Double Agent Saga

409、Chasing and fleeing

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing would never have thought that she would also be involved in this chaos.

The Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency is located on Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. It is a very old small building with only three floors.Huang Zuozhu's office is in a small office on the third floor.The offices here are actually quite small.

Huang Zuozhu asked Du Ziyuan and Chu Bolin to sit down at the table in his small office, and poured them each a glass of white water.Then lowered his voice and introduced the situation to them.

He said: "Comrade Ziyuan, what we now know is that this Zheng Yuanshan arrived in Hong Kong two days ago. But where he is hiding, we don't know." He paused here, and then said: "We are looking for .”

At this time, Du Ziyuan asked a question he had been wondering for a day and a night: "President Huang, he has been here for two days, why hasn't he gone to Taiwan?"

Huang Zuozhu stared at him and forced a smile, "We also have some strength here. In addition, the General Staff Intelligence Department has also sent some people. We have deployed people at all ports and airports. As soon as you find him, catch him he."

Du Ziyuan made some calculations in his mind and immediately said, "So, he won't leave Hong Kong via the airport or port."

Huang Zuozhu nodded, "Yes. Zheng Yuanshan knows our situation here very well. He knows that we will arrange people at the airport and port. If he wants to leave, he can only find other ways. That's why he didn't leave immediately."

Du Ziyuan looked at him cautiously, circling various possible situations in his mind.He said: "People in Taiwan are also protecting him?" [

Huang Zuozhu said: "Yes. That's for sure!"

"If you arrest people, they will resist!" Du Ziyuan's eyes flashed fiercely.

Huang Zuozhu nodded cautiously, "That's for sure. The order given to us is that if we encounter resistance when arresting him, we should call the police immediately."

Du Ziyuan was a little surprised and looked at him suspiciously, "Will the Hong Kong police help me?"

Huang Zuozhu said: "It's hard to say." He shook his head again at this point, "I believe that the Hong Kong police will not help us. At least we can't rely on them. Yesterday, for this matter, I went to see Hong Kong Governor Grantham .”

"This Ge Lianghong, what's his attitude?" Du Ziyuan asked.

"This Governor of Hong Kong is generally not bad. After the Anti-Japanese War ended, he did some practical things in Hong Kong. He is generally neutral between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. In recent years, we have won the battle with the Kuomintang It’s quite powerful. If something happens, he basically hits [-] boards each. Therefore, it is very important for us to master the strategy in this operation.”

"But he's fucking!" Du Ziyuan said, staring at Huang Zuozhu.

"Yes. He represents the British "government". Although the British "government" recognizes us, it is only to protect their interests in Hong Kong. However, I argued hard yesterday and made this Ge Lianghong speechless. We have also warned him a long time ago that Hong Kong must never become a base for the Communist Party! Now, he reluctantly agrees to remain neutral between the KMT and the Communist Party."

Du Ziyuan lowered his head and fell into deep thought.He understood that all circumstances were against him.

Through these few short sentences, he already understood what Huang Zuozhu meant.In this way, he also understood his current situation.First, it seems that Zheng Yuanshan will not be able to leave Hong Kong for the time being.This is only temporary, and may be for a short, very short time.Because the airport and port can be sealed, but the small fishing ports everywhere in Hong Kong cannot be sealed, let alone the smuggled fishing boats.Once they are ready, Zheng Yuanshan will soon go to Taiwan.

Second, even if Zheng Yuanshan appears at a certain airport or port, it is not appropriate to take the method of forceful arrest.As long as the neutrality of the Governor of Hong Kong Ge Lianghong is biased towards Taiwan, he will waste all his previous efforts and even get into a lot of diplomatic trouble.Regarding the so-called neutrality of Hong Kong Governor Grantham, he cannot take any chances.

Third, the Hong Kong police may also be a big problem.

Du Ziyuan thought of this and asked: "How about the Hong Kong police, can they really remain neutral?"

Huang Zuozhu smiled and said: "In words, they will definitely say to help us. But it may be difficult to say in action. First, the corruption and corruption of the Hong Kong police have reached an unimaginable level. No matter what they do, the actions Every move will ask for money. Without money, they will not do anything, or do it in the opposite direction to you. Second, the current police commissioner, Maxwell, this is his Chinese name. The English name is rhurrfr. He said to the end , is also an Englishman, and he will never support us politically. Third, according to the information we have, there are a large number of Kuomintang agents in the Hong Kong police, including the courts and prisons. Therefore, we can only rely on ourselves. "[

Du Ziyuan also understood this, he had to rely on his own strength.And we must be careful not to let the British or the Hong Kong police catch anything.

"Currently, who is responsible for the actions in Hong Kong?" he asked.

