Double Agent Saga

408、 Top secret file

Most of the comrades have undertaken extremely secret and important tasks, which can no longer surprise him.He himself has taken on the major task of protecting the "locust tree".

What shocked him was that these people's resumes more or less involved some people and things that he couldn't think of.

Du Ziyuan has been working on the hidden front for a long time, and after liberation he moved to fight in multiple intelligence systems.He has been in contact with, participated in, or involved in many important secrets.Also, there were many secrets in which he had not had a part, but occasionally entered his ears, left fragments in his mind, or were merely casually perceived.

However, when he sees the people and things involved in these people's resumes that he never thought of, these fragments or perceptions will be confirmed and connected to form a roughly complete picture, a shocking one. picture.

A comrade he never paid special attention to, ordinary and stable, he spoke softly to others.He was actually the secret contact of a certain KMT general.For quite a long time, Du Ziyuan had doubts and incomprehensions about this first-level general of the Kuomintang, but at this time he suddenly let go.He couldn't help thinking that the key to the smooth liberation of the Northeast lies in this!

The secretary of a minister of the Central People's Government works in Beijing, doing many trivial tasks diligently every day.However, his identity as a Communist Party member has not been made public so far, and it is classified as top secret in Lao Ma's file.

A comrade was transferred to the Fushun War Criminals Management Office two years ago.But the file stated that his mission was to maintain a secret relationship with a certain war criminal.

A lesbian who has never worked in the intelligence system.But now, he is in jail for a felony.But there was her mission in the file, even though it wasn't specified.

There was another person, who was originally a division chief of the Central Social Work Department, but absconded in early [-] with makeup, and was jointly hunted down by the Ministry of Public Security and the Intelligence Department of the General Staff.Although the matter was kept strictly confidential, it still shocked the party and the army at the time.But this person finally fled to Taiwan. [

When Du Ziyuan saw this file and this person's name, his mind was buzzing, and he couldn't believe his eyes.He had hunted down this person under the strict order of the deputy minister, but was accidentally escaped by him at the last moment.This person's name was Zheng Yuanshan, and he was someone Du Ziyuan would never forget.

That failed hunt was a shame that Du Ziyuan could never forget.

All of a sudden, many past events flooded towards him like a rising tide, not only flooding him, but even flooding his small office.Du Ziyuan fell into the memories of the past in an instant.

That was early [-], and the Central Investigation Department had not yet been established.At that time, he was still working in the Liaison Department of the General Staff, responsible for intelligence work in Asia.Intelligence work in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is actually not within the scope of his investigation.However, he heard about it by chance.He also noticed that everyone in the Intelligence Department of the General Staff looked nervous and worked overtime all night.He also heard that many people were sent out to hunt down this man named Zheng Yuanshan.

The most important thing he knew was that this Zheng Yuanshan knew many secrets of various domestic intelligence systems.When he absconded with makeup, he also took away a large number of top-secret documents.When Du Ziyuan heard the news, he was extremely shocked.

Du Ziyuan only remembered later that at the beginning of [-], when he first reported to the Intelligence Department of the North China Bureau, he had several brief contacts with this Zheng Yuanshan.This Zheng Yuanshan gave him the impression that he was quite a calm and capable person.

But just when he heard about it, he received an urgent notice to meet the deputy minister.

Vice Minister Xiang was the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs at that time.But he has another position as the head of the Liaison Department of the General Staff.He is Du Ziyuan's highest superior.But Du Ziyuan rarely saw this highest superior.The comrades in the Liaison Department all called him "Xiangbu" behind his back.

That day, Du Ziyuan was very nervous.The Liaison Department asked the minister to summon him. This was the first time he had been in the Liaison Department of the General Staff.He urgently checked all the work in his hands, and after confirming that he knew what he was doing, he hurried to see "Xiangbu".

The office of "Xiangbu" is located in the small western-style building in Shi Daren Hutong, and there are two rooms inside and outside.

Outside the office door was a tall and straight armed guard with a serious face.They asked Du Ziyuan's name, checked the registration book in their hands, and then opened the door for him and let him in.

There were two people sitting outside the office.One is Xiang's secretary, whom Du Ziyuan has known for a long time.The other man was actually an armed guard, but in plain clothes.

When Deputy Minister Xiang's secretary saw him coming in, he immediately asked him to sit down on the chair by the wall, and he went into the inner office.After a while, he came out from inside, waved to Du Ziyuan loudly, and signaled him to go in quickly.

Du Ziyuan took out his notebook from his pocket and hurried to the back room.

