? The Communist Party is not that stupid. .They also have military radio stations. I judge that Wei Mingshui's team is safe."

Pan Qiwu thought for a while, and said, "The director is right, it is indeed the truth. It is possible that Wei Mingshui used some method to set up another radio station, and I don't know."

Ye Gongjin nodded, "It's possible. So, do you know their exact location?"

Pan Qiwu shook his head, "We asked twice. But Wei Zu never mentioned it. I don't know why."


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