Huang Zuozhu said: "It's Feng Dun. He is from the intelligence department of the General Staff. His public identity is the general manager of Hong Kong Hongya Trading Company. The blockade of the airport and port was also arranged by him. During this operation, I have been cooperating with He cooperates."

"When can I see him?" Du Ziyuan asked urgently.

"Tonight, it has been arranged. In the single room of 'Lan Kwai Fong'." Huang Zuozhu said in a low voice.

Du Ziyuan took a sip of boiled water and looked back outside.The sky outside had darkened.It was still raining and it seemed like it would never stop.He got up and walked to the front, and immediately wet rain fell on his face.He hopes that the night will come sooner, and he also hopes to start action sooner.

Regarding this Hong Kong operation, the more he understands the situation, the less sure he is.He felt that perhaps tonight, Zheng Yuanshan might have boarded a certain small fishing boat and disappeared into the dark sea.

Finally at night, Du Ziyuan and Chu Bolin sat in a single room in "Lan Kwai Fong", drinking tea silently.

At about ten o'clock at night, the door of the single room was gently opened.A fat middle-aged man appeared at the door.He has a round, shiny head that glows oily under the light.There are several horizontal lines on the flesh of his face, showing a hint of ferocity, or cunning.What attracted the most attention was his pair of small eyes, as sharp as a falcon, staring at Du Ziyuan motionlessly.

Du Ziyuan stood up slowly and stared at him cautiously.He whispered, "Mr. Feng?"

The man gently closed the door behind him and said, "Yes, I am Feng Dun. Du Ziyuan?"

Du Ziyuan nodded and asked him to sit down at the table.He poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Feng Dun.

For a few minutes, they didn't say a word, just looked at each other, weighed it, and seemed to be judging how much trust they could have in each other.This is the first time they have dealt with each other.

Feng Dun opened his mouth first, and said decisively: "Zheng Yuanshan will not be able to move within two or three days. But Taiwan is making preparations. I believe that the biggest possibility is to leave Hong Kong from a small fishing port, hidden in a smuggling boat! "

These two points were what Du Ziyuan was most worried about.In fact, he already knew these two points from Huang Zuozhu.The key question now is what to do!

Feng Dun said again: "How did the higher-ups explain it?"

Du Ziyuan said in a low voice: "'Xiangbu' means to let me take people back. But I feel that there seems to be some meaning that if it doesn't work, they will be severely punished immediately. What do you think?"

Feng Dun shook his head, "Mr. Du, don't be reckless. Let's do it strictly according to the 'Xiangbu'. I have been thinking about this for a day. What I can do now, or what I must do, is to find Zheng Yuanshan's hiding place." The second is to look for the wharf where he may leave Hong Kong. If we can do a little bit of these two points, we will be able to complete the task.”

Du Ziyuan said: "Mr. Feng, I didn't bring many people this time, and I don't know the place well. You have to help me."

Feng Dun nodded, "I have already arranged it. Actually, we started looking for it yesterday. The people you brought will mix with mine and help each other, which is better. In addition, I have arranged a new residence for you , at the Chaohai Hotel. It is safer for you to live there. I have the final say there. In this way, it will be easier for me to find you. If there is any situation, I will inform you at any time."

Du Ziyuan nodded vigorously.At this time, he asked another question that he was very puzzled, "Mr. Feng, why did Zheng Yuanshan escape this time? I heard that the country has used a lot of force to hunt him down, but let him go. He fled to Hong Kong. It shouldn't be!"

Feng Dun lowered his head and remained silent for a long time, but said: "Just wait and see, after this operation is over, some people will be punished! Damn, either some people were negligent, or some people Deliberate indulgence! I shouldn't have said these things. Let's try to complete the task. The last sentence, follow the meaning of 'Xiangbu'."

Du Ziyuan stared at this "profiteer" businessman, and couldn't help but think of Zhang Bowei.They are alike.But he absolutely believed in Zhang Bowei, but it was hard for him to believe in Feng Dun.He couldn't figure out why he didn't believe Feng Dun.He had an intuition in his heart that Feng Dun didn't seem to be telling him the truth.

It's a terrifying feeling as an intelligence officer.It's like your feet are not stable, and there is danger behind you.It's a very unreliable feeling.

Du Ziyuan watched Feng Dun cautiously with doubts in his heart.

In fact, Feng Dun has also been watching and observing him.Feng Dun is also an old agent who has fought in the hidden front for many years. Caution and scrutiny are the only light in his eyes.

At this time, he said softly: "Old Du, we will continue to search for Zheng Yuanshan tonight. In the "Chao" Hotel, someone will inform your people where they are participating in the operation. For the rest, we will contact you at five o'clock tomorrow morning." .I still have an appointment, I have to go one step earlier."

Feng Dun stood up, shook hands with Du Ziyuan, and left the private room.


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