The office of "Xiangbu" is a large room, through the tall carved doors, the bright sunlight fills the whole room.The surrounding walls are lined with tall bookshelves in dark maroon.But there are very few books in the bookshelves, and most of them are all kinds of folders, kraft paper bags, or files of different thicknesses. [

Du Ziyuan saw that there was a long table in front of the large bookshelf, which was also filled with various folders, kraft paper bags or files.He could see that this long table might be where Deputy Minister Xiang often worked.

At this time, Vice Minister Xiang had just stood up from the long table, and immediately pointed to Du Ziyuan at the chair opposite the desk, motioning him to sit down.

The first thing Vice Minister Xiang said when he sat down behind the desk was, "Comrade Ziyuan, I am calling you today to put down the work at hand and go to Hong Kong immediately. Find someone. Find him, and immediately Bring him back!"

Du Ziyuan watched Vice Minister Xiang silently without speaking.Although the deputy minister did not explain who it was, he had a hunch that it might be that Zheng Yuanshan.As an intelligence officer, he has very sensitive feelings.However, in the final analysis, although he is responsible for intelligence work in Asia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are not within the scope of his work.But he didn't say anything at this time, just looked at the deputy minister quietly.

Vice Minister Xiang's always kind face turned serious, and his eyes stared at Du Ziyuan like eagles.

He was silent for a moment, and then said, "You know Zheng Yuanshan, or you have met." He didn't need Du Ziyuan to answer.He waved his hands and paused, almost gritted his teeth and said, "He ran away! He ran away with many important secrets! He is going to run from Hong Kong to Taiwan!"

Du Ziyuan heard it, that is to say, Zheng Yuanshan has gone to Hong Kong now.

His heart couldn't help shrinking.Zheng Yuanshan has arrived in Hong Kong!It will be easy for him to go to Taiwan again.He could go to Taiwan almost any time.However, Vice Minister Xiang's intention was to ask him to bring this Zheng Yuanshan back.But he is still in Beijing at this time!He still didn't speak.He was also speechless.

Deputy Minister Xiang stared at him, took a breath, and said: "We have been investigating him recently. He noticed it. He put on makeup, tricked the people who watched him, and ran away! People from the Ministry of Public Security and the Intelligence Department of the General Staff went all the way. Track him. But he was already prepared. First flew to Guangzhou, and then crossed the border to Hong Kong! Someone from Taiwan picked him up at the Hong Kong border! Du Ziyuan, your mission is to go to Hong Kong to find him and bring him back! You leave today! The things you need, such as entry visas, will be delivered directly to the airport!"

That night, Du Ziyuan and Chu Bolin took a few elite cadres, got on a military plane that had been prepared for them, and flew south urgently.At the airport, someone handed him a big brown paper bag.He took a look and found everyone's ID and identity information inside.In addition, it is the information about Zheng Yuanshan.But this information is extremely simple, and it doesn't even explain what's wrong with him.

Du Ziyuan felt that this mission was a bit strange.

At that time, there were no direct flights to Hong Kong in China, or even international flights to Hong Kong.Therefore, their first step can only be to fly to the military airport in Huizhou, Guangdong.This is where the Ninth Division of the Air Force is stationed.

What Du Ziyuan didn't expect was that the Chief of Staff of the Ninth Air Division personally supervised the flight.And a car has been arranged to take Du Ziyuan to Luohu Port.This is the most convenient passage to Hong Kong.

Vice Minister Xiang has already arranged everything in Beijing.At Luohu Port, the local public security department led Du Ziyuan and others directly into Hong Kong through a dedicated channel.

Du Ziyuan remembered it clearly.The weather that day, like his mood, was gloomy and depressing.As soon as the military plane he was on landed in Huizhou, they were greeted by continuous "excessive" rain.Although the car was parked directly next to the plane, it was raining and everyone was wet.

After passing the Luohu Port, he was greeted by Huang Zuozhu, the director of the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency.Huang Zuozhu brought two cars and sent Du Ziyuan and others directly to the Hong Kong branch.

When they arrived, security had been stepped up outside the gate of the Hong Kong branch.Some people in plain clothes, either holding umbrellas or wearing raincoats, served as guards near the branch.

In the winter in the south, once it rains, it will be cold and humid, which makes people from the north not used to it.Du Ziyuan and others got out of the car and hurried to the Hong Kong branch.His body was gloomy and cold, but his heart was already on fire.

About ten minutes after Du Ziyuan entered the Hong Kong branch, by God's will, Zuo Shaoqing, who was always in his heart, walked slowly from the other side under an umbrella.While picking out newspapers and magazines at the newsstand next to the Hong Kong branch, she quietly observed the security guards who were either holding umbrellas or wearing raincoats.She guessed in her heart what happened here.


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